Air China Limited - Interim R

RNS Number : 8993C
Air China Ld
05 September 2008

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Air China Limited  Interim Report 2008

Important Notice                                                                                                                                      2

Corporate Information                                                                                                                             3

Summary of Financial Information                                                                                                         4

Summary of Operating Data                                                                                                                  5

Chairman's Statement                                                                                                                            7

Operating Results Review                                                                                                                      9

Management Discussion and Analysis                                                                                               12

Major Events                                                                                                                                           16

Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors and Senior

Management and Substantial Shareholders of the Company                                                      17

Corporate Governance                                                                                                                         19

Miscellaneous                                                                                                                                        20

Independent Auditor's Report                                                                                                               21

Financial Statements prepared under International

Financial Reporting Standards

- Interim Condensed Consolidated Income Statement                                                                 22

- Interim Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet                                                                       23

- Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of

Changes in Equity                                                                                                                     25

- Interim Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow Statement                                                           26

- Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements                                            27

Financial Statements prepared under Accounting Standards for

Business Enterprises

- Unaudited Interim Consolidated Income Statement                                                                   49

- Unaudited Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet                                                                         50

Supplementary Information                                                                                                                  52

Glossary of Technical Terms                                                                                                               54

Important Notice

The board of directors (the 'Board') and directors ('Directors') of the Company hereby confirm that there are no false representations, misleading statements or material omissions in this report, and the Directors severally and jointly accept full responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this report.

The Chairman Mr. Kong Dong, the Chief Financial Officer Mr. Fan Cheng and the General Manager of the Finance Department Mr. Li Youqiang of the Company hereby jointly declare that the unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements set out in this interim report is true and complete.


Corporate Information




Air China Limited


9/F, Blue Sky Mansion

28 Tianzhu Road

Zone A, Tianzhu Airport Industrial Zone

Shunyi District





5th Floor, CNAC House

12 Tung Fai Road

Hong Kong International Airport

Hong Kong



Kong Dong

Wang Shixiang

Ma Xulun

Christopher Dale Pratt

Chen Nan Lok, Philip

Cai Jianjiang

Fan Cheng

Hu Hung Lick, Henry

Wu Zhipan

Zhang Ke

Jia Kang


Sun Yude

Liao Wei

Zhou Guoyou

Liu Feng

Liu Guoqing



Kong Dong


Huang Bin

Li Man Kit (ACIS, ACS)


Tze-kin Ng, David (FCCA, CPA)


Cai Jianjiang

Li Man Kit


Haiwen & Partners (as to PRC Law)

Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

(as to Hong Kong and English Law)


Ernst & Young


Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services


Rooms 1712-1716, 17th Floor

Hopewell Centre

183 Queen's Road East


Hong Kong


Hong Kong, London and Shanghai


Summary of Financial Information

                                                                                                                                           For the                    For the
sixonths                                                                                                                     six months              six months
ended                                                                                                                                 ended                      ended
e                                                                                                                                        30 June                   30 June
2008                                                                                                                                       2008                        2007                    Change
RMB’000                                                                                                                          RMB’000                  RMB’000                          (%)
Operating revenue(1)                                                                                                                                                   25,646,460              23,352,820                          9.82
Profit from operations                                                                                                    -335,884                1,366,652                   -124.58
Profit before tax                                                                                                           1,406,985                2,072,407                      -32.11
Profit after tax (including profit attributable to equity holders of the Company and
minority interests)                                                                                                    1,183,348                1,476,035                      -19.83
Profit attributable to minority interests                                                                              -60,725                   -92,544                       34.38
Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company                                                    1,244,073                1,568,579                      -20.69
EBITDA(2)                                                                                                                                                                                  2,571,537                4,063,013                      -36.71
EBITDAR(3)                                                                                                                                                                              3,992,293                5,387,864                      -25.90
Earnings per share attributable to
equity holders of the Company (RMB)                                                                             0.105                       0.132                     -20.45
Return on equity (%)(4)                                                                                                                                                                 3.99                        5.39                 -1.40ppt

(1)    Operating revenue include air traffic revenue and other operating revenue.

(2)    EBITDA represents earnings before finance revenue (including interest income, net exchange gains and net gains on fuel derivative instruments), finance costs, income taxes, share of profits less losses of associates and depreciation as computed under the International Financial Reporting Standards.

(3)    EBITDAR represents EBITDA before deducting operating lease expenses on aircraft and engines as well as other operating lease expenses.

(4)    Return on equity represents profit for the period attributable to the equity holders divided by the Group's equity at period end.


30 June         31 December
2008                        2007                  Change
RMB’000                  RMB’000                          (%)
Total assets                                                                                                               97,138,694              91,056,277                          6.68
Total liabilities                                                                                                             65,487,841              59,548,924                          9.97
Minority interests                                                                                                             484,310                  150,216                     222.41
Equity attributable to equity holders
of the Company                                                                                                     31,166,543              31,357,137                        -0.61
Equity per share (RMB)                                                                                                          2.63                        2.64                       -0.38


Summary of Operating Data

For the six               For the six
months ended         months ended
30 June                   30 June                  Change
2008                        2007                         (%)
RPK (in millions)                                                                                                        33,914.00               33,286.32                         1.89
International                                                                                                                  14,673.49               14,154.97                         3.66
Domestic                                                                                                                       17,795.30               17,594.30                         1.14
Hong Kong and Macau                                                                                                   1,445.11                  1,537.05                        -5.98
RFTK (in millions)                                                                                                        1,843.12                  1,866.92                        -1.27
International                                                                                                                    1,405.38                  1,417.89                        -0.88
Domestic                                                                                                                            378.70                     381.90                       -0.84
Hong Kong and Macau                                                                                                         59.03                      67.12                     -12.05
Passengers (in thousands)                                                                                   17,603.32               17,870.13                        -1.49
International                                                                                                                    3,371.65                  3,510.78                        -3.96
Domestic                                                                                                                       13,403.10               13,430.80                        -0.21
Hong Kong and Macau                                                                                                       828.67                     928.55                     -10.76
Cargo and mail carried (tonnes)                                                                         505,236.49              535,716.64                        -5.69
Kilometres flown (in millions)                                                                                     256.66                     257.12                       -0.18
Block hours (in thousands)                                                                                         404.27                     405.43                       -0.29
Number of flights                                                                                                         140,797                  146,752                        -4.06
International                                                                                                                        27,178                     27,503                       -1.18
Domestic                                                                                                                          105,188                  109,633                        -4.05
Hong Kong and Macau                                                                                                         8,431                      9,616                     -12.32
RTK (in millions)                                                                                                          4,891.64                  4,861.89                         0.61
ASK (in millions)                                                                                                       45,170.58               43,891.33                         2.91
International                                                                                                                  20,028.32               19,057.40                         5.09
Domestic                                                                                                                       23,044.30               22,622.90                         1.86
Hong Kong and Macau                                                                                                   2,097.96                  2,211.03                        -5.11
AFTK (in millions)                                                                                                       3,140.64                  3,515.47                      -10.66
International                                                                                                                    2,285.35                  2,611.64                      -12.49
Domestic                                                                                                                            761.40                     789.50                       -3.56
Hong Kong and Macau                                                                                                         93.80                    114.33                     -17.96
ATK (in millions)                                                                                                         7,225.57                  7,485.27                        -3.47


Summary of Operating Data

For the six
For the six
months ended
months ended
30 June
30 June
Passenger load factor (RPK/ASK)
Hong Kong and Macau
Cargo and mail load factor (RFTK/AFTK)
Hong Kong and Macau
Yield per RPK (RMB)
Hong Kong and Macau
Yield per RTFK (RMB)
Hong Kong and Macau
Total aircraft in service at period end
Daily utilization (block hours per day per aircraft)


Chairman's Statement

Dear Shareholders,

In the first half of 2008, due to the global economic downturn, increased inflationary pressure, soaring fuel prices and damaging natural disasters such as earthquakes, the global aviation industry, in particular, the Chinese aviation industry, experienced an unprecedented challenge.

In the first half of 2008, the Group's passenger capacity measured by available seat kilometres increased by 2.91% over the same period last year, with increase in revenue passenger kilometres by 1.89%, while the passenger load factor decreased by 0.76 percentage points and revenue increased by 5.24%. The cargo capacity measured by available freight tonne kilometres decreased by 10.66% over the same period of last year, with decrease in revenue freight tonne kilometres of 1.27% while the freight and mail load factor increased by 5.58 percentage points and revenue increased by 6.54%.

The Company has continued to strengthen the Beijing Hub construction coupled with measures taken to respond to the earthquakes, and plan the organization of market and production as a whole. After the earthquake, our transport capacity was adjusted accordingly to increase the transport capacity input in the Beijing hub. In the meantime, the excess of transport capacity of the Chengdu hub was alleviated and thus the Company's operating efficiency was improved as a whole.

In the first half of the year, the Company successfully completed the relocation to the new terminals of Beijing, Pudong, Shanghai and Tianjin, which demonstrated the Company's strong abilities of coordination and execution. After the relocation, the ability to access the service resources in these three areas is substantially augmented. In particular, following the relocation to Terminal 3 of the Beijing international airport, by the end of June, the flight schedule availability of the Company at the Beijing hub amounted to 40.8% and the passenger kilometre share amounted to 55.3%, which further consolidated the base of the Company's development in our strategic markets.

Eight routes including international and domestic routes such as those connecting Beijing and Pyongyang were newly launched in the first half of this year and the average number of flights to every provincial city reached three flights a day.

The Group has enriched its joint route services, leveraged on the advantages of the Beijing hub and relieved the pressure caused by the market downturn. During the first half of the year, the sales of international joint routes increased by 2.86% as compared with the same period of last year.

The Group continued to boost income through sales of the first class and business class and contractual customers. Notwithstanding the decrease of the overall demand in May and June, in the first half of the year, the sales of the first class and business class and contractual customers had increased by 17.25% and 48.27% respectively, compared to the same period of last year.

Our alliance cooperation achieved great success. We have newly signed alliance agreements with 16 customers, and 400,000 passengers were transported for us by members of Star Alliance which brought us an income of RMB423 million. The soaring fuel costs forced the Company to change the mode of cost control and improve our ability to reduce costs. The Company strengthened structural cost control, improved operating efficiency and reduced fuel consumption through adjustment of the transport capacity allocation model and optimization of air routes. The Company continued to enhance the control of controllable costs by launching the program named 'Increasing Income and Reducing Cost Management Points' ('IIRC Management Points'). We have identified 11 IIRC Management Points and have put in effect the requisite management responsibility.

The Company streamlined and optimized the fleet plan for the coming years, and managed and controlled the introduction and retirement of the fleet in a systematic manner. In the first half of the year, the Company introduced 10 aircraft; and concurrently speeded up the plan to sell and terminate the leases of old passenger aircrafts and freighters. The Company improved the operating efficiency and flexibility of the fleet through adjustment of the fleet structure so as to better adapt to market changes.


Chairman's Statement

As the sole airline partner of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, in the first half of the year, the Company overcame a number of difficulties and successfully completed charter flight services for the overseas Olympic torch relay which lasted for 33 days and traveled over 97,000 kilometres. The activity promoted the Olympics and China to the world and raised the Company's influence in the global market.

The Company initiated its internal emergency measures in response to the snowstorm earlier this year and the Wenchuan earthquake in May in a timely manner. The Company arranged more than 1,000 flights for disaster relief, which was not only a demonstration of the Company's devoted commitment to the society, but also a test of the Company's ability to cope with emergencies.

