Interim Results
10 September 2002
30 JUNE 2002
Robert Walters plc, the recruitment and HR outsourcing business, today
announced its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2002.
Financial Summary
* Net fee income £27.6m (2001: £34.8m)
* Operating profit £1.2m†(2001: £6.1m)*
* Profit before taxation £1.3m†(2001: £6.2m)*
* Operating cashflow £7.9m (2001: £8.6m)
* Cash at 30 June 2002 of £13.4m (2001: £6.5m)
* Earnings per share 0.9p (2001: 5.1p)
* Interim dividend maintained at 1.05p (net)
†After £0.2m goodwill amortisation
*After £0.1m goodwill amortisation
Commenting on the results, Robert Walters, Chief Executive, said:
'We have responded to difficult business conditions with a management focus on
cost control and achieved growth in specific business segments, despite the
decline in demand in our permanent business, and pressure on margins in
contract. Operating cash flow was good and we conclude the half year with a
strengthened cash position.
'The business environment remains difficult and we will therefore continue to
manage our business on the basis of unchanged market conditions. We remain
focused on controlling our cost base whilst continuing to look for
opportunities to develop our business. We believe we are well placed to return
to earnings growth when business conditions improve in our principal markets.'
- ends
For further information please contact:
Robert Walters plc +44 20 7379 3333
Robert Walters Chief Executive
Philippa Brook Director of Marketing
Patrick Handley +44 20 7404 5959
Fiona Fong
Or visit our website at
Notes to Editors:
Robert Walters plc
Robert Walters is a leading global recruitment consultancy, specialising in
placing high calibre professionals into permanent, contract and temporary
positions at all management levels. The group specialises in the accounting,
finance, banking, IT, general management, legal, sales and marketing, human
resources, call centre and support fields. Robert Walters' blue-chip client
base ranges across leading investment banks and multi-national corporations
covering all market sectors.
Established in 1985, Robert Walters has built a global presence with 24 offices
spanning five continents. It employs over 850 staff world-wide.
In 1997, Robert Walters established its outsourcing division, Resource
Solutions, to provide HR consultancy and services. At the forefront of
recruitment outsourcing, Resource Solutions currently operates contracts
throughout Europe, Australasia, Asia and the US.
Chairman's Statement
Commenting on the results, Chairman, Timothy Barker said:
I am pleased to report on the Group's trading for the six months ended 30 June
In the first half of 2002 turnover was £130.5m (2001: £119.5m) producing a
gross profit ('net fee income') of £27.6m (2001: £34.8m), operating profit of £
1.2m (2001: £6.1m) and profit before taxation of £1.3m (2001: £6.2m). The
operating profit is after a deduction of £0.2m in relation to goodwill
amortisation associated with the acquisition of Dunhill (2001: £0.1m).
Trading conditions continued to be difficult through the first half of 2002.
Our net fee income in the first quarter was broadly in line with the fourth
quarter of 2001 and improved in the second quarter of 2002. This was the first
increase in quarter on quarter net fee income for six quarters. Despite this,
the overall level of net fee income in the second quarter remained below that
achieved in the third quarter of 2001.
Worldwide economic conditions have adversely affected all of the Group's
business areas. The depressed state of the financial services, telecoms and IT
sectors continues to have an impact on our net fee income across both the
permanent and contract businesses globally.
We have continued to control our costs tightly and our headcount has fallen
from 1050 as at 30 June 2001 to 890 as at 30 June 2002. Staff levels throughout
the Group are managed with a view to protecting our market position and to
sustain the necessary resources in order to benefit us as and when business
conditions improve.
United Kingdom
Turnover in the UK was £96.2m (2001: £85.1m), net fee income £13.4m (2001: £
19.8m) and operating profit £0.3m (2001: £3.8m), with net fee income in the UK
remaining flat across the last three quarters.
