Interim Results
Standard Life Invs Property Inc Tst
24 August 2006
24 August 2006
Standard Life Investment Property Income Trust Limited
Interim Report and Financial Statements
1 June 2006 to 30 June 2006
To provide shareholders with an attractive level of income together with the
prospect of income and capital growth from investing in a diversified UK
commercial property portfolio.
Financial Summary
30 June 2006 31 December 2005 % Change
Price per share 133.0p 118.1p 12.6%
Value of property portfolio* £218.1m £202.3 7.9%
Gearing** 41.3% 43.4% n/a
IFRS Net Asset Value per share
*** 126.0p 113.6p 10.9%
Published IFRS Net Asset Value
per share **** 130.2p 116.5p 11.8%
* Valued on an open market value basis in accordance with the RICS Appraisal and
Valuation Standards.
** Gearing: (Bank borrowings and redeemable preference shares) / (Market value
of properties and cash held for re-investment).
*** Calculated under International Financial Reporting Standards.
**** Calculated under International Financial Reporting Standards and adjusted
to include an accrued dividend in respect of the last quarter and to exclude
deferred taxation.
Chairman's Statement
I am pleased to report that the first half of 2006 has continued the strong
growth shown by your Company since inception in December 2003. The Net Asset
Value of the Company has grown by 11.8% over the first six months of 2006 and
the Company's dividends of 3.315 pence per share for the first half of the year
have been paid to shareholders. This includes an increased dividend of 1.69
pence per share for the quarter to 30 June 2006 representing an increase of 4%
on the previous quarter.
The UK commercial property market continues to deliver exceptional returns, with
total returns, as measured by the IPD Monthly Index, registering some 9.7% over
the first half of 2006. Compared to both bonds and equities, commercial property
continues to rank favourably, both in absolute and relative terms. The UK gilt
market delivered 1.7% over the corresponding period while the UK equity market
registered total returns of 6.1%, further emphasising the stability and strength
of the UK property market in recent periods.
Performance was once again primarily attributable to increasing capital values
across the portfolio, as well as the continued benefits of financial gearing in
a strong market. The theme of strong capital growth, principally driven by the
persistent weight of money attempting to invest in the asset class, continues to
drive the market. Debt costs have increased in the early part of 2006, and
although commercial property initial yields have fallen to levels such that debt
backed buyers are now being priced out of the market, strong investment demand
from equity backed investors, both in the UK and from overseas, continues to
provide strong competition for better quality stock. The potential introduction
of UK REITs in 2007 is also expected to contribute to institutional demand for
quality property stock as new issuance of REITs and their purchase by retail
investors in the UK is expected to drive demand for property assets.
Despite this highly competitive market, the Company has acquired one new
property over the reporting period and in line with previous reporting periods,
the profile of this property complements that of the existing property portfolio
in terms of tenant quality and lease length. The Company continues to look at
innovative ways to increase the size of the portfolio to drive future
The office sector, and the Central London office market in particular, has
continued to show signs of a sustainable recovery in occupational demand. Rental
growth in the sector is beginning to gather pace, as tenants increasingly have
to compete for the best quality available space as vacancy levels continue to
drop. The industrial sector continues to perform steadily, albeit
unspectacularly, with yields still the most attractive of the three main
sectors. The retail sector still shows signs of a muddle through scenario, as UK
retail sales continue to grow positively, albeit below long term trend growth
rates of circa 3%, and well below the 6% or 7% levels witnessed a couple of
years ago. The UK housing market is now showing steady growth and the effect on
retail sales has been marked as consumers are releasing less equity from their
principal asset in order to acquire 'big ticket' items. However, there remain
pockets of growth in the retail sector, primarily in the better quality and
better located retail warehouse sector, and your Company will continue to
concentrate on these areas.
The Company remains well positioned to benefit from the expected divergence of
sector performance, given its relatively high exposure to the office and
industrial sectors The outlook for commercial property markets overall remains
broadly positive, as sustained and accelerating economic growth underpins
corporate demand for commercial space. However, it must be noted that
expectations are that the impressive performance over the past two years will
not continue, as the relentless upward pressure on capital values begins to
dissipate in poorer quality stock and less favourable sectors. That said, the
Company's property portfolio is well placed to continue to produce attractive
and steady absolute investment returns to its shareholders.
