Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): 213800RIA1NX8DP4P938
4 January 2021
Aberdeen Emerging Markets Investment Company Limited announces that it is satisfied that any inside information which the Directors or the Company may have had up to today's date has previously been notified to a Regulated Information Service ("RIS").
By virtue of the points set out in (1) to (4) below, the Directors and the Company do not currently expect there to be any inside information arising in the closed period as defined by the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The closed period will end on the date of the announcement of the Company's Annual Financial Report for the year ended 31 October 2020.
1) the announcement on 2 November 2020 of the Company's net asset value per share as of the close of business on 30 October 2020,
2) the Company's belief, following reasonable enquiries, that there will be no material difference between the information published on 2 November 2020 and that to be included in the forthcoming announcement of the Annual Financial Report,
3) the Company's practice of calculating net asset values per share each business day and the announcement of these net asset values to an RIS, and
4) there being no other unpublished information which constitutes price-sensitive information in respect of the Company's securities.
The Company is therefore not prohibited from dealing in its own securities during the closed period.
If, during the closed period leading up to the announcement of the Annual Financial Report, the Company or its Directors become aware of any inside information, such inside information will be managed in accordance with the UKLA's DTR 2.
Aberdeen Standard Fund Managers Limited (Alternative Investment Fund Manager to Aberdeen Emerging Markets Investment Company Limited)
William Hemmings
Tel: +44 (0)207 463 6223
Luke Mason
Tel +44 (0)207 463 5971
Andrew Lister / Bernard Moody
Tel: +44 (0)207 618 1440
PraxisIFM Fund Services (UK) Limited (UK Administration Agent)
Sylvanus Cofie Tel: +44 (0)204 513 9260
Ordinary Shares - Listing Category: Premium - Equity Closed-ended Investment Funds