Final Results
18 August 1999
Edinburgh Small Companies Trust plc, the investment trust with an investment
objective to achieve long term capital growth by investing in small UK quoted
companies mainly with a market capitalisation below £150 million, announces
its preliminary results for the year ended 30 June 1999.
Earnings per share increased from 1.30p to 1.86p
Total dividend of 1.15p (1998 - 0.75p)
Second half net asset value up 33.8% compared with 28.1% rise in the
benchmark index
Poor first half means net asset value for year as a whole down 7.2%
compared with a rise in the index by 3.5%
Recovery continues in the current financial year with the NAV up 6.4% to
13 August 1999 compared to a rise of 3.9% in the benchmark
For further information, please contact:
Alex Gowans, Director,
Edinburgh Small Companies Trust plc 0131 313 1000
Alistair Currie, Director
Edinburgh Fund Managers plc 0131 313 1000
Please note that past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future and
that the value of investments and the income from them may fall as well as
rise. Investors may not get back the amount they originally invested.
The period under review can best be described as a year of two halves. In the
first six months to December 1998 stockmarkets fell sharply on concerns about
the stability of the global financial system. Over the second six months
sentiment improved after it became clear that the initial concerns had been
grossly exaggerated and stockmarkets recovered strongly with some markets
rising to new highs.
As reported in the interim statement the small companies sector and net asset
value of Edinburgh Small Companies fell sharply in the 6 months to 31 December
1998. However, several of the factors which hindered returns for the trust,
in particular gearing and the performance of technology companies, were
beneficial to performance over the final six months with the net asset value
appreciating by 33.8% compared to a rise of 28.1% by the trust's benchmark,
the extended Hoare Govett Smaller Companies Index excluding investment trusts.
However, this rise was not enough to fully compensate for the sharp fall in
net asset value in the first half of the year. Net asset value for the year
as a whole fell by 7.2% compared to a rise of 3.5% in the benchmark.
One of the features of the last six months has been the significant recovery
in the small companies sector in relation to blue chips. Whilst our benchmark
rose 28.1%, the FTSE100 appreciated by only 7.4% over the same period.
Smaller companies have been undervalued in relation to larger companies for a
number of years and it is encouraging that the market is now beginning to
recognise the value inherent throughout the sector. Even after this rise,
smaller companies continue to offer the potential for attractive returns.
Since the year-end performance has continued to improve and, during the period
1 July to 13 August 1999, the net asset value has appreciated by 6.4% compared
to a rise of 3.9% in the benchmark.
Investment Mandate
Edinburgh Small Companies Trust offers exposure to the smallest companies
included within the benchmark. When the company was launched in 1993 the upper
capitalisation limit of the benchmark was £298 million and, as at 1 January
1999, being the latest rebalancing date of the benchmark, the upper
capitalisation limit had been increased to £585 million. The benchmark
represents the lowest 10% of companies, by market capitalisation, of the main
UK equity market.
In view of changes to the benchmark, the upper market capitalisation limit for
new investments has been increased from £100 million to £150 million. This
modest change will allow greater investment flexibility in relation to
companies with a market capitalisation of £100 million to £150 million whilst
maintaining the original mandate of investing in the smaller constituents of
the benchmark. The capitalisation limit will continue to be reviewed by the
The trust has actively utilised its long-term borrowings throughout the period
under review. The amount of borrowings committed to the market has averaged
around £25m over the past twelve months. Gearing, as a percentage of
shareholders' funds, was in the range of 18% to 28% during the year. At 30
June 1999, gearing represented 25.5% of shareholders' funds.
During the period under review the impact of gearing on returns has been
mixed. In the first half of the year gearing had a negative impact on
returns. However, as the stockmarket recovered the decision to retain a high
level of gearing enhanced the net asset value.
Revenue Account
The amount of gross revenue received has increased from £3.1 million to £4.0
million over the period. The rise is mainly due to an increase in interest
receivable on the borrowings prior to investing the proceeds in the equity
market. Income from equity investments increased from £3.0 million to £3.3
million and the tax charge fell marginally. As a result of these factors,
earnings per share increased from 1.30p to 1.86p.
The board is recommending a final dividend of 0.4p to make a total dividend of
1.15p for the full year (1998 - 0.75p). If approved, the final dividend will
be paid on 11 October 1999 to shareholders on the register at close of
business on 6 September 1999. As Advance Corporation Tax was abolished on 6
April 1999, the company paid an interim dividend of 0.75p on 31 March 1999 to
enable PEP investors and non-taxpayers to reclaim the 20% tax credit.
Share Buy-backs
At the Extraordinary General Meeting on 24 March 1999 shareholders and
warrantholders approved share buy-back proposals. The Court has subsequently
approved the proposals.
Under the Companies Act the board now has authority to purchase up to 14.99%
of the company's shares for cancellation. The authority expires at the
company's AGM and the board is seeking approval for its renewal at that
meeting. The aim of the buy-back is to enhance the net asset value per share
for those shareholders who retain their shares. Purchases may also help
towards reducing the volatility of the discount.
