Final Results
British Assets Trust PLC
16 November 2005
Date: 16 November 2005
Unaudited results for the year ended 30 September 2005
• Net asset value total return of 27.8 per cent compared to a return of
24.6 per cent from the benchmark index
• Share price total return of 31.1 per cent reflecting narrowing of the
discount to 9.7 per cent
• Dividend yield of 4.2 per cent
The Year to 30 September 2005 was a strong year for global stockmarkets. The
Company's net asset value total return, with net dividends reinvested, was 27.8
per cent. This compares well with a total return of 24.6 per cent from the
benchmark index of 75 per cent FTSE All-Share Index and 25 per cent FTSE World
(ex UK) Index. The share price total return for the year was 31.1 per cent,
helped by the narrowing of the discount of share price to net asset value from
11.6 per cent to 9.7 per cent.
Asset allocation, gearing and share buy backs enhanced returns for shareholders
during the year. Overall stock selection was positive compared to the benchmark.
Good performance in Europe was offset by underperformance in the early part of
the financial year in North America. However, since the appointment by F&C Asset
Management plc of a new fund manager for North America, at the end of 2004, we
have seen an improvement in performance from this portfolio. The Board will
continue to keep this area under careful review. Corporate bond returns lagged
equities during the year but the portfolio still delivered a return of 10.1 per
cent, well above the cost of the Company's borrowings, whilst providing an
attractive yield and making an important contribution to the Revenue Account.
During the first half of the year, the FTSE All-Share Index increased in value
on the back of strong dividend growth, share buy backs and bid rumours. This
trend continued through the second half of the year and in particular during the
final quarter. There was also good growth from overseas markets, in particular
from the Pacific (ex Japan) region, where economic growth remains strong and
Japan, which is benefiting from ongoing reform and improving economic
conditions. The poorest performing region during the year was North America
where the prospect of slower earnings growth and rising interest rates have
capped returns.
During the year, the Company remained overweight in Japan and the Pacific (ex
Japan) regions, and underweight in North America. In the early part of the year,
the Managers raised cash out of North America reflecting concerns at that time
over further weakness in the US Dollar. This cash, together with cash raised out
of Europe and the Pacific (ex Japan) regions later in the year following a
period of strong outperformance, was used principally to fund share buy backs.
At the end of the year the Company's gearing level, net of cash, was 22.1 per
cent, compared to 28.3 per cent as at 30 September 2004. The level of gearing is
represented by 14.6 per cent in equities and 7.5 per cent in corporate bonds.
The Company's borrowings are made up of two £60 million Bonds, one which matures
in 2008 and the other in 2031.
Earnings and Dividends
The Company's earnings were 4.75p per Ordinary Share in respect of the year
ended 30 September 2005, an increase of 19.9 per cent compared to the previous
year. During the year, the Company benefited from strong dividend growth from
its investee companies, particularly in the UK where we were also in receipt of
some special dividends. Share buy backs for cancellation, which reduce the
number of shares on which the Company's own dividend is payable, have further
improved the Company's earnings per share.
At the end of the year the level of dividend cover provided by the Company's
Revenue Reserve was 132 per cent, which compares to 136 per cent as at 30
September 2004. Shareholders will recall from previous Annual and Interim
Reports that, prior to the Company's 46,770,630 Growth Shares being converted
into Ordinary Shares in September 2001, and becoming entitled to dividends, the
level of revenue reserves had been built up so that dividend levels following
the conversion could be maintained despite the initial shortfall in retained
earnings that would be caused by the increased number of Ordinary Shares in
Since September 2001, the Company has bought back 31,050,000 Ordinary Shares for
cancellation. Taken together with the strong growth in dividends paid by
investee companies over the past two years, this has improved the Company's
dividend paying ability.
The Board is aware of the attractions to shareholders of the above average
dividend yield which, at 30 September 2005, was 4.2 per cent and compared to a
yield of 3.0 per cent on the FTSE All-Share Index. The Board is also conscious
of the Company's stated aim to seek to achieve a progressive dividend policy.
However, as I have stated in previous reports to shareholders, we need to
balance this aim with the overriding objective of maximising total return, that
is capital growth plus the dividend yield.
