Half-yearly Report
(the "Fund")
A copy of the Half Yearly Report can be downloaded from the Manager's website
at www.svmonline.co.uk and a copy has also been submitted to the National
Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at
Net asset value return of -11.9% compared to a -1.5% return in the IMA UK All
Companies Sector Average Index
Weakness confined to first half of review period; portfolio restructuring
helped progress in second half of the period
Positive contributions from ITV, GVC Holdings and SSP Group
New investments made in Compass Group and Close Brothers Group
Portfolio emphasises consumer services, property and business services.
Total Return Performance 6 months to 30 Year to 31
September 2014 March 2014
Net Asset Value total return -11.9% +37.2%
Share Price total return -11.7% +34.3%
Benchmark Index (IMA UK All Companies Sector -1.5% +17.1%
Average Index since 1 October 2013*)
*The benchmark index for the Fund was changed from 1 October 2013 prior to
which the FTSE AIM Index was used.
Interim Management Report
Stockmarkets were volatile during the six months under review, with concern
about UK interest rates and weaker real wage growth. Geopolitical developments
were also unhelpful, with growth forecasts revised down for Europe and emerging
markets. Over the six months, the Fund returned -11.9%, versus a return of
-1.5% for the benchmark index, the IMA UK All Companies Sector Average.
The weakness was confined to the first half of the period under review, during
which some restructuring was made to the Fund's portfolio. This reduced
exposure to cyclical sectors, and the new investments focused on liquid shares
in more defensive sectors. This helped the Fund to make some progress in the
second-half of the period, despite further market weakness. Against a
background of material long term outperformance by small and medium sized
companies over the FTSE 100, there have been periods of similar setbacks. The
last reverse was in 2011 and 2008 before that. Each time small and medium
sized companies have returned to favour.
There were positive contributions over the period from gaming services group,
GVC Holdings, ITV, and catering services business, SSP Group. ITV shares were
also boosted by bid rumours, as US-based media group, Liberty Global, indicated
intentions to expand in Europe. The main disappointments were in the consumer
sectors and technology; WANdisco, ASOS and Supergroup.
New investments were made in Compass Group and Close Brothers Group; with
additions to Booker and SABMiller. Part of the investments in Ted Baker,
WANdisco and Fusionex were sold to fund the new investments. The portfolio
emphasises consumer sectors, property and business services. For the
industrial businesses in the portfolio, the low oil price will help. The
portfolio has no exposure to banks or utilities, and low exposure to mining,
resources and energy.
Dividends within the listed investments in the portfolio are growing. However,
in line with the practice in previous years, no interim dividend will be paid.
The investment objective of the Company is long term capital growth.
Forecasts for UK growth have been revised down, but the UK will still be the
strongest European economy this year, with growth also likely to continue ahead
of the Eurozone over the next two years. Many UK-listed international
companies are benefiting from the continuing US recovery, and the portfolio has
exposure to this potential. Despite the weakness in Europe, the global economy
continues to grow.
Deflation remains a risk for the UK and other major economies. As a result,
monetary stimulation is likely to continue, and we expect equities will benefit
from this. The Fund remains fully invested, reflecting good potential for
self-help in many portfolio companies.
Peter Dicks
24 November 2014
The investment objective of SVM UK Emerging Fund PLC (the "Fund") is long term
growth from investments in smaller UK companies. Its aim is to outperform the
IMA UK All Companies Sector Average Index on a total return basis.
The Fund aims to achieve its objective and to diversify risk by investing in
shares and related instruments, controlled by a number of limits on exposures.
Appropriate guidelines for the management of the investments, gearing and
financial instruments have been established by the Board. Limits are expressed
as percentages of shareholders' funds, measured at market value. This is an
abridged version of the Fund's investment policy. The full investment policy
can be found in the Strategic Report within the Annual Report & Accounts for
the year ended 31 March 2014.
Income Statement
Six months to 30 Six months to 30
September 2014 September 2013
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Net gain/(loss) on investments
at fair value through profit or - (547) (547) - 590 590
Income 55 - 55 52 - 52
Investment management fees - - - - - -
Other expenses (28) (5) (33) (36) (4) (40)
Gain/(loss) before finance costs 27 (552) (525) 16 586 602
and taxation
Finance costs (4) - (4) (5) - (5)
Gain/(loss) on ordinary 23 (552) (529) 11 586 597
activities before taxation
- - - - - -
Gain/(loss) attributable to 23 (552) (529) 11 586 597
ordinary shareholders
Gain/(loss) per Ordinary Share 0.38p (9.19p) (8.81)p 0.18p 9.76p 9.94p
Year ended 31 March
Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000
Net gain/(loss) on investments at - 1,205 1,205
fair value through profit or loss
Income 83 - 83
Investment management fees - - -
Other expenses (62) (11) (73)
Gain/(loss) before finance costs 21 1,194 1,215
and taxation
Finance costs (13) - (13)
Gain/(loss) on ordinary activities 8 1,194 1,202
before taxation
Taxation - - -
Gain/(loss) attributable to 8 1,194 1,202
ordinary shareholders
Gain/(loss) per Ordinary Share 0.14p 19.89p 20.03p
Total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Fund.
All revenue and capital items in this statement derive from continuing operations.
A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains and
losses of the Fund have been reflected in the above statement.
