Interim Results

3i Group PLC 04 November 2004 04 November 2004 'Strong performance and good momentum' • Total return of £231 million • Significant increase in investment activity • Strong realisation proceeds of £603 million Interim results for the six months to 30 September 2004 Total return £231m Return on opening shareholders' funds 7.2% Revenue profit before tax £84m Realisation proceeds £603m Realisation profits on disposal of investments £95m Unrealised profits on revaluation of investments £118m Investment (including co-investment funds) £521m Diluted net asset value per share (post interim dividend) 568p Interim dividend 5.3p Highlights • Total return of £231 million, which represents a 7.2% return on restated opening shareholders' funds and compares with 5.1% for the FTSE All-Share and 6.0% for the FTSE 100 total return indices in the same period • Investment of £521 million (including co-investment funds), which compares with £273 million for the same period last year • Realisation proceeds of £603 million, which compares with £503 million for the same period last year Baroness Hogg, Chairman of 3i Group plc, said: 'This strong performance and good momentum confirm that the changes made to the business over the last few years are bearing fruit.' 3i's Chief Executive, Philip Yea, said: 'Our strategy plays to our competitive strengths. I am encouraged by the opportunities for growth. My objective is to build on the significant changes implemented at 3i over the past few years by ensuring that we use our scale with greater agility.' - ends - For further information regarding the announcement of 3i's interim results to 30 September 2004 please see For further information, please contact: Philip Yea, Chief Executive Tel: 020 7975 3386 3i Group plc Michael Queen, Finance Director Tel: 020 7975 3400 3i Group plc Patrick Dunne, Group Communications Director Tel: 020 7975 3283 3i Group plc Issued by: Philip Gawith Tel: 020 7379 5151 The Maitland Consultancy Notes to editors 3i is a world leader in private equity and venture capital. We focus on buy-outs, growth capital and venture capital and invest across Europe, in the United States and in Asia Pacific. Our competitive advantage comes from our international network and the strength and breadth of our relationships in business. It underpins the value that we deliver to our portfolio and to our shareholders. Chairman's statement A strong performance and good momentum in both investments and realisations confirm that the changes made to the business over the last few years are bearing fruit. The total return of £231 million for the six months to 30 September 2004 represents a 7.2% return on opening shareholders' funds. This compares with 5.1% for the FTSE All-Share, and 6.0% for the FTSE 100 total return index, in the same period. The Directors have announced an interim dividend of 5.3p, representing an increase of 3.9%. Our teams around the world have been taking advantage of the market access our network brings to make investments totalling £521 million in the first half of the financial year. And profits of £95 million on realisation proceeds of £603 million demonstrate the quality of our portfolio - particularly since these profits come on top of significant increases in the value of investments recorded at the end of March. A fall in the level of provisions is a further indicator of the improvement in the health of the portfolio. The appointment of Philip Yea as our new Chief Executive has been widely welcomed. Since joining 3i on 7 July, he has reviewed the Group's strategy and vision. In his Chief Executive's statement, he outlines the organisational changes he has made to position the business for growth, enhance the linkage between our geographic markets and the business lines, and ensure that 3i continues to attract and retain the best talent. Two new non-executive Directors have joined the Board since the Annual General Meeting: Sir Robert Smith and Dr Peter Mihatsch. Sir Robert is a highly experienced public company director who also has substantial experience in private equity. Peter has great experience of growing successful European businesses and particular knowledge of German industry. His appointment means that half of our non-executive Directors are now based outside the UK, reflecting the increasing international breadth of 3i. On the executive side of the Board, the major change is that Michael Queen, our Finance Director, is taking on responsibility for our important Growth Capital business. To succeed Michael, we have recruited Simon Ball, who will make an excellent addition to the Board. Meanwhile, Martin Gagen, who has been responsible for 3i in the US since 1999, stepped down from the Board in August. I would like to thank Martin for all he has done in developing this business. Looking forward, our European Enterprise Barometer suggests that the outlook continues to be positive, but with greater uncertainty than six months ago. We will remain active investors while continuing to maintain a rigorous approach to quality and pricing. Baroness Hogg Chairman 3 November 2004 Chief Executive's statement My priority since joining in July has been to meet with as many colleagues as possible in 3i's principal markets. I have found the business in good shape. Furthermore, I am encouraged by the opportunities for growth in the markets in which we operate and the potential to exploit the considerable advantages that the Group enjoys. Our strategy plays to our competitive strengths. My objective will be to build on the significant changes that each business line has implemented over the past few years. However, it is just as important to lay the foundations for future growth, by developing further the capabilities that will allow us to invest successfully and thus achieve appropriate returns for our shareholders. In our Buyout business, the strength of our network and our sector knowledge are critical both to the buying decision and creating value post investment. In an increasingly competitive market, these advantages enable us to secure the most attractive investments whilst achieving highly profitable realisations. We are well placed to win deals and drive further value from our investments. 