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(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)
(Stock Code: 00753)
Reference is made to the announcements (the "Announcements") of Air China Limited (the "Company") dated 22 December 2011 and 23 November 2012, respectively, in relation to the increase in shareholdings of the Company by its controlling shareholder. Unless otherwise indicated, capitalised terms used in this announcement shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Announcements.
As of 20 December 2012, China National Aviation Holding Company ("CNAHC"), the controlling shareholder of the Company, has completed the Share Acquisition Plan. During the period between 21 December 2011 and 20 December 2012, CNAHC has cumulatively increased its shareholdings in the Company by 155,139,516 A shares via the trading system of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, representing 1.20% of the total issued share capital of the Company. Prior to the implementation of the Share Acquisition Plan, CNAHC, directly and indirectly, held 6,634,935,166 shares of the Company, representing 51.47% of the total share capital of the Company. Immediately following the implementation of the Share Acquisition Plan, CNAHC, directly and indirectly, held 6,790,074,682 shares of the Company, representing 52.67% of the total share capital of the Company.
CNAHC has not reduced its shareholding in the Company during the period of the implementation of the Share Acquisition Plan pursuant to its undertaking.
In accordance with relevant provisions under the "Administrative Measures for the Takeover of Listed Companies" and "Guidelines for the Increase in Shareholdings by Shareholders of Listed Companies and their Persons Acting in Concert", CNAHC is currently in the course of engaging a law firm to issue a verification opinion specifically on the Share Acquisition Plan and its implementation. The Company will make further announcement in relation to such verification opinion.
By order of the Board
Air China Limited
Rao Xinyu Tam Shuit Mui
Joint Company Secretaries
Beijing, the PRC, 21 December 2012
As at the date of this announcement, the directors of the Company are Mr. Wang Changshun,
Ms. Wang Yinxiang, Mr. Cao Jianxiong, Mr. Sun Yude, Mr. Christopher Dale Pratt,
Mr. Ian Sai Cheung Shiu, Mr. Cai Jianjiang, Mr. Fan Cheng, Mr. Fu Yang*, Mr. Li Shuang*,
Mr. Han Fangming* and Mr. Yang Yuzhong*.
* Independent non-executive Director of the Company