Circ re Future of the Company

Edinburgh Small Companies Trust plc 12 October 2006 EDINBURGH SMALL COMPANIES TRUST PLC THE FUTURE OF THE COMPANY 11 October 2006 Introduction Further to Shareholders' approval of the resolutions proposed at the Company's extraordinary general meeting of 14 August 2006, the Company today announces proposals which provide a mechanism for the Company to continue whilst recognising that some Shareholders wish to receive cash for their investment. A circular containing full details of the Proposals is being posted to Shareholders today. Background to the Proposals On 20 July 2006 the Company announced proposals for the future of the Company following the receipt of a requisition to convene an EGM on behalf of funds managed by Laxey, the Company's largest Shareholder, at which a proposal for a return of capital put forward by them was to be considered. The Directors believe that the Company has benefited from the excellent performance of Standard Life Investments ('SLI') as investment manager over the last three years and concur with SLI's positive outlook for the Company's investments and for the UK smaller companies sector. In summary the Board's proposals are designed to: • provide for the continuation of the Company which, since the appointment of SLI as manager, has been one of the best performing trusts in the UK smaller companies sector; • provide for a Tender Offer for up to 50 per cent. of the Shares and a proportionate reduction in the level of the Company's long term gearing; • introduce a pre-determined discount management policy for the Company; and • provide for a default mechanism whereby, if the Tender Offer were oversubcribed such that the Company was no longer considered viable in size, the Company would be liquidated and Shareholders offered a tax efficient roll-over into a sub-fund of an open ended investment company with an investment mandate similar to the Company's, or a cash exit. These proposals were put forward both as a response to the resolution put forward by Laxey and following discussions with other major Shareholders, the majority of whom were supportive of the continuation of the Company with its current investment mandate and manager, subject to the Company maintaining a viable size. The same EGM also granted the Board authority to apply to the Court of Session to cancel the Company's capital redemption reserve and apply the resultant credit towards a distributable reserve, out of which the Tender Offer would be funded. This Court process is ongoing and is expected to be completed prior to the proposed implementation date of the Tender Offer. As set out in the circular of 20 July 2006, the Board considers that Shareholders voting in favour of the resolutions at the extraordinary general meeting on 14 August 2006 were providing approval for the Board to bring forward the Proposals and the documentation associated with them. The Company and its management The Company was launched in 1993 and was originally managed by Edinburgh Fund Managers. SLI was appointed as the Company's investment manager with effect from 1 September 2003. The table below sets out the Company's performance record and that of the Company's benchmark: Total return performance to 6 October 2006 1 year 2 years 3 years Edinburgh Small Companies NAV per Share 37.3% 75.0% 91.7% Hoare Govett Smaller Companies Index (excluding investment companies) 26.9% 59.1% 84.7% Ranking of Edinburgh Small Companies NAV performance within UK 1 of 17 2 of 17 6 of 17 smaller Companies Trust sector Source: Thompson Financial Datastream. NAV per Share calculated on a diluted basis with the Debenture Stock at its par value. The Proposals Introduction In structuring the Proposals the Board has sought to provide a mechanism to continue the Company and provide some assurance as to its minimum size, while also recognising that there are a number of Shareholders who wish to realise their investment in the Company for cash. For these reasons, the Board is proposing a tender offer for up to 50 per cent. of the Shares (which is considered the maximum amount of capital that can be returned without jeopardising the viability of the Company) and a default mechanism whereby, should the Tender Offer be oversubscribed, the Company would be placed into members' voluntary liquidation via a scheme of reconstruction. The Tender Offer The Tender Offer is being made for up to 33,702,373 Shares representing 50 per cent. of the Company's issued share capital. The Tender Offer will be satisfied by the realised value of that proportion of the Company's net assets that matches the proportion of the Shares tendered under the Tender Offer. The Tender Price will therefore only be determined once the Company's assets have been allocated between the Continuing Pool and the Tender Pool (on the basis of valid Tender Forms received) and the assets in the Tender Pool have been realised. The Company has been granted the authority to redeem approximately the same proportion of the Debenture Stock pro rata to the Shares acquired by the Company following the Tender Offer. By this mechanism, it is intended that the gearing level of the Company will be unchanged by the implementation of the Tender Offer. Discount Management Policy If the Tender Offer is implemented and the Company continues, the Board intends to implement a discount management policy, through the use of share buy backs, in order to substantially and permanently reduce the level of discount at which the Shares trade. The Board intends to seek annual share buy back authorities to repurchase Shares, subject to its discretion and normal market conditions, with a view to limiting to 5 per cent. the discount to Net Asset Value (with the Debenture Stock valued at its repayment price in calculating Net Asset Value) at which the Shares trade over the long term. Default Scheme for Winding-up and Reconstruction As set out above, the Board proposes that the Company should continue