3i's Growth Capital business enjoys the same advantages in a less competitive sector and is rightly concentrating on further improving its origination and execution skills. There is significant opportunity to grow the amount of investment by this business line. Our Venture Capital business is one of a handful of such businesses which can operate on a truly international basis. Bringing our resources to serve the requirements of individual sectors requires new ways of working that our venture teams are making their priority. As an investment trust, we report our returns in terms of net asset value. However, our objective for our business lines is to deliver gross vintage returns that compare with the best in our industry. Looking forward, these are likely to be of the order of 20% for Buyouts and Growth Capital and 35% for Venture. We intend to show increasing evidence of our progress towards these returns over the next few years, although the investment cycle in our Venture business requires more time to demonstrate this. At a time when our end markets are internationalising and a number of our competitors are addressing succession issues by trying to become more institutional, 3i is well placed through the scale of our international resources and connections to remain a leader in our industry. However, it is critical that we leverage our scale and show greater agility in bringing these resources to bear in our markets. For this reason I have appointed Chris Rowlands, formerly Head of Growth Capital, to the newly created position of Head of Group Markets. In this position, he will be responsible for managing both our geographical markets and our other Group resources to ensure that we serve our three business lines in the most effective manner. Michael Queen, who has extensive experience in growth capital investing, will succeed Chris as Head of Growth Capital. Simon Ball will succeed Michael as Finance Director and will join 3i on 7 February 2005. Simon brings wide experience in financial services and change management through his time at Robert Fleming and Kleinwort Benson. Our people, both investors and support staff, are critical to our future success. As one of the few truly international players in an attractive industry, we can recruit and retain the right talent provided we pay at market rates and give opportunities for people to grow. Compensation schemes were revised last year and these give a basis through which investment executives will share in the success of the investments in which they are most directly involved. Developing the appropriate resources and capabilities requires a shift in the focus of how we manage our human resources and so our new Group Human Resources Director, Denise Collis, will become a member of our Executive Committee when she joins on 8 November. We intend to build on the achievements of the past few years and deliver growth in value for our shareholders. Philip Yea Chief Executive 3 November 2004 Interim review Macroeconomic and market conditions Overall, the macroeconomic environment for 3i's portfolio companies remained relatively benign over the six-month period, though conditions within the different geographies and sectors in which our portfolio companies operate were variable. Both business sentiment and consumer confidence remained broadly positive. In currency terms, the euro was relatively unchanged against the US dollar, while sterling weakened significantly against both the euro and the US dollar. Stock markets across Europe lacked direction over the period and the volume of mergers and acquisitions ('M&A'), a key driver of activity for our Buyout business, remained relatively subdued, both in Europe and globally. The private equity and venture capital markets are experiencing increased levels of activity when compared with those in 2003, although the 2003 levels were adversely affected by the economic and business uncertainties prevailing during the first half of the year. Market statistics for the first six months of 2004 show aggregate European investment 12.5% up on the equivalent period in 2003, with buyouts up 7.5%, growth capital more than doubling (from a particularly low 2003 figure) and early-stage investment up 14.9%. Market statistics for the venture capital market in the US, a key driver of venture capital activity worldwide, show that investment in the first six months of 2004 was up 23.2% on the equivalent period last year; and statistics for the same period for Asia Pacific show overall private equity investment up 39.6% on 2003. There has been some improvement in the environment for realisations, although trade sales and IPO's of private equity-backed businesses remain at relatively low levels by historical standards. The level of secondary buyouts has remained high and conditions remain supportive for refinancing businesses. Total return 3i achieved a total return of £231 million for the period, which equates to 7.2% on restated opening shareholders' funds. This compares with returns on the FTSE All-Share, FTSE 100 and FTSE SmallCap (ex investment companies) total return indices of 5.1%, 6.0% and minus 2.8% respectively. The main drivers of the total return were a good level of profitable realisations, strong levels of income and steady growth in the value of the portfolio. Each of our three business lines has performed satisfactorily. The Buyout return of 8.8% was underpinned by good valuation uplifts on a number of strongly-performing assets, including Westminster Healthcare, which was sold in October. The Growth Capital business line achieved an 8.3% return, mainly as a result of strong realisation profits and good levels of income from the portfolio, including a high level of special dividend receipts arising on the sale of investments. The Venture Capital business line made a positive total return of 1.4%, reflecting a good level of realised profits, a number of valuation increases arising as a result of portfolio companies raising funds from new investors at increased