Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.
(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)
(Stock Code:00753)
This announcement is published pursuant to Rule 13.10B of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
The attachment to this announcement is the following announcement of Air China Limited published on the Shanghai Stock Exchange:
Air China Limited announcement on postponement of resumption of trading regarding the
By order of the board
Rao Xinyu Tam Shuit Mui
Joint Company Secretaries
Beijing, the PRC, 13 July 2015
As at the date of this announcement, the directors of the Company are Mr. Cai Jianjiang, Ms. Wang Yinxiang, Mr. Cao Jianxiong, Mr. Feng Gang, Mr. John Robert Slosar, Mr. Ian Sai Cheung Shiu, Mr. Song Zhiyong, Mr. Fan Cheng, Mr. Fu Yang*, Mr. Pan Xiaojiang*, Mr. Simon To Chi Keung* and Mr. Stanley Hui Hon-chung*.
* Independent non-executive Director of the Company
The board of directors and all directors of the Company guarantee that the information set out in this announcement does not contain any false statements, misleading representations or material omissions, and severally and jointly accept responsibility as to the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the content herein.
Trading in the shares of Air China Limited (the "Company") has been suspended with effect from 30 June 2015 upon application by the Company due to the planning of non-public offering of shares, details of which are set out in the Company's Announcement on Suspension of Trading in the Shares of Air China Limited Regarding the Planning of Non-public Offering of Shares and Announcement on Continued Suspension of Trading in the Shares of Air China Limited Regarding the Planning of Non-public Offering of Shares published on the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange ( and in the China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News and Securities Daily on 30 June 2015 and 7 July 2015 respectively.
Currently, the proposal for issuance of shares has taken shape. The Company has been approached by potential investors who are prepared to be locked up for trading of shares during a period of 36 months, and the Company is actively negotiating with such investors. As the recent volatility in the A-share market has some effects on the pricing of the shares to be issued under the proposal for issuance, the Company has yet to reach a consensus with the investors on details including the issue price. The relevant work is in progress, and there are still uncertainties regarding the issuance of shares.
In order to ensure fair disclosure of information, safeguard the interests of investors, and avoid unusual movements in the share price of the Company, trading in the shares of the Company will continue to be suspended with effect from 14 July 2015 upon application by the Company.
The Company will proceed with the relevant work as soon as possible, make an announcement on the progress of the non-public offering of shares by the Company within 5 trading days (including the day of continued suspension announced) from the day of continued suspension in trading of the shares, and perform its disclosure obligations in strict compliance with the provisions and requirements of relevant laws and regulations. As there are uncertainties regarding the above matters, investors are advised to take note of the progress announcement of the Company and be aware of investment risks.
By order of the board
Rao Xinyu
Board Secretary
Beijing, the PRC, 13 July 2015