Final Results

New India Investment Trust PLC 08 June 2005 NEW INDIA INVESTMENT TRUST PLC PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF ANNUAL UNAUDITED CONSOLIDATED RESULTS for the year ended 28 February 2005 This is my first statement to you as Chairman of your Company following the significant changes that have taken place over the last financial year. After the failure of the continuation vote at the last AGM of the Company on 9 August 2004, my predecessor Richard Watkins and your then Board reviewed various proposals for your Company's future, and in particular devoted considerable energy to resolving the problem of the time value of the Warrants in the event of the liquidation. Aberdeen Asset Management Asia Limited, advised by Intelli Corporate Finance Limited, put forward proposals for the continuation of the Company with a different investment mandate. The Board, advised by Close Brothers Securities, decided to recommend this way forward to Shareholders and the Chairman wrote to you on 16 November 2004 convening an EGM for you to consider and vote on this proposal. At this EGM the recommendation was approved, and consequently the Company's name was changed to New India Investment Trust PLC with a mandate to invest in Indian securities, using the MSCI India Index as a benchmark. At the same time Intelli, in conjunction with Close Brothers Securities, approached those Shareholders who did not wish to participate in this changed strategy and consequently approximately 27.5 million shares (57.5 per cent) were placed with new and existing Shareholders who wished to support the proposals. Following Shareholders' approval of the new mandate at the EGM, certain corporate and regulatory steps had to be taken to put into effect the structure which had been outlined in the Circular to Shareholders and which is described in more detail below. Thus, with the exception of one purchase of a Global Depositary Receipt (GDR) in respect of an Indian security, investment in Indian companies began on 28 December 2004. Performance The undiluted Net Asset Value ('NAV') of the Company's Ordinary shares grew from 84.65p at 29 February 2004 to 90.94p (+7.4%) on 9 December 2004 compared to an increase in the MSCI Latin America Index (in sterling terms, capital only) of 12.3%. Since the change of investment objective to an Indian specialist trust on 9 December 2004 the NAV has risen to 93.12p (+2.4%) at 28 February 2005 and is now 98.47p (+8.3%) at the time of writing. This compares to the movements over the same period in the MSCI India Index (in sterling terms) of +6.25% and +11.33% respectively. The share price rose from 71p to 94.25p over the year, which was the result partly of the increase in NAV, but also and more significantly, the result of the narrowing of the discount at which your Company's shares traded. At 29 February 2004, the shares traded at a discount of 16.13%, but by 28 February 2005, they were trading at a premium of 1.2%. The rise in the share price over the year, together with the dividend declared, has provided Shareholders with a total return of just under 34%. Earnings and Dividend Revenue has been relatively strong during the year but this has been significantly influenced by liquidity in the portfolio leading up to and following the Extraordinary General Meeting in December 2004. Indian securities are not renowned for their high dividend yields; the current yield on the MSCI India Index is only 1.7%. The Manager's investment style places greater emphasis on capital growth than providing investors with income. Furthermore, the Company incurred administrative expenses of £639,000 during the year of which some £320,000 represented one-off legal, advisory and associated costs which are not expected to recur in future years. However, the Board believes that it is appropriate to pay a dividend from the net revenue earned during the year and accordingly a final dividend of 0.7p per Ordinary share is proposed to be paid on 15 July 2005 to Shareholders registered on 17 June 2005. Revised Investment Objective and New Managers With effect from the conclusion of the EGM, the Company's investment objective has been 'To achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing in companies which are incorporated in India or which derive significant revenue or profit from India, with dividend yield from the Company being of secondary importance'. Therefore, the performance of the Company's assets is benchmarked against the MSCI India Index (in sterling terms). Your Board At the same EGM a number of changes were made to the Board. Sarah Bates and I were both appointed to the Board and Richard Watkins and Baroness Hooper resigned. I would like to take this opportunity to thank both Richard Watkins and Baroness Hooper for their service to the Company under its former management team and their efforts in creating a future for your Company. I should also like to thank my new colleagues Victor Bulmer-Thomas, Andres Rozental and Audley Twiston-Davies for all that hard work during this process of renewal. Sarah Bates and I will both be retiring at the forthcoming AGM in accordance with the Articles of Association in order to submit ourselves for election and Professor Bulmer-Thomas will be retiring by rotation at the AGM in order to submit himself for re-election. Company Structure Although your Company now owns directly one investment in an Indian company through a GDR, its principal means of investing is through a wholly-owned Mauritian subsidiary that has been created in order to enable the Group to benefit from the Indian Mauritius double tax treaty. Prior to the Company commencing its investment activities it required a license under the Mauritius Companies Act 2001 and the Mauritius Financial Services Development Act 2001 and to be granted ordinary status together with a certificate of tax residency. This was issued by the Mauritius Financial Services Commission on 28 December 2004. Consequently investment through the subsidiary commenced in January 2005 and by the middle of that month approximately 50% was invested in Indian securities, and by the end of February the Group was virtually fully invested. Management Shareholders