Interim Results

EMBARGOED UNTIL 07:00 AM, TUESDAY 10 JUNE 2003 ELECTRA INVESTMENT TRUST PLC Interim Results for six months ended 31 March 2003 Highlights * Net asset value per share of £7.02 as at 31 March 2003 (30 September 2002: £7.64 per share) * NAV outperformance relative to FTSE All Share Index (Electra -20.4% versus Index -32.1%) in the 12 months to March 2003 (6 month performance: Electra -8.2% versus Index -3.7%) * Improvement in operational performance by most companies in portfolio over 6 months * Net asset value per share at 31 May 2003 of £7.18** Sir Brian Williamson, Chairman, said: 'Most of the larger companies in the portfolio achieved an improvement in operational performance over the six months and reduced borrowings or otherwise improved their financial position.Your Board believes this is a respectable performance in very testing conditions. 'The weakening economic outlook and the build up to the war in Iraq had a significant impact upon investment activity in the six months to 31 March 2003. 'Although the climate for realisations continues to remain challenging, as a result of weak stock markets and uncertain economic conditions, the Investment Manager continues to seek opportunities to realise investments for full value and raise liquidity from the portfolio. Your Board believes that opportunities for realisations at satisfactory prices will re-present themselves as markets improve and the economic outlook strengthens. 'The Board's continuing priority is to ensure that the target of returning a further £350 million to shareholders is met as quickly as market conditions permit.' For further information: Sir Brian Williamson, Chairman, Electra Investment Trust PLC 020 7831 6464 Hugh Mumford, Chief Executive, Electra Partners Limited 020 7831 6464 Nick Miles, M: Communications 020 7153 1535 Notes to Editors: Electra - Background to Recent Changes Since the listing of Electra in 1976, the Company has specialised in investing in the private equity market. This arose from the belief that superior returns could be generated from investing in private equity through the structure of an investment trust. Between 1976 and 2002 Electra invested over £3,000 million in private equity investments and, inclusive of a capital injection of £32 million, Electra's assets grew from £58 million in February 1976 to £1,145 million by 30 September 1998, the financial year end immediately preceding the hostile takeover bid for Electra in 1999. This bid failed when shareholders voted in favour of a scheme which involved the controlled realisation of the portfolio over a five year period. New investment was restricted to existing portfolio companies. Since the start of the realisation programme in March 1999, Electra has returned £945 million to shareholders leaving a residual portfolio valued at £647 million at 31 March 2003. This compares with the stock market value of Electra of £975 million immediately before the announcement of the takeover bid. Over the four year period £400 million has been invested and £1.3 billion has been realised from the portfolio. Shareholders approved proposals in June 2001 which retained the emphasis on realising investments but made provision for Electra to continue as an investment vehicle. This achieved the objective of catering for those shareholders who wished to retain an exposure to private equity through a shareholding in Electra. This more flexible investment strategy provided for at least two-thirds of future cash flow to be returned to shareholders with the balance to be invested in private equity investments. In June 2001 the Board then anticipated, subject to market conditions, that not less than £500 million would be returned over the next three years of which £150 million was returned through the tender offer in 2001. Dependent on maintaining appropriate levels of gearing, the balance of cash flow will be invested in follow-on investments to protect or enhance the value of existing investments, in investment funds managed by Electra Partners and in other private equity investment opportunities generated by Electra Partners. **The unaudited net asset value at 31 May 2003 is calculated on the basis of the net asset value at 31 March 2003 adjusted to reflect the purchases and sales of investments, currency movements and mid market values on that day in respect of listed investments and unlisted investments where these are valued by reference to quoted prices. Chairman's Statement Results At 31 March 2003 Electra's net asset value was £7.02 per share compared to £7.64 per share at 30 September 2002, a decline of 8.1% over the period by comparison with the FTSE All-Share Index which declined by 3.7%. Over the twelve months to 31 March 2003 the net asset value declined by 20.4% whilst the FTSE All-Share Index fell by 32.1%. Most of the larger companies in the portfolio achieved an improvement in operational performance over the six months and reduced borrowings or otherwise improved their financial position. Your Board believes this is a respectable performance in very testing conditions. Realisations and Investments The weakening economic outlook and the build up to the war in Iraq had a significant impact upon investment activity in the six months to 31 March 2003. Realisations of investments totalled £33 million over the period by comparison with £75 million in the previous six months. Purchases of investments, all in existing portfolio companies or made under existing commitments to limited partnership funds, amounted to £23 million compared with £64 million over the six months to 30 September 2002.[DEL::DEL] Although the climate for realisations continues to remain challenging, as a result of weak stock markets and uncertain economic conditions, the Investment Manager continues to seek opportunities to realise investments for full value and raise liquidity from the portfolio. Your Board believes that opportunities for realisations at satisfactory prices will re-present themselves as markets improve and the economic outlook strengthens. Further Returns of Capital The Board is committed to ensuring that further returns of capital are made to shareholders, consistent with the approved investment strategy. As described above, weaker economic conditions have resulted in delays to realisations with a consequential impact on the Company's ability to fund capital returns. The Board expects to apply the bulk of future realisation proceeds to reduce the Company's gearing and to finance further returns of capital to shareholders. Having regard to the progress to date of the investment strategy, and despite the uncertainty regarding realisations in current market conditions, the Board's continuing priority is to ensure that the target of returning a further £350 million to shareholders is met as quickly as market conditions permit. Sir Brian Williamson Chairman 9 June 2003 Portfolio Analysis Summary of Changes to Overall Portfolio Six months ended 31 March 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 Opening valuation 691,727 759,891 Investments 23,102 52,711 Realisations (33,066) (61,713) Changes in valuation (34,494) 44,905 Closing valuation 647,269 795,794 At 31 March 2003 Electra's investment portfolio was valued at £647 million compared to £692 million at 30 September 2002. The decrease in value of £45 million was due to realisations from the portfolio exceeding investment by £10 million and a net reduction in the valuation of portfolio investments of £35 million. At 31 March 2003, 76% of the portfolio was invested in the UK and Continental Europe, 19% in the USA, 4% in the Far East and India and 1% in South America. Outlook As expected, the level of capital calls from the existing portfolio fell significantly in the six months to 31 March 2003, in the light of the level of restructuring of investments which took place in the previous financial year. While good progress in terms of operating portfolio and debt repayments continues to be made by the portfolio as a whole, the level of realisations continues to be affected by existing market conditions. The maturing profile of the portfolio however, will allow a significant increase in the level of realisations when market conditions improve. Portfolio Investments During the six months to 31 March 2003, total investments made by Electra amounted to £23 million. This represented a substantial decrease compared to the corresponding period in 2002 when an amount of £53 million was invested. The decrease in investment was due principally to a reduced demand from the existing portfolio for further investment. Of the investments made in the first six months of the current year, £13.4 million was invested in the existing portfolio and £9.7 million was invested under previous commitments made to private equity funds, including £1.6 million to Electra Partners' European Fund. Investments made in existing portfolio companies included £8.5 million in Vendcrown to support the expansion of the business. The business of Vendcrown has grown rapidly on the back of