Director/PDMR Shareholding
Wincanton plc
In fulfilment of an obligation imposed by DTR 3.1, the Company announces the
following details relating to grants/awards made under the terms of the
Wincanton plc Executive Share Option Scheme 2001 ("ESOS"); the Wincanton plc
Share Match Incentive Scheme 2003 ("SMIS"); and the Wincanton plc Performance
Share Plan 2007 ("PSP").
1. Date of grant:
14 December 2007
2. Period during which the options/conditional share awards are exercisable,
assuming that the performance conditions are achieved:
ESOS - 14 December 2010 to 14 December 2017
SMIS and PSP - 14 December 2010 to 14 June 2011
3. Total amount paid (if any) for grant/award:
In respect of the ESOS and the PSP, no amount is paid in respect of the grant/
award. Similarly, for the SMIS, no amount is payable for the award of Matching
Shares however, the Matching Shares are awarded in proportion to the number of
shares lodged under the terms of the scheme by the participant.
4. Description of shares involved:
The grants were made over Ordinary shares of 10 pence each in the Company.
Name of Director / PDMR ESOS PSP SMIS SMIS Match
Lodged* *
Jeffrey Anderson PDMR N/A 27,994 [33,033] [223,958]
Peter Brennan PDMR 50,000 N/A N/A N/A
Gerard Connell Director N/A 46,875 [55,312] [375,000]
Harry Dumser PDMR 30,000 N/A N/A N/A
David Fawcett PDMR N/A 27,994 [33,033] [223,958]
Rupertus Kneiser PDMR 30,000 N/A N/A N/A
Egbert Maagd PDMR N/A 13,936 [16,445] [111,492]
Chris Mason PDMR N/A 26,692 [31,497] [213,541]
Graeme McFaull Director N/A 58,593 [69,140] [468,750]
Karl Nutzinger PDMR N/A 30,507 [35,999] [244,062]
Charles Phillips PDMR N/A 19,791 [23,354] [158,333]
Georg Pross PDMR 15,000 N/A N/A N/A
Jane Scadding PDMR N/A 16,630 [19,623] [133,041]
Wilfried Schumacher PDMR 15,000 N/A N/A N/A
Gordon Scott PDMR N/A 21,744 [25,658] [173,958]
Victor Strafford PDMR N/A 20,833 [24,583] [166,666]
Nigel Sullivan Director N/A 35,156 [41,484] [281,250]
Martin Taylor PDMR N/A 29,947 [35,338] [239,583]
Ryszard Warzocha PDMR N/A 16,178 [19,090] [129,427]
* The SMIS Lodged figure represents the maximum number of shares that a
participant is entitled to lodge under the terms of the scheme. The SMIS Match
figure represents the maximum number of Matching Shares that a participant
would be entitled to receive were they to lodge the maximum number of Lodged
Shares. Participants have 30 days from the 14th December 2007 in which to lodge
shares with IFG Trust Jersey Limited, the trustee of the Wincanton Employee
Share Trust, in its capacity as nominee. In the event that a participant does
not lodge their full entitlement of Lodged Shares then the Matching Award shall
lapse proportionately at the end of the 30-day period. At the end of the 30-day
period a further announcement will be made confirming the number of shares
actually lodged and the number of Matching Shares, which will lapse.
5. Exercise price:
ESOS - £3.84 (fixed at time of grant and calculated using the average MMQ for
the three days immediately preceding the date of grant).
SMIS - Matching Shares have been granted as nil cost options.
PSP - Conditional Shares have been awarded at nil cost.
6. Total number of shares over which options/awards held, under the terms of
the ESOS, SMIS and PSP, following this notification:
Name of Director / PDMR ESOS PSP SMIS SMIS Match
Lodged* *
Jeffrey Anderson PDMR 150,000 27,994 [33,033] [223,958]
Peter Brennan PDMR 200,000 N/A 7,382 7,382
Gerard Connell Director 612,977 46,875 [72,141] [391,829]
Harry Dumser PDMR 120,000 N/A 2,378 2,378
David Fawcett PDMR 150,000 27,994 [33,033] [223,958]
Rupertus Kneiser PDMR 120,000 N/A 2,159 2,159
Egbert Maagd PDMR N/A 13,936 [16,445] [111,492]
Chris Mason PDMR 200,000 26,692 [37,102] [219,146]
Graeme McFaull Director 600,325 58,593 [87,544] [487,154]
Karl Nutzinger PDMR 125,000 30,507 [45,067] [253,130]
Charles Phillips PDMR 280,000 19,791 [23,354] [158,333]
Georg Pross PDMR 60,000 N/A 1,257 1,257
Jane Scadding PDMR 180,000 16,630 [24,397] [137,815]
Wilfried PDMR 60,000 N/A 961 961
Gordon Scott PDMR 150,000 21,744 [25,658] [173,958]
Victor Strafford PDMR 90,000 20,833 [24,583] [166,666]
Nigel Sullivan Director 323,577 35,156 [52,209] [291,975]
Martin Taylor PDMR 150,000 29,947 [38,920] [243,165]
Ryszard Warzocha PDMR 60,000 16,178 [19,090] [129,427]
* The SMIS Lodged figure in square brackets represents the maximum number of
shares that a participant would hold if they contributed the maximum
entitlement at the end of the 30-day period following the Award date of 14
December 2007. The SMIS Match figure in square brackets represents the maximum
number of Matching Shares that a participant would be entitled to receive were
they to lodge the maximum number of Lodged Shares by the end of the 30-day
period following the Award date of 14 December 2007. In the event that a
participant does not lodge their full entitlement of Lodged Shares then the
Matching Award, in respect of the grant made on the 14 December 2007, shall
lapse proportionately at the end of the 30-day period. At the end of the 30-day
period a further announcement will be made confirming the total number of
shares over which options are held in respect of the SMIS.
7. Any additional information:
The trustees of the Wincanton plc Employee Share Trust in respect of shares
held in the trust have granted the options and the Company was notified on 17
December 2007 of these grants.
8. Name of contact and telephone number for queries:
Stephen Williams, Deputy Company Secretary - 01249 710 748
9. Name of authorised company official responsible for making this
Charles Phillips, Company Secretary
10. Date of Notification:
17 December 2007