Half-yearly Report
Premier Energy and Water Trust PLC
Half year report
30 June 2012
Investment objectives
The Company's investment objectives are to achieve a high income from its
portfolio and to realise long-term growth in the capital value of the
portfolio. The Company will seek to achieve these objectives by investing
principally in the equity and equity related securities of companies operating
primarily in the energy and water sectors, as well as other infrastructure
Investment objectives
Company highlights 1
Company summary 2
Financial calendar 2
Chairman's statement 3
Investment manager's report 5
Investment portfolio 8
Financial summary 9
Income statement 10
Balance sheet 12
Reconciliation of movements in
shareholders' funds 13
Cashflow statement 14
Reconciliation of net cashflow to 14
movements in net debt
Notes to the half year report 15
Interim management report 17
Shareholder information 18
Directors and advisers 19
Registered in England No. 4897881
A member of the Association of Investment Companies
Company highlights
Six months to
30 June 2012
Total Assets +3.2%
Total Return1
Ordinary Share +3.0%
NAV Total
Ordinary Share -2.8%
Price Total
Bloomberg World +0.7%
Utilities Total
Return Index (£)
FTSE All Share +3.7%
Total Return
30 June 31 December
SHARE PRICE AND 2012 2011 % change
Zero Dividend NAV4 177.66p 172.16p +3.2%
Preference share
Mid price 175.75p 168.25p +4.5%
Ordinary share NAV4 124.36p 126.20p -1.5%
Mid price 96.00p 104.50p -8.1%
Six months to Six months to
30 June 30 June
2012 2011
Net revenue per 8.01p 6.87p
Ordinary share
Net dividends 3.40p 3.20p
per Ordinary
Zero Dividend Preference shares2 Ordinary shares2
5 Year Performance to 30 June 2012 5 Year Performance to 30 June 2012 (rebased
to 100) (rebased to 100)
[Graphs removed]
Further information can be found in the Financial Summary on page 9.
1 Total return performance, adjusted for any dividends distributed and
2 Source: AIC using Morningstar.
3 Source: Bloomberg.
4 Calculated in accordance with the Articles of Association.
5 Including dividends declared after the period end in respect of the period.
Company summary
Launch Date 4 November 2003
Domiciled UK
Year-end 31 December
Shareholders' Funds £58.9 million
Market Capitalisation £53.6 million
Bank Loan Nil
Zero Dividend Preference shares 21,180,373: due to be redeemed at 221.78p on 31
December 2015
Ordinary shares 17,068,480
Dividends Paid on Ordinary shares
Dividend History
In respect of year ended 31 December Total dividends declared
2011 8.90p
2010 8.10p
2009 9.40p#
2008 7.35p
2007 7.00p
2006 6.90p
2005 6.75p
2004 7.875p*
Investment Manager Premier Fund Managers Limited
Management Fee 1.0% per annum, charged 40% to revenue and 60% to capital, plus
performance fee, allocated between capital and revenue based on the
out-performance attributable to capital and revenue respectively
AIC Member of the Association of Investment Companies
# Includes a special dividend of 1.70p.
* This dividend was for the 14 month period from launch, representing an
annualised dividend of 6.75p.
Financial calendar
Company's year-end 31 December
Annual results announced early March
Annual General Meeting late April
Company's half-year end 30 June
Half-year results announced early August
Dividend payments - 2012 at the end of March, June, September
and December
Chairman's statement
for the for six months to 30 June 2012
Overview of the period
The first six months of 2012 have been eventful for the Premier Energy and
Water Trust ("PEWT"), and the assets experienced some volatility. The second
half of this interim period saw some of the issues surrounding Southern Europe
coming to a head, but remaining largely unresolved. Unhelpful rhetoric in the
Greek elections raised the spectre of a disorderly Greek exit from the Euro
area, and an assumption that this would in turn lead to capital flight from
Italy, Spain and Portugal. In France the electorate returned a socialist
President, which has created some uncertainty as to how the large French
utilities will fare under what is anticipated to be a more aggressive
regulatory environment. Germany remains caught between the Scylla of a failed
euro, and the Charybdis of having to tell its population that they are going to
fully back the liabilities of the Southern Europe states.