values, reduced levels of provisions and a foreign currency translation gain. Investment 3i invested a total of £422 million (£521 million including investment on behalf of co-investment funds), which is a substantial increase over the low level of investment in the equivalent period last year. Buyouts represented 51% of total investment, Growth Capital 32% and Venture Capital 17%. Of the amount invested in Venture Capital, 68% was further investment into existing portfolio companies. There is an increasing level of investment undertaken overseas, with continental Europe representing 53%, the US 8% and Asia Pacific 3% of the total invested. The share of investment represented by continental Europe reflects our focus on the relatively less mature private equity and venture capital markets there (compared with those in the UK), and also 3i's ability to access and execute deals across Europe through our regional presence and ability to resource transactions on a pan-European basis. Realisations 3i generated realisation proceeds of £603 million (2003: £503 million) during the period, reflecting a profit over 31 March values of £95 million (19%), compared with £134 million (36%) in the equivalent period last year. The uplift over 31 March values on realisations of equity investments was 28% (2003: 61%). The reduced uplift figures relative to last year are largely due to the high level of realisations achieved in the earlier months of this period compared with last year. These assets were realised for amounts similar to their carrying value at 31 March 2004 as they were then valued on an imminent sale basis. Realised profits are stated net of write-offs, which amounted to £13 million (2003: £25 million). Overall, 12% of the opening portfolio was realised during the period (2003: 10%). Although most of our realisation proceeds continue to come from sales of portfolio businesses to trade and financial purchasers, six portfolio companies achieved IPO's during the period (two on the Official List of the London Stock Exchange, two on AIM and one each in Frankfurt and Hong Kong). The IPO's of Pinewood Shepperton, the film and TV studios business, and E2V Holdings, a supplier of switching, sensing and imaging components, were notable in providing 3i with a 100% cash realisation on IPO. Unrealised value movement The unrealised profit on the revaluation of investments was £118 million (2003: £222 million). The weighted average earnings multiple applied to investments valued on an earnings basis was 12.0 at both 30 September and 31 March. However, for those investments valued on an earnings basis at both dates, there was a small increase in earnings multiples, giving rise to a value increase of £18 million. The aggregate attributable earnings of investments valued on an earnings basis at both the start and the end of the period increased by approximately 2%, giving rise to a £22 million value increase. A number of strongly-performing Mid-market Buyouts and Growth Capital assets contributed significantly to this increase. The net valuation impact arising on investments being valued on a basis other than cost for the first time ('first-time uplifts') was £32 million. The relatively low figure reflects the reduced level of investment made in late 2002 and the first half of 2003. Provisions against investments in businesses which may fail totalled £44 million in the period, representing 1% of the opening portfolio value and a significant improvement over levels in recent periods. There was a net £21 million valuation increase as a result of investee companies raising funds from new investors at increased values (£25 million), valuation reductions relating to the application of 3i's downround methodology (£4 million) and restructuring provisions (£nil). Other movements on unquoted investments include valuation increases totalling £85 million on investments being revalued on an imminent sale basis, a foreign currency translation gain of £27 million and a valuation reduction of £38 million applied to the carrying value of loan investments and fixed income shares. The quoted investments held at 30 September decreased in aggregate by £1 million (2003: £44 million increase), broadly reflecting the flat smaller quoted equities market over the period. Carried interest and investment performance plans The charge in the period of £25 million (2003: £12 million) reflects both profitable realisations and strong value growth on a number of recent investments. Income and costs Total operating income before interest payable was £161 million (2003: £130 million). The increase over the same period last year is due mainly to the receipt of several large special dividends arising on the sale of investments and a rise in deal-related fees resulting from the increased level of investment. Net interest payable decreased relative to last year, reflecting both the reduced level of net borrowings and the lower average rate of interest following the €550 million convertible bond issue in August 2003. Management expenses of £81 million are higher than in the equivalent period last year (but in line with the run-rate for the whole of the last financial year) mainly as a result of staff bonus costs being accrued at a higher level than in the first half of last year. Staff headcount during the period fell slightly, from 750 at 31 March to 740 at 30 September. The portfolio The number of investments in the portfolio fell from 1,878 at 31 March to 1,738 at 30 September, reflecting the high level of realisations. As at 30 September, the top 10 investments represented 15% of the total portfolio by value, and the top 50 represented 38%, highlighting the relatively low exposure 3i has to individual company risk. Accounting policies and valuation Financial Reporting Standard 17 'Retirement Benefits' has been implemented in full for the first time during the period. Additionally, the recommendations of Urgent Issues Task Force Abstract 38 'Accounting for ESOP Trusts' have been implemented and the presentation of comparatives changed accordingly. Work to comply with the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') in