Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): 5493007LN4380BLNLM64
21 December 2021
Renewal of Bank Loan Facility
The Company is pleased to announce that it has renewed its JPY1.0 billion revolving credit facility with ING Bank N.V., London Branch for a three year period to 21 December 2024.
JPY400 million has been drawn down on a revolving basis, at an all-in interest rate of 1.50% per annum, with first maturity on 17 March 2022, and the proceeds have been used to repay the Company's previous drawings under the old facility, which has been repaid and cancelled in full.
Following the drawdowns under the New Facility, the Company's borrowings are unchanged at JPY1.7 billion, taking into account the Company's additional borrowing, in the form of a fixed rate loan with ING of JPY1.3 billion.
Holly Kidd, Aberdeen Asset Management PLC, Secretaries, Tel. 0131 372 1503