There was a significant improvement in the cargo services of Air China Cargo in the first half of the year. Through adjusting the allocation of traffic capacity and improving the linkage between the passenger and cargo aircraft, the Company has essentially maintained its output performance even when the transport capacity input decreased by 9.95%. This was especially attributable to the 10.12 percentage points increase in the overall load factor of its cargo aircraft and the significant improvement in the utilisation rate of cabin space. With the provision of comprehensive services and the increase in the relevance of our services to market demands, the sales from ordinary and express mail services increased by 21.5% and 7.4% respectively. The Company took efforts to expand its sales channels and increase the proportion of sales to contracted customers, which resulted in a year-on-year increase of 13.3% in the first half of this year.

Looking forward, although there are uncertainties in the development of the aviation industry, the PRC economy is still experiencing continued and steady growth, and the post-Olympics economy and the direct cross-strait flights will bring new opportunities to the PRC aviation industry. Concurrently, the changes which may be made to the industrial business landscape will also create new opportunities for us. Accordingly, the Company will timely follow and be guided by its strategies to proactively promote the establishment of Beijing as an aviation hub and build up the relevant network development. The Company will also forge its core competitive advantages, strengthen its marketing ability in the market, in particular the high-end market, and strengthen the innovation of products and services to better satisfy market demands. In addition, through management's IIRC Management Points, the Company will also strive to reduce its energy consumption to improve its costs efficiency. I believe that, with the Company's clear strategic objectives, accurate judgement of the situations and active response measures, we will definitely be able to grasp opportunities, overcome the transient difficulties and maintain our leading position in the industry.

Kong Dong


Beijing, PRC

26 August 2008


Operating Results Review


With respect to passenger traffic, the revenue passenger kilometres of the Company for the first half of 2008 was 32.53 billion, representing an increase of 2.27% as compared with the same period of last year; the number of passengers carried decreased by 0.75% to 16.561 million compared with the same period of last year; the average passenger load factor decreased by 0.5 percentage points from the same period of last year to 75.3%.

With respect to cargo traffic, the revenue freight tonne kilometres for the first half of 2008 decreased by 0.1% to 1.78 billion as compared with the same period of last year; cargo and mail carried decreased by 0.5% to 452,000 tonnes; cargo and mail load factor increased by 5.8 percentage points from the same period of last year to 58.3%.


For the first half of 2008, the revenue passenger kilometres of Air Macau was 1.38 billion, representing a decrease of 6.4% as compared with the same period of last year; while passenger carried decreased by 11.9% from the same period of last year to 1.042 million; passenger load factor decreased by 5.3 percentage points from the same period of last year to 70.5%.

With respect to cargo business, due to the retirement of four freighters, revenue freight tonne kilometres decreased by 26.3 percentage points from the same period of last year to 62.316 million; cargo and mail carried decreased by 34.9% from the same period of last year to 53,000 tonnes; cargo and mail load factor increased by 4.4 percentage points from the same period of last year to 73.9%.


For the first half of 2008, there was a net increase of 9 aircraft (10 aircraft were introduced and 1 aircraft was retired) for the Company and Air China Cargo. As at 30 June 2008, the Company and Air China Cargo operated a fleet of 229 aircraft in total with an average age of 7.6 years. Details of the fleet are set out in the table below:

Number of Aircraft
Finance              Operating
Type of aircraft                                                                              Owned                   Leased                  Leased              Sub-total
Passenger Aircraft                                                                                 98                           66                            56                         220
Boeing                                                                                                    73                            32                            51                         156
Airbus                                                                                                     25                           34                              5                           64
Freighters                                                                                                   5                             –                             3                             8
Business Jet                                                                                              –                             –                             1                             1
Total                                                                                                        103                            66                           60                         229

As at 30 June 2008, Air Macau operated a total of 14 aircraft, which comprised 13 passenger aircraft and 1 freighter.


Operating Results Review


The Company continued with the development of its route network in the first half of the year. In response to the market changes brought about by severe snowstorm and Wenchuan earthquake, the Company further increased the operation capacity of Beijing Hub by making timely adjustment to its overall capacity allocation. As a result, the market power of Beijing Hub as well as fleet efficiency were improved.

During the first half of the year, the Company launched the Beijing-Pyongyang international route and seven domestic routes covering second-tier cities including Wuxi. The Company currently runs more than three daily scheduled flights from Beijing to the major provincial cities. The number of effective connecting flights increased 20.84% to over 20,000 per week, thus further strengthening the network of Beijing Hub. In the first half of 2008, the Company accounted for 55.3% of the total passenger kilometres of Beijing Hub. As a result of the effects from the earthquake disaster, the market share of Chengdu Hub shrank significantly. For the Shanghai Hub, its passenger kilometre market share by and large remained stable with slight increase in both the volume of transit passengers and the revenue from connecting flights.

As at 30 June 2008, the Company and Air China Cargo together operated 239 routes, of which 166 were domestic routes, 66 were international routes and 7 were regional routes. The regular flights of the Company have been connecting 32 countries and regions around the world, including 47 international cities, 81 domestic cities and 2 regions.


In response to the abrupt market change in the first half of 2008, the Company strengthened the synthesis between sales and revenue. Firstly, measures were taken to improve the flexibility of the product sales policies, adjust the life cycle of the products and strengthen the initiative policy and competitiveness. Secondly, the Company adjusted the policy on connecting flight operations in order to strengthen the coordination of the connecting flights and enrich the relevant products. Thirdly, the marketing efforts of the 'First and Business Class Cabins' were further increased to broaden the customer base, contributing an increase in revenue of 17.25% as compared with the same period of last year. Fourthly, marketing strategies targeted at contracted clients were formulated based on the geographical locations and needs of such clients, resulting in a 48.27% increase of revenue from contracted clients as compared with the same period of last year.

Sales through e-commerce was further expanded. The Company made an early move to implement IATA's 100% electronic ticketing under BSP and implemented the electronic ticketing in respect of connecting flights with 81 companies. Following the Company's full launch of its international website, the business volume generated by the call centres increased by 100% and the sales increased by 500%.


The Company actively pressed on with the work that follows its entry into the Star Alliance and strengthened sales cooperation with its members. 16 new global clients from the Star Alliance were secured and member airlines carried 367,000 passengers for the Company. The Company's services and prices were added to the Star Alliance's system of services and prices. The Company also actively participated in the promotion of cross-strait direct flights. The weekend chartered flights for the Beijing-Taipei and Shanghai-Taipei routes will become the next target for market growth for the Company.


The Company has been dedicated towards improving its service quality and increasing its competitiveness in a sustained manner. The responsibility of each operating unit was defined clearly with respect to the dissemination of information in case of irregular flight arrangements and contingency plans were refined and strengthened. The luggage handling management system was enhanced. The Company also made better use of its terminal building to provide more services to its high-end travelers. In addition, integration of services with members of the Star Alliance with respect to check-in counters, lounges, boarding areas and luggage information counters were completed, thus achieving the goal of 'operating under the same roof'. The Company also accelerated the pace of restructuring its overseas departure system, improved its flight transit monitoring function and actively explored its one-stop boarding business. In addition, ground services training were strengthened to improve transit capabilities.


Operating Results Review


The Company focused on the consolidation of its internal IT resources by establishing a unified information platform and promoting electronic commerce. In the first half of the year, an IT strategic plan was introduced and implemented in response to the overall business development strategies of the Company. Greater effort was devoted to core system maintenance to ensure information security during the Olympic Games. The Company also continued with the development of ten major projects involving flight supplies, office automation, alliance system and data base II in order to lay the foundation for the formation of the six major information platforms covering operation, safe management system, sales and marketing, services, engineering and corporate management.


As at 30 June 2008, the Company has 19,867 employees and its subsidiaries and joint ventures has 17,534 employees.


On 8 July 2008, the Company received the Official Reply Concerning the Approval of Offering New Shares by Air China Limited issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission (Zheng Jian Xu Ke 2008 No. 891) approving the Company to offer new A shares of not more than 400 million shares to the public. The approval shall be valid for a period of six months since the date of the Official Reply.

On 15 July 2008, the execution of an aircraft purchase agreement by the Company and Air China Import and Export Co. with Boeing Company for the purchase of 15 Boeing 777 and 30 Boeing 737 aircraft was approved at the fourteenth meeting of the second session of the board of directors of the Company.

On 13 August 2008, Ms. Wang Yinxiang was nominated as a candidate for the non-executive director of the Company at the sixteenth meeting of the second session of the board of directors of the Company and the nomination was proposed to be considered and approved at the shareholders' meeting. Mr. Yao Weiting resigned from his positions as a non- executive director and a member of the Audit and Risk Control Committee of the Company due to retirement.


Management Discussion and Analysis

The interim condensed consolidated financial statements of the Group set out from pages 22 to 48 of this Interim Report, comprising the condensed consolidated income statement, condensed consolidated balance sheet, condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity, condensed consolidated cash flow statement and notes to the financial statements, were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). The following discussion and analysis are designed to assist the reader in understanding the statutory information provided in this Interim Report so as to better comprehend the financial position of the Group as a whole.


For the six months ended 30 June 2008, the Group realized profit before tax of RMB1.407 billion, representing a decrease of RMB665 million or 32.1% from RMB2.072 billion in the same period in 2007. Profit attributable to shareholders was RMB1.244 billion, down RMB325 million or 20.7% from RMB1.569 billion in the same period in 2007 while earning per share was RMB0.105, representing a decrease of RMB0.027 or 20.5%.

The decrease in profit in the first half of the year was mainly due to an abrupt increase in jet fuel price, thus resulting in a loss in both operating revenue and share of profits of associates, representing a decrease of RMB1.703 billion and RMB574 million respectively as compared with the same period of last year. Among which, jet fuel cost increased RMB2.566 billion or 31.9% as compared with the same period of last year. On the other hand, benefiting from the appreciation of Renminbi against US dollar, an exchange gain of RMB1.923 billion was recorded for the first half of the year, representing an increase of RMB1.056 billion or 121.7% over the same period of 2007.


For the six months ended 30 June 2008, the turnover of the Group was RMB25.646 billion, representing an increase of 9.82% as compared with the same period of 2007.


For the six months
ended 30 June
2008                             2007                         Change
RMB’000                      RMB’000                                 (%)
Airline operations                                                                                           24,854,308                   22,734,273                                9.33
Engineering and maintenance services                                                              325,659                        229,641                              41.81
Airport terminal services                                                                                     297,994                       256,808                              16.04
Others                                                                                                                 168,499                       132,098                              27.56
Total                                                                                                              25,646,460                    23,352,820                               9.82

For the six months ended 30 June 2008, the Group's revenue from airline operations increased 9.33%, mainly attributable to increase in yield per revenue tonne kilometre. Revenue from engineering services increased by 41.81%, mainly due to increase of engineering services provided to external parties.