the year to 31 March 2006 is advancing to plan. Differences have been identified, revised accounting policies are being finalised and systems changes are in progress. Subject to the endorsement by the EU of certain specific standards, notably IAS 32 'Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation' and IAS 39 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement', 3i is confident that it will be able to meet requirements for financial reporting during the year to 31 March 2006. The first financial statements prepared on an IFRS basis will be those for the six months to 30 September 2005. There have been no changes in valuation methodology during the period. Cash flows and capital structure Net cash inflow for the period was £64 million. Net borrowings at 30 September were £901 million, down from £936 million at 31 March. Gearing at 30 September was 26%, compared with 29% at 31 March. There were no significant changes in 3i's capital structure during the period. Since 30 September, 3i has adopted a new hedging policy, which will be implemented over the next 12 months. The policy is designed to eliminate, as far as possible, the exposure of assets denominated in foreign currencies to movements in the exchange rates between sterling and the respective currencies. Foreign currency borrowings and swaps will be used to effect the hedges. Outlook Since the start of October, the pipelines for new investments and exits have been at reasonably good levels. Economic conditions remain broadly supportive, despite some uncertainty surrounding the outlook for the global economy, both the listed equity and M&A markets are showing signs of activity. We remain positive about the prospects for the second half of the year. Consolidated statement of total return for the six months to 30 September 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 months to 30 September 6 months to 30 September 12 months to 31 March 2004 2003 2004 (as restated)* (as restated)* (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m £m -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital profits Realised profits on disposal of investments 95 95 134 134 228 228 Unrealised profits on revaluation of investments 118 118 222 222 336 336 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 213 213 356 356 564 564 Carried interest and investment performance plans (25) (25) (12) (12) (40) (40) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 188 188 344 344 524 524 Total operating income before interest payable 146 15 161 130 - 130 262 5 267 Interest payable (27) (15) (42) (27) (23) (50) (51) (42) (93) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 119 188 307 103 321 424 211 487 698 Administrative expenses (36) (45) (81) (30) (40) (70) (72) (91) (163) Other finance income/(costs) on pension plan 1 1 (2) (2) (3) (3) Actuarial gains/(losses) on pension plan 3 3 10 10 (4) (4) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return before tax and currency translation adjustment 84 146 230 71 291 362 136 392 528 Tax (14) 12 (2) (9) 8 (1) (29) 25 (4) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return for the period before currency translation adjustment 70 158 228 62 299 361 107 417 524 Currency translation adjustment 1 2 3 12 (6) 6 24 (24) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total return 71 160 231 74 293 367 131 393 524 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total return per share Basic (pence) 11.7p 26.5p 38.2p 12.3p 48.7p 61.0p 21.8p 65.2p 87.0p Diluted (pence) 11.3p 25.6p 36.9p 12.1p 48.1p 60.2p 21.2p 63.8p 85.0p -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Movement in shareholders' funds for the six months to 30 September 2004 6 months to 6 months to 12 months to 30 September 30 September 31 March 2004 2003 2004 (as restated)*(as restated)* (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £m £m £m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opening balance 3,395 2,936 2,936 Prior year adjustment (165) (147) (147) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opening balance as restated 3,230 2,789 2,789 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revenue return 71 74 131 Capital return 160 293 393 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total return 231 367 524 Dividends (32) (31) (84) Proceeds of issues of shares 2 6 12 Own shares 5 (5) (11) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Movement in the period 206 337 441 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Closing balance 3,436 3,126 3,230 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *As restated to reflect the adoption of FRS 17 - Retirement Benefits and UITF 38 - Accounting for ESOP Trusts. See Basis of preparation. Consolidated revenue statement for the six months to 30 September 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 months to 6 months to 12 months to 30 September 30 September 31 March 2004 2003 2004 (as restated)* (as restated)* (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £m £m £m -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interest receivable on loan investments 51 43 84 Fixed rate dividends 3 4 8 Other interest receivable and similar income 21 17 33 Interest payable (27) (27) (51) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net interest income 48 37 74 Dividend income from equity shares 53 45 94 Share of net losses of joint ventures - - (1) Fees receivable 18 21 43 Other operating income - - 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total operating income 119 103 211 Administrative expenses and depreciation (36) (30) (72) Other finance income/(costs) on pension plan 1 (2) (3) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profit on ordinary activities before tax 84 71 136 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (14) (9) (29) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profit for the period 70 62 107 Dividends Interim (5.3p per share proposed, 2004: 5.1p per share paid) (32) (31) (31) Final (2004: 8.9p per share paid) (53) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profit retained