Results of Annual General Meeting 2008

Results of Annual General Meeting 2008 The Annual General Meeting of Serco Group plc was held on 13 May 2008. All resolutions were passed on a show of hands. Two copies of the resolutions passed at the meeting (other than resolutions concerning ordinary business) will be forwarded to the UK Listing Authority making them available to the public for inspection at the Document Viewing Facility. The results of the proxy votes lodged in advance of the meeting are set out below: For Against Discretion Vote Withheld Resolution 1: Annual 323,676,921 691,638 255,438 8,770,610 Report and Accounts Resolution 2: 318,474,273 13,126,682 267,144 1,526,506 Remuneration Report Resolution 3: Declare a 333,009,955 17,565 258,531 108,556 Final Dividend Resolution 4: Thomas A 331,351,846 1,631,285 287,205 124,271 Corcoran Resolution 5: Leonard V. 331,560,186 1,431,132 279,101 124,188 Broese van Groenou Resolution 6: 327,112,515 1,791,705 280,602 4,209,784 Re-Appointment of Auditors Resolutions 7: 331,542,274 1,439,089 282,122 131,122 Remuneration of Auditors Resolution 8: Purchase 331,482,919 1,489,710 306,362 115,616 own Shares (*) Resolutions 9: Allot 327,179,414 5,782,137 315,058 117,998 Relevant Securities Resolution 10: Disapply 327,740,359 118,857 5,406,111 129,280 Pre-emption Rights (*) Resolution 11: Employee 332,802,831 144,179 311,431 136,166 Stock Purchase Plan Resolution 12: Articles 332,542,947 400,827 309,204 141,629 of Association (*) Resolution 13: Political 323,968,156 375,552 301,420 4,232,096 Donations Notes: (*) Special Resolution A "Vote Witheld" is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the proportion of votes "For" or "Against" a Resolution. At the meeting date there were 485,472,105 ordinary shares in issue.


Serco Group (SRP)
UK 100

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