overwhelmingly approved the resolution to appoint Aberdeen Asset Management Asia Limited as Manager at the EGM in December 2004, and your Board intends to review the continuing appointment of the Manager to confirm that it remains in the interests of Shareholders as a whole towards the end of the current financial year of the Company. The revised Board has the benefit of a range of experience in fund management and developing markets. Whilst the manager has wide-ranging discretionary powers under the terms of the management agreement, the Directors have implemented what they consider to be prudent controls upon the Company's gearing levels and exposure to individual sectors and companies, although the Board does not believe that these will cramp the Manager's particular style that has historically served its clients well. The new Manager has been appointed under the terms of a contract that is terminable on 12 months' notice expiring on or at any time after the second anniversary of the date of their appointment. During the initial period of management, no performance fee was payable to the Manager. Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at One Bow Churchyard, Cheapside, London EC4 on 13 July 2005 at 10.00 a.m. There will be a presentation by the Managers and an opportunity to meet the Directors over coffee following the meeting. In addition to the ordinary business of the meeting Shareholders will be asked to authorise the Board to buy back up to 14.99% of the Company's issued share capital; authorise the issue of new shares representing 5% of the present issued share capital; authorise the issue for cash of shares representing 5% of the present issued share capital otherwise than by a pro rata issue to existing Shareholders (ie pre-emption); and, to authorise the Board to sell shares held as treasury shares. In respect of the issue of shares from treasury the Directors are aware that best practice is still in the process of determination and will keep the Board's policy under review. However, the Board would only currently expect to sell shares from treasury in circumstances where an absolute profit would be achieved and would only consider such sale at a maximum discount of approximately 3% to the prevailing diluted NAV at the time of issue. Your Board recommends that Shareholders vote in favour of these resolutions and intends to do so in respect of its own shareholdings. Outlook Over the last few years India's stock market has risen sharply, being one of Asia's best performers in 2003 and, after a sharp pullback in the wake of an unexpected election result in March 2004, rebounding strongly for the balance of the year. Thankfully underlying earnings' growth in the period has been impressive, but it has not matched the stock market's rise and as a consequence the stock market today is standing on a higher projected price/earnings multiple than in recent years. Certainly in the last few weeks the Indian stock market has pulled back, which might be regarded as a healthy consolidation and indeed I would not be discouraged or surprised should the correction continue. India is increasingly internationalising and hence being affected by the challenges most markets face: namely the rising interest rate environment, tightening liquidity and the global economic slowdown. However, the Indian economy is still fairly insulated from the global market since the economy is driven by a large portion of companies that focus on developing the domestic market. In addition, we are encouraged by the government's commitment to market reform as it announced a balanced budget and the wide implementation of a Value-Added Taxation system. The dreadful legacy of Fabian Socialism and an over-forceful bureaucracy inherited from colonial days finally seems to be fading away allowing potential entrepreneurial talent to flourish. Furthermore, the integrity of the legal framework, the depth and diversity of its capital markets, the capable and motivated managements and excellent demographics make India an appealing stock pickers' market with dynamic long-term growth prospects. 7 June 2005 William Salomon Chairman Group Statement of Total Return _____________________________________________________________________________________ Year ended Year ended 28 February 2005 29 February 2004 (unaudited) (audited) _______________________________________________________ Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Gains on investments - 4,411 4,411 - 14,020 14,020 Income 1,857 - 1,857 1,306 - 1,306 Investment management fee (530) - (530) (317) - (317) Administration expenses (639) - (639) (285) - (285) Currency (losses)/gains - (429) (429) - 513 513 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Net return before finance costs and taxation 688 3,982 4,670 704 14,533 15,237 Interest payable and similar charges (23) - (23) (89) - (89) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Net return on ordinary activities before taxation 665 3,982 4,647 615 14,533 15,148 Taxation on ordinary activities (264) - (264) (152) - (152) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Net return on ordinary activities after taxation 401 3,982 4,383 463 14,533 14,996 Dividends in respect of equity shares (335) - (335) (335) - (335) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Transfer to reserves 66 3,982 4,048 128 14,533 14,661 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Return per Ordinary share (pence): Basic and diluted 0.84 8.33 9.17 0.97 30.39 31.36 _____________________________________________________________________________________ The revenue columns of this statement represents the consolidated revenue account of the Group (2004 - Company). All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations have been acquired or discontinued during the year. Balance Sheets _____________________________________________________________________________________ Group Company Company As at As at As at 28 February 28 February 29 February 2005 2005 2004 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) __________________________________________________ £'000 £'000 £'000 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Fixed assets Investments 