Disclosure Under Chapter 2 Section 9

SAMPO PLC STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 10.8.2007 DISCLOSURE UNDER CHAPTER 2 SECTION 9 OF THE SECURITIES MARKET ACT Sampo plc (business code 01422113-3) has received the following disclosure in accordance with Chapter 2 Section 9 of the Securities Market Act regarding Sampo plc's shares. According to the disclosure Exista Trading ehf. has entered into an agreement regarding 100,000 A shares in Sampo Plc, which if consummated through delivery of the shares, will result in Exista hf. and companies controlled by Exista hf. holding shares in Sampo Plc. in excess of the flagging threshold of 20 percent of the number of shares as set forth in Chapter 2, section 9 of the Securities Markets Act. According to the disclosure, as a result of the consummation of the equity swap transactions and forward agreements referred to in Exista hf.'s flagging notification dated 25 July 2007, the holdings of Exista hf. and its group companies now represent 19.98 percent of the total number of shares and 19.82 percent of the voting rights in the Sampo Plc. The consummation of the equity swap agreement concluded on 9 August 2007 through delivery of the shares to Exista Trading ehf. and use of voting rights relating to the shares by Exista group companies is conditional, e.g., upon approval of the Finnish Insurance Supervision Authority and other authorities relevant for the arrangement. SAMPO PLC Jarmo Salonen Head of Investor Relations and Group Communication tel. +358 10 516 0030 Distribution: Helsinki Stock Exchange The principal media Financial Supervision www.sampo.com DISCLOSURE Finnish Financial Supervision Authority 9 August 2007 Snellmaninkatu 6 P.O. Box 159 FI-00101 Helsinki Finland Fax: + 358 10 831 5230 Sampo Plc. Fabianinkatu 27 FI-00100 Helsinki Finland Fax: + 358 10 516 0016 A FLAGGING NOTIFICATION REFERRED TO IN CHAPTER 2, SECTION 9, OF THE SECURITIES MARKETS ACT ON AN AGREEMENT WHICH, WHEN IMPLEMENTED, WILL RESULT IN A CHANGE IN HOLDINGS As a result of the consummation of the equity swap transactions and forward agreements referred to in Exista hf.'s flagging notification dated 25 July 2007, the holdings of Exista hf. and its group companies now represent 19.98 percent of the total number of shares and 19.82 percent of the voting rights in the Sampo Plc. Exista Trading ehf., a subsidary of Exista hf., has today entered into an equity swap agreement which, if consummated through delivery of the shares, will result in Exista hf. and its group companies holding more than 20 per cent of the shares in the Sampo Plc. Under Chapter 2, section 9 of the Securities Markets Act, we herby notify the Financial Supervision Authority and Sampo Plc. of the following: 1. Name of the company in which holdings have been acquired Sampo Plc. (Sampo Oyj) 2. Reason for the notification This notification is made because Exista Trading ehf. has entered into an agreement regarding 100,000 A shares in Sampo Plc,. which if consummated through delivery of the shares, will result in Exista hf. and companies controlled by Exista hf. holding shares in Sampo Plc. in excess of the flagging threshold of 20 percent of the number of shares as set forth in Chapter 2, section 9 of the Securities Markets Act. 3. Date of the equity swap agreement 9 August 2007 4. Exact proportion of voting rights and shares in Sampo Plc., broken down by the share class If the equity swap agreement is consummated in full through delivery of the shares, the total holdings of Exista hf.'s group in Sampo Plc. will consequently be as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Share class | No. of shares | % of all shares | % of all voting | | | | | rights | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | A-shares | 115,707,867 | 20.00% | 19.84% | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | B-shares | - | - | - | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Total | 115,707,867 | 20.00% | 19.84% | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (The share capital of Sampo Plc. comprises a total of 578,530,890 shares (577,330,890 class A shares and 1,200,000 class B shares), said shares entitling to a total of 583,330,890 votes.) 5. Shareholder's full name and trade register number Full name: Exista hf. Exista hf. is registered with the Register of Enterprises of Iceland under the registration number 610601-2350. Exista hf.'s address is Ármúla 3, 108 Reykjavik, Iceland. 6. Full names and trade register numbers of the subsidiaries through which the shares are held as well as grounds for including such shares in the holdings of the shareholder Exista hf. holds the shares in Sampo Plc. through its subsidiaries. These subsidiaries are controlled by Exista hf. within the meaning of Chapter 1, section 5 of the Securities Markets Act. Therefore, the holdings of these subsidiaries shall be included in the holdings of Exista hf. The full names and trade register numbers of the subsidiaries are as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Name | Trade register number | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Exista Trading ehf. (formerly Exista | 640205-1990, Register of Enterprises | | fjárfestingar ehf.) | of Iceland | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Vátryggingafélag Íslands hf. | 690689-2009, Register of Enterprises | | | of Iceland | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Exafin B.V. | 34229055, Trade register maintained | | | by the Chambers of Commerce for | | | Amsterdam | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Allocation of holdings between Exista hf. and the subsidiaries If Exista Trading ehf. decides to consummate the equity swap agreement relating to 100,000 A shares in Sampo Plc. in full so that the consummation results in the acquisition of the shares, the holdings of Exista hf.'s group companies in Sampo Plc. will be as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Share class | No. of | % of all | % of all | | | | shares | shares | voting | | | | | | rights | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Exafin B.V. | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | A shares | 90,074,668 | 15.57% | 15.44% | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | B shares | - | - | - | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Total | 90,074,668 | 15.57% | 15.44% | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Exista Trading | | | | | | ehf | | | | | | (formerly Exista | | | | | | fjárfestingar | | | | | | ehf.) | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | A shares | 25,601,799 | 4.43% | 4.39% | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | B shares | - | - | - | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Total | 25,601,799 | 4.43% | 4.39% | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Vátryggingafélag | | | | | | Íslands hf. | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | A shares | 31,400 | 0.005% | 0.005% | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | B shares | - | - | - | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Total | 31,400 | 0.005% | 0.005% | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. The chain of controlled companies through which the shares and votes in Sampo Plc. are held Exafin B.V., Exista Trading ehf. and Vátryggingafélag Íslands hf. are 100 percent owned subsidiaries of Exista hf. 9. Additional information The equity swap agreement entered into by Exista Trading ehf. requires Exista Trading ehf. to either acquire 100,000 A shares in Sampo Plc., or, alternatively and upon choice by Exista Trading ehf. to receive or make a cash payment representing the increase or reduction in value of the shares. These shares represent at present 0.017 percent of Sampo Plc.'s total shares and 0.017 percent of the total voting rights carried by the shares in Sampo Plc. The agreement period of the equity swap expires on 9 February 2008, but Exista Trading ehf. also has the right to consummate the agreement during the agreement period prior to the expiry. The consummation of the equity swap agreement through delivery of the shares to Exista Trading ehf. and use of voting rights relating to the shares by Exista group companies is conditional, e.g., upon approval of the Finnish Insurance Supervision Authority and other authorities relevant for the arrangement. ___________________________ Pekka Jaatinen, Attorney-at-Law For and on behalf of Exista hf.


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