Your Company entered the period with 11.1% of its portfolio invested in France,
4.7% invested in Spain, 4.4% in Italy, and 1.5% in Portugal. Given the troubled
economic backdrop, the companies making up these positions performed remarkably
well in the six months, reflecting their underlying defensive qualities. In
essence the attractive valuations and high yields on offer are providing an
equal and effective counterweight to the difficult environments in which they
operate. The position will however, be kept under close review.
Over the period total return on portfolio assets was +3.2% (adjusted for
dividends distributed and declared). This compares to a total return from the
Bloomberg World Utilities Index of +0.7%. Your Company therefore performed
somewhat better than this index and was broadly in line with the FTSE All Share
Index in the UK which returned +3.7%. Your Company does not have any formal
benchmarks but rather provides investors with indices against which performance
may be assessed.
The Ordinary Share net asset value began the year at a level of 126.20p (cum
income), rising almost 13% to 142.46p by mid-March, and subsequently declining
to 124.36p by the end of June, ending the period at a similar level to that at
the start, an overall decline of 1.5%. The Company's capital structure is
comprised of Ordinary and Zero Dividend Preference shares ("ZDP"). The ZDP
shares are entitled to a predetermined capital sum of 221.78p at the
anticipated wind up date of the Company, 31 December 2015. As a consequence the
rise or fall in assets attributable to the Ordinary shares is geared by this
prior entitlement. The cost of financing the Company's ZDP shares is therefore
borne by the Ordinary Shares, and this represented a cost of £1.1m or 6.22p per
Ordinary Share during the period.
Management Changes
In March 2012 your Board announced that Kevin Scutt, who had managed PEWT since
2005 had resigned from Premier Fund Managers Limited ("Premier"). In early May
we further announced that James Smith had been recruited by Premier as Senior
Investment Manager and would be taking over the management of PEWT from June
2012, with the assistance of Claire Burgess who remains on the management team.
James has for the past 13 years worked as an investment manager at Utilico, an
£800m specialist utility and infrastructure investor. James and Claire form a
part of Premier's global equity team headed by Chief Investment Officer Mike
Jennings. We are delighted to welcome James and look forward to working with
In the light of these management changes Premier also considered that it was an
appropriate time to draw to a close the consultancy agreement with Andrew
Whalley, who since his appointment as chief executive of Renewable Energy
Generation Ltd, has advised on PEWT's management on a part time basis. While
Andrew will remain available to the manager on a consultancy basis for the next
12 months he will cease to have an active involvement in the management of
PEWT's investments. Andrew joined the manager at the launch of PEWT in 2003 and
had managed its predecessor vehicle. Andrew has the Board's best wishes for
continuing success in the renewable energy industry.
This change of management will bring some fresh ideas to your Company.
Shareholders can be reassured however that the overall investment remit will
not be changed, nor is it anticipated that the management changes will lead to
a change in dividend policy.
Shareholders should remember that they can keep up to date with developments
via Premier's website at www.premierfunds.co.uk where they will also find a
monthly PEWT factsheet and commentary.
Revenue generation has continued to be excellent, with your Company recording
net revenue per share of 8.01p in the six month period which represents an
increase of 16.6% on the equivalent period last year. PEWT paid a first interim
dividend of 1.7p per share on 29 June and declared a second interim dividend on
23 July of the same amount, payable on 28 September 2012. Both dividends
represent an increase of 6.3% as compared to the first two interims paid in
2011. In these volatile times your Board is conscious of the stabilising
influence of income and remains committed to a progressive dividend policy.
Board Changes
With regret I report that pressures of other commitments have meant that Adam
Cooke has advised of his resignation as a director of the Company. He has made
a tremendous contribution both as a valuable member of the Board, and as Chair
of the Audit Committee. His considerable knowledge of the investment trust
industry and its investors has been of great value.