increasing insurance premiums. A further £3.1 million was invested in Energy Power Resources to enable it to acquire control of Fibrowatt, a company engaged in the production of power from renewable energy sources. The amount available for new investment was limited by Electra's current investment policy which allows only one third of proceeds from realisations to be invested, subject to maintaining appropriate levels of bank borrowings. Realisations Realisations from the portfolio for the six month period amounted to £33 million compared to £62 million in the corresponding period in 2002. The level of realisations continued to be affected by external factors including the continuing fall in the stock market and uncertain economic conditions generally. Realisations included £19.5 million from the sale of unlisted securities, £5.2 million from the sale of listed securities, £5.4 million from the refinancing of portfolio companies and £3.0 million of proceeds from private equity funds. During the period Electra received £7.1 million from the sale of Sporting Index, £4.0 million from the sale of Avon and £3.3 million from the partial sale of the US investment in OMNA Medical Partners. A refinancing of Electra's investment in Allflex was completed in March 2003, resulting in total cash proceeds to Electra of £10.4 million. Of this amount £5.4 million represented repayment of capital and £5 million represented payment of accrued interest. During the period Electra received £1.6 million from Electra Partners' European Fund following the sale of its investment in Tom Cobleigh. This compared to an investment of £1.0 million made one year earlier. Performance During the six month period thecapital value of the portfolio declined by £34.5 million or 5.0%. £23.2 million was provided against the direct investment portfolio and the balance of £11.3 million arose from the fall in value of private equity funds in which Electra had an indirect investment as a limited partner. The majority of the companies in the investment portfolio continued to make good progress in terms of operating results particularly amongst the larger investments. Because of the current uncertainties in the economic environment, this positive progress has not yet been reflected in increased valuations of individual investments to any significant degree. Increases in valuation were made to Electra's investments in Inchcape Shipping Services and Leiner, which were increased by £9.6 million and £6.2 million respectively. This increase recognises the success of the restructuring of these companies which took place in the previous financial year. Largest Valuation Changes Increase / (decrease) Company £'000 % __________________________________________________________ Inchcape Shipping Services 9,639 67.3 Leiner Health Products 6,218 27.9 HLF Group (Heath Lambert) (16,080) (54.0) Agricola Group (7,315) (49.7) Esporta (5,440) (20.9) __________________________________________________________ The performance of the portfolio was adversely affected by specific provisions made against three investments, namely HLF Group, Agricola Group and Esporta. HLF Group which was written up in 2002 in anticipation of an exit was written down by 54% in light of the current lack of exit opportunities. Agricola Group which supplies animal feed was written down by 50% to reflect much tougher trading conditions. A provision of £5.4 million was made against Esporta, acquired last year as partial consideration for the sale of Invicta, as a result of a reduction in the multiple used to value the investment. As mentioned previously, the valuation of the private equity funds in which Electra has an interest declined in the six month period by £11.3 million, mainly as a result of a reduction in valuation of funds with an exposure to South America. Consolidated Statement of Total Return (unaudited) (incorporating the Revenue Account) For the six months ended 31 March Revenue Capital 2003 Revenue Capital 2002 £'000 £'000 Total £'000 £'000 Total £'000 £'000 Gains /(losses) on investments: Realised - 4,133 4,133 - 5,041 5,041 Unrealised - (38,645) (38,645) - 32,611 32,611 Losses on revaluation of foreign currencies: Realised - (71) (71) - (246) (246) Unrealised - (3,625) (3,625) - (4,767) (4,767) - (38,208) (38,208) - 32,639 32,639 Income of the investment 9,875 - 9,875 10,096 - 10,096 trust Net (expenses) of subsidiary (335) - (335) (83) - (83) undertakings Priority profit share paid to (4,910) - (4,910) (5,572) - (5,572) general partners Other expenses (895) - (895) (1,238) - (1,238) Reversal of income accruals (2,431) - (2,431) (3,844) - (3,844) Net Return before Finance Costs and Taxation 1,304 (38,208) (36,904) (641) 32,639 31,998 Interest payable and similar (3,214) - (3,214) (3,678) - (3,678) charges Return on Ordinary Activities before Taxation and Return to Shareholders (1,910) (38,208) (40,118) (4,319) 32,639 28,320 Exchange differences arising (37) (509) (546) 261 5,260 5,521 on consolidation Net Transfers (from)/to Reserves for the Period (1,947) (38,717) (40,664) (4,058) 37,899 33,841 Return to Shareholders per (2.99p) (59.35p) (62.34p) (6.22p) 58.10p 51.88p Ordinary Share The amounts dealt with in the Consolidated Statement of Total Return are all derived from continuing activities. 2003 2002 Number of Ordinary Shares in issue at 31 March 65,231,533 65,231,533 Consolidated Balance Sheet (unaudited) *Restated As at 31 March 2003 As at 31 March 2002 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed Assets Investments: Unlisted 632,806 774,340 Listed 14,463 21,454 647,269 795,794 Current Assets Debtors 29,664 34,275 Investments 830 1,768 Cash at bank and in hand 10,566 18,637 41,060 54,680 Current Liabilities Creditors: amounts falling due 6,437 8,243 within one year Net Current Assets 34,623 46,437 Total Assets less Current 681,892 842,231 Liabilities Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year 202,466 244,125 Provision for liabilities and 21,760 23,155 charges Net Assets 457,666 574,951 Capital and Reserves Called-up share capital 16,308 16,308 Share premium 24,147 24,147 Capital redemption reserve 26,967 26,967 Realised capital profits 540,559 675,649 Unrealised capital losses (140,751) (162,281) Revenue reserves (9,564) (5,839) 441,358 558,643 Total Equity Shareholders' Funds 457,666 574,951 Net asset value per ordinary share 701.60p 881.40p of 25p Reconciliation of Total Shareholders' Funds (unaudited) For the six months ended 31 March 2003 2002 £'000 £'000 Total Return (40,118) 28,320 Exchange differences arising on (546) 5,521 consolidation Movements in Total Shareholders' (40,664) 33,841 Funds Total Shareholders' Funds at 1 498,330 541,110 October Total Shareholders' Funds at 31 457,666 574,951 March *Electra has historically deducted amounts due under incentive schemes from investments. These amounts have now been re-classified under Provision for liabilities and charges. This treatment is considered to be more appropriate in view of the substance of these schemes. There is no effect on the net assets of the Group from this re-classification. The prior year figures have been restated accordingly. This treatment is consistent with that adopted in the 30 September 2002 Accounts. Provision for Liabilities and Charges 31 March 2003 31 March 2002 £'000 £'000 ________________________________________________________________________ Amount due under incentive schemes 21,760 23,155 ________________________________________________________________________ Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (unaudited) For the six months ended 31 March £'000 2003 £'000 2002 £'000 £'000 Operating Activities UK dividend income 358 451 Unfranked investment income 6,525 2,590 Interest income 102 152 Other income 148 146 Expenses (8,494) (5,606) Net Cash Outflow from Operating (1,361) (2,267) Activities Returns on Investments and (3,667) (3,614) Servicing of Finance Interest paid Net Cash Outflow from Returns on (3,667) (3,614) Investments and Servicing of Finance Capital Expenditure and Financial Investment Purchases of investments (23,102) (52,714) Sales of investments 33,065 67,553 Net Cash Inflow from Capital 9,963 14,839 Expenditure and Financial Investment Net Cash Inflow before Management 4,935 8,958 of Liquid Resources and Financing Management of Liquid Resources 5,715 (12,326) Financing Bank loans drawn 27,000 29,000 Bank loans repaid (37,528) (29,018) Loans (paid)/received (213) 4,739 Net Cash (Outflow)/Inflow from (10,741) 4,721 Financing (Decrease)/Increase in Cash in the (91) 1,353 Period Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Debt (Decrease)/Increase in cash in the (91) 1,353 period Cash outflow from debt financing 10,528 18 Cash (inflow)/outflow from change in liquid resources (5,715) 12,326 4,813 12,344 Change in Net Debt Resulting from 4,722 13,697 Cash Flows Translations difference (3,695) (5,012) Movement in Net Debt 1,027 8,685 Net debt brought forward (192,927) (234,173) Net Debt Carried Forward (191,900) (225,488)
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