RNS Number : 4011U
Air China Ld
29 July 2015

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.


This announcement appears for information purposes only and does not constitute an invitation or offer to acquire, purchase or subscribe for securities of Air China Limited.


Air China Limited

(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 00753)






FROM 2015 TO 2017





Independent Financial Adviser to the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders


Opus Capital Limited


    Click on, or paste the following link into your web browser, to view the associated PDF document.







At the Board meeting of the Company held on 27 July 2015, the Board approved the proposed issuance of not more than 994,200,497 new A Shares to CNAHC and the Investors at the Issue Price. Gross proceeds to be raised from the proposed Non-public A Share Issue will not be more than RMB12,000 million.




On 27 July 2015, CNAHC entered into the Share Subscription Agreement with the Company, pursuant to which, CNAHC will commit RMB1,000 million in cash to subscribe for not more than

82,850,042 A Shares to be issued under the proposed Non-public A Share Issue at the Issue Price.






Since CNAHC is the controlling shareholder of the Company, and hence a connected person of the Company, CNAHC A Share Subscription constitutes a connected transaction of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules and is subject to the announcement, reporting and independent shareholders' approval requirements. An Independent Board Committee comprising the independent non-executive Directors has been formed to advise the Independent Shareholders on the terms of the Share Subscription Agreement. Opus Capital Limited has been appointed as the  Independent  Financial   Adviser  to  advise  the   Independent  Board  Committee   and  the Independent Shareholders on the same.



According to the relevant requirements of Chapter 19A of the Listing Rules, the Company will proceed with the Non-public A Share Issue after obtaining approvals from the Independent Shareholders at the EGM by way of special resolution and from the A Shareholders at the A Shareholders' Class Meting and from the H Shareholders at the H Shareholders' Class Meeting to be convened in accordance with the Articles of Association by way of special resolutions.



A  circular  containing,  among  other  things,  details  of  the  Non-public  A  Share  Issue  will  be despatched to the Shareholders on or before 18 August 2015.






At the request of the Company, trading of H Shares of the Company on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange was suspended with effect from 9:00 a.m. on 30 June 2015 pending the release of this announcement. The Company has made an application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for the resumption of trading of H Shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange with effect from 9:00 a.m. on 29 July 2015.



The Company advises  its Shareholders and potential  investors  to note  that the proposed Non-public A Share Issue is subject to certain conditions being satisfied, and consequently the  proposed  Non-public  A  Share  Issue  may  or  may  not  proceed.  Accordingly,  they  are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the securities of the Company.




1.       General



At the Board meeting of the Company held on 27 July 2015, the Board approved the proposed issuance of 994,200,497 new A Shares to CNAHC and the Investors at the Issue Price on the terms and conditions set out in this announcement.



Accordingly, on 27 July 2015, CNAHC entered into the Share Subscription Agreement with the Company, pursuant to which, CNAHC will commit RMB1,000 million in cash to subscribe for not more than 82,850,042 new A Shares at the Issue Price.



2.       Structure of the Non-public A Share Issue



Class of shares to be issued and the

nominal value:                               A Shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each



Subscribers:                             The  new  A  shares  under  the  Non-public  A  Share  Issue  is proposed   to   be   issued   to   not   more   than   10   Investors (including CNAHC). The Investors will be securities investment        fund   management   companies,   securities companies, trust investment companies, finance companies, insurance institutional investors, qualified foreign institutional investors, other domestic legal person investors and natural persons that meet the requirements of the CSRC.



After  the  Company  obtains  the  approval  in  respect  of  the Non-public A Share Issue from the CSRC, it will determine the  Investors  based  on  the  subscription  levels  and  price quoted by potential Investors, following the price priority principle.



CNAHC will remain as the controlling shareholder of the Company after the subscription of new A Shares under the Non-public A Share Issue by CNAHC and the Investors.



As at the date of this announcement, the Company has not entered into any agreements with any Investor in connection with  the  Non-public  A  Share  Issue.  To  the  best  of  the Directors' knowledge, information and belief, having made all reasonable enquiries, the potential Investors and their respective ultimate beneficial owners are third parties independent of the Company and its connected persons. It is

expected   that   each   of   the   Investors   and   their   ultimate beneficial  owners,  upon  subscription  of  the  new  A  Shares under the Non-public A Share Issue, will remain an independent third party of the Company. The Company will use  its  best  efforts  to  ensure  that  the  Investors  and  their ultimate beneficial owners are third parties independent of the

Company and its connected persons.



Number of A Shares to be issued:

The number of A Shares to be issued under the Non-public A Share Issue will not be more than 994,200,497 A Shares (including A Shares to be subscribed by CNAHC under the CNAHC A Share Subscription), which is subject to adjustment  to  the  Issue  Price  as  set  forth  in  the  paragraph "Basis for determining the Issue Price" below if there is any ex-rights or ex-dividend arrangement from the Pricing Benchmark  Date  to  the  date  of  issuance.  Within  the  range of the issuance mentioned above, the ultimate number of A Shares to be issued will be determined by the Board and its authorised person(s) in accordance with the authorisation granted by the Shareholders at the EGM and the market conditions after consultation with the lead underwriter of the

Non-public A Share Issue.



Method of issue:                      Non-public offering. The new A Shares will be issued within

6  months  after  the  Company  obtains  the  relevant  approval from the CSRC.



Basis for determining the Issue Price:

The Issue Price of new A Shares shall be not less than RMB12.07 per A Share. The Issue Price is determined with reference to a benchmark price, which is 90% of the average trading price of the A Shares during the 20 trading days preceding the Pricing Benchmark Date, which is RMB12.12193  per  A  Share.  Such  price  is  then  adjusted  in light of the distribution of final dividend of the Company for the year 2014, which was approved by the Shareholders at the annual general meeting of the Company for the year 2014, pursuant to which the Company distributed a cash dividend of RMB0.5223 per 10 Shares (including tax) on 8 July 2015. As a result of the distribution of the final dividend for the year

2014, the Issue Price is adjusted to not less than RMB12.07 per A Share. The Issue Price so determined is in accordance

with  the  requirements  under  the  Implementation  Rules  for

Non-public Issue of Shares by Listed Companies (



After  obtaining  the  relevant  approval  from  the  CSRC,  the final Issue Price will be determined by the Board and its authorised person(s) in accordance with the authorisation granted by the Shareholders at the EGM, and the subscription levels and price quoted by potential Investors based on the price priority principle after consultation with the lead underwriter for the Non-public A Share Issue. CNAHC will not  take  part  in  the  bidding  in  the  bookbuilding  under  the Non-public A Share Issue and will make subscription at the same price as the other subscribers. The Issue Price will be adjusted accordingly if there is any ex-rights or ex-dividend arrangement from the Pricing Benchmark Date to the date of issuance.



The Issue Price shall be paid in cash.



