AGM Statement
SEGRO plc Annual General Meeting
Results of Annual General Meeting held on 20 May 2008
SEGRO plc announces that at its Annual General Meeting held earlier today, all
resolutions were duly passed and the results are as follows:
Resolution For (including Against Withheld /
discretionary) Abstain
As ordinary business
1 To adopt the Director's 244,407,733 220,601 589,177
reports and accounts for the
year ended 31 December 2007
2 To declare a final dividend 244,484,874 175,692 556,945
on ordinary shares
3 To approve the Remuneration 229,111,119 5,709,541 10,396,851
Report of the Remuneration
4 To re-elect Lord Blackwell 242,927,924 1,720,192 569,395
who retires from the Board
by rotation
5 To re-elect Ian Coull who 242,043,903 2,612,938 560,670
retires from the Board by
6 To re-elect David Sleath who 244,046,057 610,008 561,446
retires from the Board by
7 To re-elect Thom Wernink who 243,004,661 1,647,855 564,995
retires from the Board by
8 To re-appoint Deloitte and 238,112,819 3,654,964 3,449,728
Touche LLP as auditors
9 To authorise the directors 241,160,921 3,484,557 570,033
to determine the
remuneration of the auditors
10 To authorise political 239,404,511 5,144,882 668,118
donations under the
Companies Act 2006
As special business
11 To renew the authority 239,030,497 5,497,940 689,074
conferred on the directors
by Articles 10(a) of the
Company's Articles of
12 To renew the authority 242,966,627 1,568,024 682,860
conferred on the directors
by Articles 10(b) of the
Company's Articles of
13 To authorise the Company to 244,280,841 369,647 567,023
make market purchases of its
own ordinary shares
14 To approve the amendments to 244,009,728 601,580 606,203
the Articles of Association
of the Company as produced
to the meeting
As ordinary business
15 To adopt the SEGRO plc 2008 231,341,700 8,755,424 5,120,387
Long Term Incentive Plan
Total number of shares in issue = 245,217,511
Two copies of all resolutions passed as special business at the Annual General
Meeting on 20 May 2008, pursuant to Listing Rule 9.6.2, will be submitted to
the FSA and made available via the FSA's document viewing facility.