Management Discussion and Analysis


For the six months
ended 30 June
2008                             2007                         Change
RMB’000                      RMB’000                                 (%)
Domestic                                                                                                       13,011,138                     12,497,397                                4.11
Hong Kong and Macau                                                                                    1,397,400                      1,317,013                                6.10
Europe                                                                                  4,423,972                      3,224,386                             37.20
North America                                                                         2,773,692                      2,153,863                             28.78
Japan and Korea                                                                                             2,054,010                     2,198,633                              -6.58
Asia Pacific and others                                                                                   1,986,248                     1,961,528                                1.26
Total                                                                                                              25,646,460                    23,352,820                                9.82



For the six months ended 30 June 2008, the Group recorded operating expenses of RMB25.982 billion, representing an increase of RMB3.996 billion, or 18.18%, as compared with the same period of last year. The elements comprising the operating expenses are set out as follows:

For the six months ended 30 June
(RMB’000)                                                                      2008                                                       2007                                         Change
Items                                                              Amount           Percentage                  Amount              Percentage                          (%)
Jet fuel costs                                              10,608,221                    40.83%                8,042,121                   36.58%                       31.91
Take-off, landing
 and depot charges                                       2,785,661                    10.72%                2,714,364                   12.35%                        2.63
Depreciation                                                  2,907,421                    11.19%                2,696,361                   12.26%                        7.83
Aircraft maintenance, repair
 and overhaul expenses                                   984,264                     3.79%                   946,615                     4.31%                        3.98
Employee compensation costs                     2,555,265                      9.83%               1,989,282                      9.05%                       28.45
Air catering expenses                                      739,434                     2.85%                   711,389                     3.24%                        3.94
Operating lease expenses
 on aircraft and engines                                1,214,134                      4.67%               1,172,875                      5.33%                         3.52

    Jet fuel costs

During the first half of this year, the average purchase price of the jet fuel of the Group was RMB7,053 per tonne, representing an increase of RMB1,793 per tonne as compared with the same period of 2007, thereby resulting in an increase of jet fuel costs of RMB2.566 billion. In the first half of this year, the Group continued to adopt various fuel-saving measures, thus saving jet fuel costs of RMB245 million. The net income from fuel hedging was RMB313 million in the first six months, of which RMB215 million was realised. In addition, the Group recorded fuel surcharge income of RMB1.392 billion and RMB2.497 billion respectively in relation to domestic and international routes, representing an increase of RMB1.004 billion in aggregate as compared with the same period of last year, which partly offset the increased cost pressure from the increasing jet fuel price.

    Employee Compensation Costs

During the first half of this year, the employee compensation costs of the Group was RMB2.555 billion, an increase of RMB566 million or 28.5% as compared with the same period of 2007. The main reason for the increase was the inclusion of corporate annuity and the increase in compensation pursuant to the employee compensation reform for the current reporting period and such costs were not included in last year's presentation.


Management Discussion and Analysis


As at 30 June 2008, the Group had total assets of RMB97.139 billion, representing an increase of 6.68% from 31 December 2007, in which current assets accounted for 11.32% of the total assets, or RMB10.996 billion, representing an increase of 11.85% from 31 December 2007; while non-current assets accounted for 88.68% of the total assets, or RMB86.143 billion, representing an increase of 6.05% from 31 December 2007.

Of the current assets, cash and cash equivalents constituted RMB4.592 billion, representing an increase of 17.54% from 31 December 2007; accounts receivable was RMB2.664 billion, similar with that as at 31 December 2007. Of the non- current assets, properties, plant and equipment amounted to RMB66.227 billion, representing an increase of 7.35% from 31 December 2007.


As at 30 June 2008, the Group pledged certain assets with an aggregate carrying amount of approximately RMB42.099 billion (compared with RMB41.968 billion as at 31 December 2007) pursuant to certain loan and lease agreements, among which the book value of aircraft and building construction accounted for RMB36.776 billion, bank deposits accounted for RMB108 million and certain number of shares in an associated company with an aggregate market value of accounted for approximately RMB5.215 billion.


Bank loans, other loans                         Obligations under and corporate bonds                                                             financial leases
30 June         31 December                   30 June         31 December
(RMB’000)                                                                                             2008                       2007                      2008                        2007
Repayable within one year                                                        13,602,765            10,978,835                2,841,739                2,216,680
Repayable after one year                                                          17,403,931            16,615,291             14,117,596              13,328,193
Total                                                                                            31,006,696            27,594,126              16,959,335             15,544,873


As at 30 June 2008, capital commitments of the Group, primarily used for the purchase of certain aircraft and relevant flight equipment to be delivered in the coming years and the construction of certain properties, was approximately RMB74.351 billion, which is an increase of 26.28% from RMB58.878 billion as at 31 December 2007.

As at 30 June 2008, details of the capital commitments and contingent liabilities of the Group in respect of bank loans and other guarantees and other matters arising in the ordinary course of business are set out in note 24 and 25 to the Group's audited interim consolidated financial statements prepared under IFRS.


For the six months ended 30 June 2008, the capital expenditure of the Company amounted to RMB5.76 billion in total. Of the capital expenditure of the Company, the total investment in aircraft was RMB3.807 billion, including prepayments of RMB1.347 billion for the purchases of aircraft for the second half of 2008 and onwards.

Other capital expenditure amounted to RMB1.953 billion, which were mainly for the purposes of construction of infrastructure, construction of information system, purchase of ground facilities, as well as the cash portion of long-term investment projects.


Management Discussion and Analysis


For the six months ended 30 June 2008, the Group's net cash inflow from operating activities decreased by RMB713 million or 23.18% from the same period of 2007 to RMB2.361 billion, primarily due to the substantial rise in operating costs. Net cash outflow from investment activities of the Group during the period decreased from the same period of 2007 by RMB4.948 billion or 66.91% to RMB2.448 billion. The reason for the substantial cash outflow in the same period in 2007 was primarily due to the expenses of the Group arising from the privatization of CNAC. The Group recorded a net cash inflow from financing activities of RMB2.192 billion, representing a decrease from the same period of 2007 of RMB1.193 billion or 35.24%, primarily due to more loans due for repayment during the current accounting period.


    Risk associated with the fluctuation in the jet fuel price

For the six months ended 30 June 2008, the aviation industry worldwide was hit hard as a result of rising international crude oil price and increasing jet fuel price. Since March 2001, the Group has been engaging in fuel hedging transactions in order to hedge substantial increases in jet fuel prices. The hedging instruments used were mainly Singapore Kerosene and derivatives of Brent crude oil and New York crude oil which are closely linked to the price of jet fuel. In the first six months, the Group applied hedging to 17.6% of the spot jet fuel procured during the period. The Group will continue to adopt hedging in future in order to monitor its risk exposure to fluctuation in jet fuel price.

    Risk associated with capital structure

As at 30 June 2008, the Group's gearing ratio, which represents total liabilities divided by total assets, was 67.4%, representing an increase of 2 percentage points from 65.4% as at 31 December 2007, primarily due to the introduction of additional aircraft and the increase of debt financing activities. Although the gearing ratio of the Group for the current period moved slightly upwards, its solvency position in the long term was relatively strong and it continued to dominate a leading position in the industry while the prevailing gearing ratios of other air carriers stood at a relatively high level.

    Risk associated with liquidity

As at 30 June 2008, the Group's current ratio, which represents current assets divided by current liabilities, was 0.3605, representing a decrease of 0.51 percentage point from 0.3656 as at 31 December 2007, while its EBITDA interest cover was 2.87 times, representing a decrease of 39.96% from 4.78 times as at 31 December 2007. The Company is in the process of optimizing both its long-term and short-term debt structures step by step to align them with the changes in the financial market. The Group has already obtained bank facilities with an aggregate amount of up to RMB80.172 billion from a number of banks in the PRC and is therefore in a position to fully meet its own demand on current capital. Meanwhile, the Company has also strengthened its financial centralization management system and increased the utilisation of Renminbi and other foreign currencies deposit.

    Risk associated with foreign exchange and interest rate

As at 30 June 2008, foreign currency denominated loans, mainly those denominated in US dollars, Hong Kong dollars and Japanese Yen, constitute a large proportion of the Group's loans. The Group basically maintained a balance of its foreign currency denominated incomes and expenditures. The movement of exchange rate of Renminbi to US dollar may greatly affect the exchange gain of the Company. The Company will continue to effectively eliminate any foreign exchange risk by means of financial derivative products based on the major trend of foreign exchange and in accordance with its forecast on its overall incomes and expenditures.

To manage risks associated with interest rates, the Group entered into certain standard contracts with counterparties in relation to interest rate hedging in the first half of the year. The Company will continue to attempt to make use of the swap transactions and other derivative products coupled with the use of fixed and floating interest rates relating to the interest-bearing debts so as to eliminate any risks arising from interest rate.

    Investment risk

As at 30 June 2008, the Group recorded losses for all air carriers that the Group had invested in, except Shandong Airlines. Despite the repurchase of 25% equity interests in Air China Cargo and the disposal of certain non-aviation interests held by CNAC in the first half of the year, there is still room for further consolidation and streamlining of the business of the investee companies and improve their financial situation and operating results.


Major Events


On 26 February 2007, the Eastern District Court of New York of the US Federal Courts issued summons to the Company and Air China Cargo in connection with the antitrust civil case relating to the air cargo services. Pursuant to such summons, various airlines, including the Company and Air China Cargo, were sued for their breach of the US Antitrust Law on the ground that these airlines were acting in concert in imposing excessive surcharges so as to impede the offering of discount that would be made available for the prices charged for air cargo services and that these airlines had reached an agreement on the allocation of revenues and consumers so as to achieve such purposes as setting, increasing, maintaining or stabilizing the air cargo prices. Insofar as the case is in the course of initial examination, our directors believe that at the present stage, they are unable to make a reasonable and reliable estimation on the ultimate results of the case and therefore no provisions has been made for such litigation for the time being.


Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management and Substantial Shareholders of the Company


As at 30 June 2008, none of the Directors, supervisors or chief executive of the Company has interests or short positions in the shares, underlying shares and/or debentures (as the case may be) of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance ('SFO')) which were notifiable to the Company and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange pursuant to SFO (including interests or short positions which he is taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO), or recorded in the register maintained by the Company pursuant to Section 352 of the SFO, or which were notifiable to the Company and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange pursuant to the Model Code for Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Companies.

Mr. Christopher Dale Pratt is a non-executive director of the Company and is concurrently the chairman and executive director of Cathay Pacific, which is a substantial shareholder of the Company and wholly owns Dragonair. Mr. Kong Dong is the chairman and a non-executive director of the Company and is concurrently a non-executive director of Cathay Pacific. Cathay Pacific and Dragonair compete or are likely to compete either directly or indirectly with some aspects of the business of the Company as they operate airline services to certain destinations, which are also served by the Company.

Save as above, none of the Directors or supervisors of the Company and their respective associates (as defined in the Listing Rules) has any competing interests which would be required to be disclosed under Rule 8.10 of the Listing Rules if each of them were a controlling shareholder of the Company.



Pursuant to the record of the register kept in the Company under Section 336 of the SFO, as at 30 June 2008, to the knowledge of the Directors, supervisors and chief executive of the Company, the following persons (other than a Director, supervisor or chief executive of the Company) have an interest or short position in the shares and underlying shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company pursuant to the SFO, or are, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any members of the Group as follows:

of the total
Type and
Percentage of
issued foreign
Percentage of
number of
of the total
the total issued
shares (excluding
the total issued
shares held in
issued shares of
A shares of
H shares) of
H shares of
Type of Interests
the Company
the Company
the Company
the Company
the Company
Beneficial owner
A shares
Attributable interests
A shares
China National Aviation
Beneficial owner
Corporation (Group) Limited
A shares
Cathay Pacific
Beneficial owner
H shares
Swire Pacific Limited(2)
Attributable interests
H shares
John Swire & Sons Limited(2)
Attributable interests
H shares
John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Limited(2)
Attributable interests
H shares


Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

and Substantial Shareholders of the Company


Based on the information available to the Directors, chief executive and supervisors of the Company (including such information as was available on the website of the Stock Exchange) and so far as the Directors, chief executive and supervisors are aware, as at the latest practicable date (i.e. 30 June 2008):

1.    By virtue of CNAHC's 100% interest in China National Aviation Corporation (Group) Limited, CNAHC is deemed to be interested in the 1,380,482,920 foreign shares (excluding H shares) of the Company directly held by China National Aviation Corporation (Group) Limited.

