Final Results
Advanced Medical Solutions Grp PLC
28 March 2001
Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2000
Winsford, 28 March 2001 Advanced Medical Solutions Group plc announces
preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2000.
2000 1999
----- -----
Turnover £7.8m £6.2m
Gross profit / (loss) £0.4m £(0.8)m
Loss before taxation £(2.7)m £(5.2)m
Basic loss per share (2.9)p (7.3)p
Highlights for the year:
- Turnover up by 26% to £7.8m (1999 : £6.2m)
- Losses almost halved to £2.7m (1999 : £5.2m)
- Operating cash outflow reduced by 53% to £1.7m (1999 : £3.6m)
- Balance sheet improved with cash over £7m
- Further significant partnerships agreed including Johnson & Johnson
Consumer Products Company in North America
- Technology position strengthened for future revenue stream in our two
focus areas of delivery of actives and tissue engineering.
Commenting on the results, Don Evans, Chief Executive of Advanced Medical
Solutions Group plc said:
'We have been successful during 2000 in establishing a more secure financial
platform for the development of the business.
The partnerships we have now formed with major global players such as Novartis
Consumer Health, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Products Company, Molnlycke
Healthcare and Smith + Nephew / Beiersdorf are key in providing future growth.
The progress we have made in developing our technology in delivery of actives
and tissue engineering give me confidence that we can deliver high value
products into a range of healthcare applications in the years ahead'.
For further information, please contact:
Advanced Medical Solutions Group plc
Don Evans, Chief Executive Officer on 28 March Tel: 0207 457 2345
Mary Tavener, Finance Director thereafter Tel: 01606 863500
Gavin Anderson & Company
Philip Ward Tel: 0207 457 2345
Charlotte Stone
Chairman's Statement
I am delighted to have taken over as Chairman at a time when the Group has
started to realise its potential and is entering an exciting phase in its
evolution. The financial improvement that has been achieved during the last
year has put the Group firmly on track to achieve profitability.
Financial Performance
Group turnover has increased by 26% to £7.8m driven by strong growth in the
Consumer Skincare business. The focus of the management team on reducing
losses and cash burn resulted in a 48% reduction in loss to £2.7m, whilst the
operating cash outflow position improved by 53% to £1.7m. This, together with
continued tight control of working capital, puts the Group in a strong cash
position going forward with £7m cash at 31 December 2000.
Good progress continues to be made in improving manufacturing efficiencies
with the Group achieving positive gross profit over 2000.
Increased volumes will continue to improve our gross margins going forward.
Therefore, the partnerships we have developed with leading sales and marketing
companies capable of providing growth are key. The recent addition of Johnson
& Johnson Consumer Products Company as a partner is a significant step forward
for the Group, as the strength of its first aid brands in North America
complements the strength in Europe of the Novartis Consumer Health brands.
Our strategy of focusing on securing relationships with high quality players
is proving successful, which allows streamlining of the business at all
The identification and delivery of proprietary new materials technology has
been, and will remain, key to attracting major partners into strategic
relationships, thus improving the value of the Group. By focussing our
efforts and resources on areas where we can build upon our expertise and add
value, we have considerably strengthened our position during the past year in
actives/drug delivery and cell-fibre interactions for tissue engineering. Our
strategy is to move from passive to active products which can accelerate
tissue repair for woundcare and other healthcare applications. Relationships
have been forged with leading academic institutions in the U.K. These
collaborations together with the awarding of grants have served to validate
our technology and are enabling us to progress longer-term research.
Board Changes
With the departure of James Noble owing to his increased commitments, I
assumed the non-executive Chairman's role in January this year. In addition,
the Board was strengthened by the appointment of Steve Harris as a non-
executive director. Steve and I are excited to be working with the executive
team to complete the Group's transition to profitability and, in the future,
based on our international exposure to the healthcare and biotechnology
markets, support Advanced Medical Solutions as it increases its portfolio of
added value products throughout all its key target markets.
As part of an overall review of the Group's professional advisors, HLB Kidson
has been appointed as our auditors and Granville Baird as our sole stock
brokers and financial advisors. These changes took effect from December,
The rights issue, strong cash management and continued growth is securing a
firmer financial footing for the future. The Group has signed major
strategic partnerships, has become a recognised global producer of woundcare
dressings and has improved the balance sheet.
A strong and experienced management team is in place who are capable of
delivering value for shareholders from this opportunity. I am pleased to
report that results for the first quarter of 2001 are in line with our
forecasts and market expectations.
Finally, I would like to thank all of the employees at Advanced Medical
Solutions who have committed long hours to the Group during 2000. They have
experienced a year of significant change and have worked extremely hard on
your behalf in moving the business towards profitability.