Assuming the Issue Price is fixed at RMB12.07 per A Share, it represents: (i) a discount of approximately 21.42% of the closing price of RMB15.360 per A Share immediately prior to the suspension of trading of A Shares on 30 June 2015; (ii) a discount of approximately 21.15% of the closing price of the A Shares, adjusted in light of the distribution of final dividend of the Company for the year 2014, immediately prior to 30

June 2015; (iii) a discount of approximately 14.84% of the average closing price of RMB14.174 per A Share for the last five trading days immediately prior to 30 June 2015; and (iv) a discount  of  approximately  14.53%  of  the  average  closing price of A Shares, adjusted in light of the distribution of final dividend of the Company for the year 2014, for the last five trading days immediately prior to 30 June 2015.



The  net price  to the  Company of  each new  A Share  to be issued will be determined and disclosed upon completion of the  Non-public  A  Share  Issue  and  the  determination  of relevant expenses incurred or to be incurred in relation to the Non-public   A   Share   Issue   in   accordance   with   the

requirements of the Listing Rules.



Rights attached to the new A Shares:

The new A Shares to be issued pursuant to the Non-public A Share Issue will rank pari passu with the existing A Shares and H Shares in all respects.

Conditions for the Non- public A Share Issue:

The Non-public A Share Issue is subject to:



(1)     the approvals by the Shareholders at the EGM and the

Class Meetings, respectively; and



(2)     the approval by the SASAC and the CSRC, etc.



Gross Proceeds from the Non-public A Share Issue:

Gross  proceeds  to  be  raised  from  the  Non-public  A  Share Issue will be not more than RMB12,000 million before deduction of the fees and expenses relating to the Non-public

A Share Issue.



Use of proceeds:                     Proceeds to be raised from the Non-public A Share Issue are

intended to be used in the following ways:






Name of Project

Proceeds to be utilised (RMB in million)


Purchase of 15 Boeing B787 aircraft (including supplemental in-cabin facilities such as seats)



Upgrade of e-commerce direct sale project



On-board WIFI (first phase) project



Replenish working capital






Purchase of 15 Boeing B787 aircraft (including supplemental in-cabin facilities such as seats)



Based on the relevant agreement between the Company and The Boeing Company, it is expected that the Company would take  delivery  of  7,  6  and  2  Boeing  B787  aircraft  in 2016,

2017  and  2018,  respectively.  The 15 Boeing  B787 aircraft would be equipped with seats and other facilities that are designed to enhance passenger experience. The basic price of each of the 15 Boeing B787 aircraft to be purchased by the Company from The Boeing Company is US$257 million, equivalent  to  approximately  RMB24,000  million  for  the  15

Boeing B787 aircraft in aggregate. The Company plans to use

RMB7,450  million  from  the  proceeds  of  the  Non-public  A Share Issue for the payment of part of the total consideration to The Boeing Company for the 15 Boeing B787 aircraft. The Company  plans  to  deploy  the  15  Boeing  B787  aircraft  to routes   originating   from   its   Beijing   hub   to   enhance   its coverage  and  frequency  of  flights  to  North  America  and Europe.



Upgrade of e-commerce direct sale project



The   Company   plans   to   use   RMB800   million   from   the proceeds  of  the  Non-public  A  Share  Issue  to  upgrade  its flight tickets e-commerce direct sale platform so to increase the proportion of direct sale of flight tickets and to cut down cost of sales, and to unify order data and user data on various e-commerce  channels,  including  website,  call  centre  and mobile phone applications to enable consistent user experience on various e-commerce channels. In the meantime, the integration of user information and order information   is   to   be   realised   through   the   upgrade   of e-commerce platform, laying down a technological foundation  for  the  big  data  collection  of  passengers  in  the future.



On-board WIFI (first phase) project



The Company plans to develop its on-board WIFI project in two phases by first establishing the aircraft wireless network platform and then constructing air-ground integration system based on big data cloud computing. The Company plans to use RMB150 million from the proceeds of the Non-public A Share Issue to fund part of the total estimated costs of the first phase of its on-board WIFI project, which includes conducting the necessary retrofitting of its aircraft and developing related software platform.



The Company plans to achieve wireless network coverage on all of its long-haul wide-body jets within the next three years. As of June 2015, the Company had completed the necessary retrofitting on 20 of its 90 long-haul wide-body jets. It is expected that the Company would spend approximately RMB123 million to complete the retrofitting of the remaining   70   long-haul   wide-body   jets,   based   on   an

million per aircraft. It is expected that the development of the related software platform will incur a cost of RMB35 million.



Replenish working capital



With the continued development of the Company's business and improvement of its results of operation, the scale of its indebtedness  has  been  increasing  in  recent  years.  As  at  31

March 2015, the current ratio and the quick ratio of the Company  was  0.34  and  0.32,  respectively.  As  at  the  same date,  the  Company's  non-current  liabilities  due  within  one year was RMB13,407 million and its short-term loan was RMB17,755 million.



In  addition,  the  operation  of  the  Company  as  an  airline demands  a  fairly  large  amount  of  working  capital.  The Company also expects to incur large capital expenditure on purchase of new aircraft for each of 2015, 2016 and 2017 and its demand for working capital will increase as a result of the expansion of its fleet.



Based on the above, the Company plans to use RMB3,600 million from the proceeds of the Non-public A Share Issue to optimise its financial structure, enhance its repayment capability   of   its   short-term   debts   and   to   satisfy   its increasing need for working capital.



If  the  actual  proceeds  to  be  raised  from  the  Non-public  A Share  Issue  are  less  than  the  aggregate  amount  of  the proceeds  proposed  to  be  invested  in  the  aforementioned projects, the Company will adjust and determine the specific investment amount to each project based on the net proceeds actually raised and the priority of each project, and will make up for the shortfall by utilising internal resources or through other financing methods.



Before the actual receipt of the proceeds to be raised from the Non-public A Share Issue, the Company will, depending on the actual situations of the progress of the projects, finance these  projects  by  proceeds  raised  through  other  measures, which will be replaced once the proceeds from the Non-public A Share Issue have been received according to procedures required by relevant regulations.

not be disposed of within 12 months from the completion date of the issuance of such new A Shares.


Please refer to the paragraph headed "Lock-up arrangement" under "3. CNAHC A Share Subscription" below for details of the lock-up arrangement for CNAHC A Share Subscription.



Validity Period of the resolution:

The resolution with respect to the Non-public A Share Issue shall be valid for 12 months from the date of consideration

and approval at the EGM and the Class Meetings.



Listing Application:                   Application will be made by the Company to the Shanghai Stock  Exchange  for  the  granting  of  the  listing  of,  and permission to deal in, all new A Shares to be issued pursuant

to the Non-public A Share Issue.



Arrangement relating to the accumulated undistributed profits

of the Company prior to the Non-public A

Share Issue:

The new and existing Shareholders will share the accumulated undistributed profits of the Company prior to the Non-public A Share Issue.



3.      CNAHC A Share Subscription



Parties:                                    (1)     the Company as issuer; and



(2)     CNAHC as subscriber.