only if it is of a viable size, which it has determined would require not more than 50 per cent. of the Shares to be tendered under the Tender Offer. The Board is therefore also putting forward resolutions seeking Shareholder approval in the event the Tender Offer is oversubscribed to implement a default scheme whereby the Company would be wound up and reconstructed. The Default Scheme will involve a members' voluntary liquidation of the Company and will provide for Shareholders to remain invested in a portfolio of UK smaller companies managed by Standard Life Investments by rolling over some or all of their investment in the Company into the UK Smaller Companies Fund. Alternatively, under the Default Scheme, Shareholders may elect to receive the realised net cash value in respect of some or all of their Shares. UK Smaller Companies Fund The UK Smaller Companies Fund is a sub-fund of SLIC, an open ended investment company (OEIC), launched as a unit trust in 1997 and converted to an OEIC in 1998. The fund has net assets as at 6 October 2006 of £206.6 million. It aims to provide capital growth over the longer term through investment in smaller companies in the UK equity market (excluding investment companies). Debenture Stock The Company currently has outstanding £18.7 million nominal amount of 7.75 per cent. Debenture Stock 2023. If a significant proportion of the Company's capital were returned to Shareholders through the Tender Offer, with no adjustment to the amount of Debenture Stock outstanding, the gearing level for remaining Shareholders would, in the Board's opinion, be unsustainably high. The Company therefore obtained the support of a number of the largest Debenture Stockholders for an early repayment of some or all of the Debenture Stock. The meeting of the Debenture Stockholders required to approve this repayment was held on 18 September 2006 and granted the Company the authority to redeem a proportion of the Debenture Stock prior to its maturity should the Tender Offer be implemented or to redeem the Debenture Stock in full should the Default Scheme proceed. In each case, the Debenture Stock will be redeemed at the higher of par and the price at which the gross redemption yield on the Debenture Stock is equal to the gross redemption yield on the 8 per cent. Treasury Stock 2021 plus 0.1 per cent., together in each case with accrued interest. The Board has been advised that it is reasonable to assume that the repayment value will be modestly lower than would be payable on a full repayment of the Debenture Stock on the terms set out in the Debenture Stock Trust Deed. For illustrative purposes only, it is estimated that if the Company's redemption right had been exercised as at close of business on 6 October 2006 the repayment value under the Proposals of £100 nominal of the Debenture Stock would have been £136.47. If the Tender Offer proceeds, the early pro rata redemption of the Debenture Stock will occur prior to the Tender Pool Determination Date. If the Tender Offer does not proceed and the Default Scheme is implemented, the redemption of the full amount of the Debenture Stock will occur prior to the Second EGM. Financial Evaluation of the Proposals The table below shows the estimated financial effects of the Proposals based on the diluted Net Asset Value per Share with debt at market value as at close of business on 6 October 2006 of 117.5p and based on the other assumptions set out below. The Default Scheme will only be implemented if the Tender Offer is oversubscribed. Tender Offer Default Scheme Discount Discount to NAV to NAV per Share per Share Estimated with debt at Estimated with debt at Value market value Value market value Election for cash 108.7p 7.5% 108.0p 8.1% NAV for continued investment 117.5p(1) 0.0% 113.3p(2) 3.6% (1) - Represents estimated diluted NAV per Share with debt at market value. (2) - Represents estimated diluted Net Asset Value per Share immediately prior to transfer of assets under the Default Scheme. Assumptions In the table above, under the Tender Offer it is assumed that 50 per cent. of the Shares are repurchased for cash and that, under the Default Scheme, 60 per cent. of the Shares elect to receive cash. Under the Tender Offer, the proportion of the Debenture Stock repaid will be pro rata to the proportion of the Shares purchased under the Tender Offer, and, under the Default Scheme, all the Debenture Stock is repaid, in each case at 136.47p per 100p in nominal value. Portfolio realisation costs are assumed at 3 per cent. of the assets realised. The other net costs of the Tender Offer are estimated as £0.51 million (which includes stamp duty of 0.5 per cent. of the value of the Shares repurchased under the Tender Offer); other net costs of the liquidation are estimated as £0.89 million (which includes stamp duty of 0.5 per cent. of the value of the assets rolled over under the Scheme and contractual termination costs). No account has been taken of income accrued during the current financial year or of any liquidation retention. Account has been taken of the value due to Warrantholders in accordance with the Deed Poll. It is assumed that holders of 50 per cent. of the Warrants elect to participate in the Warrant Offer and that such Warrants receive a payment representing the amount by which the diluted value attributable to each Share tendered exceeds the Warrant exercise price. It is assumed that under the Default Scheme Warrantholders receive a payment of 22.9p per Warrant and the Warrants are subsequently cancelled. Realisation of the Company's Assets Under the Tender Offer The Manager will seek to protect the cash value returned to Exiting Shareholders under the Tender Offer while at the same time protecting the Net Asset Value of ongoing Shareholders. It is intended that the assets comprising the Tender Pool will be realised such that cash payments can be made to the relevant Shareholders no later than 22 December 2006. However, under the Tender Offer, the