Result of AGM
29 April 2010
SEGRO plc - Results of Annual General Meeting
A poll was held on each of the resolutions proposed at the Annual General
Meeting held earlier today. All resolutions were passed and the results are as
Resolution For (including Against Withheld
1 To receive the financial 522,017,109 670,876 333,104
statements for the year
ended 31 December 2009.
2 To declare a final 522,130,131 677,171 213,787
dividend of 9.4 pence per
ordinary share.
3 To approve the 498,969,873 5,643,212 18,406,461
remuneration report for
the year ended 31 December
4 To re-elect Ian Coull as a 514,695,100 8,099,393 226,168
5 To re-elect David Sleath 521,204,281 1,584,322 232,058
as a Director.
6 To re-elect Thom Wernink 516,041,870 6,743,221 235,273
as a Director.
7 To re-appoint Deloitte LLP 516,923,501 5,808,778 288,512
as auditors of the
8 To authorise the Directors 521,991,461 802,372 227,256
to determine the
remuneration of the
9 To authorise political 507,872,676 10,074,186 5,072,078
donations under the
Companies Act 2006.
10 To confer on the Directors 522,327,547 436,549 256,195
a general authority to
allot ordinary shares.
11* To disapply statutory 522,434,047 304,226 281,418
pre-emption rights
relating to ordinary
shares allotted under to
the authority granted by
resolution 10.
12 To confer on the Directors 521,314,393 1,464,209 242,089
an additional authority to
allot ordinary shares in
with a rights issue.
13* To disapply statutory 487,457,715 35,280,124 276,864
pre-emption rights
relating to ordinary
shares allotted under to
the authority granted in
resolution 12.
14* To authorise the Company 522,289,964 385,000 340,028
to make market purchases
of its ordinary shares.
15* To enable a general 456,111,175 66,549,726 355,091
meeting other than an AGM
to be held on not less
than 14 clear
days' notice.
16* To adopt new articles of 470,333,604 51,985,164 697,224
17 To authorise the Directors 522,749,750 24,546 241,696
to pay scrip dividends.
* Special Resolution
Number of shares in issue at date of this announcement 734,337,776.
Two copies of all resolutions passed as special business at the Annual General
Meeting held will, pursuant to Listing Rule 9.6.2, be submitted to the FSA to
be made available at the FSA Document Viewing Facility.
Robin Healy - 020 7399 570
Deputy Company Secretary