Your Company has endured a very difficult 18 months since December 2010.
However, we believe global utilities remain an excellent sector in which to
invest. In Europe low valuations and high yields can readily be found. In the
Developing Markets there is emerging a class of higher quality utility
companies committed both to growth and to shareholder value, with management
quality having improved substantially over recent years. Your Board remains
optimistic for the prospects of your Company's portfolio. In light of the
current uncertainty and volatility, currency and portfolio hedging strategies
will be utilised as appropriate to manage risk.
Geoffrey Burns
6 August 2012
Investment manager's report
for the six months to 30 June 2012
Portfolio Activity
The change in the lead manager has led to a comprehensive review of the
Company's holdings. This has resulted in a move into a number of convertible
bonds, financed by the outright sale of a number of higher risk positions, a
concentration of holdings at the top end of the portfolio, and the
implementation of a Euro currency hedge.
At the time of writing the Euro is close to its weakest in relation to sterling
since the start of the financial crisis in 2008. The decision to hedge the
Company's Euro exposure does not imply an aggressive view on its future long
term direction. Rather, given the on-going uncertainty in the eurozone, it
means that we can retain the Company's position in those European stocks that
we continue to see as good value, but reduce the currency risk with regards to
fluctuations in the Euro.
In the last full year report we discussed a number of the Company's larger
European holdings in some detail. The inherent risk of a Portuguese default and
devaluation at the height of the Greek crisis in May seemed to outweigh the
fundamental longer term attractions of holding EDP, the Portuguese electricity
company, so we sold the remainder of the position towards the end of the
period. We cut the holding in Spanish gas transmission company Enagas by over
50% because of the increasing risk of changes in regulation and/or taxation as
the Spanish government seeks to resolve the country's tariff deficit as part of
its budgetary review. We sold the remainder of the holding just after the
period end.
We have also sold the entire position in Veolia, before and immediately after
the end of June. At the end of June its competitor, Suez Environnement, warned
that full year profits would not grow by the 4-5% previously expected as a
result of a fall in European waste volumes. That fall will also be affecting
Veolia, and earnings downgrades could bring into question the sustainability of
its dividend going forward, given the high proportion of earnings that the
group pays out as dividend. Suez, with its higher margins and stronger balance
sheet, is better placed to weather the volume weakness, although that position
remains under review.
GDF Suez remains the largest position in the Company. The recent operating
environment in Europe has been challenging, and the company is also dependent
on political decisions in France and Belgium, which have fuelled market
concerns this year. However, there are a number of catalysts on the horizon -
tariff decisions and regulatory review in France, and energy policy and
taxation in Belgium - that should provide greater domestic visibility. Longer
term its significant and growing exposure to emerging countries provides the
basis for earnings growth and thus support for one of the highest and safest
dividend yields in the European utility sector. It is encouraging to see that
GDF, together with several of the other European stocks in the top 10 - E.On
and RWE for instance - finished the half year strongly.
We have added a number of convertible bonds - amounting to approximately 9% of
the Company - in some cases replacing an existing equity position, and in
others introducing a new holding. A convertible bond combines the features of
both debt and equity, in that it pays a fixed dividend or "coupon" and provides
protection from downside with the return of the original investment
("principal") on maturity. It also carries additional value through the option
to convert the bond into equity at a future date and price, and therefore
participate in the future growth of company profits.
Our largest purchase has been of Ecofin Convertible Bonds, which offer a
running yield of 6% and mature in July 2016. The convertible bonds offer
capital security, as they are 6x covered by assets, an attractive yield,
possible equity upside, and exposure to specialist areas such as US shale gas
and US raw water rights, in which it would be difficult to invest directly.