for the period 38 31 23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dividends per share (pence) 5.3p 5.1p 14.0p -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earnings per share Basic (pence) 11.6p 10.3p 17.8p Diluted (pence) 11.2p 10.2p 17.3p -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *As restated to reflect the adoption of FRS 17 - Retirement Benefits and UITF 38 - Accounting for ESOP Trusts. See Basis of preparation. Consolidated balance sheet as at 30 September 2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30 September 30 September 31 March 2004 2003 2004 (as restated)* (as restated)* (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Assets £m £m £m £m £m £m ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Treasury bills and other eligible bills 1 1 1 Loans and advances to banks 718 800 534 Debt securities held for treasury purposes 225 218 284 Debt securities and other fixed income securities held as financial fixed asset investments Loan investments 1,408 1,229 1,312 Fixed income shares 124 199 150 Equity shares Listed 227 168 225 Unlisted 2,619 2,410 2,639 ------ ------ ------ 4,378 4,006 4,326 Interests in joint ventures Share of gross assets 51 116 80 Share of gross liabilities (22) (85) (53) ------ ------ ------ 29 31 27 Tangible fixed assets 39 43 40 Other assets 160 151 118 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total assets 5,550 5,250 5,330 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liabilities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deposits by banks 213 290 215 Debt securities in issue 1,207 1,103 1,128 Convertible bonds 377 384 367 Other liabilities 249 217 262 Subordinated liabilities 48 49 45 Defined benefit liabilities 20 81 83 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,114 2,124 2,100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Called up share capital 307 306 307 Share premium account 361 354 359 Capital redemption reserve 1 1 1 Capital reserve 2,386 2,126 2,226 Revenue reserve 431 388 392 Own shares (50) (49) (55) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equity shareholders' funds 3,436 3,126 3,230 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total liabilities 5,550 5,250 5,330 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net asset value per share Basic (pence) 568p 518p 535p Diluted (pence) 568p 518p 535p ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *As restated to reflect the adoption of FRS 17 - Retirement Benefits and UITF 38 - Accounting for ESOP Trusts. See Basis of preparation. Approved by the Board 3 November 2004 Consolidated cash flow statement for the six months to 30 September 2004 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 months to 6 months to 12 months to 30 September 30 September 31 March 2004 2003 2004 (as restated)* (as restated)* (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £m £m £m -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating activities Interest received and similar income arising from debt securities and other fixed income securities held as financial fixed asset investments 26 29 66 Other interest received and similar income 20 17 35 Dividends received from equity shares 53 45 93 Fees and other net cash receipts - revenue 18 20 41 - capital 15 - 5 Administrative expenses paid - revenue (55) (40) (53) - capital (45) (40) (91) Additional pension contributions (60) - (13) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash flow from operating activities (28) 31 83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Returns on investment and servicing of finance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interest paid on borrowings - revenue (22) (31) (59) - capital (15) (23) (42) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash flow from returns on investments and servicing of finance (37) (54) (101) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Taxation paid (1) (2) (2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital expenditure and financial investment Investment in equity shares, fixed income shares and loans (426) (194) (756) Sale, repayment or redemption of equity shares, fixed income shares and loan investments 605 501 913 Purchase of tangible fixed assets (2) (1) (2) Sale of tangible fixed assets - 1 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash flow from capital expenditure and financial investment 177 307 156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acquisitions and disposals Investment in joint ventures - - (25) Divestment or repayment of interests in joint ventures 5 - 25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash flow from acquisitions and disposals 5 - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equity dividends paid (54) (52) (83) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Management of liquid resources (146) (162) (15) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash flow before financing (84) 68 38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Financing Debt due within one year 50 (283) (232) Debt due after more than one year 8 265 200 Issues of shares 2 6 12 Own shares - (11) (20) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash flow from financing 60 (23) (40) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change in cash (24) 45 (2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *As restated to reflect the adoption of FRS 17 - Retirement Benefits and UITF 38 - Accounting for ESOP Trusts. See Basis of preparation. Notes to the financial statements for the six months to 30 September 2004 1 Reconciliation of revenue profit before tax to net cash flow from operating activities ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 months to 6 months to 12 months to 30 September 30 September 31 March 2004 2003 2004 (as restated)* (as restated)* (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £m £m £m ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revenue profit before tax 84 71 136 Fees receivable and deal-related costs accounted for in the capital reserve 15 - 5 Administrative expenses allocated to the capital