Director/PDMR Shareholding

20 May 2009 SEGRO plc (the "Company") SEGRO plc Savings Related Share Option Scheme 2009 ("Sharesave") On 19 May 2009, under the terms of Sharesave the following Directors and Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility ("PDMRs") were granted Options to buy ordinary shares in the Company at an option price of 18.2 pence per share. The savings contracts will commence on 1 June 2009. Options granted Length of contact Elizabeth Blease 50,274 3 years Ian Coull 50,274 3 years Andrew Gulliford 50,274 3 years David Sleath 85,989 5 years Ian Sutcliffe 50,274 3 years Ian Coull, Andrew Gulliford and David Sleath have cancelled all Options under previous sharesave contracts. Property Income Distribution Reinvestment Plan ("PIDRIP") On the 18 May 2009 Andrew Gulliford, as a participant of PIDRIP, acquired 3,106 shares in the Company. Total Beneficial Holding The total beneficial holdings of Directors and PDMRs inclusive of PIDRIP and acquisitions of shares in connection with the Share Incentive Plan ("SIP") following the Company's Rights Issue, which was completed on 7 April 2009, are as follows: Total beneficial holding (inclusive of SIP) Lord Blackwell 125,491 Elizabeth Blease - Ian Coull 2,753,777 Andrew Gulliford 261,193 Stephen Howard 89,999 Lesley MacDonagh 65,000 Andrew Palmer 47,996 Christopher Peacock 103,636 Inès Reinmann - Nigel Rich 848,510 Siva Shankar 9,698 David Sleath 598,026 Ian Sutcliffe - Thom Wernink 121,186 Harriet White Company Secretarial Assistant 0207 318 4955


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