David Moore
Chairman of the Board 24 August 2006
Investment Manager's Report
UK Property Market
Following a marginally slower start to the year, the second quarter of 2006 saw
a renewed acceleration in returns from the UK commercial property market. The
IPD Monthly Index measured total returns of 21% for the year to end June, driven
primarily by capital value growth of just under 15% over the year. Against this
backdrop, the UK property sector's yield margin over debt rates reversed in Q2
for the first time in 6yrs. The upward shift in UK interest rates worked against
a further decline in property income yields. At 4.9%, property initial yields
are now at their lowest ever level recorded by IPD and offer less than 0.2% over
the 'risk free' rate, i.e. 10 year government bonds.
The acceleration in prices in the UK listed property market in the first
quarter, buoyed by the news of more flexible than anticipated UK REITs, was
partially reversed in quarter two as the volatility of broader equity markets
took its toll on property stocks. Although the underlying direct market
fundamentals remained little changed over the period, investor nerves on
inflationary pressures and the future course of interest rates led to sharp
swings in prices and sentiment. On average UK listed property prices ended the
quarter 4% down, taking back some of the 17% increase in the first quarter.
Although still high by historical standards, returns from the retail property
sector flattened out in the 2nd quarter of the year. For the year to end June
total returns measured 21% - in line with annual returns to March. Within
retail, retail warehouses remain the strongest segment and, with returns at
23.2% p.a. in June, are the only retail format currently outperforming the All
Property average. As with retail, in recent months industrial sector returns of
just under 20% p.a. have kept pace with their level in the first quarter.
Returns from the office market moved further into the lead in recent months with
the strength in investor demand for Central London office investments driving a
further acceleration in prices and a compression in valuation yields. The rental
recovery in the capital is firmly on course, led by the West End and Midtown but
also backed up by fairly consistent improvement in the City.
Investment Manager's Report continued
Portfolio Valuation
The investment portfolio has increased in value by £15.76m over the reporting
period, including £4.52m from new investments. Capital value increases and
growth in central London office rental values have been the main drivers of the
uplift in capital value.
At the end of June 2006, the investment portfolio was valued at £218.1m and had
an average unexpired lease term of 9.5 years, assuming all lease breaks occur.
Investment Activity
We have invested £4.71m (including costs) during the reporting period,
representing approximately half of the proceeds from the disposal of Green Lane,
Walsall. A modern office building and converted coach house in the centre of
Weybridge has been acquired representing a net initial yield of 6%. The entire
property is let to Alliance Unichem plc until March 2015 and the property has a
large car park which offers opportunities to add value in the medium term.
We are confident the remaining sale proceeds will be fully invested by Q3 2006.
Asset Management
We have completed 2 new lettings in the first half of 2006.
At the Courtyard in St Albans, we have let Unit B1 on a 5 year lease at
£26,655pa. We have also let the Ground Floor Shop Unit at Wellington House to
Maplin Electronics Ltd at a rent of £140,000 p.a. for a period of 10 years
incorporating a rent review in year 5.
As a result of our letting activity, the portfolio void level stands at 0.2% of
total portfolio rents at the end of June 2006 and has been maintained at less
than 0.5% for the entire reporting period.
We have also completed one lease renewal and settled two rent reviews,
increasing the portfolio income by £88,710 p.a. There have been no tenant
defaults over the reporting period and the overall default rate on the portfolio
since launch has amounted to 0.053%, well below the IPD default rate of 1.2%.
The Gearing level at 30 June 2006 stood at 41.3% of the market value of
investment properties.
Investment Outlook
We anticipate less favourable returns from the UK property market over the next
few years than we have enjoyed in the years since 2004. Despite interest rates
increasing, pricing some debt backed buyers out of the market, we expect the
market to become increasingly expensive. Weight of money remains strong in the
UK although, at this stage, it looks likely that last year was the peak in
investment into the market. Within the UK we continue to favour office and
industrial property, rather than retail, as the predicted divergence in sector
returns becomes increasingly evident during the remainder of this year. In 2006,
the UK market looks likely to comfortably achieve high double digit returns for
a third successive year. Thereafter slowing capital growth suggests lower single
digit returns for investors in UK property over the next few years.