42,808 1,891 46,244 Subsidiary undertaking - 42,448 - _____________________________________________________________________________________ 42,808 44,339 46,244 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Current assets Debtors 76 51 1,069 Cash and short term deposits 2,425 722 739 _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2,501 773 1,808 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Bank loan - - (6,519) Other creditors (790) (593) (1,047) _____________________________________________________________________________________ (790) (593) (7,566) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Net current assets/(liabilities) 1,711 180 (5,758) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Total assets less current liabilities 44,519 44,519 40,486 Provisions for liabilities and charges - - (15) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Net assets 44,519 44,519 40,471 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Share capital and reserves Called-up share capital 11,953 11,953 11,953 Share premium account 11,752 11,752 11,752 Special reserve 17,981 17,981 17,981 Warrant reserve 4,026 4,026 4,026 Warrant exercise reserve 3 3 3 Other reserves: Capital redemption reserve 4,089 4,089 4,089 Capital reserve - realised (6,371) (6,473) (17,910) Capital reserve - unrealised (378) (301) 7,179 Revenue reserve 1,464 1,489 1,398 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Equity Shareholders' funds 44,519 44,519 40,471 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Net asset value per Ordinary share (pence): Basic 93.12 93.12 84.65 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Diluted 94.57 94.57 87.90 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Group Cash Flow Statement _____________________________________________________________________________________ Year ended Year ended 28 February 2005 29 February 2004 (unaudited) (audited) ________________________________________________ £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Net cash inflow from operating activities 556 485 Servicing of finance Bank loan interest paid (31) (119) Taxation Corporation tax paid (19) - Financial investment Purchases of investments (100,504) (22,465) Sales of investments 108,967 18,334 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financial investment 8,463 (4,131) Equity dividend paid (335) (143) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 8,634 (3,908) Financing (Repayment)/draw down of loans (6,998) 3,974 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing (6,998) 3,974 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Increase in cash 1,636 66 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Reconciliation of net cash flow to movements in net funds/(debt) Increase in cash as above 1,636 66 Cash outflow/(inflow)from repayment/(drawdown) of loans 6,998 (3,974) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Change in net debt resulting from cash flows 8,634 (3,908) Exchange movements (429) 501 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Movement in net funds in the year 8,205 (3,407) Opening net debt (5,780) (2,373) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Closing net funds/(debt) 2,425 (5,780) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Notes: 1. Income 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 Income from investments Overseas dividend income 1,298 1,229 UK Unfranked investment income 249 - Stock dividends 106 61 __________________________________________________ 1,653 1,290 __________________________________________________ Other income Deposit interest 204 16 __________________________________________________ Total income 1,857 1,306 __________________________________________________ 2. Return per Ordinary share The basic revenue return per Ordinary share is based on the revenue return to Ordinary Shareholders of £401,000 (2004 - £463,000) and on 47,812,050 (2004 - 47,812,050) Ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of Ordinary shares in issue for the year. The basic capital return per Ordinary share is based on the capital gains for the year of £3,982,000 (2004 - £14,533,000), and on 47,812,050 (2004 - 47,812,050) Ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of Ordinary shares in issue for the year. Fully diluted returns calculated on the basis set out in Financial Reporting Standard 14 'Earnings per share' ('FRS 14') indicate that the exercise of warrants in issue would have no dilutive effect on returns. 3. Net asset value per share The basic net asset value per Ordinary share is based on a net asset value of £44,519,000 (2004 - £40,471,000) and on 47,812,050 (2004 - 47,812,050) Ordinary shares, being the number of Ordinary shares in issue at the year end. The fully diluted net asset value per Ordinary shares has been calculated on the assumption that the 12,833,090 (2004 - 12,833,090) Warrants were fully converted on the first day of the financial year at 100p giving a weighted average number of Ordinary shares of 60,645,140 (2004 - 60,645,140). 4. The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the year ended 28 February 2005 or the year ended 29 February 2004. The financial information for 2004 is derived from the statutory accounts for 2004, which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors have reported on the 2004 accounts; their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for 2005 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the Directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies in due course. 5. The Directors have today declared a final dividend of 0.70p per Ordinary share for the year ended 28 February 2005 (2004 - interim dividend of 0.70p) which, if approved by Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, will be payable on 15 July 2005 to Shareholders on the register on 17 June 2005. 6. The Annual Report will be posted to Shareholders in due course and further copies may be obtained from the registered office, One Bow Churchyard, Cheapside, London EC4M 9HH. Aberdeen Asset Management PLC Secretaries 7 June 2005 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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