Final Results
For the year-ended 31 December 2005
Total Returns
Total Assets + 24.9%
Net Asset Value of Notional Package(1) + 35.8%
Net Asset Value of Capital Shares(2) + 58.1%
Total Dividend per Income Share 8.62p (+2.6%)
1 Notional Package is made up of 70% Income Shares and 30% Capital Shares.
2 Capital Shares asset performance assumes Income Shares have a capital entitlement of 100p each.
Aberforth Geared Capital & Income Trust plc invests only in small UK quoted
companies, does not invest in any unquoted securities, AIM listed securities or
securities issued by investment trusts or investment companies.
I am pleased to report that 2005 has been a good year for Aberforth Geared Capital
& Income Trust plc (AGCiT). In a repeat of 2004 the UK stockmarket has generated
a strong positive return and the return for AGCiT's chosen asset class - small UK
quoted companies - has been relatively good.
Specifically the FTSE All-Share Index registered a total return of 22.0% and the
Hoare Govett Smaller Companies Index (Excluding Investment Companies) achieved a
total return of 27.8%.
Against this background, AGCiT achieved a total return on total assets of 24.9%.
Given this level of absolute return on total assets, the gearing employed by AGCiT
has worked beneficially and the return on Shareholders' Funds has been 35.8%.
After allowance has been made for the 100p final capital entitlement of the Income
Shares, the net asset value of a Capital Share has risen from 296.0p on 31
December 2004 (restated as a consequence of changes in accounting practices) to
467.9p, an increase of 58.1%.
The dividend performance from AGCiT's investments has been satisfactory in the
period under review. Your Board is pleased to declare a second interim dividend
of 5.39p per Income Share, an increase of 2.6% on the 5.255p paid in respect of
the comparative period last year. Taken together with the first interim dividend
of 3.23p, the total dividend for the year of 8.62p represents an increase of 2.6%
on the dividends paid in respect of 2004.
Following the dividend payment relating to 2005, revenue reserves will represent
approximately 2.6p per Income Share. A feature of small UK quoted companies since
AGCiT's inception has been that the aggregate dividend performance has been
robust. This has been beneficial to AGCiT and has been one of the factors allowing
the consistent increase in dividend payments to AGCiT's Income Shareholders whilst
simultaneously building a healthy revenue reserve. It is your Board's intention
to attempt to sustain the smooth trend of dividend payments over the Company's
life and to use revenue reserves, if necessary, to achieve this. Any revenue
reserves present at the date of wind-up are, of course, the entitlement of the
Income Shareholders.
There is an unusually large number of changes to the presentation of AGCiT's
accounts this year owing to the introduction of new Accounting Standards. These
are detailed in the paragraphs below. It is the Board's view that the changes do
nothing to simplify AGCiT's financial statements, their presentation or
The Company is a split capital investment trust. In the Director's opinion the
Income Shares and the Capital Shares are the true equity of the company, despite
the fact that the Income Shares must now be disclosed as "financial liabilities"
and included as creditors. Shareholders should be reassured that no changes will
be made to the investment portfolio or investment strategy as a result of these
accounting changes.
AGCiT continues to prepare its financial statements under UK Generally Accepted
Accounting Practice (GAAP) and the AITC's Statement of Recommended Practice. As
intimated in the Interim Statement in July, your Board, after due consideration
and advice, has resolved not to adopt International Accounting Standards at this
time. Your Board will keep the position under review.
However, these financial statements do incorporate a number of necessary changes
to accounting practices in the form of Financial Reporting Standards (FRS) 21, 25
and 26. Adoption of these standards has required a change in the treatment and
presentation of dividends, the basis of valuing investments in the portfolio, the
reclassification of the Income Shares to "financial liabilities" and finally the
treatment and presentation of the interest rate swap.
The Board has concluded that the amount of £24.5m raised through the issue of the
Income Shares falls under the definition of a financial liability within FRS 25.
Consequently this amount has been recorded as a long-term liability. This re-
classification is reflected on the Balance Sheet but has no effect on the net
asset attributable to either the Income Shares or Capital Shares. The change in
the basis of valuing investments involves valuing the investment portfolio at
"bid" rather than "mid" prices, which has reduced ACGiT's portfolio value by about
0.7%. Changes in the fair valuation of the interest rate swap now are recognised
on the Income Statement and Balance Sheet. Further information regarding the
changes is provided in the notes to these financial statements.