Property Investments as at 30 June 2006
Name (Sector) Town Capital Value £
Clough Road (Retail) Kingston upon 20-22m
Wellington House (Office) London 18-20m
Hollywood Green (Leisure) London 16-18m
Drakes Way (Industrial) Swindon 8-10m
2-4 Bucknall Street (Office) London 8-10m
Solution Hall (Office) Welwyn Garden 8-10m
Wellesley House (Office) Harlow 8-10m
Whitebear Yard (Office) London 8-10m
The Axys (Office) Nantgarw 8-10m
Chancellors Place (Office) Chelmsford 8-10m
Century Plaza (High Street Retail) Edgware 8-10m
Bathgate Retail Park (Retail Warehouse) Bathgate 8-10m
Interfleet House (Office) Derby 6-8m
The Courtyard (Office) St Albans 6-8m
Farah Unit, Crittal Road (Distribution Witham 4-6m
Phase II, Telelink (Office) Swansea 4-6m
Pity Hey Place (Industrial) Skelmersdale 4-6m
Crown Farm (Industrial) Mansfield 4-6m
Esporta (Leisure) Chislehurst 4-6m
Viscount Way (Office) Swindon 4-6m
31/32 Queen Square (Office) Bristol 4-6m
De Ville Court (Office) Weybridge 4-6m
Coal Road (Industrial) Leeds 2-4m
Wardley Industrial Estate (Retail Warehouse) Manchester 2-4m
Halfords (Retail Warehouse) Paisley 2-4m
Gemini Court (Industrial) Port Talbot 2-4m
Eurolink Normanton (Industrial) Leeds 2-4m
Easter Park (Industrial) Bolton 2-4m
Lister House (Office) Leeds 2-4m
Unit 14 Interlink Park (Industrial) Bardon 2-4m
Portrack Lane (Industrial) Stockton on Tees 1-2m
Standard Life Investments Property Income Trust Limited
Unaudited Consolidated Income Statement for the period ended 30 June 2006
01-Jan-06 to 01-Jan-05 to
30-Jun-06 30-Jun-05
Note £ £
Unrealised gain arising on
adjustment to fair value of
investment properties 11,048,950 6,839,904
Rental income 7,125,791 6,065,091
Total income and fair value gains 18,174,741 12,904,995
Investment management fees 3 (917,033) (729,282)
Head lease payments (140,346) (141,203)
Valuation fees (39,681) (34,562)
Other direct property costs (129,382) (101,958)
Directors' fees and subsistence (41,166) (37,448)
Other administration expenses (115,880) (49,361)
(1,383,488) (1,093,814)
Operating profit 16,791,253 11,811,181
Finance costs - net
Interest payable (2,601,462) (1,986,011)
Interest receivable 210,415 128,631
(2,391,047) (1,857,380)
Profit for the period before tax 14,400,206 9,953,801
Taxation 4 (2,425,256) (1,359,867)
Profit for the period 11,974,950 8,593,934
Earnings per share for the period
attributable to the equity holders of the company
Basic and diluted 11.97 8.59
pence pence
All items in the above income statement derive from continuing operations.