Sound Global has historically been one of the leading Chinese water
infrastructure construction companies, but strengthened its balance sheet in
order to take on some of the long term operating contracts that followed on
from the construction work, thus building a recurring revenue base. After a
slow start this strategy is beginning to bear some fruit with strong results in
2011 and also in the first quarter of 2012. However, despite strong earnings
growth over the last two years, the group's share price has not reflected this
and the shares are now trading on less than 8x 2012 forecast earnings. The
Company has held a position in Sound Global equity for some years, but by
switching the holding into the convertible is able to retain its exposure to
upside from a recovery in the share price and receive a 6% coupon, while having
a measure of downside protection in terms of capital value.
Thirdly we have invested in the convertible bond of China Power International
Development, a Hong Kong listed Chinese power generator, where the equity is
fundamentally attractive, with the company making just over half of its
operating profit from hydro powered electricity generation, and the remainder
from coal fired generation. The bond is trading in line with the equity, and
its price should move more or less in line with the equity, with a guaranteed
coupon and reduced downside risk.
The majority of PEWT's US holdings - including First Energy, NextEra Energy,
and PG&E Corp - have continued to perform well (+10-15% in sterling total
return terms over the period), but look expensive on 14-18x 2012 earnings.
Consensus forecasts are suggesting 10% earnings growth this year, which is
twice the average annual rate in the past 20 years, and this appears all the
more optimistic given subdued demand and the likelihood of equity issuance. We
do not expect a sudden reversal of this performance but we are likely to use a
number of these positions as a source of funds over the next few months.
The global macro outlook is still subject to a great deal of uncertainty, and
governments appear to be adopting a policy of putting off short term painful
readjustments in favour of longer term stagnation. Although markets have traded
more or less sideways for the past couple of years, we cannot rule out short
term corrections from continued risk aversion. Aside from outright hedging,
PEWT will seek to protect itself by increasing weights in true defensives, and
taking positions in securities offering capital security and those companies
which are relatively insulated from the difficult conditions in the global
Premier Energy and Water Trust PLC Sector Allocation at 30 June 2012 and 31
December 2011
30 June 2012 30 December 2011
Sector Allocation % Trust Sector Allocation % Trust
Electricity 37.2% Electricity 42.2%
Multi Utilities 24.8% Water & Waste 20.5%
Water & Waste 20.9% Multi Utilities 13.4%
Gas 7.1% Gas 11.2%
Renewable Energy 2.7% Transport Infrastructure 2.9%
Transport Infrastructure 2.4% Renewable Energy 1.7%
Cash/Net Current Assets 4.9% Cash/Net Current Assets 8.2%
Total PEWT 100.0% Total PEWT 100.0%
Premier Energy and Water Trust PLC Geographical Breakdown at 30 June 2012 and
31 December 2011
30 June 2012 30 December 2011
Geographical Allocation % Trust Geographical Allocation % Trust
Europe (excluding UK) 21.6% Europe (ex UK) 21.3%
China 16.0% North America 15.8%
North America 13.7% Asia (ex China) 13.2%
Global 11.5% China 13.1%
Asia (ex China) 10.9% UK 7.7%
UK 10.3% Australasia 6.6%
Latin America 5.0% Global 6.1%
Australasia 2.9% Latin America 4.8%
Eastern Europe 2.0% Eastern Europe 2.3%
Middle East 1.3% Middle East 1.0%
Cash/Net Current Assets 4.9% Cash/Net Current Assets 8.2%
Total PEWT 100.0% Total PEWT 100.0%
Premier Fund Managers Limited
25 July 2012
Investment portfolio
at 30 June 2012
Top 30 holdings as at 30 June 2012.