Number of A Shares to be subscribed for:

CNAHC will commit RMB1,000 million to subscribe for not more than 82,850,042 A Shares to be issued under the Non- public  A  Share  Issue,  which  is  subject  to  adjustment  as  a result of an adjustment to the Issue Price as set forth in the paragraph "Basis for determining the Issue Price" under "2. Structure of the Non-public A Share Issue" above if there is any ex-rights or ex-dividend arrangement from the Pricing Benchmark Date to the date of issuance.

CNAHC shall be the same as the final Issue Price for the Investors to be determined by the Company in the manner as set  forth  in  the  paragraph  "Basis  for  determining  the  Issue Price" under "2. Structure of the Non-public A Share Issue" above. The Company and CNAHC will execute a written confirmation  in  respect  of  the  final  Issue  Price  and  the number of new A Shares to be issued to CNAHC under the CNAHC A Share Subscription once they are determined.



The subscription price will, pursuant to the terms of the Share Subscription  Agreement,  be  paid  in  cash  into  the  special savings account as designated by the lead underwriter when the Company issues the new A Shares to CNAHC after the Company obtains, among other things, the approval from the

CSRC for the Non-public A Share Issue.



Conditions for the Share Subscription Agreement:

The Share Subscription Agreement will take effect on the date when all of the following conditions are met:



(1)     the Share Subscription Agreement is duly executed by both the Company and CNAHC;



(2)     the  approvals  from  the  Independent  Shareholders  by way  of  special  resolutions  of  the  Non-public  A  Share Issue at both the EGM and the Class Meetings are obtained;



(3)     the  approvals  from  the  Independent  Shareholders  by way of special resolutions of the Share Subscription Agreement at both the EGM and the Class Meetings are obtained; and



(4)     all  necessary  approvals,  consents  from  the  relevant governmental  and  regulatory  authorities,  including  but not limited to the approvals from the SASAC and the CSRC, in relation to the Non-public A Share Issue are




Lock-up Arrangement:       Pursuant to the relevant rules of the CSRC, the new A Shares to  be  subscribed  for  by  CNAHC  shall  not  be  disposed  of within 36 months from the completion date of the issuance of such new A Shares.




For illustration purpose only, set out below are the implication of the Non-public A Share

Issue on the shareholding structure of the Company.



4.1    As at the date of this announcement, the shareholding structure of the Company is as follows:









Number of
Shares held

Percentage of the
 total issued share
capital of the

A Shareholders



H Shareholders











Note: The percentages shown are rounded to the nearest 2 decimal places.


that  (i)  CNAHC  has  subscribed  for  82,850,042  new  A  Shares;  (ii)  the  Investors (which  are  all  independent  third  parties  of  the  Company  after  subscription  of  A Shares  under  the  Non-public  A  Share  Issue)  have  in  aggregate  subscribed  for

911,350,455 new A Shares; and (iii) no additional Shares will be issued after the date of this announcement until the completion of the Non-public A Share Issue, it is

anticipated that the shareholding structure of the Company will be as follows:









Number of
Shares held

Percentage of the
 total issued share
capital of the

A Shareholders



H Shareholders












Note: The percentages shown are rounded to the nearest 2 decimal places.

5.      Listing Rules Implications



CNAHC A Share Subscription



As at the date of this announcement, CNAHC directly holds 5,427,546,093 A Shares in the Company, representing 41.48% of the existing issued share capital of the Company. As  at  the  date  of  this  announcement,  CNACG  holds  1,332,482,920  A  Shares  and

223,852,000 H Shares in the Company, representing 10.18% and 1.71% of the existing issued share capital of the Company, respectively. CNACG is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNAHC. CNAHC, by itself and through CNACG, owns in aggregate 53.37% of the existing issued share capital of the Company.



Since  CNAHC  is  the  controlling  shareholder  of  the  Company,  and  hence  a  connected person of the Company, CNAHC A Share Subscription constitutes a connected transaction of  the  Company  under  Chapter  14A  of  the  Listing  Rules  and  is  subject  to  the announcement, reporting and independent shareholders' approval requirements. An Independent  Board Committee comprising  the  independent non-executive  Directors  has been   formed  to  advise  the  Independent  Shareholders   on  the   terms  of   the  Share Subscription Agreement. Opus Capital Limited has been appointed as the Independent Financial Adviser to advise the Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders on the same.



Non-public A Share Issue



The  new  A  Shares  under  the  Non-public  A  Share  Issue  will  be  issued  pursuant  to  a specific mandate to be sought from the Shareholders at the EGM and the Class meetings. According to the relevant requirements of Chapter 19A of the Listing Rules, the Company will proceed with the Non-public A Share Issue after obtaining approvals from the Independent Shareholders at the EGM by way of special resolution and from the A Shareholders at the A Shareholders' Class Meting and from the H Shareholders at the H Shareholders'   Class   Meeting   to  be   convened   in  accordance   with  the   Articles  of Association by way of special resolutions.



CNAHC, being a subscriber under the Non-public A Share Issue, has a material interest in the Non-public A Share Issue. CNAHC and its close associates (including CNACG) shall therefore abstain from voting on the resolutions at the EGM and the Class Meetings approving the Non-public A Share Issue.



The Directors (including the independent non-executive Directors) consider that the terms and conditions of the issue of new A Shares under the Non-public A Share Issue and the Share Subscription Agreement are fair and reasonable, normal commercial terms or better and in the interests of the Company and its Shareholders as a whole.

considered to have a material interest in CNAHC A Share Subscription and therefore have abstained from voting on the relevant Board resolutions approving the Shares Subscription Agreement and the Non-public A Share Issue. Save as mentioned above, none of the other Directors has a material interest in CNAHC A Share Subscription and the Non-public A Share  Issue  and  hence  no  other  Director  has  abstained  from  voting  on  such  Board resolutions.



6.       Reasons for and benefit of the proposed Non-public A Share Issue



The Non-public A Share Issue will help the Company enhance the capital structure and improve its financial condition, satisfy the capital needs of its business development, maintain its competitive advantage and ensure its sustainable and sound development. The Non-public A Share Issue can also raise funds for the Company to finance its purchase of

15 Boeing B787 aircraft, upgrade of e-commerce direct sale project and its on-board WIFI




7.       Fund raising activities in the past twelve months



The  Company  has  not  conducted  any  equity  fund  raising  activities  during  the  twelve months immediately before the date of this announcement.






Over the recent two years, the CSRC issued the Guidance on the Articles of Association of

Listed  Companies  (2014  Second  Revision) (


the  Rules  Governing  Shareholders'  General  Meeting  of  Listed  Companies  (2014  Second

Revision) (

上市公司股東大會規則(二零一四年第二次修訂)》) and the Regulatory Guidance

No. 3 of Listed Companies - Cash Dividends Distribution of Listed Companies (


管指引第3-上市公司現金分紅》),  setting  out  further  requirements  on  matters  related  to

measures for protecting the interest of minority shareholders of listed companies and profit distribution. The Board has resolved to propose to the Shareholders certain amendments to the Articles of Association in accordance with these new requirements. The proposed amendments to the Articles of Association are subject to approval by the Shareholders by way of special resolution  at  the  EGM  and  will  become  effective  upon  approval  by  the  relevant  PRC government authorities. The full text of the proposed amendments to the Articles of Association is set out in the appendix to this announcement.



