SouthernEra Settlement of Klipspringer Strike

SouthernEra Reports Settlement of the Klipspringer Strike UnionAgrees to Full Calendar Operations Shares Issued and Outstanding: 61,674,459 TSX: SUF AIM: SRE TORONTO, July 21 /CNW/ - SouthernEra Resources Limited announced today that the strike at the Company's 50 percent-owned Klipspringer Diamond Mine has ended following the conclusion of a new 2003 wage agreement. In terms of the new wage agreement signed today, the Klipspringer Mine will pay employees a 5 percent increase in basic salaries. In addition, the National Union of Mineworkers has agreed to the immediate commencement of a six-day working week and has also agreed to support the introduction of Full Calendar (7 days-per-week, 365 days-per-year) Operations. Given the marginal nature of the Klipspringer Mine, which is exacerbated by the strength of the South African Rand, it is hoped that the increased productivity achieved through continuous operations will ensure the profitability of the mine. SouthernEra Resources is an independent producer of platinum group metals and diamonds. The company also has an extensive PGM and diamond exploration program. The common shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange's AIM market. For further information: please contact - SouthernEra Resources Limited - Dr. Sally Eyre, Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Telephone: (416) 359-9282, Fax: (416) 359-9141, E-mail: inbox(at) (SUF. SRE)
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