2.    By virtue of John Swire & Sons Limited's 100% interest in John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Limited and their approximately 36.50% equity interest and 55.74% voting rights in Swire Pacific Limited, and Swire Pacific Limited's approximately 39.99% interest in Cathay Pacific as at 30th June 2008, John Swire & Sons Limited, John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Limited and Swire Pacific Limited are deemed to be interested in the 2,217,617,455 H shares of the Company directly held by Cathay Pacific.

Save as disclosed above, as at 30 June 2008, to the knowledge of the Directors, chief executive and supervisors of the Company, no other person (other than a Director, supervisor or chief executive of the Company) had an interest or short position in the shares and underlying shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company pursuant to the SFO, or otherwise was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any members of the Group.


Corporate Governance


The Company has complied with the code provisions set out in the Code on Corporate Governance Practices (the 'Code') contained in Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules throughout the first half of 2008.


The Company adopted its own code of conduct regarding directors' securities transactions on terms no less exacting than the required standards set out in the Model Code. After having made the specific enquiry, the Company confirms that all of its Directors and supervisors have complied with the required standard set out in the Model Code contained in Appendix 10 to the Listing Rules throughout the first half of 2008.

The Company's own code also applies to its supervisors and relevant employees.




Neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries had purchased, sold or redeemed any of the listed securities of the Company in the first half of 2008.


Pursuant to public information available to the Company and to the best knowledge of the Directors of the Company, during the reporting period, the Company has maintained a public float as required by the Listing Rules and agreed by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange throughout the period under review.


No interim dividend will be paid for the six months ended 30 June 2008. The undistributed profit will be accumulated for a one-off payment by year end. It is currently expected that the distribution ratio will range from 15% to 30% of the distributable profit.


The audit committee of the Company has reviewed the interim report for the six months ended 30 June 2008 and the Company's interim condensed consolidated financial statements and the accounting policies and practices adopted by the Group.


Independent Auditors' Report

18th Floor

Two International Finance Centre

8 Finance Street Central

Hong Kong

Phone: (852) 2846 9888

Fax: (852) 2868 4432

To the shareholders of

Air China Limited

(Established in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)


We have reviewed the interim financial information of Air China Limited (the 'Company'), its subsidiaries and joint ventures (collectively the 'Group') set out on pages 22 to 48 which comprises the Group's interim condensed consolidated balance sheet as at 30 June 2008 and the related interim condensed consolidated income statement, statement of changes in equity and cash flow statement for the six months then ended, and explanatory notes. The Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited require the preparation of a report on interim financial information to be in compliance with the relevant provisions thereof and International Accounting Standard 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' ('IAS 34') issued by the International Accounting Standards Board.

The directors are responsible for the preparation and presentation of this interim financial information in accordance with IAS 34. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this interim financial information based on our review. Our report is made solely to you, as a body, in accordance with our agreed terms of engagement, and for no other purpose. We do not assume responsibility towards or accept liability to any other person for the contents of this report.


We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements 2410 'Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity'. A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Consequently, it does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the interim financial information is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with IAS 34.

Ernst & Young

Certified Public Accountants

Hong Kong

26 August 2008


Interim Condensed Consolidated Income Statement

For the six months ended 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)

For the six months ended
30 June                      30 June
2008                           2007
Notes                                RMB’000                    RMB’000
(Unaudited)                (Unaudited)
Air traffic revenue                                                                                                4                                  24,460,083                 21,684,442
Other operating revenue                                                                                      5                                    1,186,377                   1,668,378
                                                                                                                                                             25,646,460                 23,352,820
Jet fuel costs                                                                                                                                           (10,608,221)                (8,042,121)
Take-off, landing and depot charges                                                                                                        (2,785,661)                (2,714,364)
Depreciation                                                                                                                                               (2,907,421)                (2,696,361)
Aircraft maintenance, repairs and overhaul costs                                                                                       (984,264)                   (946,615)
Employee compensation costs                                                                                                                  (2,555,265)                (1,989,282)
Air catering charges                                                                                                                                     (739,434)                   (711,389)
Aircraft and engine operating lease expenses                                                                                         (1,214,134)                (1,172,875)
Other operating lease expenses                                                                                                                  (206,622)                   (151,976)
Other flight operation expenses                                                            &# 160;  <                                                (2,169,924)                (1,996,063)
Selling and marketing expenses                                                                                                                (1,316,809)                (1,163,530)
General and administrative expenses                                                                                                          (494,589)                   (401,592)
                                                                                                                                                                           (25,982,344)              (21,986,168)
PROFIT/(LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS                                                                 6                                      (335,884)                 1,366,652
Finance revenue                                                                                               7                                    2,256,835                   1,226,399
Finance costs                                                                                                    7                                      (896,719)                   (999,572)
Gain on disposal of subsidiaries and an associate                                   8                                       477,680                                
Share of profits and losses of associates                                                                                            (94,927)                    478,928
PROFIT BEFORE TAX                                                                                                                                1,406,985                   2,072,407
Tax                                                                                                                       9                                      (223,637)                   (596,372)
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                                                                                                                          1,183,348                   1,476,035
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company                                                                                                               1,244,073                   1,568,579
Minority interests                                                                                                                                        (60,725)                     (92,544)
                                                       1,183,348                   1,476,035
Interim dividend                                                                                               10                                                 –                                
Earnings per share attributable to equity holders of the Company:
Basic                                                                                                               11                                10.5 cents                  13.2 cents
Diluted                                                                                                             11                                           N/A                               N/A



Interim Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


30 June            31 December
2008                           2007
Notes                                RMB’000                    RMB’000
(Unaudited)                     (Audited)
Property, plant and equipment                                                                            12                               66,227,410                 61,691,673
Lease prepayments                                                                                            13                                 1,110,930                    1,046,042
Intangible asset                                                                                                                                              60,524                        75,194
Goodwill                                                                                                              23                                    439,745                                  
Interests in associates                                                                                        14                                 8,342,616                    9,542,677
Advance payments for aircraft and related equipment                                                                           8,741,256                    7,652,365
Deposits for aircraft under operating leases                                                                                              266,457                      257,505
Long term receivable from ultimate holding company                                                                                 281,813                      331,813
Available-for-sale investments                                                                                                                        1,997                          1,997
Deferred tax assets                                                                                                                                    670,434                      626,645
86,143,182                 81,225,911
Aircraft held for sale                                                                                                                                   197,516                      184,728
Inventories                                                                                                                                               1,236,258                    1,142,050
Accounts receivable                                                                                           15                                 2,664,146                    2,794,280
Bills receivable                                                                                                                                                 1,553                          1,599
Prepayments, deposits and other receivables                                                   16                                 1,628,110                    1,318,062
Derivative financial instruments                                                                                                                  104,157                           6,493
Pledged deposits                                                                                                                                         108,414                      118,624
Tax recoverable                                                                                                                                            56,949                                  
Cash and cash equivalents                                                                                17                                 4,591,794                    3,906,520
Due from ultimate holding company                                                                                                             360,727                      335,129
Due from related companies                                                                                                                          45,888                        22,881
10,995,512                   9,830,366
TOTAL ASSETS                                                                                                                                   97,138,694                 91,056,277


Interim Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)

30 June            31 December
2008                           2007
Notes                                RMB’000                    RMB’000
(Unaudited)                     (Audited)
Air traffic liabilities                                                                                                                                     (2,364,282)                (2,156,104)
Accounts payable                                                                                                18                                 (7,126,755)                (5,930,800)

Other payables and accruals                                                                               19                                 (4,366,605)               (4,350,281)

Derivative financial instruments                                                                                                                     (27,604)                     (14,826)

Tax payable                                                                                                                                                      (4,699)                (1,111,404)
Obligations under finance leases                                                                                                              (2,841,739)                (2,216,680)
Bank and other loans                                                                                                                              (13,602,765)              (10,978,835)
Provision for major overhauls                                                                                                                      (104,283)                     (83,907)
Due to related companies                                                                                                                               (58,950)                     (45,142)
                                                                                                  (30,497,682)              (26,887,979)
NET CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                                                                                   (19,502,170)              (17,057,613)
TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                                                     66,641,012                 64,168,298
Obligations under finance leases                                                                                                            (14,117,596)              (13,328,193)
Bank loans, other loans and corporate bonds                                                                                        (17,403,931)              (16,615,291)
Provision for major overhauls                                                                                                                   (1,308,382)                (1,190,415)
Provision for early retirement benefits obligations                                                                                       (176,663)                   (164,837)
Long term payables                                                                                                                                      (107,996)                   (190,005)
Deferred income                                                                                                                                           (833,551)                   (872,023)
Deferred tax liabilities                                                                                                                                (1,042,040)                   (300,181)
                                                                                               (34,990,159)              (32,660,945)
NET ASSETS                                                                                                                                            31,650,853                 31,507,353

Issued share capital                                                                                             20                                12,251,362                 12,251,362


Treasury shares                                                                            21                                                       (1,353,714)               (1,283,492)

 Reserves                                                                                                                                                   20,268,895               19,551,280

Proposed final dividend                                                                                                                                            –                      837,987
                                                                                 31,166,543                 31,357,137
MINORITY INTERESTS                                                                                                                                 484,310                      150,216
TOTAL EQUITY                                                                                                                                       31,650,853                 31,507,353


Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the six months ended 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)

Attributable to equity holders of the Company
As at 1 January 2008
Profit for the period
Final 2007 dividend declared (note 10)
Transfer to reserve funds
Acquisition of additional interest
in a joint venture
Share of reserve movement of an associate
Disposal of subsidiaries
Elimination for reciprocal shareholding
(note 21)
Exchange realignment
58, 420
As at 30 June 2008
As at 1 January 2007
Profit for the period
Final 2006 dividend declared (note 10)
Transfer to reserve funds
Acquisition of minority interest of
a subsidiary
Share of reserve movement of an associate
Exchange realignment
As at 30 June 2007

*    The aggregate of these reserve accounts represents the consolidated reserves of RMB20,268,895,000 (31 December 2007: RMB19,551,280,000) on the interim condensed consolidated balance sheet.


Interim Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

For the six months ended 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)

For the six months ended
30 June                      30 June
2008                           2007
Notes                                RMB’000                    RMB’000
(Unaudited)                (Unaudited)
Net cash inflow from operating activities                                                                                                2,361,395                    3,073,925
Net cash outflow from investing activities                                                                                             (2,447,657)                 (7,396,149)
Net cash inflow from financing activities                                                                                                2,192,451                    3,385,751
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                                                               (54,413)                      (41,587)
NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                                                         2,051,776                      (978,060)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                                                                 2,477,341                    3,588,404
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD                                       17                                 4,529,117                    2,610,344


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


Air China Limited (the 'Company') was incorporated as a joint stock limited company in Beijing, the People's Republic of China (the 'PRC'), on 30 September 2004. The Company's H shares are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange ('HKSE') and London Stock Exchange while the Company's A shares are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. In the opinion of the Directors, the Company's parent and ultimate holding company is China National Aviation Holding Company ('CNAHC'), a PRC state-owned enterprise under the supervision of the State Council.