Standard Life Investments Property Income Trust Limited
Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2006
30-Jun-06 31-Dec-05
Note £ £
Non-current assets
Freehold investment properties 5 181,811,603 168,194,233
Leasehold investment properties 5 41,651,276 39,105,163
223,462,879 207,299,396
Current assets
Trade and other receivables 2,265,737 2,134,473
Cash and cash equivalents 9,205,810 13,711,633
11,471,547 15,846,106
Total assets 234,934,426 223,145,502
Equity capital and reserves attributable
to Company's equity holders
Share capital 1,000,000 1,000,000
Retained earnings (4,455,693) (2,334,373)
Capital reserves 33,625,466 19,734,918
Other distributable reserves 95,003,939 95,206,619
Total equity 125,173,712 113,607,164
Non-current liabilities
Interest rate swap 182,313 3,023,911
Bank borrowings 84,432,692 84,432,692
Redeemable preference shares 6,958,686 6,756,006
Leasehold obligations 5,491,276 5,085,163
Taxation 6,871,553 4,446,297
103,936,520 103,744,069
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 5,824,194 5,794,269
Total liabilities 109,760,714 109,538,338
Total equity and 234,934,426 223,145,502
liabilities ==============================
Approved by the board of directors on 24
August 2006
David Moore John Hallam
Director Director
Standard Life Investments Property Income Trust Limited
Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the period ended 30
June 2005
Share Retained Capital Other
capital earnings reserves distributable
reserves Total equity
Note £ £ £ £ £
Opening balance 1 January 2005 1,000,000 702,259 5,214,861 96,692,892 103,610,012
Movement on revaluation
of interest rate swap (4,918,163) (4,918,163)
Profit for the period 9,953,801 9,953,801
Transfer between reserves 1,295,066 (1,295,066)
Unrealised gain on adjustment to
fair value of investment
properties (6,839,904) 6,839,904
Dividends 6 (3,250,000) (3,250,000)
Balance at 30 June 2005
as previously reported 1,000,000 1,861,222 7,136,602 95,397,826 105,395,650
Prior period adjustment:
Taxation 4 (1,359,867) (1,359,867)
Balance at 30 June 2005 1,000,000 501,355 7,136,602 95,397,826 104,035,783
Standard Life Investments Property Income Trust Limited
Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the period ended
30 June 2006
Share Retained Capital Other
capital earnings reserves distributable
reserves Total equity
Note £ £ £ £ £
Opening balance 1 January 2006 1,000,000 (2,334,373) 19,734,918 95,206,619 113,607,164
Movement on revaluation
of interest rate swap 2,841,598 2,841,598
Profit for the period 11,974,950 11,974,950
Transfer between reserves 202,680 (202,680)
Unrealised gain on adjustment to
fair value of investment
properties 5 (11,048,950) 11,048,950
Dividends 6 (3,250,000) (3,250,000)
Balance at 30 June 2006 1,000,000 (4,455,693) 33,625,466 95,003,939 125,173,712
Standard Life Investments Property Income Trust Limited
Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the period ended 30 June 2006
01-Jan-06 to 01-Jan-05 to
30-Jun-06 30-Jun-05
Note £ £
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash generated from operations 7 5,648,465 6,509,086
Interest paid (2,398,783) (1,794,803)
Net cash generated from operating activities 3,249,682 4,714,283
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of investment properties 5 (4,715,920) (5,832,905)
Interest received 210,415 128,631
Net cash used in investing activities (4,505,505) (5,704,274)
Cash flows from financing activities
Dividends paid 6 (3,250,000) (3,250,000)
Proceeds from bank borrowings 2,822,305
Net cash used from financing activities (3,250,000) (427,695)
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents in
the period (4,505,823) (1,417,686)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of
period 13,711,633 7,577,113
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 9,205,810 6,159,427
Standard Life Investments Property Income Trust Limited
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the period ended 30 June 2006
1. General information
Standard Life Investments Property Income Trust Limited ('the Company') and its
subsidiaries (together the 'Group') carry on the business of property investment
through a portfolio of freehold and leasehold investment properties located in
the United Kingdom. The Company is a limited liability company incorporated and
domiciled in Guernsey, Channel Islands. The Company has its primary listing on
the London Stock Exchange with a secondary listing on the Channel Islands Stock
Exchange. These unaudited consolidated financial statements have been approved
for issue by the Board of Directors on 24 August 2006.
The address of the registered office is Trafalgar Court, Les Banques, St Peter
Port, Guernsey.
2. Accounting policies Basis of preparation
The unaudited consolidated financial statements of the Group have been prepared
in accordance with IAS 34 on Interim Financial Reporting, and all applicable
requirements of Guernsey Company Law. They do not contain all the information
required for full annual statements and should be read in conjunction with the
audited consolidated financial statements of the Company for the year ending 31
December 2005. The same accounting policies and methods of computation are
followed in these interim financial statements as compared with the audited
consolidated financial statements prepared for the year ending 31 December 2005.
Deferred Tax
The comparative unaudited consolidated income statement has been restated to
account for a change in the method by which deferred tax is calculated. This
brings the comparative statement into line with the method of calculation
applied in the financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2005. This
adjustment has resulted in £1,359,867 more deferred tax being shown as an
expense in the income statement for the period ending 30 June 2005.
Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the
other party or exercise significant influence over the other party in making
financial or operational decisions.
