ADVFN plc ("ADVFN" or the "Company")
Result of AGM and CEO statement
The Company announces that at its Annual General Meeting held today all resolutions were duly passed. In addition, the CEO of ADVFN, Clem Chambers, made the following statement:
"2009 was a good year for ADVFN which saw considerable improvements in our business, demonstrated by good progress with our sites and our financials at the year end. Market volatility continues to help us and there seems no end in sight to the market conditions that have buoyed us along.
The year saw us reap the benefits from optimising our business model a process which started in 2008 and we continue to focus on. The fruits of these efforts continue to come through in the company's performance and progress, which has continued during the initial months of the new financial year, in line with that made in 2009."
Clem Chambers / Francesca De Franco (020 7070 0932)
Fiona Kindness / Adam Suggett, Grant Thornton Corporate Finance (020 7383 5100)