On 1 December 2005, the assets and business of Aberforth Partners transferred to
Aberforth Partners LLP, a limited liability partnership. As a consequence, the
investment management, administration and company secretarial services previously
provided by Aberforth Partners are now provided by Aberforth Partners LLP. There
was no change to the terms of these services as a result.
2005 marked the third consecutive year of high absolute returns from AGCiT and its
chosen asset class. It would be unusual if the scale of returns enjoyed these
past three years were repeated in 2006. Indeed there are reasons for caution.
The UK economy is faltering at a time when seemingly cheap and abundant debt is
causing asset prices to rise and is fuelling M&A activity. There are, however,
also reasons to be sanguine. The vast majority of UK listed companies has strong
balance sheets, good cash flows and is earning high real returns on capital
employed. In turn, these are the very features that are driving the debt fuelled
M&A, which, in part, has supported the recent attractive returns enjoyed by
Whatever the future holds, your Board is confident that your Managers have the
skill and experience to serve Shareholders well.
Alastair C. Dempster
18 January 2006
The Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Reconciliation of Movements in
Shareholders' Funds, and summary Cash Flow Statement are set out below: -
For the year ended 31 December 2005
2005 2004 (Restated)
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Realised gains on sales - 7,627 7,627 - 10,886 10,886
Unrealised gains - 12,497 12,497 - 7,281 7,281
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Gains on investments - 20,124 20,124 - 18,167 18,167
Dividend income 3,324 761 4,085 3,214 - 3,214
Interest income 22 - 22 40 - 40
Other income 1 - 1 9 - 9
Investment management fee (245) (571) (816) (199) (464) (663)
Other expenses (201) (338) (539) (183) (623) (806)
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Net return before finance costs 2,901 19,976 22,877 2,881 17,080 19,961
and taxation
Finance costs: interest (675) (1,926) (2,601) (650) (1,656) (2,306)
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
2,226 18,050 20,276 2,231 15,424 17,655
Finance costs on Income Shares (2,078) - (2,078)(2,028) - (2,028)
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Return on ordinary activities 148 18,050 18,198 203 15,424 15,627
before tax
Tax on ordinary activities - - - - - -
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Return attributable to equity 148 18,050 18,198 203 15,424 15,627
====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======
Returns per share
Income Share 9.09p - 9.09p 9.11p - 9.11p
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
Capital Share - 171.90p 171.90p - 146.90p 146.90p
------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
1.The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the
Company. The supplementary revenue and capital columns are both prepared
under guidance published by the Association of Investment Trust Companies.
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing
operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period. A
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains
and losses of the Company have been reflected in the above statement.
The various changes in accounting policies, as disclosed in the Notes at the
end of this announcement, have had a cumulative effect of decreasing return
attributable to equity shareholders by £2,386,000 to £15,627,000 for the year
ended 31 December 2004.
2.The calculations of revenue return per Income Share are based on net revenue
on ordinary activities before distributions of £2.226 million (2004: £2.231
million) and on 24.5 million Income Shares. The calculations of capital
return per Capital Share are based on net capital profits of £18.050 million
(2004: profits of £15.424 million) and on 10.5 million Capital Shares.
As at 31 December 2005
31 31
December December
2005 2004
£'000 £'000
Fixed Assets: Investments
Investments at fair value through 111,640 94,186
profit or loss
-------- -------
Current assets
Debtors 328 258
Creditors (amounts falling due within (708) (1,743)
one year)
-------- -------
Net current liabilities (380) (1,485)
-------- -------
Total assets less current liabilities 111,260 92,701
Creditors (amounts falling due after (60,175) (59,814)
more than one year)
-------- -------
TOTAL NET ASSETS 51,085 32,887
======= =======
Called up share capital 105 105
Capital redemption reserve 50 50
Special reserve 9,674 9,674
Capital reserve - realised 10,450 4,545
Capital reserve - unrealised 28,852 16,707
Revenue reserve 1,954 1,806
------- -------
TOTAL EQUITY 51,085 32,887
======= =======
Net Asset Values:
- per Income Share (Income Shares 79.72p 73.73p
are classified as financial
- per Capital Share 533.84p 374.50p
The Company had 24.5m Income Shares and 10.5m Capital Shares
in issue as at 31 December 2005 and 31 December 2004.