On 3 January 2008, China National Aviation Company Limited ('CNAC' a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company) entered into a sale and purchase agreement (the 'CITIC Agreement') with China International Trust and Investment Corporation Pacific Limited ('CITIC') and Gold Leaf Enterprises Holdings Ltd. ('Gold Leaf', a wholly-owned subsidiary of CITIC). Pursuant to the CITIC Agreement, CNAC agreed to purchase from Gold Leaf the entire issued share capital of Fine Star Enterprise Corporation (another wholly-owned subsidiary of CITIC), which in turn held 25% equity interest in the registered capital of Air China Cargo Co., Ltd. ('Air China Cargo'). The aggregate consideration paid by CNAC for the transaction amounted to approximately RMB857 million. Upon completion of the transaction, the Company's interest in Air China Cargo, including both direct and indirect interests, increased from 51% to 76%. Air China Cargo was then changed from a joint venture to a subsidiary of the Company.

On 10 June 2008, CNAC entered into another sale and purchase agreement together with an agreement for indebtedness assignment with China National Aviation Corporation (Group) Limited ('CNACG', a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNAHC) (collectively the 'CNACG Agreement'). Pursuant to the CNACG Agreement, CNAC agreed to sell to CNACG the entire issued share capital of each of Fly Top Limited ('Fly Top', a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNAC) and China National Aviation Logistics Company Limited ('CNAL', another wholly-owned subsidiary of CNAC) and 50% of the issued share capital of Jardine Airport Services Limited ('JASL', an associate of CNAC). Fly Top held 60% of the issued share capital of each of Southwest Air Catering Co., Ltd and Beijing Air Catering Co., Ltd (two joint ventures of CNAC) and 20.2% of the issued share capital of Lufthansa Services Hong Kong Limited ('LSG', an associate of CNAC). CNAL held 25% of the issued share capital of Tradeport Hong Kong Limited (another associate of CNAC). The aggregate consideration payable by CNACG was RMB850,000,000.

The principal activities of the Company, its subsidiaries and joint ventures (collectively the 'Group') and associates consist of the provision of airline, airline-related services, including aircraft engineering services, air catering services and airport ground handling services, mainly in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau.

The registered office of the Company is located at 9th Floor, Blue Sky Mansion, 28 Tianzhu Road, Zone A, Tianzhu Airport Industrial Zone, Shunyi District, Beijing 101312, the PRC.


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


Basis of preparation

The interim condensed consolidated financial statements of the Group for the six months ended 30 June 2008 have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' and the disclosure requirements of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

As at 30 June 2008, the Group's net current liabilities amounted to approximately RMB19,502 million, which comprised current assets of approximately RMB10,996 million and current liabilities of approximately RMB30,498 million. The liquidity of the Group is primarily dependent on its ability to maintain adequate cash inflow from operations and sufficient financing to meet its financial obligations as and when they fall due. In preparing the interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2008, the directors of the Company have considered the Group's sources of liquidity and believe that adequate funding is available to fulfill the Group's debt obligations and capital expenditure requirements. Accordingly, the interim condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a basis that the Group will be able to continue as a going concern.

The interim condensed consolidated financial statements do not include all the information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements, and therefore should be read in conjunction with the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007.

Significant accounting policies

The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the interim condensed consolidated financial statements of the Group are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the audited annual financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2007, except for the adoption of the following new International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRSs', which comprise standards and interpretations approved by the International Accounting Standards Board, and International Accounting Standards and Standing Interpretations Committee interpretations approved by the International Accounting Standards Committee that remain in effect).

IFRIC-Int 11    IFRS 2 - Group and Treasury Share Transactions

IFRIC-Int 12    Service Concession Arrangements

IFRIC-Int 14    IAS 19 - The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding

Requirements and their Interaction

(a)    IFRIC-Int 11 IFRS 2 - Group and Treasury Share Transactions

This interpretation requires arrangements whereby an employee is granted rights to the Group's equity instruments, to be accounted for as an equity-settled scheme, even if the Group acquires the instruments from another party, or the shareholders provide the equity instruments needed. The interpretation also addresses the accounting for share-based payment transactions involving two or more entities within the Group.

(b)    IFRIC-Int 12 Service Concession Arrangements

The interpretation requires an operator under public-to-private service concession arrangements to recognise the consideration received or receivables in exchange for the construction services as a financial asset and/ or an intangible asset, based on the terms of the contractual arrangements. The interpretation also address how an operator shall apply existing IFRSs to account for the obligations and the rights arising from service concession arrangements by which a government or a public sector entity grants a contract for the construction of infrastructure used to provide public services and/or for the supply of public service.


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


Significant accounting policies (Continued)

(c)    IFRIC-Int 14 IAS 19 - The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding Requirements and their Interaction

This interpretation provides guidance on how to assess the limit under IAS 19 Employee Benefits, on the amount of a refund or a reduction in future contributions in relation to a defined benefit scheme that can be recognised as an asset, in particular, when a minimum funding requirement exists.

The adoption of the above IFRSs has had no material impact on the Group's interim condensed consolidated financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2008.


Segment information of the Group is presented by way of two segment formats: (i) on a primary segment reporting basis, by business segment; and (ii) on a secondary segment reporting basis, by geographical segment.

The Group's operating businesses are structured and managed separately, according to the nature of their operations and the services they provide. Each of the Group's business segments represents a strategic business unit that offers services which are subject to risks and returns that are different from those of the other business segments. Summary details of the business segments are as follows:

(a)    the airline operations segment comprises the provision of air passenger and air cargo services;

(b)    the engineering services segment comprises the provision of aircraft engineering services which include aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul services;

(c)    the airport terminal services segment comprises the provision of ground services, which include check-in service, boarding service, premium class lounge service, ramp service, luggage handling service, loading and unloading services, cabin cleaning and transit services; and

(d)    the 'others' segment comprises the provision of air catering services and other airline-related services.

In determining the Group's geographical segments, revenue is attributed to the segments based on the origin and destination of each flight segment.

Intersegment sales and transfers are transacted with reference to the selling prices used for sales made to third parties at the then prevailing market prices.


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


Business segments

The following tables present the Group's consolidated revenue and profit from operations by business segment for the six months ended 30 June 2008 and 2007:

For the six months ended 30 June 2008

Airline       Engineering              terminal
operations              services            services              Others Eliminations                        Total
RMB’000            RMB’000            RMB’000            RMB’000            RMB’000            RMB’000
(Unaudited)        (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)
Sales to external customers                          24,854,308              325,659             297,994             168,499                      –             25,646,460
Intersegment sales                                                    –                   356,258                      –               111,968            (468,226)                    –
Total revenue                                                 24,854,308              681,917             297,994             280,467            (468,226)       25,646,460
PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS                              (380,037)                   573              30,946               12,634                       –          (335,884)
For the six months ended 30 June 2007
Airline       Engineering             terminal
operations              services            services              Others       Eliminations                  Total
RMB’000           RMB’000           RMB’000           RMB’000           RMB’000           RMB’000
(Unaudited)        (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)
Sales to external customers                          22,734,273              229,641             256,808             132,098                      –         23,352,820
Intersegment sales                                                        –              309,462                      –                  81,826           (391,288)                    –
Total revenue                                                 22,734,273              539,103             256,808             213,924            (391,288)       23,352,820
PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS                          1,279,193               10,974               59,863               16,622                       –         1,366,652


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


Geographical segments

The following tables present the Group's consolidated revenue by geographical segment for the six months ended 30 June 2008 and 2007:

For the six months ended 30 June 2008

        Hong Kong                                     North               Japan/       Asia Pacific

        Domestic    /Macau                Europe         America              Korea        and others              Total

       RMB'000    RMB'000            RMB'000        RMB'000         RMB'000         RMB'000            RMB'000

                            (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)


Sales to external customers

and total revenue                        13,011,138    1,397,400            4,423,972         2,773,692         2,054,010         1,986,248         25,646,460

For the six months ended 30 June 2007

Hong Kong                                   North            Japan/        Asia Pacific

Domestic    /Macau              Europe              America          Korea         and other               Total

RMB'000    RMB'000         RMB'000          RMB'000       RMB'000       RMB'000            RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)


Sales to external customers

and total revenue                   12,497,397    1,317,013    3,224,386          2,153,863    2,198,633    1,961,528           23,352,820


Air traffic revenue comprises revenue from the airline operations business and is stated net of business tax. An analysis of the Group's air traffic revenue is as follows:

For the six months ended

30 June       30 June

2008         2007

RMB'000    RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Unaudited)

Passenger                                                                                                                                   20,804,991    19,768,612

Cargo and mail                                                                                                                              3,655,092       1,915,830

24,460,083    21,684,442

Pursuant to the relevant PRC business tax rules and regulations, air traffic revenue for all domestic and outbound international flights is subject to business tax at a rate of 3%. All inbound international, Hong Kong and Macau regional flights are exempted from business tax. Business tax incurred and set off against air traffic revenue for the six months ended 30 June 2008 and 30 June 2007 amounted to approximately RMB606 million and RMB551 million, respectively.


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


For the six months ended
30 June                     30 June
2008                          2007
RMB’000                    RMB’000
(Unaudited)                (Unaudited)
Bellyhold income from a joint venture (note 26)                                                                                          –                     780,966
Ground service income                                                                                                                  297,994                      256,808
Aircraft engineering income                                                                                                           325,659                      229,641
Air catering income                                                                                                                           85,962                        72,276
Government grants:
Recognition of deferred income                                                                                                    38,472                        38,472
Others                                                                                                                                           94,621                        72,264
Service charges on return of unused flight tickets                                                                          91,144                        68,142
Cargo handling service income                                                                                                         43,091                        19,764
Training service income                                                                                                                    12,797                          6,958
Import and export service income                                                                                                     12,784                          6,846
Sale of materials                                                                                                                                 5,406                          4,115
Others                                                                                                                                             178,447                      112,126
1,186,377                   1,668,378


The Group's profit from operations is arrived at after charging:

For the six months ended
30 June                     30 June
2008                          2007
RMB’000                    RMB’000
(Unaudited)                (Unaudited)
Loss/(gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment, net                                                       (24,361)                       12,425
Loss on derecognition of property, plant and equipment                                                                 26,262                        13,883
Amortisation of lease prepayments (note 13)                                                                                  12,468                        10,512


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


For the six months ended
30 June                     30 June
2008                          2007
RMB’000                    RMB’000
(Unaudited)                (Unaudited)
Finance revenue
Exchange gains, net                                                                                                                   1,923,420                       867,541
Interest income                                                                                                                                  45,107                        54,248
Gains on financial derivatives, net                                                                                                 288,308                      304,610
2,256,835                   1,226,399
Finance costs
Interest on bank loans, other loans and corporate bonds                                                              735,867                      747,277
Interest on finance leases                                                                                                              325,808                      362,816
Total interest                                                                                                                               1,061,675                    1,110,093
Less: Interest capitalised                                                                                                              (164,956)                    (110,521)
896,719                      999,572

The interest capitalisation rate represents the cost of capital from raising the related borrowings and is approximately 3% to 7% (2007: 4.5% to 6%) per annum.


