Deal with DNO/Suspension

LEPCO plc 26 October 2000 LEPCO plc ('the Company') The text below was originally published as part of the Interim Results released this morning under RNS No. 0870T. There are no material changes to the text. DEAL WITH DNO/SUSPENSION OF SHARES DNO ASA ('DNO') and LEPCO plc ('LEPCO') have signed an agreement of intent for LEPCO to acquire oil assets in return for ordinary shares in the Company. DNO is expected to enter into an agreement, subject to shareholder approval, prior to the end of the calendar year. The asset deal involves the transfer of part of DNO's equity in Blocks 32 and 53 in the Yemen. Both blocks are held under Production Sharing Contracts. Block 32 contains a number of oil prospects and an estimated 6-million barrel development (the Tasour field), which is due onstream later this year. The block is operated by DNO. Block 53 lies due east of Block 32 and in June 2000, a wildcat well made an oil discovery, which flowed at 4,850 barrels/day under test conditions. A further well is being drilled to appraise this discovery. The transaction will have an economic effective date of 1 January 2001 and after completion DNO will hold a majority interest in the share capital of LEPCO. The agreement will be conditional upon the 'white wash' provisions of the Panel on Takeover and Mergers. It is proposed to transact the asset-for-equity deal at 16.5p a share, that being the bid price at close of business on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange on Friday 20th October 2000. The completion of the sale and transfer of interests in the Yemen are subject to governmental and coventurer approvals and consents being given in a form acceptable to DNO. In addition, LEPCO is required to obtain all necessary regulatory and corporate approvals. An Extraordinary General Meeting will be held to approve the transaction and a circular to shareholders will be despatched in due course. On completion of the transaction, the Board and Management of LEPCO will be restructured. A majority of the current Board members will resign and Berge Gerdt Larsen (Chief Executive of DNO ASA) and a further nominee of DNO will be appointed. It has also been agreed that upon completion of these changes Peter Bassett will retire as Chairman of the Board and Berge Larsen will be appointed as Chairman of the Board. In a separate agreement, DNO has agreed to provide LEPCO with a £250,000 loan facility. Under this facility, DNO is entitled to require repayment in either cash or ordinary shares in LEPCO at the then prevailing market price. In the event of DNO requiring repayment in cash, LEPCO is entitled to make repayment in shares to the extent that it is unable to repay in cash. In view of the loan facility agreed on 24 October 2000 and the size of the proposed transaction which will result in DNO having control of more than 50% of the Company's issued share capital and DNO having a majority of the Board, the Directors have requested that trading in the Company's shares is suspended until full details of the transaction are circulated to shareholders. For further information contact: Peter Wilde Managing Director, LEPCO plc 020 7233 5245 Chris Callaway Beeson Gregory 020 7488 4040 26 October 2000 Editor's Notes: LEPCO plc is an AIM quoted Company whose current principle asset is a 90% operated WI in a 75 Bcf gas prospect in the Southern Gas Basin. The Company floated on the AIM market in 1997 and its management has been seeking ways to expand following the sale of its interest in the UK Forties field after the oil price collapsed in 1998. LEPCO currently has 9.9 million shares in issue. DNO ASA is a Norwegian quoted Company with assets in the North Sea and the Yemen. In the UKCS DNO is the Operator of the Heather field. In 1996, Berge Gerdt Larsen acquired a controlling interest and restructured the Company's Board and management. In the subsequent four years, the Company's market capitalization has grown from £3m to approximately £100m.


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