Company reserves the right to defer portfolio realisations and/or cash payments if the Board believes this to be in the interests of Shareholders as a whole. Under the Default Scheme The Manager will seek to maximise the cash value returned to those Shareholders electing for a return of capital under the Default Scheme. It is intended that the assets comprising the Default Scheme Cash Pool will be realised such that cash payments in respect of the initial liquidation distribution can be made to the relevant Shareholders no later than 22 December 2006. The Manager has agreed to carry out the realisation of the assets comprising the Default Scheme Cash Pool in accordance with the timetable above. Warrants There are 3,030,532 Warrants in existence as at 30 September 2006 entitling the holders to subscribe for the same number of Shares at an exercise price of 100p per Share. Such subscription rights are generally exercisable on 30 September each year up to and including 2008. The terms of the Warrants are governed by the Deed Poll. Proposed Amendment to the Deed Poll and the Warrant Offer The Deed Poll currently provides that Warrantholders will be able to participate in the Tender Offer by exercising their subscription rights and becoming a holder of Shares. The Board believes this is unduly cumbersome for Warrantholders as it would involve their having to pay the subscription monies in advance and then have to wait for a period of time until the Tender Price had been determined and any resultant monies paid to them. The Company is therefore proposing that the terms of the Deed Poll be amended to enable Warrantholders to tender their Warrants through the Warrant Offer, without having to exercise their subscription rights in advance. Any Warrants in respect of which the Warrant Offer is accepted will be cancelled. Consequently, a separate Warrant Offer is being made by Winterflood to Warrantholders. The Warrant Offer is on the same terms and conditions as the Tender Offer, save that there will be deducted from the diluted value attributable to each Share tendered for each Warrant the sum of 100p, representing the current subscription price of a Warrant. As the amount payable to Warrantholders is dependent on the Tender Price, it is expected that payments in respect of the Warrant Offer will be made no later than the week commencing 18 December 2006. This amendment to the Deed Poll to allow the Warrant Offer to proceed in this way requires the approval by an extraordinary resolution of Warrantholders. Participation in the Default Scheme In the event that the Tender Offer is oversubscribed and the Company is therefore to be liquidated under the Default Scheme, the Deed Poll contains provisions intended to protect the 'time value' of the Warrants as reflected in the market price. These provisions operate by reference to the average price of a Warrant in the twenty days prior to any announcement that a resolution to wind up the Company is to be proposed. An announcement to this effect was made on 20 July 2006 and the average price of a Warrant in the twenty prior dealing days was 22.9p. As a consequence, if the Tender Offer is oversubscribed and the Default Scheme is implemented, each Warrantholder will be entitled to a cash payment of 22.9p per Warrant in the winding up of the Company. It is intended that this payment be made as soon as practicable following the Scheme Effective Date. Enquiries For further information, please contact: Gordon Humphries Head of Investment Companies, Standard Life Investments Tel. 0131 245 2735 Richard England Press Manager, Standard Life Investments Tel. 0131 245 2750 Nathan Brown/Jane Lewis Winterflood Investment Trusts Tel. 020 7621 5572/5521 Expected Timetable Latest time and date for receipt of Tender Forms 7 November 2006, 10am Latest time and date for receipt of Forms of Proxy for First 7 November 2006, 11am EGM Tender Offer Record Date 7 November 2006, 5pm Announcement of Tender Offer take-up level 9 November 2006 First EGM 9 November 2006, 11am Tender Offer Calculation Date 9 November 2006, 5pm Announcement of Tender Price and Settlement of Tender Offer By 22 December and Warrant Offer In the event that the Tender Offer is oversubscribed it will not be implemented and the Default Scheme will be undertaken. If required, the Default Scheme will be implemented in accordance with the following timetable: Latest time and date for receipt of Scheme Forms of Election 7 November 2006, 10am Record Date for Default Scheme 7 November 2006, 5pm Dealings in Reclassified Shares commences 15 November 2006, 8am Default Scheme Calculation Date 17 November 2006, 5pm Effective Date and commencement of liquidation 20 November 2006 Second EGM 20 November 2006, 9.30am Cheques despatched to Shareholders and CREST account credited By 22 December in respect of cash elections Notes A copy of the above document will be submitted shortly to the UK Listing Authority and will be available for inspection at the UK Listing Authority's Document Viewing Facility, which is situated at: Financial Services Authority 25 The North Colonnade Canary Wharf London E14 5HS Winterflood Securities Limited, which is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Services Authority, is, through its division Winterflood Investment Trusts, acting for the Company and for no-one else in connection with the contents of this announcement and will not be responsible to anyone other than the Company for providing the protections afforded to customers of Winterflood Investment Trusts, or for affording advice in relation to the contents of this announcement or any matters referred to herein. Terms used in this announcement shall, unless the context otherwise requires, bear the meaning given to them in the circular to the shareholders and warrantholders of Edinburgh Small Companies Trust plc dated 11 October 2006. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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