Geographic 2012 Valuation
Company Sector Area £000 % of total
1 GDF Suez Multi-Utilities France 4,173 7.1
2 Ecofin Water & Multi-Utilities UK 2,513 4.3
3 E.On Multi-Utilities Germany 1,849 3.1
4 EDF Electricity France 1,841 3.1
5 National Grid Electricity UK 1,824 3.1
6 Essar Energy# Electricity India 1,220 3.0
7 RWE Multi-Utilities Germany 1,687 2.9
8 Snam Rete Gas Gas Italy 1,622 2.8
9 UIL Electricity USA 1,600 2.7
10 United Utilities Water & Waste UK 1,586 2.7
11 Terna Electricity Italy 1,495 2.5
12 Electricity Electricity Thailand 1,488 2.5
13 FirstEnergy Electricity USA 1,442 2.5
14 Thai Tap Water Water & Waste Thailand 1,439 2.4
15 PPL Electricity USA 1,418 2.4
16 Suez Water & Waste France 1,370 2.3
17 PG&E Electricity USA 1,333 2.3
18 Cia de Electricity Brazil 1,253 2.1
19 China Power Electricity China 1,191 2.0
20 CEZ Electricity Czech 1,170 2.0
21 Pennon Water & Waste UK 1,142 1.9
22 Enagas Gas Spain 1,134 1.9
23 Kunlun Energy Gas China 1,085 1.8
24 China Everbright Water & Waste China 1,055 1.8
25 Nextera Energy Electricity USA 1,053 1.8
26 Sound Global* Water & Waste China 1,020 1.7
27 China Water Water & Waste China 991 1.7
28 DUET Multi-Utilities Australia 986 1.7
29 Empresa Nacional Electricity Chile 976 1.7
de Electricidad
30 Veolia Water & Waste France 889 1.5
44,382 75.4
Other 11,584 19.7
55,966 95.1
Net Current 2,892 4.9
Total Assets 58,858 100.0
less current
* Convertible Bonds.
# Ordinary shares & Convertible bonds.
Financial summary
Six months to Year ended
30 June 31 December
2012 2011
TOTAL RETURN % change % change
Total Assets Total +3.2% -11.3%
1 Total return
adjusted for any
distributed and
(discount) %
At 30 June At 31 % 30 June
SHARE PRICES AND 2012 2011 change 2012
Net Asset Value per 177.66p 172.16p +3.2% -
Zero Dividend
Preference share2
Mid-market price 175.75p 168.25p +4.5% (1.1)%
per Zero Dividend
Preference share
Net Asset Value per 124.36p 126.20p -1.5% -
Ordinary share2
Mid-market price 96.00p 104.50p -8.1% (22.8)%
per Ordinary share
2 Net asset values
calculated in
accordance with
Articles of
Six months to Year ended
30 June 31 December
Net Asset Value +3.0% -34.3%
Share Price -2.8% -30.7%
3 Source: AIC
Six months Six months to
30 June 30 June %
REVENUE AND 2012 2011 change
Net revenue per 8.01p 6.87p +16.6%
Ordinary share
Net dividends per 3.40p 3.20p +6.3%
Ordinary share
30 June
Zero Dividend
Preference shares:
Hurdle rate to -3.9%
redemption price of
221.78p on 31
December 2015
Ordinary shares:
Hurdle rate return +3.4%
to share price of
96.00p as at 30
June 2012
4 The compound rate
of growth of the
total assets
required each year
until the wind-up
date for Zero
Dividend Preference
shareholders to
receive the
redemption price,
and for ordinary
shareholders, a
return of 96.00p
being the share
price at 30 June
Source: J.P. Morgan
Six months to Year to
30 June 31 December
TOTAL RETURN 2012 2011
Bloomberg World +0.7% -8.6%
Utilities Index (£)
FTSE All Share +3.7% -2.9%
Total Return Index
5 Source:
At 30 June At 31
2012 2011
£/$ exchange rate 1.5685 1.5541
£/€ exchange rate 1.2359 1.1972
Income statement
for the six months ended 30 June 2012
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited) (Audited) (Audited)
Six months Six months Six months Six months Six months Six months Year Year Year
ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 30 June 30 June 30 June 30 June 31 31 31
2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 December December December
2011 2011 2011
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
Notes £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Gains/ - 631 631 - (1,720) (1,720) - (9,005) (9,005)
(losses) on
- held at
fair value
profit or
Revenue 1,888 - 1,888 1,638 - 1,638 2,780 - 2,780
Investment (116) (174) (290) (130) (196) (326) (247) (371) (618)
Other (178) - (178) (188) - (188) (400) - (400)
Return 1,594 457 2,051 1,320 (1,916) (596) 2,133 (9,376) (7,243)
costs and
Finance - (1,134) (1,134) - (1,062) (1,062) - (2,171) (2,171)
Return on 1,594 (677) 917 1,320 (2,978) (1,658) 2,133 (11,547) (9,414)
Taxation on (226) - (226) (147) - (147) (272) - (272)
Return on 1,368 (677) 691 1,173 (2,978) (1,805) 1,861 (11,547) (9,686)
to equity
Total Total Total
Return per 4 8.01 (3.97) 4.04 6.87 (17.45) (10.58) 10.90 (67.65) (56.75)
(pence) -
The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing
The supplementary revenue and capital columns are both prepared under guidance
published by the Association of Investment Companies.
