Subject: Disclosure on behalf of Acer subsidiary, Acer Europe SA(AEG), for the monetary loans with Acer Incorporated
Date of event: 2024/06/28
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2024/06/28
2.Funding recipient name, relationship with lender, lending limit (thousand NTD), starting outstanding balance (thousand NTD), new loan (thousand NTD), is it part of a scheduled allocation or revolving limit for the same recipient that the chairman is authorized by the board of directors to allocate, outstanding balance (thousand NTD) up to the date of occurrence, reason for new loan (thousand NTD):
Acer Incorporated; AI indirectly owns 100% shares of AEG; NTD4,113,921K; 0;
3.For collaterals provided by the loan recipient, the content and the value (thousand NTD): NIL
4.For the latest financial reports of the loan recipient, the capital (thousand NTD) and the cumulative gains/losses(thousand NTD): NTD73,728,013K; gain 4,503,277K
5.Method of calculation of interest: 4.079%
6.For repayment, the condition and the date: 12 MONTHS,2025/07/01
7.The amount of monetary loans extended to others as of the date of occurrence (thousand NTD): NTD10,462,731K
8.The total amount of monetary loans extended to others as a percentage of the public company's net worth on the latest financial statements as of the date of occurrence: 14.18%
9.Sources of funds for the company to extend monetary loans to others: INTERNAL FUNDS
10.Any other matters that need to be specified: NO