With all of this in mind, the Board has continued to monitor carefully the
Company's revenue projections. We would expect, subject to there being no
material reductions in dividends paid by our investee companies, to be in a
position to grow the dividend paid to shareholders in respect of the year ended
30 September 2007. At this stage, it is unlikely that we will increase the
dividend for the year ended 30 September 2006 but if dividend growth from our
investee companies is significantly ahead of expectations by the end of this
financial year, we may be in a position to accelerate the date at which we can
increase the dividend.
In respect of the year ended 30 September 2005, the Board recommends a final
dividend of 1.414p per Ordinary Share, payable on 6 January 2006 to shareholders
on the register on 9 December 2005. Taken together with the three interim
dividends already paid, this brings the total dividend for the year to 5.326p
per Ordinary Share, unchanged from the previous year.
Share Buy Backs
During the year the Company bought back 14,500,000 Ordinary Shares for
cancellation, equivalent to 4.3 per cent of the shares in issue at the previous
year end, for a total consideration of £16.3 million. These buy backs enhanced
the net asset value by 0.54p per share and, as stated above, provided a benefit
to the Revenue Account by reducing the number of shares on which dividends are
The Company will seek to renew its share buy back authority at the forthcoming
Annual General Meeting.
Board Composition
Sir Malcolm Rifkind retired as a Director on 31 May 2005, having served on the
Board since 1998. On behalf of the Board I would like to thank Sir Malcolm for
his significant contribution to Board matters over this time. As previously
reported to shareholders, Ms Lynn Ruddick was appointed as a Director on 1
October 2004.
Whilst the current composition of the Board is already compliant with the
recommendations of the Combined Code on Corporate Governance, it is our
intention to seek to recruit an additional independent non-executive Director
during the current financial year so as to continue to refresh the overall
composition of the Board.
After excellent returns in 2005, it is difficult to see gains of a similar scale
in 2006. The backdrop for equities will become more challenging as growth slows.
That said, valuations and earnings prospects are reasonable, and stock market
sentiment is generally good.
W R E Thomson
Enquiries: Julie Dent/Gordon Hay Smith
F & C Asset Management plc - 0131 465 1000
Unaudited Statement of Total Return (Incorporating the revenue account)
for the Year ended 30 September 2005
Notes 2005 2005 2005
Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000
Gains on investments - 92,103 92,103
Exchange differences - 198 198
Income 19,479 1,167 20,646
Investment management fee - basic (460) (1,380) (1,840)
Investment management fee - performance - (1,588) (1,588)
Other expenses (1,090) - (1,090)
______ ______ ______
Net return before finance costs & taxation 17,929 90,500 108,429
Finance costs (1,954) (5,860) (7,814)
______ ______ ______
Return on ordinary activities before tax 15,975 84,640 100,615
Tax on ordinary activities (270) - (270)
______ ______ ______
Return attributable to shareholders 15,705 84,640 100,345
Dividends in respect of Ordinary Shares 3 (17,348) - (17,348)
______ ______ ______
Transfer (from)/to reserves (1,643) 84,640 82,997
______ ______ ______
Return per Ordinary Share 1 4.75p 25.62p 30.37p
Audited Statement of Total Return (Incorporating the revenue account)
for the Year ended 30 September 2004
Notes 2004 2004 2004
Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000
Gains on investments - 42,521 42,521
Exchange differences - 793 793
Income 17,605 - 17,605
Investment management fee - basic (444) (1,333) (1,777)
Investment management fee - performance - (613) (613)
Other expenses (1,180) - (1,180)
Net return before finance costs & taxation 15,981 41,368 57,349
Finance costs (1,954) (5,860) (7,814)
Return on ordinary activities before tax 14,027 35,508 49,535
Tax on ordinary activities (254) - (254)
Return attributable to shareholders 13,773 35,508 49,281
Dividends in respect of Ordinary Shares (18,197) - (18,197)
Transfer (from)/to reserves (4,424) 35,508 31,084
Return per Ordinary Share 1 3.96p 10.22p 14.18p
Unaudited Balance Sheet as at 30 September 2005 Audited
£'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Investments 553,125 495,632
________ ________
Current assets