Dr Geoffrey N. Vernon,
28 March 2001
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 31 December 2000
Year ended Year ended
31 December 31 December
Note 2000 1999
£'000 £'000
Turnover 7,815 6,221
Cost of sales (7,373) (7,029)
----------- -----------
Gross profit / (loss) 442 (808)
Distribution costs (262) (274)
Administration costs (3,701) (4,782)
Other operating income 402 564
----------- -----------
Operating loss (3,119) (5,300)
Interest receivable and similar income 470 221
Interest payable and similar charges (37) (77)
Loss on ordinary activities
before taxation (2,686) (5,156)
----------- -----------
Taxation - -
Retained loss for the year (2,686) (5,156)
----------- -----------
Loss per share: restated
including effect of
rights issue
Basic 2 (2.9)p (7.3)p
Fully diluted (2.7)p (6.7)p
The above results relate to continuing operations.
There is no difference between the results reported above and results on a
historic basis.
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
Year ended Year ended
31 December 31 December
2000 1999
£'000 £'000
Loss for the financial year (2,686) (5,156)
Currency translation
differences on foreign
currency net investments 24 14
------------ -----------
Total losses recognised since
last annual report (2,662) (5,142)
Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
Group Company
Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended
31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December
2000 1999 2000 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Opening shareholders' funds 9,590 14,732 13,351 39,582
Loss for the financial year (2,686) (5,156) (2,809) (26,231)
Currency translation
differences on foreign
currency net investments 24 14 - -
New share capital
subscribed 3,184 - 3,184 -
Premium on issue of
shares during the year 3,822 - 3,822 -
Costs of share issue (480) - (480) -
Closing shareholders'funds 13,454 9,590 17,068 13,351
The loss for the Company includes an exceptional write-down in the value of
investments of £3,164k (1999: £26,312k).
Balance Sheets
at 31 December 2000
Group Company
Note 2000 1999 2000 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 5,403 5,606 - -
Investments - - 10,180 10,742
------ ------ ------ ------
5,403 5,606 10,180 10,742
Current assets
Stocks 1,021 1,803 - -
- due within one year 2,385 2,091 68 254
- due after more than
one year 200 - 200 -
Cash at bank
and in hand 7,013 2,723 6,642 2,387
------ ------ ------ ------
10,619 6,617 6,910 2,641
Creditors: amounts
falling due within
one year. (2,228) (2,306) (22) (32)
------ ------ ------ ------
Net current assets 8,391 4,311 6,888 2,609
------ ------ ------ ------
Total assets less
current liabilities 13,794 9,917 17,068 13,351
Creditors: amounts
falling due after
More than one year (340) (327) - -
Provisions for
liabilities and
charges - - - -
------ ------ ------ ------
13,454 9,590 17,068 13,351
Capital and reserves
Called up share
capital 2 9,355 6,171 9,355 6,171
Share premium account 2 36,910 33,568 36,910 33,568
Other reserve 1,531 1,531 - -
Profit and loss
account (34,342) (31,680) (29,197) (26,388)
------ ------ ------ ------
Equity shareholders'
funds 13,454 9,590 17,068 13,351
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 31 December 2000
Year ended Year ended
31 December 31 December
2000 1999
Note £'000 £'000
Net cash outflow from
operating activities (1,705) (3,600)
Returns on investments
and servicing of finance
Interest paid - (1)
Interest received 452 170
Interest element of
finance lease
Rental and hire purchase
payments (37) (76)
Net cash inflow from
returns on investment
and servicing finance 415 93
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Purchase of tangible
fixed assets (660) (704)
Sale of tangible fixed
assets 6 6
Cash outflow before use
of liquid resources and
financing (1,944) (4,205)
Management of liquid
Sales of term deposits - 4,223
Purchase of term deposits (4,362) -
Share issues by parent
company 7,006 -
Share issue expenses (480) -
Repayment of promissory
note - (49)
Net movement of capital
element of finance lease
rental and hire purchase
payments (316) (409)
Net cash inflow/(outflow)
from financing 6,210 (458)
Decrease in cash (96) (440)
Notes to the Accounts:
1. No dividend has been proposed.
2. The basic loss per share has been calculated on a weighted average number
of shares in issue during the year, namely 93,181,925 (1999 : 70,893,769)
after adjusting for the effect of the rights issue) and loss of £2,686k
(1999: £5,156k). The comparative loss per share as disclosed in the
previous financial statements has been adjusted for the effects of the
rights issue.
On 6 January 2000 the Company made a rights issue on a 16 for 31 basis at
22p. The Company issued 31,847,615 ordinary 10p shares ranking pari
passu with existing shares and raised £7,006k before expenses of £480k.
3. This statement was approved by the Directors and agreed with the Group's
auditors on 26 March 2000. A copy can be obtained from the Secretary at
the Company's Head Office, Road Three, Winsford Industrial Estate,
Winsford, Cheshire CW7 3PD.
4. The figures and financial information for the year 2000 do not constitute
the statutory financial statements for that year.
5. The figures and financial information for the year 1999 do not constitute
the statutory financial statements for that year. Those financial
statements have been delivered to the Registrar and included the auditors
report which was unqualified.
6. The Annual General Meeting will be held at the Oaklands Country House
Hotel, Millington Lane, Gorstage, Weaverham, Northwich, Cheshire CW8 2SU
at 11:00am on 29 May 2001.