Outsourced payroll contracts managed through our outsourcing business, Resource
Solutions, helped to increase turnover but had less of an impact on net fee
income due to the naturally lower margins in payrolling activity.
The permanent recruitment business declined substantially compared to the first
half of 2001 reflecting weakness in financial services and the technology,
media and telecommunications sectors. We have also seen margin pressure in our
contract business in the same sectors.
Continental Europe
Turnover in Continental Europe was £5.0m (2001: £5.2m), net fee income £2.6m
(2001: £3.2m) and operating profit was £0.2m (2001: £0.7m).
We have had to face difficult trading conditions in Continental Europe and our
permanent recruitment businesses have declined in all markets with Belgium and
France being the worst hit. However, our interim management businesses in
Holland and Belgium have continued to grow despite the difficult market and we
continue to invest in this area.
We believe the Continental Europe market offers the Group great potential and
we will continue to invest cautiously as opportunities present themselves.
Asia Pacific
Turnover in the Asia Pacific region was £26.8m (2001: £26.7m), net fee income £
9.8m (2001: £9.9m) and operating profit £0.5m (2001: £1.4m). The first half of
2001 included two months' trading of our Australian acquisition, Dunhill. This
acquisition is now fully integrated into the Robert Walters business.
Our net fee income in the Asia Pacific region continued to decline markedly
through the first quarter of 2002, following the trend of the second half of
2001. The second quarter of 2002 has shown improvement in net fee income in all
our operations across this region. We are particularly pleased with our
Japanese operation, which has performed exceptionally well throughout the first
half of the year.
Other International
Turnover in the USA, Ireland and South Africa was £2.5m (2001: £2.5m), net fee
income £1.8m (2001: £1.9m) and operating profit £0.2m (2001: £0.2m).
The New York office increased net fee income quarter on quarter following the
extremely difficult business conditions in the fourth quarter of 2001.
Operations in Ireland and South Africa, although small, continue to show year
on year net fee income growth despite facing difficult market conditions.
Resource Solutions
Resource Solutions, our HR outsourcing business which manages the on-site
recruitment function for a number of clients around the world, continued to
grow as an increasing number of large companies look to third party specialists
to manage the HR function within their businesses.
Cash flow
The Group ended the period with £13.4m net cash having commenced the year with
Operating activities generated £7.9m with the significant outflows being tax of
£1.2m, capital expenditure of £0.7m and dividends of £1.7m.
The Board has decided to maintain the interim dividend of 1.05p per share
(first half 2001: 1.05p) as the cash position of the Group remains strong.
The interim dividend will be paid on 7 November 2002 to those shareholders on
the Company's register on 20 September 2002.
Current trading and prospects
The business environment remains difficult and we therefore continue to manage
our business on the basis of unchanged market conditions. We remain focused on
controlling our cost base whilst continuing to look for opportunities to
develop our business. We have instigated a worldwide training and development
programme, which will further enhance the quality of our staff.
We believe we are well placed to grow our profits significantly when business
confidence returns to our principal markets.