Debtors 6,321 5,609
Cash at bank and on deposit 28,303 15,788
________ ________
34,624 21,397
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (15,750) (11,782)
________ ________
Net current assets 18,874 9,615
________ ________
Total assets less current liabilities 571,999 505,247
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (119,158) (119,068)
________ ________
Net Assets 452,841 386,179
________ ________
Capital and reserves
Called-up share capital 80,828 84,453
Capital reserve - realised 255,862 267,622
Capital reserve - unrealised 85,899 5,834
Capital redemption reserve 7,513 3,888
Revenue reserve 22,739 24,382
________ _______
Equity shareholders' funds 452,841 386,179
________ _______
Net asset value per share 140.1p 114.3p
Unaudited Summarised Statement of Cash Flows Audited
Year to 30 Year to 30
September 2005 September 2004
£'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 17,131 14,625
Servicing of finance (7,725) (7,725)
Taxation 30 58
Capital expenditure and financial investment 37,264 26,702
Equity dividends paid (17,784) (18,591)
________ ________
Net cash inflow before financing 28,916 15,069
Financing (16,346) (15,717)
________ ________
Increase/(decrease) in cash 12,750 (648)
________ ________
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the year 12,750 (648)
________ ________
Movement in net debt resulting from cash flows 12,570 (648)
Currency (losses)/gains (55) 1,048
Increase in 6.625 per cent Bonds 2008 liability (63) (63)
Increase in 6.25 per cent Bonds 2031 liability (27) (26)
Opening net debt (103,280) (103,591)
________ ________
Closing net debt (90,855) (103,280)
________ ________
Reconciliation of net revenue before finance costs and taxation to net
cash inflow from operating activities
Net revenue before finance costs and taxation 17,929 15,981
Capital dividends 1,167 -
(Increase)/decrease in accrued income and prepayments (117) 692
Increase in other creditors 1,423 165
Investment management fee charged to capital (2,968) (1,946)
Tax on investment income (303) (267)
________ ________
Net cash inflow from operating activities 17,131 15,607
________ ________
1. Return per Ordinary Share is based on a weighted average of
330,374,885 (2004:347,578,402) Ordinary Shares in issue.
2. Total income of £20,646,000 includes special dividends of £2,249,000
of which £1,082,000 is recognised through revenue and £1,167,000 is recognised
through capital.
3. The proposed final dividend of 1.414p per Ordinary Share, will be
paid on 6 January 2006 to ordinary shareholders on the register at close of
business on 9 December 2005.
The last date for receipt of mandate instructions for those
shareholders who wish to join the Dividend Reinvestment Plan is 16 December
4. The Company had 323,312,282 (2004: 337,812,282) Ordinary Shares in
issue as at 30 September 2005.
5. During the year, the Company purchased for cancellation 14,500,000
Ordinary Shares with an aggregate nominal value of £3.6 million for a total
consideration of £16.3 million representing 4.3% of the Ordinary Shares in issue
at the previous year end.
6. These are not full statutory accounts in terms of Section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985. The full audited accounts for the year to 30 September
2004, which were unqualified, have been lodged with the Registrar of Companies.
The 2005 Annual Report will be sent to shareholders during November 2005 and
will be available for inspection at 80 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 3BU, the
registered office of the Company.
7. The unaudited results have been prepared on the basis of the
accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts of the Company for the
year ended 30 September 2004.
8. The following table provides a breakdown of the estimated
contributions to the total return for the year:
Attribution of Return points
Market/benchmark return 24.6
Stock selection
UK equities 0.2
Overseas equities 0.0
Regional asset allocation 0.6
Corporate bonds -0.6
Gearing 3.4
Buy Backs 0.5
Expenses -0.9
British Assets Trust total return 27.8
9. The Company's geographic exposure as a percentage of ordinary
shareholders' funds was as follows:
30 September 30 September
2005 2004
UK 85.2 87.5
North America 13.4 15.1
Europe (ex UK) 5.9 6.7
Japan 6.1 5.7
Pacific (ex Japan) 4.0 5.2
Corporate Bonds 7.5 8.1
Gearing (22.1) (28.3)
------------ -----------
Total 100.0 100.0
----------- -----------
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange