18 March 2021
AFC Energy plc
("AFC Energy" or the "Company")
Annual Report & Accounts 2020 and Notice of 2021 Annual General Meeting
AFC Energy (AIM: AFC), a leading provider of hydrogen power generation technologies, announces that it has posted both its Annual Report & Accounts for the financial year ended 31 October 2020 and Notice of 2021 Annual General Meeting ("AGM") to shareholders.
The 2021 Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 14 April 2021 at 12 noon at Unit 71.4 Dunsfold Park, Stovolds Hill, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 8TB.
Due to the current restrictions on movement introduced by the UK Government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, regrettably shareholder attendance at the AGM will not be possible. Although shareholders will not be able to attend the AGM in person, they will still be able to ensure their votes are counted by submitting their Forms of proxy as set out in the Notice of Meeting by 12 noon on 12 April 2021.
Shareholders can also submit questions in advance of the AGM by emailing them to investors@afcenergy.com by 5:00pm on 12 April 2021. Answers to the questions will be published on our Corporate website (www.AFCEnergy.com) after the conclusion of the AGM.
The results of the AGM will be announced via the Regulatory News Service and made available on the Company's website at www.afcenergy.com as soon as practicable.
The following documents have been posted or made available to shareholders:
1. Annual Report & Accounts 2020;
2. Notice of 2021 Annual General Meeting; and
3. Form of proxy for the 2021 Annual General Meeting.
Both the Annual Report & Accounts 2020 and the Notice of 2021 Annual General Meeting will be published shortly on the Company's website at https://www.afcenergy.com/investors/financial-reports/ .
For further information:
About AFC Energy plc
AFC Energy plc is commercialising a scalable alkaline fuel cell system, to provide clean electricity for on and off grid applications. The technology, pioneered over the past twelve years in the UK, is now deployable in electric vehicle chargers, off-grid decentralised power systems and industrial gas plants as part of a portfolio approach to the decarbonisation of local electricity needs.