reserve (45) (40) (91) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 54 31 50 Interest payable - revenue 27 27 51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 58 101 Depreciation of equipment and vehicles 2 3 5 Tax on investment income included within income from overseas companies - - (1) Interest received by way of loan notes (16) (15) (28) Additional pension contributions (60) - (13) Movement in prepayments and accrued income (12) (6) 3 Movement in accruals and deferred income (21) (4) 17 Movement in provisions for liabilities and charges (2) (5) (2) Reversal of losses of joint ventures less distributions received - - 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash flow from operating activities (28) 31 83 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Reconciliation of net cash flows to movements in net debt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 months to 6 months to 12 months to 30 September 30 September 31 March 2004 2003 2004 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) £m £m £m -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change in cash in the period (24) 45 (2) Cash flow from management of liquid resources 146 162 15 Cash flow from debt financing (57) 13 33 Cash flow from subordinated liabilities (2) 5 (1) Cash flow from finance leases 1 - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change in net debt from cash flows 64 225 45 Foreign exchange movements (28) (17) 27 Non-cash changes - (2) 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Movement in net debt in the period 36 206 77 Net debt at start of period (938) (1,015) (1,015) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net debt at end of period (902) (809) (938) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Analysis of net debt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other 1 April Exchange non-cash 30 September 2004 Cash flow movement changes 2004 (audited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) £m £m £m £m £m -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash and deposits repayable on demand 94 (24) 1 - 71 Treasury bills, other loans, advances and treasury debt securities 725 146 2 - 873 Deposits and debt securities repayable within one year (160) (50) (9) (7) (226) Deposits and debt securities repayable after one year (1,550) (7) (21) 7 (1,571) Subordinated liabilities repayable after one year (45) (2) (1) - (48) Finance leases (2) 1 - - (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (938) 64 (28) - (902) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *As restated to reflect the adoption of FRS 17 - Retirement Benefits and UITF 38 - Accounting for ESOP Trusts. See Basis of preparation. Basis of preparation The accounting policies used in the preparation of the Interim report are the same as those used in the statutory accounts for the year to 31 March 2004, except as explained below, and are those expected to be used for the year to 31 March 2005. Financial Reporting Standard 17 - Retirement Benefits ('FRS 17') The Group has adopted fully the reporting requirements of FRS 17, having previously complied with the transitional requirements of the standard. Ongoing service cost, finance charges or credits and expected returns on assets are shown in the revenue return. Differences between expected and actual returns and changes in actuarial assumptions are shown as part of the capital return. The effect of adopting FRS 17 is to reduce shareholders' funds by £110 million at 31 March 2004. Urgent Issues Task Force Abstract 38 - Accounting for ESOP Trusts ('UITF 38') The Group has also adopted UITF 38. This requires shares held by the 3i Group Employee Trust to be accounted for as a deduction in arriving at shareholders' funds rather than as an asset. The effect of this is to reduce shareholders' funds by £55 million at 31 March 2004. Certain comparatives have been restated to reflect these changes. The figures for the year to 31 March 2004 (before restatement) have been extracted from the accounts filed with the Registrar of Companies on which the auditors issued a report, which was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. The Interim report does not constitute statutory accounts. 3i's actual future results may differ materially from the plans, goals and expectations set forth in any of its forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. 3i does not undertake to update forward-looking statements to reflect any changes in its expectations with regard thereto or any changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based. Independent review report to 3i Group plc Introduction We have been instructed by the Company to review the financial information for the six months ended 30 September 2004 which comprises Consolidated statement of total return, Movement in shareholders' funds, Consolidated revenue statement, Consolidated balance sheet, Consolidated cash flow statement and the related notes 1 to 3 and the Basis of preparation. We have read the other information contained in the Interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial information. This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4 'Review of interim financial information' issued by the Auditing Practices Board. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company, for our work, for this report or for the conclusions we have formed. Directors' responsibilities The Interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors. The Directors are responsible for preparing the Interim report in accordance with the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed. Review work performed We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review consists principally of making enquiries of group management and applying analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data, and based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets, liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with United Kingdom Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on the financial information. Review conclusion On the basis of our review, we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months ended 30 September 2004. Ernst & Young LLP London 3 November 2004 Note 1 The Interim report 2004 will be posted to shareholders on 15 November 2004 and thereafter copies will be available from the Company Secretary, 3i Group plc, 91 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8XP. Note 2 The interim dividend will be payable on 5 January 2005 to holders of shares on the register on 3 December 2004. The ex-dividend date will be 1 December 2004. New investment analysis Analysis of the equity, fixed income and loan investments made by 3i Group (including co-investment funds). The analyses below exclude investments in joint ventures. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 months to 6 months to 12 months to 30 September 30 September 31 March Investment by business line (£m) 2004 2003 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Buyouts 305 141 492 Growth Capital 142 76 313 Venture Capital 74 56 174 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 521 273 979 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investment by geography (3i only - excluding co-investment funds) (£m) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UK 152 53 309 Continental Europe 222 134 401 US 35 18 61 Asia Pacific 13 6 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 422 211 784 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Investment by geography (including co-investment funds) (£m) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UK 201 65 375 Continental Europe 268 182 526 US 35 18 61 Asia Pacific 17 8 17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total 521 273 979 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continental European investment (£m) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benelux 14 52 73 France 81 12 89 Germany/Austria/Switzerland 89 48 186 Italy 10 18 19 Nordic 46 27 106 Spain 26 20 34 Other European* 2 5 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 268 182 526 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Other European includes investments in countries where 3i did not have an office at the period end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Investment by FTSE industrial classification (£m) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resources 89 4 11 Industrials 125 53 219 Consumer goods 69 80 306 Services and utilities 142 66 290 Financials 59 20 33 Information technology 37 50 120 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 521 273 979 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portfolio analysis The Group's equity, fixed income and loan investments total £4,378 million at 30 September 2004 (excluding co-investment funds). The analyses below exclude joint ventures. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At 30 September At 31 March Portfolio value by business line (£m) 2004 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buyouts 2,291 2,306 Growth Capital 1,493 1,487 Venture Capital 594 533 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,378 4,326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portfolio value by geography (including co-investment funds) (£m) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UK 2,861 3,024 Continental Europe 2,473 2,299 US 269 241 Asia Pacific 83 86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 5,686 5,650 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portfolio value by geography (3i only - excluding co-investment funds) (£m) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UK 2,361 2,506 Continental Europe 1,685 1,511 US 262 234 Asia Pacific 70 75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,378 4,326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continental European portfolio value (£m) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benelux 212 181 France 296 234 Germany/Austria/Switzerland 512 454 Italy 61 53 Nordic 311 332 Spain 252 224 Other European* 41 33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,685 1,511 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Other European includes investments in countries where 3i did not have an office at the period end. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portfolio value by FTSE industrial classification (£m) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resources 171 155 Industrials 1,051 1,018 Consumer goods 1,093 1,026 Services and utilities 1,172 1,275 Financials 290 238 Information technology 601 614 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,378 4,326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portfolio value by valuation method (£m) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imminent sale or IPO 258 174 Listed 227 225 Secondary market 25 29 Earnings 1,222 1,347 Cost 535 509 Further advance 174 149 Net assets 100 103 Other (including other Venture Capital assets valued below cost) 305 328 Loan investments and fixed income shares 1,532 1,462 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 4,378 4,326 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portfolio analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At 30 September At 31 March Buyout portfolio value by valuation method (£m) 2004 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imminent sale or IPO 176 103 Listed 102 103 Secondary market 1 1 Earnings 684 834 Cost 87 78 Net assets 18 20 Other 75 61 Loan investments and fixed income shares 1,148 1,106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,291 2,306 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Growth Capital portfolio value by valuation method (£m) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imminent sale or IPO 56 38 Listed 125 122 Secondary market 24 28 Earnings 537 513 Cost 184 202 Further advance 16 32 Net assets 81 82 Other 148 169 Loan investments and fixed income shares 322 301 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,493 1,487 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Venture Capital portfolio value by valuation method (£m) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imminent sale or IPO 26 33 Earnings 1 - Cost 264 229 Further advance 158 117 Net assets 1 1 Other Venture Capital assets valued below cost 65 64 Other 17 34 Loan investments and fixed income shares 62 55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 594 533 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technology portfolio value by stage (£m) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Venture Capital 594 533 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Late stage technology Quoted 131 136 Buyouts 194 305 Growth Capital 291 317 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 616 758 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 1,210 1,291 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Venture Capital portfolio comprises investments in immature businesses which typically require further funding. The late stage portfolio comprises investments in more mature, typically self-funding businesses, including investments made by way of Buyouts and Growth Capital. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Venture Capital portfolio value by sector (£m) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Healthcare 194 169 Communications 143 117 Electronics, semiconductors and advanced technologies 97 73 Software 160 174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 594 533 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Realisations analysis Analysis of the Group's realisation proceeds (excluding co-investment funds). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 months to 6 months to 12 months to 30 September 30 September 31 March Realisations proceeds 2004 2003 2004 by business line (£m) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buyouts 388 229 464 Growth Capital 133 197 339 Venture Capital 82 77 120 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 603 503 923 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Realisations proceeds by geography (£m) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UK 445 317 608 Continental Europe 148 119 245 US 9 11 10 Asia Pacific 1 56 60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 603 503 923 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Realisations proceeds (£m) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IPO 34 - 7 Sale of quoted investments 38 73 118 Trade and other sales 345 298 532 Loan and fixed income share repayments 186 132 266 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 603 503 923 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Realisations proceeds by FTSE industrial classification (£m) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resources 60 13 14 Industrials 90 73 216 Consumer goods 90 78 167 Services and utilities 282 225 352 Financials 3 68 80 Information technology 78 46 94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 603 503 923 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funds under management -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At 30 September At 31 March (£m) 2004 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Third party unquoted co-investment funds 1,884 1,875 Quoted investment companies* 646 600 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 2,530 2,475 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Includes the 3i Group Pension Plan. Ten largest investments At 30 September 2004, the Directors' valuation of the ten largest investments was a total of £677 million. The cost of these investments is £348 million. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Directors' First Cost Proportion Valuation invested (Note 1) of equity (Note 1) Investment in £m shares held £m ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Westminster Health Care Holdings Ltd (2) Care homes operator 2002 Equity shares 1 49.6% 101 Loans 37 37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SR Technics Holding AG Technical solutions provider for commercial 2002 aircraft fleets Equity shares 7 32.2% 47 Loans 50 50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yellow Brick Road BV(3) Directory services 2004 Equity shares 6 22.7% 35 Loans 16 47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22 82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Betapharm Arzneimittel GmbH Supplier of generic prescription drugs 2003 Equity shares 3 66.2% 3 Loans 63 63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66 66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Travelex Holdings Ltd(4) Foreign currency services 1998 Equity shares - 19.6% 61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keos SA Transport operator 2004 Equity shares 11 41.4% 11 Loans 42 42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53 53 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ERM Holdings Ltd(5) Environmental consultancy 2001 Equity shares - 38.1% 19 Loans 33 33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Williams Lea Group Ltd Outsourced print services 1965 Equity shares 33 38.1% 45 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33 45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vetco International Ltd(6) Oilfield equipment manufacturer 2004 Equity shares - 17.7% - Loans 44 44 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44 44 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tato Holdings Ltd Manufacture and sale of specialist chemicals 1989 Equity shares 2 25.2% 39 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes 1 The investment information is in respect of 3i's holding and excludes any co-investment by 3i managed funds. 2 This investment has been sold since the period end. 3 In April 2004, three portfolio companies in the Telephone Directories sector were merged to form Yellow Brick Road BV. 3i's equity value was converted into a loan and into new equity shares. 4 The cost of the equity held in Travelex Holdings Ltd is £121,000. 5 The cost of the equity held in ERM Holdings Ltd is £406,000. 6 The cost of the equity held in Vetco International Ltd is £427,000. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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