Final Results

ADVFN PLC 31 October 2007 Embargoed for release until 7.30 am Wednesday 31st October 2007 ADVFN plc ('ADVFN' or 'the Company') Preliminary Results for the Year Ended 30 June 2007 ADVFN, Europe's number one stocks and shares website, today announces its preliminary results for the year ended 30 June 2007. Highlights: • Turnover up 35% to £6.0M (2006: £4.5M) • EBITDA profits of £262,000 (2006: loss £188,000) • Operating losses reduced by 19% to £1.07M (2006: £1.32M) • Net assets up over 27% to £6.8M (2006: £5.3M) • Inc and SI Holdings LLC turnover up 107% for the nine months since acquisition to June 2007 compared to the previous nine months • ADVFN user numbers up over 38% to 970,000 (2006: 700,000) • Total group user numbers up 65% to 3.3M (2006: 2M) • Inc and SI Holdings LLC successfully acquired and integrated into the group during the year Clem Chambers, CEO of ADVFN, commented: 'The last year has been a year of record growth and international success. We are poised to dramatically expand market share outside of the UK and look forward to the future with optimism.' For further information, please contact: Clem Chambers, Francesca De Franco, PR 020 7070 0932 Fiona Kindness, Grant Thornton UK LLP (Nominated Adviser) 020 7728 3414 Chief Executive's Statement The year to June 30th 2007 has been a strong period for the group. Our sales have continued to grow, up 35% from £4,463,000 last year to £6,022,000. This has come from growth in our subscription products, advertising income and Equity Development's paid for equity research. This strong sales performance extends right throughout the group, with Equity Development and our US operations, (iHub) and Silicon Investor (SI), doing well. We have stated in the past that we intend to grow both at home and abroad and in this period we have seen our international offerings take off. We have had particularly strong progress in Brazil and Italy, with encouraging developments in France and Germany. and Silicon Investor have also had strong sales growth which we believe represents early evidence of significant revenue potential going forwards. Based on the latest figures from web information company ALEXA (, over 75% of total ADVFN global traffic now comes from outside of the UK. We are working hard translating this into the kind of revenue yields we currently enjoy in the UK market. This broad usage growth represents major revenue potential as we develop our advertising and subscription products in localised markets. Strong international growth is an important and exciting development for ADVFN that sees our strategy for creating a global financial information platform begin to pay off. It would have been far easier to concentrate on the UK market alone, but now as our local competition falls away and we enjoy accelerating traction in overseas markets, we feel confident we are in the early stages of delivering on the vision of a truly global business. While ADVFN continues to grow in the UK, with what is now an established business model, commercialisation is still at an early stage overseas. Yet even so, the initial contributions to sales growth are significant and growing. As we tap further into these new markets and continue to develop the iHub and SI properties, it is clear that the potential is there to multiply our revenues. This won't be achieved overnight but this across-the-board progress leads us to believe that this new phase is underway. Our registered user numbers are now, at the report date, over one million and our subscriber numbers are in a period of fast growth. The rates of acquisition of both subscriptions and registrations are at record levels and have been unaffected, perhaps even enhanced, by this summer's market turbulence. In a volatile market investors need access to unbiased market information wherever they may be in the world; ADVFN remains one of the very few destinations that can fulfil this need. The operational leverage of a tried and tested, robust platform gives us an opportunity to become both highly profitable and cash generative. The small variance between our net cash at the year end and the previous interim period is an indication of how our growth is being achieved without any significant drain on our finances. Financial overview ADVFN has continued its growth in turnover for the seventh consecutive year. Turnover for the year ended 30 June 2007 was £6.02 million - a rise of 35 % on last year (2006: £4.46 million). EBITDA for the year was £262,000 compared to £188,000 loss last year. Operating losses have been reduced by 19% to £1.07million (2006: £1.32million). The directors are encouraged with the performance for the year and believe that ADVFN is in a strong position to continue to expand its market share as we roll out our localised content and continue to integrate iHub and Silicon Investor into the ADVFN infrastructure. Equity Development continues to grow and build an increasing portfolio of clients as it leverages its reputation as a market leader in sponsored research. Financial performance Key financial performance for the year has been summarised as follows: Year to 30 Year to 30 Change Change June 2007 June 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 % Turnover 6,022 4,463 1,559 35 Operating Loss (1,073) (1,318) 245 19 EBITDA We have many non-cash expenses and therefore feel that our EBITDA is a more accurate measure of our performance than our operating results, which can be seen from the table below: EBITDA - Earnings before interest, tax, 2007 2006 depreciation, amortisation and exceptional items £'000 £'000 Loss on ordinary activities after (1,499) (1,021) taxation Amortisation 195 337 Depreciation 971 678 Taxation (278) (58) Share of associates operating losses 738 567 Exceptional item - gain on part disposal - (761) of subsidiary Share options expense 169 115 Net interest (34) (45) EBITDA 262 (188) Strategy Our continued strategy is to build on our market position which is number one in the UK and Europe while at the same time expanding our model into other world markets. In the main, this is being achieved from London or via joint ventures with local partners. In the USA, the ADVFN, SI and iHub brands have now leaped ahead of the UK in terms of site traffic. Our USA traffic is now over 30% of our total traffic, which now places the UK into second place at around 23%. This is a trend we expect to see continuing as we move forward. Likewise, we expect income from overseas markets to become an increasing percentage of our turnover, which should eventually reflect the market size and economy of the various territories we become established in. This should, over time, transform ADVFN into a much larger enterprise. Turnover As detailed above, our sales have achieved growth over the year of 35%. We expect this growth to continue and accelerate as we open new markets and begin to benefit from our USA operations. As also shown in the table above, our operating loss has been reduced by £245,000 or 19% compared to 2006. Despite the reduction in our operating loss, our net loss for the year actually rose by 47% to £1,499,000. This is due to two things: Firstly the share of operating losses of our associates rose by 30% to £738,000, relating to our investment in All IPO Plc and the technical impact on our accounts of our shareholding in ADVFN Japan. Secondly last year we had an exceptional gain of £761,000 relating to a gain on part disposal of associates which more than wiped out the share of associate's losses, whereas this year there was no such gain to help reduce this charge. Operating costs Compared to the 35% growth in turnover, our operating costs known as administrative expenses have grown by nearly 26% to £6,582,000. Within this there are items of £169,000 for share option valuation expense, £174,000 for amortisation of goodwill, plus the £312,000 overhead of our US acquisitions during the period. Due to the introduction of FRS 20 we have had to bear an expense of £169,000 in connection with share options issued being expensed, with £115,000 included for 2006 within the restated figures. In addition, we have had to bear £174,000 of amortisation costs relating to goodwill on consolidation compared to £77,000 in 2006. Market data-feed costs have increased as have bandwidth, networking and hosting charges which have increased our costs. Due to organic growth and acquisition, staffing levels and wages have also risen giving us an increase in total overheads of 25%, which is in line with our expectations. Our marketing and customer acquisition costs have remained reasonably static throughout the year and we expect this level to be maintained for the next 12 months. Research and development The company continues to invest in the quality and design of its products. We believe sustained investment in our research and development is fundamental to the continuing growth of the business. Environmental policy Management continued to look for ways to develop the group's environmental policy during the year. It is our objective to consistently improve our performance in this area. Summary of key performance indicators The directors have monitored the progress of the overall company strategy and the individual strategic elements by reference to certain financial and non-financial key performance indicators, as outlined below: 2007 2007 2006 2006 Actual Target Actual Target Growth in sales (%) 35% 30% 35% 30% Staff turnover (%) 18% 20% 25% 20% Average head count 54 55 47 45 Advfn registered users 970K 850K 700K 650K Group registered users 3.3M 2.5M 2M 1.75M Future developments for the business We believe our continued investment in our service and product ranges and brands like Equity Development, ADVFN, Silicon Investor and InvestorsHub in the financial sector and CupidBay and Fotothing in the leisure space plus the addition of new products across our services, will enable us to improve on our already strong market position. Our emphasis on quality, design and employing people with the relevant expertise underlines this development. As a result we remain confident that we will continue to maintain our current level of performance in the foreseeable future. Principal risks and uncertainties The management of the business and the nature of the Company's strategy are subject to a number of risks. The directors are of the opinion that a thorough risk management process is adopted which involves the formal review of all