Redeemable preference shares
On 29 December 2003 the Company issued 6,000,000 25p redeemable zero dividend
preference shares for £6,000,000 to The Standard Life Assurance Company. These
shares have a nominal value of £1,500,000 and are redeemable by the Company at a
price of £1.7908. These shares do not carry any voting rights.
Ordinary share capital
Standard Life Assurance Company has held 21,769,609 of the issued ordinary
shares throughout the period on behalf of its Unit Linked Property Funds (year
ended December 2005: 21,769,609).
The Directors each hold the following number of Ordinary Shares in the Company:
30 Jun 06 31 Dec 05
David Moore 15,000 15,000
Richard Barfield 15,000 15,000
John Hallam 15,000 15,000
Shelagh Mason 15,000 15,000
Paul Orchard-Lisle 25,000 25,000
No Director has any interest in any transactions which are or were unusual in
their nature or conditions or significant to the business of the Group and which
were effected by any member of the Group since its date of incorporation. Total
fees relating to the directors in the period under review were £41,166 (period
ended 30 June 2005: £37,448), being £40,000 (period ended 30 June 2005: £36,000)
in respect of emoluments and £1,166 (period ended 30 June 2005: £1,448) in
respect of subsistence.
Investment Manager
On 19 December 2003 Standard Life Investments (Corporate Funds) Limited ('the
Investment Manager') was appointed as investment manager to manage the property
assets of the Group. Under the terms of the Investment Management Agreement the
Investment Manager is entitled to receive a fee at the annual rate of 0.85% of
the total assets (less any amounts drawn down under the facility agreement but
not yet invested in property assets), payable quarterly in arrears. Total fees
charged for the period ended 30 June 2006 amounted to £917,033 (period ended 30
June 2005: £729,282). The amount due and payable at period end amounted to
£463,388 (period ended 30 June 2005: £nil).
Deferred tax
30-Jun-06 30-Jun-05
£ £
Accumulated unrealised gains at period end 33,456,002 10,660,621
Accumulated Schedule A loss at period end (2,221,670) (1,905,380)
31,234,332 8,755,241
Deferred tax liability at period end at 22% 6,871,553 1,926,153
Deferred tax liability at start of period - 1
January 4,446,297 566,286
Movement on deferred tax liability during period 2,425,256 1,359,867
At the balance sheet date provision has been made for deferred income on all
temporary differences between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their
carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes, regardless of whether or not
those temporary differences are expected to reverse.
30-Jun-06 30-Jun-06 30-Jun-06
Freehold Leasehold Total
£ £ £
Market value as at 31 December
2005 168,285,000 34,020,000 202,305,000
Capital expenditure 4,705,814 2,606 4,708,420
Unrealised gain arising on
adjustment to fair value of
investment properties 8,911,556 2,137,394 11,048,950
Movement in adjustment for lease
incentives 2,630 - 2,630
Market value at 30 June 2006 181,905,000 36,160,000 218,065,000
Adjustment for lease incentives (93,397) - (93,397)
Discounted present value of
minimum lease payments - 5,491,276 5,491,276
Fair value at 30 June 2006 181,811,603 41,651,276 223,462,879
31-Dec-05 31-Dec-05 31-Dec-05
Freehold Leasehold Total
£ £ £
Market value as at 31 December 2004 138,946,422 25,020,000 163,966,422
Capital expenditure 21,722,416 5,986,515 27,708,931
Carrying value of disposed property (8,354,719) - (8,354,719)
Unrealised gain arising on
adjustment to fair value of
investment properties 15,970,881 3,013,485 18,984,367
Market value at 31 December 2005 168,285,000 34,020,000 202,305,000
Adjustment for lease incentives (90,767) - (90,767)
Discounted present value of
minimum lease payments - 5,085,163 5,085,163
Fair value at 31 December 2005 168,194,233 39,105,163 207,299,396
Investment properties were revalued at the period end by DTZ Debenham Tie Leung
Limited, Chartered Surveyors on the basis of the market value for existing use.
The market values of leasehold investment properties have been adjusted to
reflect the discounted present value of minimum lease payments to reflect their
fair value in accordance with IFRS. The market value for existing use provided
by DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Limited at the period end was £218,065,000 (year ended
December 2005: £202,305,000).