Balance Sheet
As at As at As at
30 31 30
September March September
2014 2014 2013
(unaudited) (audited) (unaudited)
£'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed Assets
Investments at fair value through profit or 3,690 4,421 3,732
Total Current Assets 283 106 355
Creditors: amounts falling due within one (63) (88) (253)
Net current assets 220 18 102
Total assets less current liabilities 3,910 4,439 3,834
Capital and Reserves 3,910 4,439 3,834
Equity shareholders' funds 3,910 4,439 3,834
Net asset value per Ordinary Share 65.12p 73.93p 63.84p
Summarised Cash Flow Statement
Six months to 30 Year to 31 Six months to 30
September March September
2014 2014 2013
£'000 £'000 £'000
(unaudited) (audited) (unaudited)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from (7) - (53)
operating activities
Taxation 7 - 2
Capital expenditure and 119 (115) 137
financial investment
Finance Costs (4) (13) (5)
Movement in cash in the period 115 (128) 81
Summarised Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholders' Funds
For the period to 30 September 2014
Share Share Special redemption Capital Revenue
capital premium reserve reserve reserve reserve
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
As at 1 April 2014 300 314 5,144 27 (733) (613)
attributable to - - - - (552) 23
As at 30 September 300 314 5,144 27 (1,285) (590)
For the year to 31 March 2014
Share Share Special redemption Capital Revenue
capital Premium reserve reserve reserve reserve
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
As at 1 April 2013 300 314 5,144 27 (1,927) (621)
attributable to - - - - 1,194 8
As at 31 March 2014 300 314 5,144 27 (733) (613)
For the period to 30 September 2013
Share Share Special redemption Capital Revenue
capital Premium reserve reserve reserve reserve
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
As at 1 April 2013 300 314 5,144 27 (1,927) (621)
attributable to - - - - 586 11
As at 30 September 300 314 5,144 27 (1,341) (610)
Investment Portfolio
Ten largest Valuation % of Sector analysis as at 30 of Total
investments as at 30 Net September 2014 (net Investments
September 2014 £000 Assets exposure)
ITV Television 185 4.7 Basic Materials 0.0
Unite Group 174 4.4 Industrials 20.1
Workspace Group 155 4.0 Oil and Gas 1.5
SSP Holdings 132 3.4 Consumer Goods 9.7
GVC Holdings 131 3.4 Consumer Services 42.1
Johnson Service Group 131 3.4 Healthcare 0.9
Grainger Trust 111 2.8 Telecoms 0.0
Claremont Partners 106 2.7 Technology 5.6
Playtech 101 2.6 Financials 20.1
Restaurant Group 98 2.5 Utilities 0.0
Ten largest 1,324 Total 100.0
investments 33.9
Other investments (47 2,366 60.5
Total investments 3,690 94.4
Net current assets 220 5.6
Net Assets 3,910 100.0
Risks and Uncertainties
The principal risks facing the Fund relate to the investment in financial
instruments and include market, liquidity, credit and interest rate risk.
Additional risks faced by the Fund are investment strategy, share price
discount, accounting, legal and regulatory, operational, corporate governance
and shareholder relations, and financial. The Board seeks to mitigate and
manage these risks through continuous review, policy setting and enforcement of
contractual obligations. The Board receives both formal and informal reports
from the Managers and third party service providers addressing these risks. An
explanation of these risks and how they are mitigated is explained in the 2014
Annual Report, which is available on the Manager's website:
www.svmonline.co.uk. These principal risks and uncertainties have not changed
from those disclosed in the 2014 Annual Report.
Directors' Responsibility Statement
The Directors are responsible for preparing the Half Yearly Report in
accordance with applicable law and regulations.
The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge:
the condensed set of financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards Board's statement 'Half Yearly Financial Reports' on a going concern basis, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Fund;
(ii) the Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information required by the Disclosure and Transparency Rules DTR 4.2.7R (indication of important events during the first six months and description of principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year); and DTR 4.2.8R (disclosure of related party transactions and changes therein).
(iii) No related party transactions have taken place during the first six months of the year that have materially affected the financial position of the Fund during the period and there have been no changes in the related party transactions described in the Annual Report & Accounts for the year end 31 March 2014 that could do so.
The Half Yearly Financial Report has not been audited or reviewed by the Fund's
By Order of the Board
Peter Dicks
24 November 2014
1. The results have been prepared in accordance with UK Generally
Accepted Accounting Practice ('GAAP') and the 2009 Statement of Recommended
Practice ('SORP') issued by the Association of Investment Companies. These
accounts have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies used for
the year ended 31 March 2014.
2. Returns per share
Return per share is based on a weighted average of 6,005,000 (2013
- 6,005,000) ordinary shares in issue during the period.
Total return per share is based on the total loss for the period of £529,000
(2013 - gain of £597,000). Capital return per share is based on the net loss
for the period of £552,000 (2013 - gain of £586,000). Revenue return per share
is based on the revenue gain after taxation for the period of £23,000 (2013
gain of £11,000).
The number of shares in issue at 30 September 2014 was 6,005,000
(2013 - 6,005,000).
3. The Investment Managers have waived their fees for the periods to 30
September 2014 and 2013.
4. The above figures do not constitute full or statutory accounts in
terms of Sections 434 and 435 of the Companies Act 2006. All information shown
for the six months to 30 September 2014 is unaudited. The accounts for the year
to 31 March 2014, on which the auditors issued an unqualified report, have been
lodged with the Registrar of Companies and did not contain a statement required
under Section 498 of the Companies Act 2006. The half yearly report will be
available on the Managers' website: www.svmonline.co.uk. Copies are also
available for inspection at 7 Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3AH, the registered
office of the Fund.
For further information, please contact:
Colin McLean SVM Asset Management 0131 226 6699
Roland Cross Broadgate Mainland 0207 726 6111