A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains
and losses of the Company have been reflected in the above statement.
Balance sheet
as at 30 June 2012
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
30 June 30 June 31 December
2012 2011 2011
£000 £000 £000
Non current assets
Investments held at 55,966 62,846 53,248
fair value through
profit or loss
Current assets
Debtors 2,760 1,169 406
Cash at bank 747 2,485 5,213
3,507 3,654 5,619
Current liabilities
Creditors - amounts (616) (1,159) (862)
falling due within one
Net current assets 2,891 2,495 4,757
Total assets less 58,857 65,341 58,005
current liabilities
Creditors - amounts
falling due after more
than one year
Zero Dividend (37,871) (35,628) (36,737)
Preference shares
Total net assets 20,986 29,713 21,268
Capital and reserves
Equity share capital 171 171 171
Redemption reserve 88 88 88
Capital reserve 3,927 13,173 4,604
Special reserve 7,472 7,472 7,472
Share premium 6,884 6,884 6,884
Revenue reserve 2,444 1,925 2,049
Total equity 20,986 29,713 21,268
shareholders' funds
NAV per share - 122.95 174.08 124.60
Ordinary shares
(pence) - UK
Accounting Standards
NAV per share - 124.36 175.84 126.20
Ordinary shares
(pence) - Articles of
Association basis
Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
for the six months ended 30 June 2012
Share Redemption Capital Special Share Revenue
capital reserve reserve reserve premium reserve Total
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
For the six
months ended 30
June 2012
Balance at 1 171 88 4,604 7,472 6,884 2,049 21,268
January 2012
Return on - - (677) - - 1,368 691
activities after
Dividends paid - - - - - (973) (973)
Balance at 30 171 88 3,927 7,472 6,884 2,444 20,986
June 2012
Share Redemption Capital Special Share Revenue
capital reserve reserve reserve premium reserve Total
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
For the six
months ended 30
June 2011
Balance at 1 171 88 16,151 7,472 6,887 1,470 32,239
January 2011
Return on - - (2,978) - - 1,173 (1,805)
activities after
Under accrued - - - - (3) - (3)
Dividends paid - - - - - (718) (718)
Balance at 30 171 88 13,173 7,472 6,884 1,925 29,713
June 2011
Share Redemption Capital Special Share Revenue
capital reserve reserve reserve premium reserve Total
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
For the year
ended 31 December
Balance at 1 171 88 16,151 7,472 6,887 1,470 32,239
January 2011
Return on - - (11,547) - - 1,861 (9,686)
activities after
Under accrued - - - - (3) - (3)
costs on issue of
Ordinary shares
in prior year
Dividends paid - - - - - (1,282) (1,282)
Balance at 31 171 88 4,604 7,472 6,884 2,049 21,268
December 2011
Cashflow statement
for the six months ended 30 June 2012
(Unaudited) (Unaudited)
Six months Six months (Audited)
ended ended Year ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2012 2011 2011
Notes £000 £000 £000
Net cash inflow 7 1,329 796 1,560
from operating
Servicing of
Interest paid - - -
Overseas tax (226) (155) (279)
Purchases of (25,054) (17,909) (39,373)
Sales of 20,458 14,047 38,163
Net cash outflow (4,596) (3,862) (1,210)
from financial
Equity dividends (973) (718) (1,282)
Net cash outflow (4,466) (3,939) (1,211)
before financing
Costs on issue - (3) (3)
of Ordinary
shares in prior
Net cash outflow - (3) (3)
from financing
Decrease in cash (4,466) (3,942) (1,214)
Reconciliation of net cashflow to movements in net debt
(Unaudited) (Unaudited)
Six months Six months (Audited)
ended ended Year ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2012 2011 2011
£000 £000 £000