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


30 June
Note                  RMB’000
Net assets of subsidiaries disposed of:
Property, plant and equipment                                                                                                              12                     280,689
Deferred tax assets                                                                                                                                                           7,604
Interest in associates                                                                                                                                                       91,082
Inventories                                                                                                                                                                          5,157
Accounts receivable                                                                                                                                                        89,007
Prepayments, deposits and other receivables                                                                                                                   9,141
Cash and cash equivalents                                                                                                                                             47,799
Accounts payable                                                                                                                                                            (40,377)
Other payables and accruals                                                                                                                                          (80,663)
Tax payable                                                                                                                                                                       (2,902)
Bank and other loans                                                                                                                                                     (100,680)
Long term payables                                                                                                                                                         (22,294)
Share of net assets of an associate disposed of                                                                                                               88,757
Gain on disposal of subsidiaries and an associate                                                                                                           477,680
Satisfied by cash                                                                                                                                                               850,000
An analysis of the net inflow of cash and cash equivalents in respect of the disposal of subsidiaries and an associate is as follows:
Cash consideration                                                                                                                                                            850,000
Cash and bank balances disposed of                                                                                                                                (47,799)
Net inflow of cash and cash equivalents in respect
of the disposal of subsidiaries and an associate                                                                                                          802,201

9.    TAX

On 16 March 2007, the National People's Congress approved the Corporate Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China (the 'New CIT Law'), which was effective from 1 January 2008. Under the New CIT Law, the corporate income tax rate applicable to domestic companies from 1 January 2008 onwards will decrease from 33% to 25%. The Company, its subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates established in Mainland China are subject to enterprise income tax at rates ranging from 12.5% to 25% (2007: 12% to 33%) on their taxable income.

Hong Kong profits tax has been provided at the rate of 16.5% (2007: 17.5%) on the estimated assessable profits arising in Hong Kong during the period.


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)

9.    TAX (Continued)

The determination of current and deferred income tax was based on enacted tax rates. Major components of income tax charge are as follows:

For the six months ended

30 June    30 June

2008        2007

RMB'000    RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Unaudited)

Current income tax - Mainland China                                                                                           (521,459)    421,920

Deferred income tax - origination and reversal of temporary differences                                   745,096    174,452

Income tax charge for the period                                                                                                  223,637    596,372

The share of tax attributable to joint ventures, which are accounted for in the Group's interim condensed consolidated financial statements through proportionate consolidation, amounting to RMB16,087,000 (unaudited) (2007: RMB11,117,000 (unaudited)) is included in the income tax charge for the period.

The share of tax attributable to associates amounting to RMB16,666,000 (unaudited) (2007: RMB99,331,000 (unaudited)) is included in the 'Share of profit and losses of associates' on the face of the condensed consolidated income statement for the six months ended 30 June 2008.


In accordance with the Company's articles of association, the profit after tax of the Company for the purpose of dividends payment is based on the lesser of (i) the profit determined in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises; and (ii) the profit determined in accordance with IFRSs.

The proposed final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2007 was approved by the Company's shareholders on 30 May 2008 and was fully paid by the end of 30 June 2008.

The Board of Directors of the Company does not recommend the payment of any interim dividend for the six months ended 30 June 2008 (six months ended 30 June 2007: Nil).


The calculation of basic earnings per share for the six months ended 30 June 2008 was based on the net profit attributable to equity holders of the Company for the six months ended 30 June 2008 of approximately RMB1,244,073,000 (unaudited), and the weighted average of approximately 11,865,149,750 ordinary shares in issue during the period, as adjusted to account for the effect of cross holding with Cathay Pacific Airways Limited ('Cathay Pacific').

The calculation of basic earnings per share for the six months ended 30 June 2007 was based on the net profit attributable to equity holders of the Company for the six months ended 30 June 2007 of approximately RMB1,568,579,000 (unaudited) and 11,879,594,685 ordinary shares in issue during the period, as adjusted to account for the effect of cross holding with Cathay Pacific.

Diluted earnings per share for the six months ended 30 June 2008 and 30 June 2007 have not been disclosed because no diluting events existed during those periods.


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


and flight
in progress
As at 1 January 2008, net of
accumulated depreciation
Acquisition of additional interest in a joint venture
(note 23)
Transfer from construction
in progress
Disposal of subsidiaries
(note 8)
Depreciation charged for
the period
Exchange realignment
As at 30 June 2008, net of
accumulated depreciation
As at 30 June 2008
Accumulated depreciation
Net book value

As at 30 June 2008, certain of the Group's aircraft and buildings with an aggregate net book value of approximately RMB12,205 million (unaudited) (31 December 2007: RMB12,255 million (audited)) were pledged to secure certain bank loans of the Group.

The aggregate net book value of aircraft held under finance leases included in the property, plant and equipment of the Group amounted to approximately RMB24,535 million (unaudited) (31 December 2007: RMB21,948 million


As at 30 June 2008, the Group was in the process of applying for the title certificates of certain buildings with an aggregate net book value of approximately RMB109 million (unaudited) (31 December 2007: RMB114 million (audited)) transferred from Air China International Corporation, the predecessor of the Company, upon incorporation of the Company. The Group was also in the process of applying for the title certificates of certain buildings acquired by the Group after incorporation with an aggregate net book value of approximately RMB339 million (unaudited) (2007: RMB384 million (audited)). The Directors of the Company are of the view that the Group is entitled to lawfully and validly occupy and use the above-mentioned buildings. The Directors of the Company are also of the opinion that the aforesaid matter would therefore have no significant impact on the Group's financial position as at 30 June 2008.


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


30 June





At beginning of period                                                                                                                                                    1,111,225

Additions                                                                                                                                                                               6,078

Acquisition of additional interest in a joint venture (note 23)                                                                                              73,869

At end of period                                                                                                                                                             1,191,172

Accumulated amortisation

At beginning of period                                                                                                                                                     (65,183)

Acquisition of additional interest in a joint venture (note 23)                                                                                            (2,591)

Amortisation for the period (note 6)                                                                                                                               (12,468)

At end of period                                                                                                                                                             (80,242)

Net book value

At end of period                                                                                                                                                           1,110,930

As at 30 June 2008, certain of the Group's land use rights, which are accounted for as lease prepayments in the Group's interim condensed consolidated financial statements, with an aggregate net book value of approximately RMB36 million (unaudited) (31 December 2007: RMB37 million (audited)) were pledged to secure certain of the Group's bank loans.

As at 30 June 2008, the Group was in the process of applying for the title certificates of certain land use rights acquired by the Group after incorporation with an aggregate net book value of approximately RMB4.5 million (unaudited) (31 December 2007: RMB5 million (audited)). The Directors of the Company are of the view that the Group is entitled to lawfully and validly occupy and use the above-mentioned land use rights. The Directors of the Company are also of the opinion that the aforesaid matter would therefore have no significant impact on the Group's financial position as at 30 June 2008.


As at 30 June 2008, the Group was in the process of completing the registration of its equity interests in certain associates with an aggregate investment cost of approximately RMB200 million (unaudited) (31 December 2007: RMB200 million (audited)) transferred from Air China International Corporation, upon the incorporation of the Company. The Directors of the Company are of the view that the aforesaid matter would have no significant impact on the Group's ownership in those equity interests and also the Group's financial position as at 30 June



Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


The Group generally allows a credit period ranging from 30 days to 90 days to its sales agents and customers. An aged analysis of the Group's accounts receivable as at the balance sheet date, net of provision for doubtful debt, is as follows:

30 June    31 December

2008    2007

RMB'000    RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Audited)

Within 30 days                                                                                                                            2,273,860    2,246,288

31 to 60 days                                                                                                                                185,018     279,497

61 to 90 days                                                                                                                                  39,795    136,078

Over 90 days                                                                                                                                165,473    132,417

2,664,146    2,794,280

Included in the Group's accounts receivable as at the balance sheet date is the following amount due from a joint venture:

30 June    31 December

2008    2007

RMB'000    RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Audited)

Joint venture                                                                                                                                           -        306,831


An analysis of the Group's prepayments, deposits and other receivables as at the balance sheet date is as follows:

30 June    31 December

2008    2007

RMB'000    RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Audited)

Advances and others                                                                                                                    959,430    743,946

Manufacturers' credits on aircraft acquisition receivables                                                             65,345    55,741

Prepaid aircraft operating lease rentals                                                                                       183,782    195,970

Miscellaneous deposits                                                                                                                 419,553    322,405

1,628,110    1,318,062


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


30 June    31 December

2008    2007

RMB'000    RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Audited)

Cash and bank balances                                                                                                            2,572,402     1,586,380

Cash placed with China National Aviaion Finance Co., Ltd                                                          247,767     387,962

2,820,169     1,974,342

Time deposits placed with banks                                                                                                1,880,039       2,050,802

Less: Pledged deposits against aircraft operating leases and financial derivatives                       (108,414)    (118,624)

Cash and cash equivalents                                                                                                             4,591,794    3,906,520

Less: Non-pledged deposits with maturity of more than

three months when acquired                                                                                             (62,677)    (1,429,179)

4,529,117    2,477,341


An aged analysis of the Group's accounts payable as at the balance sheet date is as follows:

30 June    31 December

2008    2007

RMB'000    RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Audited)

Within 30 days                                                                                                                              5,071,522    4,249,353

31 to 60 days                                                                                                                                  953,852    788,374

61 to 90 days                                                                                                                                  439,892    412,435

Over 90 days                                                                                                                                  661,489    480,638

7,126,755    5,930,800

Included in the accounts payable as at the balance sheet date is the following amounts due to joint ventures:

30 June    31 December

2008    2007

RMB'000    RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Audited)

Joint ventures                                                                                                                                  63,960    141,419


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


An analysis of the Group's other payables and accruals as at the balance sheet date is as follows:

30 June    31 December

2008    2007

RMB'000    RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Audited)

Provision for staff housing benefits                                                                                              26,493    23,038

Accrued salaries, wages and benefits                                                                                    1,222,026    1,213,017

Interest payable                                                                                                                           352,283    287,886

Custom duties and levies payable                                                                                               514,265    1,066,387

Current portion of long term payables                                                                                           78,662    55,155

Current portion of deferred income                                                                                               76,944    76,944

Deposits received from sales agents                                                                                          508,952    404,796

Accrued operating expenses                                                                                                   1,070,345    725,303

Others                                                                                                                                          516,635    497,755

                                                                                                                                                                                4,366,605    4,350,281


The number of shares of the Company and their nominal value as at 30 June 2008 and 31 December 2007 are as follows:

Number of shares    Nominal value


Registered, issued and fully paid:

State legal person shares of RMB1.00 each                                                                      4,826,195,989    4,826,196

Non-H foreign shares of RMB1.00 each                                                                             1,380,482,920    1,380,483

H shares of RMB1.00 each                                                                                                 4,405,683,364    4,405,683

A shares of RMB1.00 each                                                                                                1,639,000,000    1,639,000

12,251,362,273    12,251,362

The H shares and A shares rank pari passu, in all material respects, with the state legalperson shares and non-H foreign shares of the Company.


As at 30 June 2008, the Group owned 17.5% (31 December 2007: 17.5%) equity interest in Cathay Pacific, which in turn owned 18.1% (31 December 2007: 17.64%) equity interest in the Company. Accordingly, the 17.5% of Cathay's shareholding in the Company was recorded in the Group's interim condensed consolidated financial statements as treasury shares through deduction from equity.


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


The Company has adopted a share appreciation rights ('SARs') arrangement (the 'Plan') which was approved by the shareholders on 18 October 2004 for the purpose of motivating its employees. The Plan provides for the grant of SARs to eligible participants, including the Company's Directors (excluding independent non-executive Directors), supervisors (excluding independent supervisors), president, vice presidents, heads of key departments in the Company's headquarters, general managers and general deputy managers of principal branches and subsidiaries as well as selected senior professionals and key specialists. In any event, SARs will be granted to no more than 200 individuals.

