Legal Entity Identifier (LEI): 213800J6D2TVHRGKBG
The Company announces that it is satisfied, by virtue of the points listed below, that all inside information which the Directors and the Company may have in the closed period (as defined by the EU Market Abuse Regulation) which ends on the date of the announcement of the Annual Financial Report for the year ended 30 June 2019 has been notified to a Regulated Information Service ("RIS"). The Company is therefore not prohibited from dealing in its own securities during this period.
In so stating the Company has regard to;
1) the announcement on 8 July 2019 of the net asset value per share ("NAV") as of the close of business on 30 June 2019;
2) the Company's belief, following reasonable enquiries, that there will be no material difference between the information published on 8 July 2019 and that to be included in the forthcoming announcement of the Half Yearly Financial Report;
3) the Company's practice of calculating NAVs each business day and the announcement of these NAVs to an RIS;
4) there being no other unpublished information which constitutes price-sensitive information in respect of the Company's securities; and,
5) there being no unquoted investments within the Company's portfolio.
Aberdeen Asset Management PLC
Company Secretary
19 August 2019