Result of AGM
John Wood Group PLC ("Company")
Annual General Meeting - Proxy Voting
Meeting Date: 10 May 2012
Number of cards at meeting date: 535
Issued share capital at meeting date: 371,275,384
Number of votes per share: 1 vote per share
Resolution Shares For Shares Shares Shares Marked As
Discretionary Against Votes Withheld
/ Abstentions
1. 254,969,892 132,287 7,633,790 5,554
2. 262,491,431 242,316 7,777 0
3. 250,952,384 133,858 11,280,712 374,569
4. 247,117,924 131,705 15,491,894 0
5. 254,450,948 133,294 8,157,282 0
6. 252,426,898 133,294 10,180,804 528
7. 252,033,877 133,052 10,180,536 394,059
8. 252,425,626 133,294 10,182,076 528
9. 256,076,362 133,294 6,531,323 545
10. 256,231,259 133,052 6,376,668 545
11. 255,546,952 133,052 7,060,975 545
12. 256,077,811 133,052 6,530,116 545
13. 252,683,385 133,787 9,923,751 600
14. 254,611,691 135,406 3,084,687 4,909,739
15. 260,257,141 132,556 2,350,644 1,183
16. 236,818,481 133,237 19,616,166 6,173,639
17. 252,573,902 145,547 4,797,701 5,224,373
18. 262,533,275 159,220 35,729 13,300
19. 256,876,484 134,445 815,780 4,914,814
20. 255,703,727 133,213 6,904,275 309
These votes will shortly be available on the Company's website at:
In accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2 a copy of the resolutions passed at the
General Meeting has been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will
shortly be available for inspection at:
Name of authorised company official responsible for making this notification.