The proposed amendments to the Articles of Association are prepared in the Chinese language and the English version is therefore a translation only. In the event of any discrepancy between the  English  translation  and  the  Chinese  version  of  the  Articles  of  Association,  the  Chinese version shall prevail.




In light of the proposed amendments to the Articles of Association, the Board has resolved to propose to the Shareholders certain amendments to the Rules and Procedures of Shareholders' Meetings  and  the  Meetings  of  the  Board  of  the  Company,  so  as  to  align  with  relevant regulations  and  the  Articles  of  Association  and  comply  with  the  requirements  made  by regulatory authorities. The proposed amendments to the Rules and Procedures of Shareholders' Meetings and the Meetings of the Board are subject to approval by the Shareholders by way of special resolutions at the EGM.






Pursuant to the Notice Regarding Further Implementation of Cash Dividends Distribution of

Listed Companies (

關於進一步落實上市公司現金分紅有關事項的通知》) and the Regulatory

Guidance No. 3 of Listed Companies - Cash Dividends Distribution of Listed Companies

市公司監管指引第3號-上市公司現金分紅》) issued by the CSRC and relevant requirements of the Articles of Association, the Board has formulated and resolved to propose to adopt the Shareholders' Return Plan. The proposed adoption of the Shareholders' Return Plan will be subject to approval by the Shareholders at the EGM.






At the request of the Company, trading of H Shares of the Company on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange was suspended with effect from 9:00 a.m. on 30 June 2015 pending the release of this announcement. The Company has made an application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for the resumption of trading of H Shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange with effect from 9:00 a.m. on 29 July 2015.






A circular containing, among other things, further details of: (i) the proposed Non-public A Share Issue; (ii) the recommendation of the Independent Board Committee in respect of the Share  Subscription  Agreement,  (iii)  a  letter  from  Opus  Capital  Limited  to  the  Independent Board Committee and the Independent Shareholders containing its advice on the Share Subscription Agreement; (iv) the proposed amendments to the Articles of Association; (v) the proposed amendments to the Rules and Procedures of Shareholders' meetings and the meetings of the Board; (vi) the Shareholders' Return Plan; and (vii) the notices of the EGM and the H Shareholders' Class Meeting, is expected to be issued by the Company and dispatched to the Shareholders on or before 18 August 2015.

The Company advises its Shareholders and potential investors to note that the proposed Non- public A Share Issue and the CNAHC A Share Subscription are subject to certain conditions being satisfied, and consequently the proposed Non-public A Share Issue and the CNAHC A Share Subscription may or may not proceed. Accordingly, they are advised to exercise caution when dealing in the securities of the Company.





In this announcement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the following meanings:



"A Shareholders"

holders of A Shares

"A Share(s)"

the  class  meeting  of  the  A  Shareholders  to  be  convened  by  the

Company  to  consider  and,  if  thought  fit,  approve,  among  other things, the Non-public A Share Issue

"A Share(s)"

the  ordinary shares  issued  by the Company,  with a  par  value  of

RMB1.00 each, which are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange

"Articles of Association"

the articles of association of the Company


has the meaning ascribed thereto under the Listing Rules


the board of directors of the Company

"Cathay Pacific"

Cathay Pacific Airways Limited

"Class Meetings"

the A Shareholders' Class Meeting and the H Shareholders' Class



China National Aviation Corporation (Group) Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of Hong Kong and a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNAHC and a substantial shareholder of the Company, which directly holds approximately 11.89% of the Company's issued share capital as at the date of this announcement. CNACG is an investment holding company whose principal businesses include passenger terminal operation, cargo terminal operation, airport ground handling services, airline catering services, property investment, ticket and tourism services, logistics and other businesses conducted through its subsidiaries


China National Aviation Holding Company, a wholly PRC state- owned enterprise and the controlling shareholder of the Company, which directly and indirectly holds an aggregate of approximately 53.37% of the Company's issued share capital as at the date of this announcement and whose principal business is to manage the state- owned  assets of CNAHC and  the equity it holds in various companies

"CNAHC A Share


the proposed subscription of new A Shares by CNAHC pursuant to the  Share  Subscription  Agreement  as  part  of  the  Non-public  A

Share Issue


Air   China   Limited,   a   company   incorporated   in   the   People's Republic of China, whose H shares are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange as its primary listing venue and on the Official List of  the  UK  Listing  Authority  as  its  secondary  listing  venue,  and whose A shares are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and whose  principal  business  is  the  operation  of  scheduled  airline services

"connected person"

has the meaning ascribed thereto under the Listing Rules

"controlling shareholder"

has the meaning ascribed thereto under the Listing Rules


the China Securities Regulatory Commission


the directors of the Company


the extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be convened to  consider  and,  if  thought  fit,  approve,  among  other  things,  the Non-public A Share Issue

"H Shareholders"

holders of the H Shares

"H Shareholders' Class Meeting"

the  class  meeting  of  the  H  Shareholders  to  be  convened  by  the Company  to  consider  and,  if  thought  fit,  approve,  among  other things, the Non-public A Share Issue

"H Share(s)"

the  ordinary shares  issued  by the Company,  with a  par  value  of RMB1.00 each, which are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

"Hong Kong"

the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC

"Hong Kong Stock Exchange"

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

"Independent Board


a board committee comprising Mr. Fu Yang, Mr. Pan Xiaojiang, Mr.  Simon  To  Chi  Keung  and  Mr.  Stanley  Hui  Hon-chung, all being the independent non-executive directors of the Company

"Independent Financial


Opus Capital Limited, a corporation licensed under the Securities and Futures Ordinance to conduct type 1 (dealing in securities) and type 6 (advising on corporate finance) regulated activities, being the independent financial adviser to the Independent Board Committee and   the   Independent   Shareholders   in   relation   to   the   Share

Subscription Agreement

"Independent Shareholders"

the  shareholders  of  the  Company,  other  than  CNAHC  and  its associates


the investors other than CNAHC which would subscribe for new A Shares to be issued by the Company under the proposed Non-public A Share Issue

"Issue Price"

the issue price of not less than RMB12.07 (subject to adjustment)

per A Share under the Non-public A Share Issue

"Listing Rules"

The  Rules  Governing  the  Listing  of  Securities  on  The  Stock

Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

"Non-public A Share Issue"

the proposed issue of not more than 994,200,497 new A Shares to specified investors including CNAHC by the Company at the Issue Price

"PRC" or "China"

the People's Republic of China, excluding, for the purpose of this announcement only, Hong Kong, Macau Special Administrative Region of the PRC and Taiwan

"Pricing Benchmark Date"