A further 1,350,000 warrants have been acquired by the company for
cancellation. In total, the company has purchased 65% of the warrants
originally issued. The board intends to purchase further warrants for
cancellation when appropriate.
Corporate Governance
The company is committed to high standards of corporate governance and an
appropriate statement appears in the Annual Report and Accounts. The board
also pays close attention to best practice applicable to investment trusts
and, in-line with the general trend to shorter notice periods, the notice
period with Edinburgh Fund Managers will gradually reduce from two years to
one year by 16 August 2000.
The AITC Marketing Campaign
The Association of Investment Trust Companies is planning a major media
campaign to raise the general public's awareness of investment trusts and as a
means of creating more demand for shares in the sector. The board is
supportive of the campaign which will be funded by the investment trust
industry as a whole, broadly according to size, and Edinburgh Small Companies
contribution will be £86,000 in the first year, reducing by 50% in each of the
following two years.
The campaign will complement the marketing initiative set up by Edinburgh Fund
Managers to enable private shareholders to acquire shares in the trust in a
cost-effective manner.
The immediate outlook for the UK economy is encouraging. Inflationary
pressures are modest and the recent reduction in interest rates is leading to
a pick-up in domestic activity. Economic growth is now expected to rise over
the next two years and corporate profitability should also improve.
Whilst the UK stockmarket is close to an all time high the performance has
been due to the share price performance from the top 15 companies which now
represent just under half, by value, of the UK stockmarket. Outside this area
it is possible to identify a large number of companies which have failed to
participate in the rise in the market and offer a low valuation combined with
attractive prospects. Many smaller companies come into this category and,
even after the recent rise, the sector is still valued at a discount of 29% in
p/e terms to the market as a whole as at 30 July 1999.
Low valuations are attracting a great deal of corporate activity and, if the
stockmarket does not place realistic values on smaller companies, the level of
acquisitions and deals to take small companies back into private hands will
The board continues to believe that small companies remain attractive and will
reward shareholders who have been patient with the sector during the difficult
period the sector has experienced over the past few years.
Donald MacDonald
18 August 1999
for the year ended 30 June 1999 (audited)
Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Net losses on investments - (6,300) (6,300)
Buy back of warrants - (228) (228)
Income from investments 3,290 - 3,290
Interest receivable 658 - 658
Other income 17 - 17
Investment management fee (685) (685) (1,370)
Administrative expenses (253 - (253)
Return before finance costs and 3,027 (7,213) (4,186)
Interest payable and similar (1,147) (1,141) (2,288)
Return on ordinary activities 1,880 (8,354) (6,474)
before taxation
Taxation (590) 78 (512)
Return attributable to equity 1,290 (8,276) (6,986)
Dividend in respect of equity (800) - (800)
Transfer to reserves 490 (8,276) (7,786)
Return per ordinary share 1.86p (11.90p) (10.04p)
Diluted return per ordinary - - -
for the year ended 30 June 1998 (audited)
Revenue Capital Total
£000 £000 £000
Net gains on investments - 31,522 31,522
Buy back of warrants - (1,384) (1,384)
Income from investments 2,980 - 2,980
Interest receivable 2 - 2
Other income 96 - 96
Investment management fee (676) (676) (1,352)
Administrative expenses (239) - (239)
Return before finance costs and 2,163 29,462 31,625
Interest payable and similar (668) (667) (1,335)
Return on ordinary activities 1,495 28,795 30,290
before taxation
Taxation (589) - (589)
Return attributable to equity 906 28,795 29,701
Dividend in respect of equity (521) - (521)
Transfer to reserves 385 28,795 29,180
Return per ordinary share 1.30p 41.42p 42.72p
Diluted return per ordinary 1.28p 40.72p 42.00p
At 30 June At 30 June
1999 1998
£000 £000
Fixed assets
Investments 130,011 133,079
Current assets 7,470 17,449
Current liabilities 2,911 7,806
Net current assets 4,559 9,643
134,570 142,722
Creditors: amounts falling
due after more than one 30,996 31,016
103,574 111,706
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 17,382 17,382
Reserves 86,192 94,324
Total equity shareholders' 103,574 111,706
Net asset value per share 150.39p 162.12p
Diluted net asset value per 149.77p 158.82p
1. The financial statements have been prepared under the same accounting
policies used for the year to 30 June 1998.
2. The financial information for the year ended 30 June 1998 has been
extracted from the Annual Report and Accounts of the company which have
been filed with the Registrar of Companies and contained an unqualified
auditors' report. The statutory accounts for 1999 are unqualified and will
be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the company's Annual
General Meeting which will be held at the registered office of the company,
Donaldson House, 97 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 5HD on Friday 8
October 1999 at 11.00am.
3. The statement of total return (incorporating the revenue account) and
balance sheet set out above do not represent full accounts in accordance
with Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.
4. The investment management fee in each case includes irrecoverable VAT
calculated at 17.5 per cent.
5. The Annual Report will be posted to shareholders on 6 September 1999 and
copies will be available from the registered office of the company.
For Edinburgh Small Companies Trust plc
Edinburgh Fund Managers plc, Secretary
David Holland
Assistant Secretary