the risks identified below. Where possible, processes are in place to monitor and mitigate such risks. We have set out below the principal risks facing the business. Economic downturn The success of the world's stock markets could affect the business and many things around the world can affect a stock market from war to human error. This can also have a knock on effect on consumer spending power. However, in the past when we have seen a market downturn it has not changed our customer appetite for information about what is happening in the market be it good or bad. In response to this risk, senior management aim to keep abreast of economic conditions around the world. Not only should senior management be aware of it, likewise so should our customers and members. In cases of severe economic downturn, marketing and pricing strategies are modified to reflect the new market conditions. High proportion of fixed overheads and variable revenues A large proportion of the company's overheads are reasonably fixed. There is the risk that any significant changes in revenue may lead to the inability to cover such costs. Management closely monitor fixed overheads against budget on a monthly basis and cost-saving exercises would be implemented should there be an anticipated decline in revenues. Product obsolescence Due to the nature of the market in which the company operates, products are subject to technological advances and resultant obsolescence. The directors are committed to the research and development strategy in place, and are confident that the company is able to react effectively to the developments within the market. Fluctuations in currency exchange rates Approximately 20% of our turnover relates to overseas operations. As a company, we are therefore exposed to foreign currency fluctuations. The company manages its foreign exchange exposure on a net basis, and if required would use forward foreign exchange contracts and other derivatives/financial instruments to reduce the exposure. If the hedging activity does not mitigate the exposure, then the results and the financial condition of the company might be adversely impacted by foreign currency fluctuations. People Our team of experienced people is critical to the ongoing success of the business. I would like to take this opportunity to once again thank both the board and the staff for their continued hard work. Prospects There are many opportunities opening up for us as we roll out the ADVFN platform worldwide. With rapid progress in the US, Brazil and Italy, we feel that the ADVFN model is ready to address a much bigger market. The company is therefore well positioned over the next two years to become strongly cash generative and profitable. Clem Chambers Chief Executive 30th October 2007 ADVFN PLC Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 30 June 2007 Continuing Continuing Total 2006 Acquisitions 2007 2007 2007 As restated Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover 5,633 389 6,022 4,463 Cost of sales (442) (71) (513) (537) Gross profit 5,191 318 5,509 3,926 Administrative expenses Share option valuation expense (169) - (169) (115) Amortisation of goodwill (174) - (174) (77) Other administrative expenses (5,926) (313) (6,239) (5,052) Total administrative expenses (6,269) (313) (6,582) (5,244) Operating (loss)/profit (1,078) 5 (1,073) (1,318) Exceptional item: Gain on part disposal of associates - - - 761 Share of operating losses of associates (738) - (738) (567) Net interest 34 - 34 45 (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation (1,782) 5 (1,777) (1,079) Tax on loss on ordinary activities 278 - 278 58 (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities after taxation (1,504) 5 (1,499) (1,021) Loss per ordinary share 2 Basic (0.27p) (0.22p) Fully diluted (0.27p) (0.22p) All operations are continuing. ADVFN PLC Balance Sheets at 30 June 2007 Group Company Group Company 2007 2007 2006 2006 As As restated restated Notes £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 2,280 - 874 21 Tangible assets 1,703 1,510 1,681 1,407 Investments 1,595 2,692 2,402 1,055 5,578 4,202 4,957 2,483 Current assets Debtors 1,415 1,681 938 1,200 Investments 78 29 48 29 Cash at bank and in hand 1,358 1,161 938 862 2,851 2,871 1,924 2,091 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (1,626) (1,274) (1,512) (1,305) Net current assets 1,225 1,597 412 786 Total assets less current liabilities 6,803 5,799 5,369 3,269 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (20) (20) (28) (28) 6,783 5,779 5,341 3,241 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 5,870 5,870 4,798 4,798 Share premium account 7,600 7,600 5,634 5,634 Option valuation reserve 335 343 174 174 Merger reserve 221 221 221 221 Shares to be issued 332 332 498 498 Profit and loss account (7,575) (8,587) (5,984) (8,084) Shareholders' funds 3 6,783 5,779 5,341 3,241 The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 30th October 2007 ADVFN PLC Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 30 June 2007 2007 2006 Notes £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating 4 109 65 activities Returns on investment and servicing of finance Interest received 49 50 Interest paid (15) (5) 34 45 