29 July 2015


Renminbi, the lawful currency of the PRC


the State Asset Supervision and Administration Commission of the

State Council of the PRC

"Share Subscription


the subscription agreement entered into between CNAHC and the Company on 27 July 2015, pursuant to which, CNAHC agrees to commit  RMB1,000  million  to  subscribe  for,  and  the  Company agrees to issue, not more than 82,850,042 new A Shares at the Issue Price


the shareholders of the Company

"Shareholders' Return Plan"

the proposed shareholders' return plan of the Company for the three years from 2015 to 2017

"substantial shareholder"

has the meaning ascribed thereto under the Listing Rules

"trading day"

a day on which the Shanghai Stock Exchange is open for dealing or trading in securities


United States dollar, the lawful currency of the United States of



per cent



By order of the Board

Air China Limited

Rao Xinyu         Tam Shuit Mui

Joint Company Secretaries



Beijing, the PRC, 28 July 2015



As at the date of this announcement, the directors of the Company are Mr. Cai Jianjiang, Ms. Wang Yinxiang, Mr. Cao Jianxiong, Mr. Feng Gang, Mr. John Robert Slosar, Mr. Ian Sai Cheung Shiu, Mr. Song Zhiyong, Mr. Fan Cheng, Mr. Fu Yang*, Mr. Pan Xiaojiang*, Mr. Simon To Chi Keung* and Mr. Stanley Hui Hon-chung*.


*    Independent non-executive Director of the Company





Particulars  of  amendments  to  the  Articles  of  Association  are  as  follows,  with  the  amendments underlined, where appropriate, just for easy reference.



No.     Existing Articles                                                      Revised Articles


Notes: For the purpose of the marginal notes contained in the Articles of Association, Co Law means the amended Company Law came into force on 1 January 2006; the Securities Law means the amended Securities Law came into force on 1 January 2006; MP means the Mandatory Provisions in the Articles of Association of Companies Listed Overseas jointly promulgated by the former State Securities Commission and the former State Restructuring Commission (SRC); LR means the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited; Hong Kong Clearing House Advices means the Advices of Hong Kong Clearing House promulgated by Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited; Zheng Jian Hai Han means the Letter of Opinion on the Supplementary Amendment to Articles of Association  of  Companies  Listed  in  Hong Kong promulgated by the Overseas Listing Division of the CSRC and the Production System Department of the State Commission for Restructuring the Economic System (Zheng   Jian   Hai   Han   [1995]   No.   1); Opinion means the Opinion on Further Promoting the Standardized Operations and Deepening the Reform of Overseas Listed Companies jointly promulgated by State Economic and Trade Commission and China Securities Regulatory Commission; Secretary Guidance means the Guidance on the Works of the Secretary of the Board of Directors of an Overseas-Listed Company promulgated by the CSRC; and Guidance means the Guidance on the Articles of Association of Listed Companies, as amended in 2006; CG Standards mean the Standards on Corporate Governance for Listed Companies; GM Rules means Rules Governing Shareholders' General Meeting of Listed Companies;

Notes: For the purpose of the marginal notes contained in the Articles of Association, Co Law means the amended Company Law came into force on 1 January 2006; the Securities Law means the amended Securities Law came into force on 1 January 2006; MP means the Mandatory Provisions in the Articles of Association of Companies Listed Overseas (Zheng Wei Fa [1994] No. 21)   jointly promulgated by the former State Securities Commission and the former State Restructuring Commission (SRC); LR means the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited; Hong Kong Clearing House Advices means the Advices of Hong Kong Clearing House promulgated by Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited; Zheng Jian Hai Han means the Letter of Opinion on the Supplementary Amendment to Articles of Association  of  Companies  Listed  in  Hong Kong promulgated by the Overseas Listing Division of the CSRC and the Production System Department of the State Commission for Restructuring the Economic System (Zheng   Jian   Hai   Han   [1995]   No.   1); Opinion means the Opinion on Further Promoting the Standardized Operations and Deepening the Reform of Overseas Listed Companies (Guo Jing Mao Qi Gai [1999]
No. 230) jointly promulgated by State Economic and Trade Commission and China Securities Regulatory Commission; Secretary Guidance means the Guidance on the Works of the Secretary of the Board of Directors of an Overseas-Listed Company (Zheng Jian Fa Xing Zi [1999] No.39) promulgated by the CSRC; and Guidance means the Guidance on the Articles of Association of Listed Companies   (CSRC Announcement [2014] No. 47);



Public Shareholders means Certain Provisions Concerning Strengthening the Protection of the Interests of Public Shareholders; Guiding Advice means the Guiding Advice on Establishing Independent Directorship in Listed Companies; Security Notice means the Notice Regulating the Provision  of  Security  by  Listed  Companies to Third Parties; Revising Certain Provisions on Cash Dividends means the Decision on Revising Certain Provisions on Cash Dividends by Listed Companies; Notice Regarding Cash Dividends Distribution means Notice Regarding Further Implementation of Cash Dividends Distribution   of   Listed   Companies,   all   of which are promulgated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

CG Standards mean the Standards on Corporate Governance for Listed Companies (Zheng Jian Fa [2002] No. 1);  GM  Rules means Rules Governing Shareholders' General Meeting of Listed Companies (CSRC Announcement [2014] No. 46); Public Shareholders means Certain Provisions Concerning Strengthening the Protection of the Interests of Public Shareholders   (Zheng Jian Fa [2004] No. 118); Guiding Advice means the Guiding Advice on Establishing Independent Directorship   in   Listed   Companies   (Zheng Jian Fa [2001] No. 102);  Security  Notice means the Notice Regulating the Provision of Security by Listed Companies to Third Parties (Zheng Jian Fa [2005] No. 120);  Revising Certain Provisions on Cash Dividends means the Decision on Revising Certain Provisions on Cash Dividends by Listed Companies (CSRC Decree No. 57); Notice  Regarding Cash Dividends Distribution means Notice Regarding Further Implementation of Cash Dividends Distribution of Listed Companies (Zheng Jian Fa [2012]
No. 37); Regulatory Guidance No. 3 means Regulatory Guidance No. 3 of Listed Companies - Cash Dividends Distribution of Listed Companies (CSRC Announcement [2013] No. 43), all of which are promulgated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.





1         Article   1.   Air   China   Limited   (the "Company")   is   a   joint   stock   limited company established in accordance with the Company Law of the People's Republic of China (the "Company Law"), the State Council's Special Regulations Regarding the Issue of Shares Overseas and the Listing of Shares Overseas by Companies Limited by Shares (the "Special Regulations") and other

relevant laws and regulations of the State.

Article 1. Air China Limited (the "Company") is a joint stock limited company established in accordance with the Company Law of the People's Republic of China (the "Company Law"), the State Council's Special Regulations Regarding the Issue of Shares Overseas and the Listing of Shares Overseas by Companies Limited by Shares (the "Special Regulations") and other

relevant laws and regulations of the State.


