Final Results - Year Ended 31 December 1999
Advanced Medical Solutions Group PLC
11 April 2000
Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 1999
Winsford, 11 April 2000, Advanced Medical Solutions plc., (AMS), announces
preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 1999.
1999 1998
Turnover £6.2m £5.4m
Gross Loss £(0.8)m £(0.6)m
Loss before Taxation £(5.2)m £(4.9)m
Loss per Share
(pre-exceptionals) (8.4)p (12.2)p
Highlights for the year:
* Turnover up 15%
* New products drive Consumer Skincare to 140% growth
* Distribution agreements signed with Novartis Consumer Healthcare for UK and
Eire (December 1999) and Germany (March 2000)
* Business restructuring completed
Commenting on the results, Don Evans, Chief Executive of AMS, said:
'The progress we have made in Consumer Skincare with new products and
distribution agreements with key partners such as Novartis confirms the
potential of our technology.
The steps we have taken this year to focus production in the UK, cut costs and
establish a separate Research and Technology Business Unit give me confidence
that we are on track to becoming a profitable company.'
'In November 1999 we announced, in response to an increase in our share price,
that the Company had received an approach proposing an all paper offer.
Discussions with the party concerned have been terminated and no discussions
with any other party are taking place'.
For further information, please contact:
Advanced Medical Solutions plc
Don Evans, Chief Executive Officer on 11 April Tel: 020 7457 2345
Mary Tavener, Finance Director thereafter: Tel: 01606 863500
Gavin Anderson & Company
Philip Ward
Charlotte Stone Tel: 020 7457 2345
Chairman's Statement
1999 proved to be another year of tremendous change for AMS, as the company
continues to progress towards a self-sustaining advanced healthcare business.
Turnover increased from £5.4 million to £6.2 million, an increase of nearly 15
percent, but the losses before and after tax also rose from £4.9 million to
£5.2 million.
These figures do not reflect fully the progress being made towards
repositioning the company. Up until 1999, AMS concentrated almost exclusively
on the Professional business-to-business woundcare market. Following a
detailed review of this market, the Board decided at the end of 1998 to put
extra resources into the Consumer market and into Research and Technology.
While this would increase the cash outflow and losses in the short term, it
would provide a far more attractive business opportunity in the future. The
1999 figures bear out this strategy, since business-to-business Professional
sales actually fell in 1999 by 4 percent, while Consumer sales increased by
142 per cent. The Board expects the Consumer business to increase in
importance in years to come.
The success of this strategy can be seen in other ways, as well. Our largest
single customer in 1999 was Spenco, which is responsible for our Consumer
brands in the USA. In the UK, Boots continues to increase sales of our
Advanced Healing range. In September 1999, Novartis signed a distribution
agreement for ActivHealTM, under which it is marketing the range as SavlonR
ActivHealTM in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. I am delighted to say
that, since the year-end, Novartis has signed a further agreement covering
Research and Technology has also made good progress in 1999. It is now
established in its own separate facilities at Tarvin Sands and is working on a
number of projects, which the Board expects to lead to significant new product
opportunities in the future.
Other Developments
AMS concentrated heavily in 1999 on improving manufacturing operations. The
membrane manufacturing facility has now successfully all been transferred to
Winsford, following the closure of the Denver facility. In addition, the
facility is being progressively automated, leading to much greater efficiency.
In 1999, AMS manufactured over twelve million dressings, compared with eight
million in 1998, while the number of manufacturing staff remained constant.
The balance sheet benefited in 1999 from the redemption of $4.5 million of
Convertible Notes at a cost of $80,000 in February. This was reflected in the
opening balance sheet for 1999. This was the final tranche of the
consideration for the acquisition of Polymedica in 1997.
The Board
I am delighted that the Board was strengthened by the appointment of a
permanent Finance Director, Mary Tavener, in June 1999.
As part of the review of the business leading up to the rights issue in
December 1999, it was also decided to slim down the Board on the non-executive
side. Accordingly, Walter Christie, who is 70, is retiring from the Board and
John Berry has resigned.
I would like to take the opportunity to express both my personal and the
Board's gratitude for all the help they have given me and AMS over the years.
Both of them have contributed far more in terms of time and effort than would
normally be expected from non-executives in what have been, at times, very
difficult circumstances. I wish Walter a long and happy retirement and John
success with his many business ventures.
Following the year-end, the Chief Executive, Roy Smith decided to leave AMS to
pursue another opportunity. Roy has worked diligently over the last three
years to stabilise the business and he leaves the Company in an immeasurably
stronger state than when he joined it. I wish him well in his new career. I
am delighted that, in Don Evans (who was previously in charge of the
Professional Woundcare and Consumer Skincare operations), we had an obvious
internal successor to Roy. Don was appointed Chief Executive in January
AMS is in a position to take advantage of the improvements to manufacturing
and the shift to Consumer products referred to above. The balance sheet is
strong, with £9.2 million of cash at the year-end on a pro-forma basis to
include the rights issue proceeds (which were received in early January 2000).
Partnerships are being secured to promote effectively the Consumer brands and
the management team is in place to deliver success. Professional Woundcare is
being stabilised, as far as possible, in a very competitive environment. The
Board is focusing entirely on delivery of sustainable business for
shareholders. I am pleased to report that sales for the first quarter are in
line with budget and are 20 per cent. up on the corresponding period for last
Lastly, I would like to thank all of the staff at AMS, who have really made
great efforts on behalf of your Company.