The interim dividends paid to date in 2006 are as follows (period ended 30 June
2005: £3,250,000):
£1,625,000 (1.625p per ordinary share) paid in February relating to the quarter
ending 31 December 2005
£1,625,000 (1.625p per ordinary share) paid in May relating to the quarter
ending 31 March 2006
A further interim dividend of 1.690p per share in respect of the quarter to 30
June 2006 was approved in August 2006. These consolidated financial statements
do not reflect this dividend, however, the published net asset value does.
01-Jan-06 to 01-Jan-05 to
30-Jun-06 30-Jun-05
£ £
Profit for the period 11,974,950 8,593,934
Movement in debtors (131,264) 1,121,479
Movement in creditors 37,425 416,330
Interest payable 2,601,463 1,986,011
Interest receivable (210,415) (128,631)
Unrealised gain arising on adjustment to fair
value of investment properties (11,048,950) (6,839,904)
Movement in deferred tax provision 2,425,256 1,359,867
Cash generated from operations 5,648,465 6,509,086
The group is organised into four main business segments determined in accordance
with the type of investment property:
Retail - Mainly shops and retail warehouse parks
Office - Mainly in large cities
Industrial - distribution warehouses and industrial units
Other - Leisure centres and Cinema complex's
Segmental analysis by business segment
01 Jan 06 to 30 Jun 06
Retail Office Industrial Other Total
£ £ £ £ £
Rental income 2,105,489 2,225,013 2,145,877 649,412 7,125,791
Unrealised gain
arising on
to fair value
of investment
properties 1,940,000 6,191,242 2,137,708 780,000 11,048,950
expenditure (27,399) (216,255) (54,796) (10,959) (309,409)
Segment result 4,018,090 8,200,000 4,228,789 1,418,453 17,865,332
expenditure (1,074,079)
profit 16,791,253
Finance costs
- net (2,391,047)
Profit for the -----------
period before
taxation 14,400,206
There were no transactions between the business segments.
Property related expenditure relates to head lease payments, valuation fees and
other direct property costs.
01 Jan 05 to 30 Jun 05
Retail Office Industrial Other Total
£ £ £ £ £
Revenue 926,523 3,220,233 1,239,767 678,568 6,065,091
Unrealised gain
arising on
to fair value
of investment
properties 2,004,092 2,114,634 1,657,600 1,063,578 6,839,904
expenditure (18,499) (192,710) (28,953) (3,000) (243,162)
Segment result 2,912,116 5,142,157 2,868,414 1,739,146 12,661,833
expenditure (850,652)
profit 11,811,181
Finance costs
- net (1,857,380)
Profit for the ----------
period before
taxation 9,953,801
There were no transactions between the business segments.
Property related expenditure relates to head lease payments, valuation fees and
other direct property costs.
Standard Life Investments Property Income Trust Limited
Directors and Company Information
David Christopher Moore (Chairman)
Richard Arthur Barfield
John Edward Hallam
Shelagh Yvonne Mason
Paul David Orchard-Lisle CBE
Registered Office
Trafalgar Court
Les Banques
St. Peter Port
Administrator, Secretary and Registrar
Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited
Trafalgar Court
Les Banques
St. Peter Port
Registered Number
Investment Manager
Standard Life Investments (Corporate Funds) Limited
One George Street
Independent Auditors
PricewaterhouseCoopers CI LLP
National Westminster House
Le Truchot
St. Peter Port
Dickson Minto W.S.
16 Charlotte Square
Principal Banker
The Royal Bank of Scotland plc
135 Bishopsgate
Property Valuer
DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Limited
1 Curzon Street
Standard Life Investments Limited, tel. 0131 225 2345, is a company registered
in Scotland (no. SC 123321) Registered Office 1 George Street Edinburgh EH2 2LL.
The Standard Life Investments Group includes Standard Life Investments (Mutual
Funds) Limited, SLTM Limited, Standard Life Investments (Corporate Funds)
and Standard Life Investments (Private Equity) Limited. Standard Life
Investments Limited acts as Investment Manager for The Standard Life Assurance
Company and Standard Life Pension Funds Limited.
Standard Life Investments may record and monitor telephone calls to help improve
customer service.
All companies are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
(c)2006 Standard Life
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange