Standard Life plc
Presentation to Analysts and Investors
Our UK business
12 October 2011
Standard Life plc is hosting a presentation for Analysts and Investors on its UK business at 9.00am (UK time) today, 12 October 2011, at Deutsche Bank, Winchester House, 1 Great Winchester Street, London, EC2N 2DB. This will include an overview of the contribution to revenue and IFRS operating profit of the UK corporate and retail businesses.
The presentation slides will be available on the Standard Life website at 9.00am
For further information please contact:
Institutional Investors:
Jakub Rosochowski, 0131 245 8028
Barry Cameron, 0131 245 6165 / 07712 486 463
Nicola McGowan, 0131 245 4016 / 07872 191 341