Decrease in cash as (4,466) (3,942) (1,214)
Net change in debt (1,134) (1,062) (2,171)
due in more than
one year
Movement in net (5,600) (5,004) (3,385)
debt for year
Net debt as at 1 (31,524) (28,139) (28,139)
Net debt as at 30 (37,124) (33,143) (31,524)
Notes to the half year report
1. These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable
United Kingdom Accounting Standards and with the Statement of Recommended
Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture
Capital Trusts" (issued in January 2009). The accounting policies applied to
this half year report are consistent with those applied in the accounts for the
year ended 31 December 2011.
2. The figures and financial information for the year ended 31 December 2011
are an extract from the latest published accounts and do not constitute
statutory accounts. Full accounts for that period have been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies and included the report of the auditors which was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 498 of the Companies
Act 2006. The accounts for the six months ended 30 June 2012 and for the six
months ended 30 June 2011 are unaudited and do not constitute statutory
3. On 23 July 2012 the Directors declared a second interim dividend of 1.70p
per Ordinary share for the year ending 31 December 2012 to holders of Ordinary
shares on the register on 31 August 2012. The Ordinary shares will be marked
ex-dividend on 29 August 2012 and the dividend will be paid on 28 September
4. The total return per Ordinary share is based on the return on ordinary
activities after taxation of £691,000 (six months ended 30 June 2011: £
(1,805,000); year ended 31 December 2011: £(9,686,000) and on 17,068,480
Ordinary shares in issue during the six months ended 30 June 2012 (six months
ended 30 June 2011: 17,068,480 shares; year ended 31 December 2011: 17,068,480
5. The Net Asset Value differences reported below arise from the treatment of
the premium (net of expenses) from the issue of Zero Dividend Preference
("ZDP") shares in December 2011 of £330,000. In accordance with UK Accounting
Standards this has been included with the ZDP liability and is being amortised
over the life of the Company. In accordance with the Articles of Association
the premium has been included with shareholders equity and the ZDP liability
reflects their accrued capital entitlement at 30 June 2012 and 31 December
The net asset value per share and the net assets available to each class of
share calculated in accordance with UK Accounting Standards, are as follows:
Net Net
asset value Net assets asset value Net assets
per share available per share available
30 June 30 June 31 December 31 December
2012 2012 2011 2011
Pence £000 Pence £000
17,068,480 122.95 20,986 124.60 21,268
Ordinary shares
of £0.01 each
in issue
21,180,373 Zero 178.80 37,871 173.45 36,737
shares of £0.01
each in issue*
* Classified as a liability.
The net asset value per share and the net assets available to each class of
share calculated in accordance with the Articles of Association, are as
Net Net
asset value Net assets asset value Net assets
per share available per share available
30 June 30 June 31 December 31 December
2012 2012 2011 2011
Pence £000 Pence £000
17,068,480 124.36 21,227 126.20 21,540
Ordinary shares
of £0.01 each
in issue
21,180,373 Zero 177.66 37,630 172.16 36,465
shares of £0.01
each in issue*
* Classified as a liability.
6. The taxation charge of £226,000 (30 June 2011: £147,000 and 31 December
2011: £272,000) relates to irrecoverable overseas taxation.