For the year ended 31 December 2005
2005 2004
£'000 £'000
Opening shareholder'' funds as 58,055 42,101
previously reported
Prior year adjustments (25,168) (24,841)
---------- ---------
Opening shareholder'' funds 32,887 17,260
Return attributable to equity 18,198 15,627
---------- ---------
Closing equity shareholders' funds 51,085 32,887
---------- ---------
For the Year ended 31 December 2005
2005 2004
£'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating 3,094 2,498
---------- ----------
Returns on investment and servicing
of finance
Dividends paid (2,078) (2,028)
Interest and other finance costs (2,239) (2,135)
---------- ----------
Net cash outflow from returns
on investment and servicing of (4,317) (4,163)
---------- ----------
Capital expenditure and financial
Payments to acquire investments (25,268) (45,658)
Receipts from sales of investments 27,543 42,298
---------- ----------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 2,275 (3,360)
expenditure and financial investment
---------- ----------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before 1,052 (5,025)
financing activities
---------- ----------
Financing activities
Loans drawn-down - 3,339
---------- ----------
Net cash inflow from - 3,339
financing activities
---------- ----------
Change in cash during the period 1,052 (1,686)
========== ==========
Reconciliation of change in cash
to movement in net debt
Change in cash during the period 1,052 (1,686)
Loans drawn-down - (3,339)
Change in fair valuation of interest (352) (139)
rate swap
Amortisation of issue costs during (9) (9)
the period
---------- ----------
Change in net debt 691 (5,173)
Opening net debt (61,499) (56,326)
---------- ----------
Closing net debt (60,808) (61,499)
========== ==========
1. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable
accounting standards and the AITC's Statement of Recommended Practice " Financial
Statements of Investment Trust Companies". Comparatives have been restated
following the adoption of FRS 21 "Events after the Balance Sheet Date", FRS 25
"Financial Instruments: Disclosure & Presentation" and FRS 26 `Financial
Instruments: Measurement'.
The adoption of FRS 21 has resulted in a change in accounting for dividends.
Dividends payable by the Company are now recorded as a liability following a
dividend declaration by the Board and therefore the second interim dividend of
5.39p per share, declared today, has not been recorded as a liability of the
Company as at 31 December 2005 (2004: 5.255p per share). In previous financial
statements, dividends declared were recognised in respect of the period to which
they related. This change in accounting policy has increased Shareholders' funds
by £1,287,000 as at 31 December 2004.
The adoption of FRS 26 has resulted in a change in the basis of valuation of
investments. Under FRS 26, the Company's investments have been categorised as
"financial assets at fair value through profit or loss" and therefore quoted
investments are now valued at bid prices. Previously, quoted investments were
valued at middle market prices. This change in accounting policy has reduced
Shareholders' funds by £876,000 as at 31 December 2004.
The adoption of FRS 25 resulted in the classification of Income Shares as
"financial liabilities" and as a consequence the fair value at tome of issue of
£24.5million has been accounted for within creditors. Dividends paid to Income
Shareholders are now treated as finance costs and appear within this category on
the Income Statement.
As a further consequence of investments being categorised as "financial assets at
fair value through profit or loss", the gains on investments on the Income
Statement has been restated and now reflects the movements in unrealised
appreciation, based on bid prices. Transaction costs incidental to the
acquisition or disposal of investments which are now treated as a capital expense
and included within expenses under the capital column of the Income Statement.
Previously such transaction costs were included within book cost of investments
and proceeds from sales. This change in accounting policy has reduced the total
return attributable to Shareholders for the year ended 31 December 2004 by
£219,000 as at 31 December 2004.
FRS 26 requires derivatives to be measured at fair value. The Company's interest
rate swap is not a designated as a cash flow hedge and changes in its fair value
are recognised in the Income Statement. In previous financial statements the
fair value of derivatives was not included on the Balance Sheet or Income
Statement. The change in accounting policy for derivatives has reduced the
return attributable to Capital Shares for the year to 31 December 2004 by
£139,000 and by £1,079,000 as at 31 December 2004.
2. The foregoing do not comprise Statutory Accounts (as defined in section
240(5) of the Companies Act 1985) of the Company. The statutory accounts for the
year to 31 December 2004, which contained an unqualified Report of the Auditors
under section 235 of the Companies Act,have been lodged with the Registrar of
Companies and did not contain a statement required under section 237(2) or (3)
of the Companies Act 1985.
3. It is anticipated that the Annual Report will be posted to shareholders during
week commencing 23 January 2006. Members of the public may obtain copies from
Aberforth Partners LLP, 14 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7NS or from its website
CONTACT: John Evans or David Ross of Aberforth Partners LLP on 0131 220 0733
Aberforth Partners LLP, Secretaries - 18 January 2006