The Company was established by way of promotion with the approval of the State- owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission   of   the   State   Council   on   30

September      2004,   as   evidenced   by   the approval document Guo Zi Gai Ge [2004] No.872. It was registered with and has obtained a business licence from the State Administration for Industry & Commerce of the People's Republic of China.



The promoters of the Company are: China National Aviation Holding Company and China       National   Aviation   Corporation (Group) Limited (registered in Hong Kong Special Administration Region).

The Company was established by way of promotion with the approval of the State- owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission   of   the   State   Council   on   30

September 2004, as evidenced by the approval  document  Guo  Zi  Gai  Ge  [2004] No.  872.  It  was   registered  with  and  has obtained a business licence from the State Administration for Industry & Commerce of the People's Republic of China.



The promoters of the Company are: China National Aviation Holding Company and China National Aviation Corporation (Group) Limited (registered in Hong Kong Special Administration Region).


2         Article  8.  The  Articles  of  Association  are binding on the Company and its shareholders, directors,  supervisors,   president,   vice presidents  and  other  senior  officers;  all  of whom may, according to the Company's Articles of Association, assert their rights in respect of the affairs of the Company.



Subject to Article 22 of these Articles of Association, a shareholder may take action against the Company pursuant to the Company's Articles of Association. The Company may take action against a shareholder, directors, supervisors, president, vice  presidents  and  other  senior  officers  of the Company pursuant to the Company's Articles  of  Association.  A  shareholder  may also take action against another shareholder, and may take action against the directors, supervisors, president, vice presidents and other senior officers of the Company pursuant to the Company's Articles of Association.


The actions referred to in the preceding paragraph include court proceedings and arbitration proceedings.

Article 8. The Articles of Association are binding on the Company and its shareholders, directors,         supervisors,   president,   vice presidents  and  other  senior  officers;  all  of whom may, according to the Company's Articles of Association, assert their rights in respect of the affairs of the Company.



Subject to Article 22 of these Articles of Association, a shareholder may take action against the Company pursuant to the Company's Articles of Association. The Company may take action against a shareholder, directors, supervisors, president, vice  presidents  and  other  senior  officers  of the Company pursuant to the Company's Articles  of  Association.  A  shareholder  may also take action against another shareholder, and may take action against the directors, supervisors, president, vice presidents and other senior officers of the Company pursuant to the Company's Articles of Association.


The actions referred to in the preceding paragraph include court proceedings and arbitration proceedings.


The  "other  senior  officers"  referred  to  in these Articles of Association mean the board secretary,  chief  accountant  and,  chief  pilot and  other  senior  officers  appointed  by  the board of directors of the Company.

The  "other  senior  officers"  referred  to  in these Articles of Association mean the board secretary,  chief  accountant,  and  chief  pilot and other senior officers appointed by the board of directors of the Company.







3         Article 24. The Company may, based on its operating  and  development  needs,  authorize the increase of its capital pursuant to the Articles of Association.



The Company may increase its capital in the following ways:



(1)     by offering new shares for subscription by unspecified investors;



(2)     by  placing  new  shares  to  its  existing shareholders;



(3)     by  issuing  new  shares  to  its  existing shareholders;



(4)     by converting the common reserve into share capital;



(5)     by any other means which is prescribed by  law  and  administrative  regulations and approved by the CSRC.




After the Company's increase of capital by means of the issuance of new shares has been approved in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association, the issuance thereof  should  be  made  in  accordance  with the  procedures  set  out  in  the  relevant  State laws and administrative regulations.

Article 24. The Company may, based on its operating  and  development  needs,  authorize the increase of its capital pursuant to the Articles of Association.



The Company may increase its capital in the following ways:



(1)     by offering new shares for subscription by unspecified investors  by public offering of shares;



(2)     by placing new shares to its existing shareholders by non-public offering of shares;



(3)     by   issuing   newbonus   shares   to   its existing shareholders;



(4)     by converting the common reserve into share capital;



(5)     by any other means which is prescribed by  law  and  administrative  regulations and approved by the CSRC.



After the Company's increase of capital by means of the issuance of new shares has been approved in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association, the issuance thereof  should  be  made  in  accordance  with the  procedures  set  out  in  the  relevant  State laws and administrative regulations.







4         Article  48.  When  the  Company  intends  to convene a shareholders' general meeting, distribute dividends, liquidate and engage in other activities that involve determination of shareholding, the board of directors or the convener of the shareholders' general meeting shall decide on a date for the determination of shareholding. Shareholders whose names are registered   on   the   share   register   after   the closing of the market on such date shall be the      Company's   shareholders   with   the entitlement to the relevant rights.

Article 48. When the Company intends to convene a shareholders' general meeting, distribute dividends, liquidate and engage in other activities that involve determination of shareholding, the board of directors or the convener of the shareholders' general meeting shall decide on a date for the determinationrecord of shareholding. Shareholders whose names are registered on the  share  register  after  the  closing  of  the market on such date shall be the Company's shareholders with the entitlement to the relevant rights. Should the Articles of Association have contrary requirements, the Company shall comply with such requirements.


5         Article  50.  Any  person  who  is  a  registered shareholder  or  who  claims  to  be  entitled  to have his name (title) entered in the register of shareholders in respect of shares in the Company may, if his share certificate (the "original certificate") relating to the shares is lost, apply to the Company for a replacement share certificate in respect of such shares (the "Relevant Shares").



Application by a holder of A Shares, who has lost his share certificate, for a replacement share certificate shall be dealt with in accordance with Article 144 of the Company Law.

Article 50. Any person who is a registered shareholder  or  who  claims  to  be  entitled  to have his name (title) entered in the register of shareholders in respect of shares in the Company may, if his share certificate (the "original certificate") relating to the shares is lost, apply to the Company for a replacement share certificate in respect of such shares (the "Relevant Shares").



Application by a holder of A Shares, who has lost his share certificate, for a replacement share certificate shall be dealt with in accordance   with   Article   14 43   of   the Company Law.



Application by a holder of Overseas-Listed Foreign Shares, who has lost his share certificate, for a replacement share certificate  may  be  dealt  with  in  accordance with the law of the place where the original register of shareholders of holders of Overseas-Listed Foreign Shares is maintained,  the  rules  of  the  stock  exchange or other relevant regulations.

Application by a holder of Overseas-Listed Foreign Shares, who has lost his share certificate, for a replacement share certificate  may  be  dealt  with  in  accordance with the law of the place where the original register of shareholders of holders of Overseas-Listed Foreign Shares is maintained,  the  rules  of  the  stock  exchange or other relevant regulations.


The issue of a replacement share certificate to a holder of H Shares, who has lost his share certificate, shall comply with the following requirements:



(1)     The   applicant   shall   submit   an application      to   the   Company   in   a prescribed form accompanied by a notarial      certificate   or   a   statutory declaration, stating the grounds upon which the application is made, the circumstances and evidence of the loss; and declaring that no other person is entitled to have his name entered in the register of shareholders in respect of the Relevant Shares.