Under the Plan, the holders of SARs are entitled the rights to receive an amount in respect of the appreciation in market value of the Company's H shares from the date of grant of SARs and the date of exercise. No shares will be issued under the Plan and therefore the Company's equity interests will not be diluted as a result of the issuance of SARs. The maximum number of unexercised SARs permitted to be granted under the Plan is, upon their exercise, limited to 2% of the Company's H shares in issue at any time during each year. The maximum number of SARs granted to eligible participants under the Plan within any 12-month period is, upon their exercise, limited to 0.4% of the Company's H shares in issue at any time during each year. The maximum number of SARs granted to any eligible participant is limited to 10% of the total number of unexercised SARs in issue at any time during each year. Any further grant of SARs in excess of the above limits is subject to shareholders' approval in general meetings.

The exercise period of all SARs commences after a vesting period and ends on a date which is not later than five years from the date of grant of the SARs. The exercise price of the SARs will be equal to the average closing price of the Company's H shares on the HKSE for the five consecutive trading days immediately preceding the date of the grant. On 15 June 2007, 14,939,900 SARs were granted to a total of 109 individuals at an exercise price of HK$2.98 per share. As at each of the last days of the second, third and fourth anniversaries of the date of grant, the total number of SARs exercisable will not exceed 30%, 70% and 100%, respectively, of the total SARs granted to the respective eligible participants. As at 30 June 2008, all SARs granted remained unexercised.

As at 30 June 2008, the fair value of the SARs granted during the year was RMB13,947,642, of which the Group reversed employee compensation expense of RMB10,038,558 during the period then ended.


On 3 January 2008, the Group acquired 25% equity interest in the Air China Cargo in addition to the 51% equity interest it already held. Further details of the transaction are included in note 1 to the financial statements. The purchase consideration for the acquisition in the form of cash, RMB857,003,819 was paid on 3 January 2008.

By the end of reporting period, the fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of Air China Cargo as at the date of acquisition were determined provisionally based on the management's best estimates. The Company will recognise any adjustments to those provisional values after completing the initial accounting within twelve months of the acquisition date.


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


The net assets attributable to the 25% equity interest in Air China Cargo acquired are as follows:


Property, plant and equipment                                                                                                                                           632,016

Lease prepayments                                                                                                                                                            36,366

Deposits for aircraft under operating leases                                                                                                                       2,438

Deferred tax assets                                                                                                                                                           29,412

Aircraft held for sale                                                                                                                                                          90,553

Inventories                                                                                                                                                                           2,605

Accounts receivable                                                                                                                                                       178,088

Prepayments, deposits and other receivables                                                                                                                  28,928

Cash and cash equivalents                                                                                                                                               74,109

Air traffic liabilities                                                                                                                                                            (7,911)

Accounts payable                                                                                                                                                         (121,820)

Other payables and accruals                                                                                                                                        (212,518)

Bank and other loans                                                                                                                                                    (274,650)

Long term payables                                                                                                                                                        (17,504)

Provision for major overhauls                                                                                                                                        (22,853)

Net assets                                                                                                                                                                     417,259

Goodwill on acquisition                                                                                                                                                     439,745

Satisfied by cash                                                                                                                                                              857,004

An analysis of the net outflow of cash and cash equivalent in respect of the acquisition of 25% equity interest in

Air China Cargo is as follows:



Cash consideration                                                                                                                                                          (857,004)

Net cash acquired from the transaction                                                                                                                             145,254

Net outflow of cash and cash equivalents in respect of the acquisition of 25% equity interest

in Air China Cargo                                                                                                                                                        (711,750)

Since its acquisition, Air China Cargo has contributed RMB3,507 million to the Group's turnover and RMB103 million to the Group's consolidated net profit for the six months ended 30 June 2008.

Included in the goodwill of RMB439,745,000 recognised above is attributed to the expected synergies and other benefits from combining the assets and activities of Air China Cargo with those of the Group.


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


As at 30 June 2008, the Group had the following contingent liabilities:

(a)    Pursuant to the restructuring of CNAHC for the listing of the Company's H shares on the HKSE and the London Stock Exchange, the Company entered into a restructuring agreement (the 'Restructuring Agreement') with CNAHC and CNACG on 20 November 2004. According to the Restructuring Agreement, except for liabilities constituting or arising out of or relating to businesses undertaken by the Company after the restructuring, no other liabilities would be assumed by the Company and the Company would not be liable, whether severally, or jointly and severally, for debts and obligations incurred by CNAHC and CNACG prior to the restructuring. The Company has also undertaken to indemnify CNAHC and CNACG against any damage suffered or incurred by CNAHC and CNACG as a result of any breach by the Company of any provision of the Restructuring Agreement.

(b)    On 15 April 2002, Flight CA129 crashed on approach to Gimhae International Airport, South Korea. There were 129 fatalities including 121 passengers and 8 crew members aboard the crashed airplane. Investigations were conducted by both the Chinese and civil aviation authorities and have yet to be concluded at the date of approval of these financia statements. Certain injured passengers and family members of the deceased passengers as well as crew members have commenced proceedings in Korean courts seeking damages against Air China International Corporation (the predecessor of the Company). The Group cannot predict the timing of the courts' judgments or the possible outcome of the lawsuits or any possible appeal actions. Up to 30 June 2008, the Company, Air China International Corporation and the Company's insurer had paid an aggregate amount of approximately RMB229 million in respect of passenger liability and other auxiliary costs. Included in the RMB229 million was an amount of approximately RMB221 million borne by the Company's insurer. As part of the above-mentioned restructuring, CNAHC has agreed to indemnify the Group for any liabilities relating to the crash of Flight CA129, excluding the compensation already paid up to 30 September 2004 (being the date of incorporation of the Company). The directors of the Company believe that there the accident will not be any material adverse impact on the Group's financial position.

(c)    On 26 February 2007, the Federal Judiciary of the United States filed a civil summon against the Company and Air China Cargo claiming that they, together with a number of other airlines, have violated certain anti- trust regulations in respect of their air cargo operations in the United States and the European Union. The status of the proceedings is still in the preliminary stage and therefore the Directors of the Company are of the view that it is not possible to estimate the eventual outcome of the claim with reasonable certainty at this stage. Also, the Directors of the Company are of the view that there would be valid defense against this claim and consider that no provision for this claim is needed accordingly.

(d)    The Group has issued guarantees to banks in respect of the bank loans granted to the following parties:

30 June    31 December

2008    2007

RMB'000    RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Audited)

Associates    106,666    132,857


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


(a)    Capital commitments

The Group had the following amounts of contractual commitments for the acquisition and construction of property, plant and equipment as at the balance sheet date:

30 June    31 December

2008    2007

RMB'000    RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Audited)

Contracted, but not provided for:

Aircraft and flight equipment                                                                                     69,458,583    53,897,381

Buildings                                                                                                                         488,684    1,026,747

Others                                                                                                                               66,532    248,388

70,013,799    55,172,516

Authorised, but not contracted for:

Aircraft and flight equipment                                                                                           439,993    226,874

Buildings                                                                                                                       3,251,775    3,006,501

Others                                                                                                                             644,957    471,907

4,336,725    3,705,282

Total capital commitments                                                                                             74,350,524    58,877,798

(b)    Investment commitments

The Group had the following amounts of investment commitments as at the balance sheet date:

30 June    31 December

2008    2007

RMB'000    RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Audited)

Contracted, but not provided for:

Associate                                                                                                                        50,862    54,165

(c)    Operating lease commitments

The Group leases certain of its office premises, aircraft and related equipment under operating lease arrangements. Leases for these assets are negotiated for terms ranging from 1 to 20 years.

As at the balance sheet date, the Group had the following future minimum lease payments under non- cancellable operating leases:

30 June    31 December

2008    2007

RMB'000    RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Audited)

Within one year                                                                                                              2,314,721    2,349,599

In the second to fifth years, inclusive                                                                            6,378,041    6,599,485

Over five years                                                                                                             3,110,078    3,860,049

11,802,840    12,809,133


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


During the period, the Group had the following significant transactions with (i) CNAHC, its subsidiaries (other than the Group) and joint ventures (collectively known as the 'CNAHC Group'); (ii) its joint ventures; and (iii) its associates:

For the six months ended

30 June    30 June

2008    2007

RMB'000    RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Unaudited)

(a)    Included in air traffic revenue

Sale of air tickets:

CNAHC Group                                                                                                                    2,183    1,912

Associates                                                                                                                         1,927    1,652

4,110    3,564

Sale of cargo space:

CNAHC Group                                                                                                                278,553    129,319

Government charter flights:

CNAHC Group                                                                                                                  182,889    353,710

(b)    Included in other operating revenue

Aircraft engineering income:

Associates                                                                                                                        31,955    13,821

Ground services income:

CNAHC Group                                                                                                                              -    508

Joint ventures                                                                                                                          28    1,256

Associates                                                                                                                       33,532    36,447

33,560    38,211

Bellyhold income:

Joint venture (note 5)                                                                                                                -    780,966


CNAHC Group                                                                                                                  13,943    12,223

Joint ventures                                                                                                                      3,512    3,932

Associates                                                                                                                        16,500    16,795

33,955    32,950

(c)    Included in finance revenue and finance costs

Interest income:

Associate                                                                                                                        5,405    795

Interest expense:

Associate                                                                                                                      10,269    1,421


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


For the six months ended

30 June    30 June

2008    2007

RMB'000    RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Unaudited)

(d)    Included in gain on disposal of subsidiaries

CNAHC Group    850,000    -

(e)    Included in operating expenses

Airport ground services, take-off, landing and depot expenses:

CNAHC Group    33,213    37,718

Associates    149,896    128,253

183,109    165,971

Air catering charges:

CNAHC Group    26,540    25,725

Joint ventures    65,048    64,122

Associates    10,708    11,228

102,296    101,075

Repair and maintenance costs:

Joint ventures    253,415    208,234

Associates    61,190    66,957

314,605    275,191

Sales commission expenses:

CNAHC Group    2,252    4,112

Associates    1,497    2,493

3,749    6,605

Management fees:

CNAHC Group    4,357    4,694

Aircraft leasing fees:

Associates    278,262    226,737


CNAHC Group    71,438    45,608

Joint venture    447    645

Associates    10,610    9,234

82,495    55,487


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


30 June    31 Decembeer

2008    2007

RMB'000    RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Audited)

(f)    Deposits, loans and bills payable

Deposits placed with an associate    247,767    387,962

Loans from an associate    400,223    238,098

(g)    Outstanding balances with related parties

Long term receivable from ultimate holding company    281,813    331,813

Due from ultimate holding company    360,727    335,129

Due from related companies    45,888    22,881

Due from associates    169,854    183,224

Due from a joint venture    -    306,831

Due to related companies    (58,950)    (45,142)

Due to associates    (100,962)    (123,155)

Due to joint ventures    (63,960)    (141,419)

The long term receivable from ultimate holding company is unsecured, interest-free and is not repayable within one year from the balance sheet date. Except for the long term receivable from ultimate holding company, the outstanding balances with related parties are unsecured, interest-free and repayable within one year or have no fixed terms of repayment.

(h)    An analysis of the compensation of key management personal of the Group is as follow:

For the six months ended

30 June    30 June

2008    2007

RMB'000    RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Unaudited)

Compensation of key management personnel of the Group

Short term employee benefits                                                                                          1,807           1,941

Share-based benefit                                                                                                        3,331                  -

Post-employment benefits                                                                                                  125              120

5,263       2,061

(i)    On 25 August 2004, CNACG entered into two licences agreements with CNAC pursuant to which CNACG has agreed to grant licences to CNAC, free of royalty, for the rights to use certain trademarks in Hong Kong and Macau, respectively, so long as CNAC is a direct or indirect subsidiary of CNAHC. No royalty charge was levied in respect for the use of these trademarks during the six months ended 30 June 2008 and 2007.