- ends -
Consolidated profit & loss account
2001 - 12 mths to 31 December
2002 2001 Before Exceptional
6 mths to 6 mths to Exceptional Item
30 June 30 June Item (note 4) Total
Note Unaudited Unaudited Audited Audited Audited
£ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000 £ 000
Turnover 3 130,495 119,525 253,552 - 253,552
Cost of sales (102,867) (84,711) (188,321) - (188,321)
Gross profit 3 27,628 34,814 65,231 - 65,231
Goodwill amortisation (233) (81) (348) - (348)
Other administrative expenses (26,217) (28,645) (57,154) (1,457) (58,611)
Administrative expenses (26,450) (28,726) (57,502) (1,457) (58,959)
Operating profit 3 1,178 6,088 7,729 (1,457) 6,272
Interest (net) 116 140 223 - 223
Profit on ordinary activities before 1,294 6,228 7,952 (1,457) 6,495
Tax on profit on ordinary 5 (542) (2,054) (2,850) 437 (2,413)
Profit on ordinary activities after 752 4,174 5,102 (1,020) 4,082
Dividends 6 (889) (889) (2,496) - (2,496)
Retained (loss)/profit for the (137) 3,285 2,606 (1,020) 1,586
Earnings per share (pence): 7
Basic 0.9 5.1 6.1 (1.2) 4.9
Diluted 0.9 5.1 6.1 (1.2) 4.9
Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
2002 2001 2001
__________ __________ __________
6 mths to 6 mths to 12 mths to
30 June 30 June 31
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
£ 000 £ 000 £ 000
Retained profit for the 752 4,174 4,082
Foreign currency translation 31 (106) (42)
Total recognised gains for the 783 4,068 4,040
Consolidated balance sheet
2002 2001 2001
30 June 30 June 31 December
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
£ 000 £ 000 £ 000
Fixed assets
Goodwill 8,037 9,414 9,355
Tangible assets 5,271 7,147 5,605
Investments 103 103 103
Own shares held 2,425 2,565 2,425
15,836 19,229 17,488
Current assets
Debtors 29,165 41,849 34,248
Cash at bank and in hand 13,406 6,502 9,035
42,571 48,351 43,283
Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year (17,483) (24,758) (19,741)
Net current assets 25,088 23,593 23,542
Total assets less current liabilities 40,924 42,822 41,030
Provision for liabilities and charges (145) (302) (145)
Net assets 40,779 42,520 40,885
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 16,931 16,931 16,931
Share premium 82,804 82,804 82,804
Other reserves (74,034) (74,034) (74,034)
Foreign exchange reserves (434) (529) (465)
Profit and loss account 15,512 17,348 15,649
Equity shareholders' funds 40,779 42,520 40,885
Consolidated cashflow statement
2002 2001 2001
____________ ____________ ______________
6 mths to 6 mths to 12 mths to
30 June 30 June 31 December
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Note £ 000 £ 000 £ 000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 8 7,933 8,584 15,024
Returns on investments and servicing of finance 116 140 223
Taxation (1,230) (3,047) (5,543)
Capital expenditure and financial investment (657) (3,573) (3,788)
Acquisitions and disposals - (4,205) (4,896)
Equity dividends paid (1,731) (1,243) (2,132)
Cash inflow (outflow) before financing and 4,431 (3,344) (1,112)
management of liquid resources
Funds on short term deposit (8,000) - -
Financing - - -
Decrease in cash for the period 8 (3,569) (3,344) (1,112)
Notes to the financial information:
1. Accounting Policies
There have been no changes to the accounting policies as set out in the 2001
annual report and accounts of Robert Walters plc other than the adoption of
the requirements of FRS 19, Deferred Tax, however this has not had a
material impact on the results for the current and prior periods.
2. Financial Information
The financial information in this document was formally approved by the
Board of Directors on 10 September 2002. The financial information set out
in this document does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning
of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Statutory accounts for the year
ended 31 December 2001 for Robert Walters plc on which the auditors gave an
unqualified report, have been delivered to the Registar of Companies.
The financial information in respect of the period ended 30 June 2002 is
unaudited but has been reviewed by the Company's auditors. Their report is
attached on page 12. The financial information in respect of the period 30
June 2001 is unaudited.
3. Segmental Information
2002 2001 2001
_______________ ___________ _____________
6 mths to 6 mths to 12 mths to
30 June 30 June 31 December
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
£ 000 £ 000 £ 000
i) Turnover:
UK 96,179 85,112 183,551
Continental Europe 5,025 5,209 10,139
Asia Pacific 26,825 26,740 55,516
Other 2,466 2,464 4,346
130,495 119,525 253,552
ii) Gross Profit:
UK 13,424 19,762 36,219
Continental Europe 2,604 3,214 6,071
Asia Pacific 9,775 9,918 19,624
Other 1,825 1,920 3,317
27,628 34,814 65,231
iii) Profit on ordinary activities
before tax:
UK 330 3,779 5,131
Continental Europe 207 749 1,225
Asia Pacific 465 1,358 1,125
Other 176 202 248
Operating profit before 1,178 6,088 7,729
exceptional items
Exceptional item - - (1,457)
Operating Profit 1,178 6,088 6,272
Interest (net) 116 140 223
Profit on ordinary activities 1,294 6,228 6,495
before tax
4. Exceptional Item
In the year ended 31 December 2001 IT development costs of £1,457,000 were
written off relating to consultancy fees incurred in developing a global
technology process.