(2)     The   Company  has   not  received   any declaration  made  by  any  person  other than  the  applicant  declaring  that  his name shall be entered into the register of shareholders in respect of such shares before it decides to issue a replacement share certificate to the applicant.


(3)     The Company shall, if it intends to issue a replacement share certificate, publish a notice of its intention to do so at least once  every  thirty  (30)  days  within  a period  of  ninety  (90)  consecutive  days in   such   newspapers   as   may   be prescribed by the board of directors.

The issue of a replacement share certificate to a holder of H Shares, who has lost his share certificate, shall comply with the following requirements:



(1)     The   applicant   shall   submit   an application       to   the   Company   in   a prescribed form accompanied by a notarial      certificate   or   a   statutory declaration, stating the grounds upon which the application is made, the circumstances and evidence of the loss; and declaring that no other person is entitled to have his name entered in the register of shareholders in respect of the Relevant Shares.


(2)     The   Company  has   not  received   any declaration  made  by  any  person  other than  the  applicant  declaring  that  his name shall be entered into the register of shareholders in respect of such shares before it decides to issue a replacement share certificate to the applicant.


(3)     The Company shall, if it intends to issue a replacement share certificate, publish a notice of its intention to do so at least once  every  thirty  (30)  days  within  a period  of  ninety  (90)  consecutive  days in such   newspapers   as   may   be prescribed by the board of directors.



(4)     The Company shall, prior to publication of its intention to issue a replacement share certificate, deliver to the stock exchange on which its shares are listed, a copy of the notice to be published and may publish the notice upon receipt of confirmation from such stock exchange that the notice has been exhibited in the premises of the stock exchange. Such notice shall be exhibited in the premises of the stock exchange for a period of ninety (90) days.


In the case of an application which is made without the consent of the registered holders of the Relevant Shares by an applicant who is not a registered shareholder of Relevant Shares and,  the Company  shall  deliver by mail to such registered shareholder a copy of the notice to be published.


(5)     If,   by   the   expiration   of   the   90-day period  referred   to   in  paragraphs   (3) and  (4)  of  this  Article,  the  Company has  not  have  received  any  objections from any person in respect of the issuance of the replacement share certificate, it may issue a replacement share    certificate   to   the   applicant pursuant to his application.


(6)     Where   the   Company   issues   a replacement  share  certificate  pursuant to this Article, it shall forthwith cancel the      original   share   certificate   and document the   cancellation   of   the original  share  certificate  and  issuance of a replacement share certificate in the register of shareholders accordingly.

(4)     The Company shall, prior to publication of its intention to issue a replacement share certificate, deliver to the stock exchange on which its shares are listed, a copy of the notice to be published and may publish the notice upon receipt of confirmation from such stock exchange that the notice has been exhibited in the premises of the stock exchange. Such notice shall be exhibited in the premises of the stock exchange for a period of ninety (90) days.


In the case of an application which is made without the consent of the registered holders of the Relevant Shares by an applicant who is not a registered shareholder of Relevant Shares and,  the Company  shall  deliver by mail to such registered shareholder a copy of the notice to be published.


(5)     If,   by   the   expiration   of   the   90-day period  referred   to   in  paragraphs   (3) and  (4)  of  this  Article,  the  Company has  not  have  received  any  objections from any person in respect of the issuance of the replacement share certificate, it may issue a replacement share certificate   to   the   applicant pursuant to his application.


(6)     Where   the   Company   issues   a replacement  share  certificate  pursuant to this Article, it shall forthwith cancel the         original   share   certificate   and document   the   cancellation   of   the original  share  certificate  and  issuance of a replacement share certificate in the register of shareholders accordingly.



(7)     All expenses relating to the cancellation of an original share certificate and the issuance     of   a   replacement   share certificate              shall   be   borne   by   the applicant  and  the  Company  is  entitled to refuse to take any action until reasonable  security  is  provided  by  the applicant therefore.

(7)     All expenses relating to the cancellation of an original share certificate and the issuance      of   a   replacement   share certificate       shall   be   borne   by   the applicant  and  the  Company  is  entitled to refuse to take any action until reasonable  security  is  provided  by  the applicant therefore.







6         Article  65.  Shareholders'  general  meetings are divided into annual general meetings and extraordinary general meetings. The annual general   meetings  shall   be   convened   once every   year   and   shall   be   held   within   six months from the end of the preceding financial year. Meeting venues shall be fixed for  the  shareholders'  general  meetings,  and the shareholders' general meetings shall be convened in the on-site conference mode.



The Company may facilitate the shareholders participating in the shareholders' general meetings   through   all   practicable   manners and means including providing modern information technological means such as voting  platform  through  internet,  provided that the legality and effectiveness of the shareholders' general meeting are ensured. Shareholders are deemed to be present in the shareholders' general meetings through the aforesaid means.

Article  65.  Shareholders'  general  meetings are divided into annual general meetings and extraordinary general meetings. The annual general   meetings  shall   be   convened   once every   year   and   shall   be   held   within   six months from the end of the preceding financial year. Meeting venues shall be fixed for  the  shareholders'  general  meetings,  and the shareholders' general meetings shall be convened in the on-site conference mode.



The Company mayshall facilitate the shareholders participating in the shareholders' general meetings through all practicable  manners  and  means  and priority shall be given toincluding providing modern information technological means such as voting  platform  through  internet,  provided that the legality and effectiveness of the shareholders' general meeting are ensured. Shareholders are deemed to be present in the shareholders' general meetings through the aforesaid means.



The Company shall convene an extraordinary general meeting within two months of the occurrence   of   any   one   of   the   following events:



(1)     where  the  number  of  directors  is  less than the minimum number stipulated in the Company Law or two-thirds of the number specified in the Articles of Association;


(2)     where  the  unrecovered  losses  of  the Company  amount  to  one-third  of  the total amount of its share capital;


(3)     where  shareholders  who  separately  or jointly holds more than 10% of the total Company's shares make such request in writing;


(4)     whenever the board of directors deems necessary or the supervisory committee so requests;


(5)     under  other  conditions  as  provided  for by the laws, administrative regulations, departmental  rules  and  regulations  or the Articles of Association.


The shareholding mentioned in sub-paragraph (3) above shall be calculated from the date on which a shareholder submits his/her request in writing.

The Company shall convene an extraordinary general meeting within two months of the occurrence   of   any   one   of   the   following events:



(1)     where  the  number  of  directors  is  less than the minimum number stipulated in the Company Law or two-thirds of the number specified in the Articles of Association;


(2)     where  the  unrecovered  losses  of  the Company  amount  to  one-third  of  the total amount of its share capital;


(3)     where  shareholders  who  separately  or jointly holds more than 10% of the total Company's shares make such request in writing;


(4)     whenever the board of directors deems necessary or the supervisory committee so requests;


(5)     under  other  conditions  as  provided  for by the laws, administrative regulations, departmental  rules  and  regulations  or the Articles of Association.