(j)    The Company entered into several agreements with CNAHC which govern the use of trademarks granted by the Company to CNAHC; the provision of financial services by China National Aviation Finance Co., Ltd.; the provision of construction project management services by China National Aviation Construction and Development Company; the subcontracting of charter-flight services to CNAHC; the leasing of properties from and to CNAHC; the provision of air ticketing and cargo services, media and advertising services arrangement to China National Aviation Media and Advertising Co., Ltd.; the tourism services co-operation agreement with CNAHC; the comprehensive services agreement with CNAHC; and the provision of maintenance and other ground services by China Aircraft Services Limited.


Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards)


The Group operates in an economic environment predominated by enterprises directly or indirectly owned or controlled by the PRC government through its numerous authorities, affiliates or other organisations (collectively the 'State-owned Enterprises'). During the period, the Group had transactions with the State-owned Enterprises including, but not limited to, the provision of air passenger and air cargo services and purchases of services. The Directors consider that transactions with other State-owned Enterprises are activities in the ordinary course of the Group's business and that the dealings of the Group have not been significantly or unduly affected by the fact that the Group and the other State-owned Enterprises are ultimately controlled or owned by the PRC government. The Group has also established pricing policies for products and services, and such pricing policies do not depend on whether or not the customers are State-owned Enterprises. Having due regard to the substance of the relationships, the Directors of the Company are of the opinion that none of these transactions is a material related party transaction that requires separate disclosure.


On 15 July 2008, the Company and Air China Group Import and Export Trading Co. ('AIE', a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company), entered into an aircraft purchase agreement with Boeing Company, pursuant to which the Company has agreed to purchase 15 Boeing 777 and 30 Boeing 737 aircraft (the 'Boeing Aircraft') from Boeing Company for an aggregate consideration of US$6,300 million (equivalent to approximately RMB43,212 million). The aggregate consideration for the acquisition of the Boeing Aircraft is payable in cash by installments and the Boeing Aircraft are scheduled to be delivered in stages from early 2011 to 2015.

On 8 July 2008, the China Securities Regulatory Commission ('CSRS') approved the issue and public offering of not more than 400 million additional A shares (representing approximately 5.10% the A shares and 3.26% of the total number of shares of the Company currently in issue of the Company). After the CSRC's approval, there will be a window period of 6 months during which the Company can elect to issue the additional A shares. Up to the date of interim condensed consolidated financial statements, the date for additional issuance has yet to be decided.


These interim condensed consolidated financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the board of Directors on 26 August 2008.


Unaudited Interim Consolidated Income Statement

For the six months ended 30 June 2008

(Prepared under Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises)


For the six months ended

30 June    30 June

2008    2007

RMB'000    RMB'000


Revenue from operations    25,760,238    22,744,019

Less: Cost of operations    23,134,131    19,162,370

Tax and surcharges    623,796    546,090

Selling expenses    1,610,461    1,370,680

Administrative expenses    673,303    501,452

Finance costs    (996,332)    126,794

Impairment loss    (880)    -

Add: Gains from changes in fair value    84,886    253,858

Investment income    613,770    405,026

Including: Investment income from associates and joint ventures    (66,458)    352,024

Profit from operations    1,414,415    1,695,517

Add: Non-operating income    146,399    76,328

Less: Non-operating expenses    135,108    71,842

Including: Loss on disposal of non-current assets    18,960    44,248

Total profit    1,425,706    1,700,003

Less: Income tax    216,949    476,942

Net profit    1,208,757    1,223,061

Net profit attributable to equity holders of the Company    1,282,317    1,300,297

Minority interests    (73,560)    (77,236)


Unaudited Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises)

30 June    31 December

2008    2007

RMB'000    RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Audited)


Current assets:

Cash and bank balances    4,558,193    3,787,152

Financial assets    104,157    6,493

Note receivables    1,553    1,599

Account receivables    2,933,199    2,812,327

Other receivables    1,102,765    997,205

Prepayments    385,723    311,784

Inventories    831,609    755,340

Total current assets    9,917,199    8,671,900

Non-current assets:

Long term receivables    259,383    255,340

Long-term equity investments    9,012,470    11,404,643

Fixed assets    61,100,806    55,000,376

Construction-in-progress    12,161,360    10,967,888

Intangible assets    1,747,235    1,396,620

Goodwill    511,309    131,945

Deferred tax assets    430,394    385,843

Long-term deferred assets    129,522    80,684

Total non-current assets    85,352,479    79,623,339

Total assets    95,269,678    88,295,239


Unaudited Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet

At 30 June 2008

(Prepared under Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises)

30 June    31 December

2008    2007

RMB'000    RMB'000

(Unaudited)    (Audited)


Current liabilities:

Short-term loans    7,606,236    6,546,088

Financial liabilities    27,604    14,826

Accounts payables    7,934,562    6,338,341

Domestic air traffic liabilities    599,627    666,208

International traffic liabilities    1,828,805    1,888,548

Receipts in advance    91,979    53,778

Accrued employee compensations    349,238    254,073

Taxes payable    410,853    1,677,332

Interest payable    339,837    273,824

Other payables    2,138,970    2,035,038

Current portion of long-term liabilities    8,579,487    6,344,212

Total current liabilities    29,907,198    26,092,268

Non-current liablities:

Long-term loans    14,170,891    12,938,092

Corporate bonds    3,000,000    3,000,000

Long-term payables    1,416,378    1,301,844

Obligations under finance lease    14,117,596    13,328,193

Provisions    217,168    191,533

Deferred tax liabilities    776,000    5,000

Total non-current liabilities    33,698,033    30,764,662

Total liabilities    63,605,231    56,856,930

Shareholders' equity:

Share capital    12,251,362    12,251,362

Capital reserve    11,941,279    11,852,408

Reserve funds    1,563,914    1,299,214

Retained profits    7,068,473    6,888,843

Including: Discretionary reserve fund proposed by Board of Director    -    264,700

Dividend proposed by Board of Directors    -    837,987

Exchange differences arising on translation of

foreign currency denominated financial statements    (1,690,021)    (1,003,732)

Shareholder's equity attributable to the Company    31,135,007    31,288,095

Minority interests    529,440    150,214

Total shareholders' equity    31,664,447    31,438,309

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity    95,269,678    88,295,239


Supplementary Information



The effects of the significant differences between the consolidated financial statements of the Group prepared under ASBE and IFRS are as follows:


For the six months ended
30 June                      30 June
2008                           2007
Notes                                RMB’000                    RMB’000
(Unaudited)                (Unaudited)
Net profit under ASBE                                                                                                                                1,282,317                   1,300,297
Deferred taxes                                                                                                    (i)                                          4,712                     (108,313)
Additional depreciation from restatement of costs of fixed assets                    (ii)                                      (72,493)                     (82,030)
Reversal of depreciation and amortisation arising on revaluation                      (iii)                                     155,695                      223,468
Government grant                                                                                               (iv)                                       17,372                         (8,722)
Effect of component accounting                                                                         (v)                                    (120,281)                     245,648
Others                                                                                                                                                            (23,249)                       (1,769)
Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company under IFRS                                                                1,244,073                   1,568,579
30 June            31 December
2008                           2007
Notes                                RMB’000                    RMB’000
(Unaudited)                     (Audited)
Equity attributable to equity holders of
the Company under ASBE                                                                                                                    31,135,007                 31,288,095
Deferred taxes                                                                                                    (i)                                       (26,000)                     (62,319)
Restatement of costs of fixed assets                                                                 (ii)                                      696,334                      743,768
Reversal of revaluation surplus                                                                          (iii)                                 (1,007,628)                   (972,848)
Government grant                                                                                               (iv)                                    (392,870)                   (410,242)
Effect of component accounting                                                                         (v)                                      546,178                      603,038
Gain on disposal of an associate                                                                       (vi)                                     139,919                      139,919
Goodwill from acquisition of additional interest in a joint venture                       (vii)                                       60,381                                
Others                                                                                                                                                              15,222                        27,726
Equity attributable to equity holders of the Company under IFRS                                                             31,166,543                 31,357,137


Supplementary Information


(i)    This mainly represents differences in deferred tax caused by other difference under IFRS and ASBE as explained below.

(ii)    Differences in the costs of fixed assets mainly relate to fixed assets acquired in foreign currencies prior to 1 January 1994 and are stated at the equivalent amount of RMB translated at the then prevailing exchange rates prescribed by the government (i.e. the government-prescribed rates). Under IFRS, such differences are stated at the equivalent amount of RMB translated at the then prevailing market rate (i.e. the swap rate), resulting in differences in the costs of fixed assets between the financial statements prepared under IFRS and under ASBE.

(iii)        In accordance with the accounting policies under IFRS, all assets are recorded at historical costs. Accordingly, the revaluation of assets and their amortisation recorded under ASBE are reversed in the financial statements prepared under IFRS.

(iv)        Under both IFRS and ASBE, government grant or subsidies from government should be debited to receivables from government grant or the relevant assets, and time credited to deferred income in the balance sheet, which is amortised to the income statement on a straight-line basis. Assets received from government grant was debited to asset and credited to capital reserve while cash received was recognised in cash and cash equivalent and subsidy income. As the government grant had no significant impact on the Group's net profit and net assets, it was not adjusted in the group's financial statements prepared under ASBE.

(v)    This represents timing differences on the adoption of component accounting under IFRS and ASBE. Component accounting was adopted by the Group on a prospective basis under IFRS in 2005 while it was adopted on a prospective basis under ASBE in 2007.

(vi)    This represents the difference in the gain on disposal of the Group's interest in Dragonair to Cathay Pacific under IFRS and ASBE.

(vii)    This represents the difference in the goodwill on acquisition of additional interests in Air China Cargo under IFRS and ASBE.


Glossary of Technical Terms


“available seat kilometres” or “ASKs”                             the number of seats available for sale multiplied by the kilometres flown
“available freight tonne kilometres” or “AFTKs”              the number of tonnes of capacity available for the carriage of cargo and mail multiplied by the kilometres flown
“available tonne kilometres” or “ATKs”                         the number of tonnes of capacity available for the transportation of revenue load (passengers and cargo) multiplied by the kilometres flown
“tonne”                                                                             a metric tonne, equivalent to 2,204.6 pounds
“revenue passenger kilometres” or “RPKs”                    the number of revenue passengers carried multiplied by the kilometres flown
“passenger traffic”                                                          measured in RPKs, unless otherwise specified
“revenue freight tonne kilometres” or “RFTKs”               the revenue cargo and mail load in tonnes multiplied by the kilometres flown
“cargo traffic”                                                                  measured in RFTKs, unless otherwise specified
“revenue tonne kilometres” or “RTKs”                              the revenue load (passenger and cargo) in tonnes multiplied by the kilometres flown
“cargo load factor”                                                          RFTKs expressed as a percentage of AFTKs
“passenger load factor”                                                  RPKs expressed as a percentage of ASKs
“overall load factor”                                                         RTKs expressed as a percentage of ATKs
“block hours”                                                                   each whole or partial hour elapsing from the moment the chocks are removed from the wheels of the aircraft for flights until the chocks are next again returned to the wheels of the aircraft


This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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