Capital expenditure Payments to acquire tangible (937) (1,067) fixed assets Payments to acquire investments - (15) (937) (1,082) Acquisitions Purchase of subsidiary (1,637) (246) undertaking Cash acquired with subsidiary 13 - undertaking (1,624) (246) Net cash outflow before (2,418) (1,218) financing Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 3,053 344 Share issue costs (181) (3) Capital element of finance leases and hire purchase (34) (24) contracts repaid Net cash inflow from financing 2,838 317 Increase / (decrease) in cash 5,6 420 (901) Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses for the year ended 30 June 2007 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 (Loss) for the financial year (1,499) (1,021) Currency differences on foreign (92) - currency net investments Total losses recognised since (1,591) (1,021) last financial statements ADVFN PLC Notes for the year ended 30 June 2007 1. General The financial information herein does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information has been extracted from the Company's 2007 statutory financial statements upon which the auditors reported on 30 October 2007. Their opinion does not include any statement under section 237 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable United Kingdom Accounting Standards and under the historical cost convention. The principal accounting policies have remained unchanged since the previous year except for the adoption of FRS 20 'Share based payments'. The Company has adopted FRS20 with effect from 1 July 2006. FRS20 requires the recognition of a charge to the profit and loss account for all applicable share based payments, including share options. The Company has equity-settled share based payments but no cash-settled share based payments. All share based payments awards granted after 7 November 2002 which had not vested prior to 1 July 2006 are recognised in the financial statements at their fair value at the date of grant. As vesting periods and non-market based vesting conditions apply, the expense is allocated over the vesting period, based on the best available estimate of share options expected to vest. Estimates are revised subsequently if there is any indication that the number of share options expected to vest differs from previous estimates. Any cumulative adjustment prior to vesting is recognised in the current period. All equity-settled share based payments are ultimately recognised as an expense in the profit and loss account with a corresponding credit to the option valuation reserve. The adoption of FRS20 requires a prior period adjustment to be made for awards granted before 1 July 2006. This has created an opening balance within the option valuation reserve at 1 July 2006 of £174,000 and reduced the profit and loss account reserve by an equal amount. In addition, the re-stated loss after tax for the year ended 30 June 2006 has increased by £115,000. Copies of the annual report are being posted to shareholders and copies will be available from the company's registered office at Suite 27, Essex Technology Centre, The Gables, Fyfield Road, Ongar, Essex, CM5 0GA. 2. Loss per ordinary share 2007 2006 Loss Number Loss Loss Number Loss of shares per share of shares per share As As restated restated £'000 '000 p £'000 '000 p Loss for the year (1,499) (1,021) Weighted average number of shares 565,331 469,165 Loss per share (0.27p) (0.22p) The options are anti-dilutive for both years due to the losses incurred. 3. Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds 2007 2006 As restated £'000 £'000 Loss for the financial year (1,499) (1,021) Recognition of equity settled share based payments in the 161 115 year (FRS20) Foreign exchange differences (92) - Net receipts from issues of 3,038 632 shares Shares to be issued (166) 498 Net increase in shareholders' 1,442 224 funds Shareholders' funds at 1 July 5,341 5,117 2006 Shareholders' funds at 30 June 6,783 5,341 2007 4. Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow from operating activities 2007 2006 As restated £'000 £'000 Operating loss (1,073) (1,318) Recognition of equity settled share based payments in the 169 115 year (FRS20) Amortisation 195 337 Depreciation 971 678 Increase in debtors (197) (135) Increase in creditors 82 388 Investments acquired for services (30) - rendered Foreign exchange differences (8) - Net cash inflow from operating 109 65 activities 5. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 Increase / (decrease) in cash for the year 407 (901) Cash acquired on acquisitions 13 15 Inception of new finance leases and hire purchase (49) (75) agreements Cash outflow from capital repayments of hire purchase 34 24 agreements Movement in net funds in the year 405 (937) Net funds at 1 July 2006 869 1,806 Net funds at 30 June 2007 1,274 869 6. Analysis of movements in net funds At 1 July Cash flow Acquisitions Non cash At 2006 items 30 June 2007 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash in hand and at bank 938 407 13 - 1,358 Finance leases and hire purchase agreements (69) 34 - (49) (84) 869 441 13 (49) 1,274 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange KDKKQBDKNKN


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