James Noble
11 April 2000
Consolidated Profit and Loss Accounts
Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended
31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December
1999 1998 1998 1998
exceptional Exceptional
Total items items Total
£ £ £
Turnover 6,221,006 5,387,430 --- 5,387,430
Cost of sales (7,028,549) (5,947,584) --- (5,947,584)
Gross loss (807,543) (560,154) --- (560,154)
costs (273,931) (85,520) --- (85,520)
costs (4,782,179) (4,411,403) (1,164,370) (5,575,773)
Other operating
income 564,357 155,150 --- 155,150
Operating Loss (5,299,296) (4,901,927) (1,164,370) (6,066,297)
receivable and
similar income 220,650 145,160 1,142,714 1,287,874
Interest payable
and similar charges (76,956) (144,916) --- (144,916)
Loss on ordinary
before taxation (5,155,602) (4,901,683) (21,656) (4,923,339)
Taxation --- --- --- ---
Retained loss
for the year (5,155,602) (4,901,683) (21,656) (4,923,339)
Loss per share
Basic and fully
diluted (8.4)p (12.2)p --- (12.2)p
The above results relate to continuing operations.
There is no difference between the results reported above and results on an
historic cost basis.
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
Year ended Year ended
31 December 31 December
1999 1998
£ £
Loss for the financial year (5,155,602) (4,923,339)
Currency translation
differences on foreign currency
net investments 13,324 ---
Total losses recognised since
last annual report (5,142,278) (4,923,339)
Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds
Group Company
Year ended Year ended Year ended Year ended
31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December
1999 1998 1999 1998
£ £ £ £
Opening 14,732,610 9,095,288 39,582,470 30,467,812
for the financial
year (5,155,602) (4,923,339) (26,231,563) 1,197,074
Other recognised
gains and losses
relating to the
year (net) 13,324 --- --- ---
New share capital
subscribed --- 2,479,178 --- 2,479,178
Premium on
issue of shares
during the year --- 9,073,236 --- 9,073,236
Costs of
share issue --- (943,121) --- (943,121)
Convertible notes
repaid --- (2,691,709) --- (2,691,709)
written back --- 2,643,077 --- ---
funds 9,590,332 14,732,610 13,350,907 39,582,470
Balance Sheets
at 31 December 1999
Group Company
1999 1998 1999 1998
£ £ £ £
Fixed assets
assets --- --- --- ---
assets 5,606,055 5,969,435 --- ---
Investments --- --- 10,741,436 32,478,975
5,606,055 5,969,435 10,741,436 32,478,975
Stocks 1,803,095 2,419,723 --- ---
- due within
one year 2,090,900 1,905,247 254,262 9,734
- due after
more than one
year --- 132,255 --- 132,255
Cash at bank
and in hand 2,722,876 7,372,235 2,387,289 7,044,473
6,616,871 11,829,460 2,641,551 7,186,462
amounts falling
due within one
year (2,306,077) (2,644,825) (32,080) (82,967)
Net current
assets 4,310,794 9,184,635 2,609,471 7,103,495
Total assets
less current 9,916,849 15,154,070 13,350,907 39,582,470
falling due
after more
than one year (326,517) (421,460) --- ---
and charges --- --- --- ---
9,590,332 14,732,610 13,350,907 39,582,470
Capital and
Called up
share capital 6,170,578 6,170,578 6,170,578 6,170,578
Share premium
account 33,568,341 33,568,341 33,568,341 33,568,341
Other reserve 1,531,045 1,531,045 --- ---
Profit and
loss account (31,679,632) (26,537,354) (26,388,012) (156,449)
funds 9,590,332 14,732,610 13,350,907 39,582,470
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the year ended 31 December 1999
Year ended Year ended
31 December 31 December
1999 1998
£ £
Net cash outflow from (3,600,405) (4,867,105)
operating activities
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest paid (1,082) (8,467)
Interest received 170,046 145,160
Interest element of finance
lease rental and hire
purchase payments (75,874) (136,449)
Net cash inflow from returns
on investments and servicing
of finance 93,090 244
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed
assets (704,119) (740,994)
Sale of tangible fixed
assets 6,549 ---
Cash outflow before use of
liquid resources and
financing (4,204,885) (5,607,855)
Management of liquid
Sales of term deposits 4,222,571 ---
Purchase of term deposits --- (6,500,000)
Share issues by parent
company --- 11,552,414
Share issues expenses --- (943,121)
Repayment of promissory note (48,632) (1,288,897)
Net movement in capital
element of finance lease
rental and hire purchase
payments (409,166) (545,611)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from
financing (457,798) 8,774,785
Decrease in cash (440,112) (3,333,070)
Notes to the Accounts:
1. No dividend has been proposed.
2. This statement was approved by the Directors and agreed with the
Company's auditors on 11 April 2000. A copy can be obtained from the
Secretary at the Company's Head Office, Road Three, Industrial Estate,
Winsford, Cheshire CW7 3PD.
3. The figures and financial information for the year 1999 do not constitute
the statutory financial statements for that year. Those financial
statements include an unqualified auditors report and will be delivered
to the Registrar in due course.
4. The figures and financial information for the year 1998 do not constitute
the statutory financial statements for that year. Those financial
statements have been delivered to the Registrar and included the auditors
report which was unqualified.
5. The Annual General Meeting will be held at Rookery Hall, Worleston,
Nantwich, Nr. Chester, Cheshire, CW5 6DQ at 12.00pm on 18 May 2000.