Director/PDMR Shareholding
Rolls-Royce Group plc (the Company) announces the following transactions by its
directors and pdmrs and their connected persons as a consequence of:
* the allotment to all ordinary shareholders of 60 C Shares for every
ordinary share held on 4th January 2010;
* the redemption of C Shares for 0.1 pence each on 5th January 2010; and
* the reinvestment of the proceeds of that redemption into further ordinary
shares by operation of the C Share Reinvestment Plan (CRIP).
The CRIP purchase was completed on 8th January 2010 at an average price of
491.97p per ordinary share.
No. of C No. of C No. of Total no. of shares
Shares Shares Ordinary
allotted redeemed shares carried forward
by the CRIP
4 January 5 January 8 January Ordinary C Shares
2010 2010 2010
H Alexander 61,260 61,260 - 1,021 -
C Blundell 4,005,420 4,005,420 - 66,757 -
P Byrom 12,717,120 12,717,120 2,566 214,518 -
I Conn 898,320 898,320 181 15,756 -
M Cowdry 3,921,000 3,921,000 - 110,312 -
P Gregson 144,120 144,120 28 2,616 -
M King 7,739,400 7,739,400 - 128,980 -
J McAdam 31,320 - - 666 31,320
J Neill 165,120 165,120 - 22,521 -
M Orris 1,344,000 1,344,000 - 22,400 3,265,920
J Paterson 1,622,580 1,622,580 - 46,441 -
T Rayner 327,000 - - 5,450 1,108,065
J Rishton 378,000 378,000 76 6,979 -
Sir John Rose 70,317,780 70,317,780 - 1,171,963 -
A Shilston 26,574,000 26,574,000 5,364 448,264 -
C Smith 6,108,180 6,108,180 1,233 154,527 -
I Strachan 690,000 690,000 - 11,500 -
M Terrett 26,039,460 26,039,460 5,256 439,247 -
T Wood 2,203,140 2,203,140 - 36,719 -
Notified 13 January 2010
Date 13 January 2010
For further information contact Paul Davies, Deputy Company Secretary, tel. No.
01332 245878.