Additional Information for Shareholders on SA R...

CAPITAL & COUNTIES PROPERTIES PLC FINAL DIVIDEND FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2011 - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR SHAREHOLDERS ON THE SOUTH AFRICAN REGISTER Shareholders on the South African branch register are referred to the final dividend announcement released on SENS on 3 May 2012 and are advised that the share price to be used for calculating residual payments under the Scrip Dividend alternative will be the same as the scrip dividend price of 2477.17 ZA cents. Using the same example as contained in the aforementioned announcement, a shareholder who holds 500 shares on the South African branch register would be entitled to 2.52627 shares (expressed to five decimal places) which will be rounded down to 2 shares and the residual payment will be 0.52627 x 2477.17 ZA cents = 1303.06 ZA cents, payable in cash. As the cash residuals will not constitute the distribution of an asset in specie, the residual payments will be subject to South African Dividends Tax, which will therefore be withheld from the residual payment to South African shareholders at a rate of 15 per cent. unless a shareholder qualifies for an exemption from Dividends Tax, and the prescribed requirements for effecting the exemption, as set out in the scrip dividend scheme booklet, are in place. For further information, please see the Supplemental Notice concerning taxation amendments in South Africa that will be published on the Company's website as soon as reasonably practical following the release of this announcement. Enquiries Ruth Pavey Company Secretary Capital & Counties Properties PLC + 44 (0) 20 7297 6283 15 May 2012
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