Final Results

Govett Asian Recovery Trust PLC 26 June 2002 GOVETT ASIAN RECOVERY TRUST PLC PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2002 Chairman's Statement. Against a backdrop of difficult economic and market conditions, Govett Asian Recovery Trust performed well over the course of the last financial year. Despite the 10.3% fall in the MSCI AC Asia Pacific Index, the Trust's Net Asset Value rose by 8.4%. This good result was achieved by a combination of carefully timed and selected stock purchases and country weightings. The Trust's cumulative outperformance of the benchmark since launch in September 1998 increased to 18.23%. Gains in the Trust's share price exceeded the rise in the Net Asset Value, resulting in a contraction in the discount to 17.2% from 22.0% at the end of the previous year. There were no repurchases of shares during the year. This was a year of many surprises, few of them pleasant ones. The first half was dominated by the gradual realisation that the global economy and, more particularly, the U.S. economy would not be able to withstand the after-effects of the bursting of the technology bubble in 2000. In Asia, this produced recessions which largely reversed economic progress made since the financial crisis in 1997 and 1998. Fears that the world was entering its sharpest downturn since the early 1990s were thrown into sharp focus by the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington on September 11th. Writing now, more than six months after those events, it is easy to forget the extent to which the stability of the global economy seemed to hang in the balance. In retrospect, it is clear that it was only the unprecedented injections of financial liquidity co-ordinated by the world's leading Central Banks which prevented the crisis from turning into a disaster. September 11th also proved to be something of a watershed for the Trust, as the Manager adopted a significantly more aggressive disposition of its assets in the belief that the dramatic easing in monetary policy would produce a recovery in the global economy more quickly than had previously seemed possible. Much of the outperformance for the year as a whole stems from the decision at that time to increase weightings in a range of our holdings in the technology sector and, subsequently, to add holdings in those areas most exposed to an improvement in the global economic cycle, such as natural resources, petrochemicals, paper and transportation. This involved an increase in the Trust's gearing levels which, by the end of the year, stood at 17%. Asia contains some of the world's most cyclical companies and economies. While it should not perhaps be surprising that the markets of Korea and, latterly, Taiwan, Thailand and Singapore should all have responded positively to signs of an economic upturn, the recent improvement in some areas of Japan's economy has been an unexpectedly positive factor. It is, however, too early to be sure whether this improvement marks the beginning of a sustainable upturn and the Manager has, therefore, retained the derivative option protection on the Trust's Japanese portfolio. Stockmarkets in Asia as a whole have run a long way in a short period of time, albeit from depressed levels. It would be natural to expect some consolidation in the short term. Since the year-end, the Manager has taken profits in some of the more cyclical areas of the portfolio, including technology shares, reduced the level of borrowing to 15% and reinstated derivative protection in selected markets. While markets are likely to continue to be volatile, the portfolio remains positioned towards further gains. These are as likely to come from renewed self-generating growth within the region itself as from improved export demand from the U.S. and elsewhere. David Price Chairman 26 June 2002 Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account*) for the year ended 31st March 2002 Year ended Year ended 31st March 2002 31st March 2001 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s Realised & unrealised gains/ - 4,646 4,646 - (29,155) (29,155) (losses) on investments Net foreign currency exchange differences - (159) (159) - 1,646 1,646 Income from investments 886 - 886 908 - 908 Deposit interest 47 - 47 325 - 325 Management fee (428) - (428) (527) - (527) Other (expenses)/income (322) 24 (298) (315) 97 (218) Net return before finance costs and 183 4,511 4,694 391 (27,412) (27,021) taxation Interest payable (63) - (63) (209) - (209) Return on ordinary activities 120 4,511 4,631 182 (27,412) (27,230) before taxation Tax on ordinary activities (48) (5) (53) (86) (103) (189) Return on ordinary activities after taxation 72 4,506 4,578 96 (27,515) (27,419) Return per Ordinary share 0.20p 12.45p 12.65p 0.26p (75.52)p (75.26)p * The revenue column of this statement represents the revenue account of the Company. All items derive from continuing activities. Govett Asian Recovery Trust Balance Sheet As at 31st March 2002 As at 31st March 2001 £000 £000 Fixed asset investments Quoted - UK - 5,133 Quoted - Overseas 68,863 56,608 68,863 61,741 Current Assets Debtors 256 857 Cash at bank 520 3,615 776 4,472 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (10,401) (11,663) Net current liabilities (9,625) (7,191) Provisions for liabilities and charges (110) - Total assets less current liabilities 59,128 54,550 Financed by: Capital and reserves Called-up share capital 3,620 3,620 Other reserves Capital redemption reserve 112 112 Special capital reserve 31,881 31,881 Capital reserve - realised 15,255 21,985 Capital reserve - unrealised 8,527 (2,709) Total other reserves 55,775 51,269 Revenue reserve (267) (339) Equity shareholders' funds 59,128 54,550 Net asset value per share 163.33p 150.68p Shares in issue 36,202,077 36,202,077 Govett Asian Recovery Trust Cash flow Statement Year ended Year ended 31st March 2002 31st March 2001 £000 £000 Operating activities Cash received from investments 963 859 Interest received 66 325 Management fees paid (424) (786) Directors' fees paid (49) (57) Other net cash payments (272) (152) Net cash inflow from operating activities 284 189 Return on investments and servicing of finance (63) (209) Interest paid Taxation (5) (490) Taxation paid Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchases of investments (103,043) (86,932) Sale of investments 102,317 87,758 Loss on closure of hedging transactions (75) (377) Capital income 29 97 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from investing (772) 546 activities Financing Shares repurchased - (1,034) Decrease in loans (2,524) (2,682) Decrease in cash (3,080) (3,680) The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 12 noon on 23rd July 2002 at Shackleton House, 4 Battle Bridge Lane, London SE1 2HR. We look forward to meeting shareholders at the AGM, which will be followed by a brief presentation. The Company's annual report and accounts will be sent to shareholders in June 2002. Copies will be available to the public at the registered office of the Company, Shackleton House, 4 Battle Bridge Lane, London. This preliminary statement, which has been agreed with the auditors, was approved by the Board on 26 June 2002. It is not the Company's statutory accounts. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2002 have been audited but not yet despatched to shareholders or filed. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2001 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and received an audit report which was unqualified and did not contain statements under s237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. By order of the Board Govett Secretaries Limited, Secretary Shackleton House 4 Battle Bridge Lane London SE1 2HR Registered in England no: 3582911 26 June 2002 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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