Aberdeen Standard European Logistics Income PLC (LSE: ASLI)
23 March 2018
Share Premium Account Cancellation and Investment Update
Share Premium Account
The Board of Aberdeen Standard European Logistics Income PLC (the "Company") hereby announces that, as envisaged in the IPO prospectus of last November, the Company has now cancelled its share premium account so as to create a new special reserve containing distributable profits. This new reserve may be used by the Company to fund, amongst other things, share buybacks. The cancellation took effect from 16 March 2018.
Investment Update
The Board is also pleased to confirm that the acquisition of the Flörsheim Logistics Park, Frankfurt, for €20.1 million has now completed, with rental income being received from 1 February 2018. Flörsheim is fully let to five logistic tenants, benefits from almost full annual rent indexation (CPI) and fits well with the Company's investment strategy.
The Investment Manager remains confident in the pipeline of logistics asset opportunities, having recently entered into exclusivity arrangements in respect of two European logistics assets valued at €48.5 million in aggregate, and with several other bids pending. The Company will issue a further announcement providing additional details in the event that the relevant bids are successful and contracts are exchanged.
For further information:
Aberdeen Fund Managers Limited
0207 463 6000
Gary Jones
Jonathon McManus