5. Taxation
The charge for taxation is based on the expected annual tax rate of 35%
(2001: 33%) on profit before taxation and amortisation of goodwill. £351,000
(2001: £683,000) relates to overseas taxation.
6. Dividends 2002 2001 2001
___________ ___________ _____________
6 mths to 6 mths to 12 mths to
30 June 30 June 31 December
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
£ 000 £ 000 £ 000
Interim dividend of 1.05p per share (2001: 889 889 889
Final dividend (2001 : 2.1p) - - 1,778
Adjustment in respect of prior periods - - (171)
889 889 2,496
7. Earnings Per Share
The calculation of earnings per share is based on the profit on ordinary
activities after taxation and the weighted average number of ordinary shares of
the Company.
2002 2001 2001
___________ ___________ _____________
6 mths to 6 mths to 12 mths to
30 June 30 June 31 December
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
£'000 £'000 £'000
Profit on ordinary activities after 752 4,174 4,082
2002 2001 2001
___________ ___________ _____________
6 mths to 6 mths to 12 mths to
30 June 30 June 31 December
Weighted average number of shares: Unaudited Unaudited Audited
Shares in issue 84,656,927 83,146,410 83,907,876
Own shares held (1,299,016) (1,299,016) (1,299,016)
For basic earnings per share 83,357,911 81,847,394 82,608,860
Outstanding share options 1,097,471 - 365,053
For diluted earnings per share 84,455,382 81,847,394 82,973,913
8. Analysis of cash flow
2002 2001 2001
__________ ___________ ____________
6 mths to 6 mths to 12 mths to
30 June 30 June 31 December
Reconciliation of operating profit to net Unaudited Unaudited Audited
cash flow from operating activities:
£ 000 £ 000 £ 000
Operating profit 1,178 6,088 6,272
Depreciation charge 883 710 1,628
Goodwill amortisation 233 81 348
Loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets 197 - 322
Decrease in debtors 5,083 1,111 10,923
Increase (decrease) in creditors 359 594 (4,159)
Decrease in provision - - (310)
Net cash flow from operating activities 7,933 8,584 15,024
Analysis of change in net funds:
Decrease in cash in the period (3,569) (3,344) (1,112)
Funds on short term deposit 8,000 - -
Foreign currency translation differences (60) 33 334
Movement in net funds in the period 4,371 (3,311) (778)
Opening net funds 9,035 9,813 9,813
Closing net funds 13,406 6,502 9,035
9. Registered Office
The Company's registered office is at 55 Strand, London, WC2N 5WR.
Independent Review Report to Robert Walters plc
We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for
the six months ended 30 June 2002 which comprises the consolidated profit and
loss account, the consolidated balance sheet, the consolidated cash flow
statement, the consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses, and
the related notes, 1 to 9. We have read the other information contained in the
interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or
material inconsistencies with the financial information.
Directors' responsibilities
The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent
with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.
Review work performed
We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/
4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A
review consists principally of making enquiries of group management and
applying analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying
financial data and based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and
presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A
review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of
assets, liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an
audit performed in accordance with United Kingdom Auditing Standards and
therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly we do
not express an audit opinion on the financial information.
Review Conclusion
On the basis of our review, we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30 June 2002.
Deloitte & Touche
Chartered Accountants
10 September 2002