7. Reconciliation of total return on ordinary activities before finance costs
and taxation to net cash inflow from operating activities:
(Unaudited) (Unaudited)
Six months Six months (Audited)
ended ended Year ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2012 2011 2011
£000 £000 £000
Total return on 2,051 (1,687) (7,243)
ordinary activities
before finance
costs and taxation
Capital return (457) 3,007 9,376
before finance
costs and taxation
Other debtors - 13 (5)
Accrued income and (157) (297) (165)
Other creditors 66 (44) (32)
Investment (174) (196) (371)
management fee
Net cash inflow 1,329 796 1,560
from operating
8. Investment management fee charged by Premier Fund Managers Limited.
(Unaudited) (Unaudited)
Six months Six months (Audited)
ended ended Year ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2012 2011 2011
£000 £000 £000
Basic fee: 40% charged to 116 130 247
60% charged to 174 196 371
290 326 618
9. It is the intention of the Directors to conduct the affairs of the Company
so that they satisfy the conditions for approval as an investment trust company
set out in section 1158 of the Income and Corporation Tax Act 2011.
Interim management report
Premier Energy and Water Trust PLC is required to make the following
disclosures in its half year report:
Principal Risks and Uncertainties
The Board believes that the principal risks and uncertainties faced by the
Company continue to fall into the following categories:
• Structure of the Company and gearing.
• Dividend levels.
• Currency risk.
• Liquidity risk.
• Market price risk.
• Discount volatility.
• Operational.
• Accounting, legal and regulatory.
Information on each of these is given in the Report of the Directors in the
Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2011.
Related Party Transactions
There have been no related party transactions during the six months ended 30
June 2012.
Directors' Responsibility Statement
The Directors are responsible for preparing the half year report, in accordance
with applicable law and regulations. The Directors confirm that, to the best of
their knowledge:
• The condensed set of financial statements within the half year report has
been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards Board's statement
"Half-Yearly Financial Reports"; and
• The Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information
required by 4.2.7R (indication of important events during the first six months
of the year) and 4.2.8R (disclosure of related party transactions and changes
therein) of the FSA's Disclosure and Transparency Rules.
For and on behalf of the Board.
Geoffrey Burns
6 August 2012
Shareholder information
The Ordinary shares and Zero Dividend Preference shares are listed on the
London Stock Exchange.
Information about the Company can be obtained directly via
www.premierfunds.co.uk. Any enquiries can also be e-mailed to
Shares can be purchased through a stockbroker.
Information on the Premier ISA can be obtained by contacting Premier on 01483
The register for the Ordinary shares and Zero Dividend Preference shares is
maintained by Capita Registrars. In the event of queries regarding your
holding, please contact the Registrar on 0871 664 0300 (calls cost 10p per
minute plus network extras) overseas: +44 208 639 3399 or e-mail:
ssd@capitaregistrars.com. Changes of name and/or address must be notified in
writing to the Registrar.
Directors and advisers
Directors Geoffrey Burns (Chairman)
Adam Cooke (resigned 31 July 2012)
Ian Graham
Michael Wigley
Charles Wilkinson
Investment Manager Premier Fund Managers Limited
Eastgate Court
High Street
Surrey GU1 3DE
Telephone: 01483 306 090
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority
Secretary and Registered Office Premier Asset Management Limited
Eastgate Court
High Street
Surrey GU1 3DE
Telephone: Mike Nokes 020 7982 1260
Company Number 4897881
Website www.premierfunds.co.uk
Registrars Capita Registrars
The Registry
34 Beckenham Road
Kent BR3 4TU
Telephone: 0871 664 0300 (calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras)
Overseas: +44 208 639 3399
Email: ssd@capitaregistrars.com
Auditors Ernst & Young LLP
1 More London Place
London SE1 2AF
Joint Stockbrokers J.P. Morgan Cazenove Fairfax I.S. PLC
25 Bank Street 46 Berkeley Square
Canary Wharf Mayfair
London E14 5JP London W1J 5AT
Telephone: 020 7742 4000 Telephone: 020 7598 5368