The shareholding mentioned in sub-paragraph (3) above shall be calculated from the date on which a shareholder submits his/her request in writing.


7         Article   81.   The   board   of   directors, independent directors and shareholders who have satisfied certain conditions (which are determined based on such standards as promulgated   from   time   to   time   by   the relevant  competent  authorities)  may  solicit the voting rights from shareholders at a shareholders'  general  meeting.  Any  person who publicly solicits voting rights from the shareholders  of  the  Company  shall  comply with provisions stipulated by the relevant competent authorities and the stock exchanges on  which  the  shares  of  the  Company  are listed and traded.

Article 81. The Company's board of directors, independent directors and shareholders who have satisfied certain conditions  (which  are  determined  based  on such standards as promulgated from time to time  by  the  relevant  competent  authorities) may publicly solicit the voting rights from shareholders at a shareholders' general meeting.   In soliciting voting rights of shareholders, information such as specific voting intention shall be sufficiently  disclosed to the shareholders from whom voting rights are being solicited.  Consideration or de facto consideration for solicitation of voting rights is prohibited. The Company may not propose any minimum shareholding restriction on the solicitation of voting rights.   Any   person   who   publicly solicits  voting  rights  from  the  shareholders of the Company shall also comply with other provisions stipulated by the relevant competent authorities and the stock exchanges   on   which   the   shares   of   the

Company are listed and traded.


8         Article 83. A shareholder (including a proxy), when voting at a shareholders' general meeting, may exercise such  voting  rights as are attached to the number of voting shares which        he   represents.   Except   otherwise provided  for  election  of  directors  in  Article

108 and election of supervisors in Article 146 of these Articles of Association in connection with the adoption of the cumulative voting system  for  election  of  directors,  each  share shall have one vote. The shares held by the Company  itself  shall  not  be  attached  with voting   rights.   Those   shares   shall   not   be counted as the total number of voting shares held by shareholders attending the shareholders' general meetings.

Article 83. A shareholder (including a proxy), when voting at a shareholders' general meeting, may exercise such  voting  rights as are attached to the number of voting shares which he represents. Except otherwise provided  for  election  of  directors  in  Article

108 and election of supervisors in Article 146 of these Articles of Association in connection with the adoption of the cumulative voting system  for  election  of  directors,  each  share shall have one (1) vote. The shares held by the Company itself shall not be attached with voting   rights.   Those   shares   shall   not   be counted as the total number of voting shares held by shareholders attending the shareholders' general meetings.



Where a shareholder is, under the applicable listing rules as amended from time to time, required to abstain from voting on any particular  resolution  or  to  vote  only  for  or only  against  any  particular  resolution,  any votes cast by or on behalf of such shareholder in contravention of such requirement or restriction shall not be counted.

Where material issues affecting the interests of small and medium investors are being considered in the shareholders' general meeting, the votes by small and medium investors shall be counted separately. The separate counting results shall be disclosed to the public in a timely manner.



Where a shareholder is, under the applicable listing rules as amended from time to time, required to abstain from voting on any particular  resolution  or  to  vote  only  for  or only  against  any  particular  resolution,  any votes cast by or on behalf of such shareholder in   contravention   of   such   requirement   or

restriction shall not be counted.




9         Article   110.   The   board   of   directors   is responsible to the shareholders' general meeting   and   shall   exercise   the   following duties and powers:



(1)     to be responsible for the convening of the shareholders' general meeting and to report on its work to the shareholders in general meetings;


(2)     to implement the resolutions passed by the shareholders in general meetings;


(3)     to  determine  the  Company's  business plans and investment proposals;


(4)     to formulate the Company's preliminary and final annual financial budgets;


(5)     to   formulate   the   Company's   profit distribution proposal and loss recovery proposal;

Article 110. The board of directors is responsible to the shareholders' general meeting   and   shall   exercise   the   following duties and powers:



(1)     to be responsible for the convening of the shareholders' general meeting and to report on its work to the shareholders in general meetings;


(2)     to implement the resolutions passed by the shareholders in general meetings;


(3)     to  determine  the  Company's  business plans and investment proposals;


(4)     to formulate the Company's preliminary and final annual financial budgets;


(5)     to   formulate   the   Company's   profit distribution proposal and loss recovery proposal;



(6)     to formulate proposals for the increase or            reduction   of   the   Company's registered  capital  and  for  the  issuance of the Company's debentures;


(7)     to draw up the Company's proposals for the merger, division, dissolution or change of the form of the Company;


(8)     to decide on other issues relating to the provision  of  guarantee  in  favor  of  a third party other than those must be approved at a shareholders' general meeting      pursuant   to   the   laws, administrative regulations and these Articles of Association;


(9)     to  decide  on  the  external  investments, purchase and sale of assets, creation of mortgage over assets, entrusted asset management, connected transactions and other matters within the scope of authorization                              conferred   by   the shareholders' general meeting;


(10) to decide on the Company's internal management structure;


(11)  to  appoint  or  dismiss  the  president  of the Company, secretary to the board of directors;  and  to  appoint  or  dismiss, with reference to the nomination by the president, the vice presidents, chief accountant          and   chief   pilot   and determine their remunerations;


(12) to formulate the basic management structure of the Company;

(6)     to formulate proposals for the increase or reduction   of   the   Company's registered  capital  and  for  the  issuance of the Company's debentures;


(7)     to draw up the Company's proposals for the merger, division, dissolution or change of the form of the Company;


(8)     to decide on other issues relating to the provision  of  guarantee  in  favor  of  a third party other than those must be approved at a shareholders' general meeting        pursuant   to   the   laws, administrative regulations and these Articles of Association;


(9)     to  decide  on  the  external  investments, purchase and sale of assets, creation of mortgage over assets, entrusted asset management, connected transactions and other matters within the scope of authorization       conferred   by   the shareholders' general meeting;


(10) to decide on the Company's internal management structure;


(11)  to  appoint  or  dismiss  the  president  of the Company, secretary to the board of directors                       and determine their  remunerations; and to appoint or dismiss, with   reference   to   the nomination by the president, the vice presidents,  chief  accountant and,  chief pilot   and other senior officers   and determine their remunerations;


(12) to formulate the basic management structure of the Company;



(13) to manage matters relating to the disclosure           of   information   by   the Company;


(14) to make recommendations to the shareholders' general meetings on the appointment         or   change   of   the accounting   firm   which   performs   the audit work for the Company;


(15) to hear from the Company's president reports   on   work   performed   and   to inspect the work of the president;


(16) to  formulate  proposals  for  any amendment  of  the  Company's  Articles of Association; and


(17)  to exercise any other powers conferred by the shareholders in general meetings and these Articles of Associations.


Resolutions  by  the  board  of  directors  on matters referred to in the preceding paragraph may  be  passed  by  the  affirmative  vote  of more  than  half  of  the  directors  (amongst which  resolution  on  matters  referred  to  in sub-paragraph (8) shall require the affirmative vote of more than two-thirds of the directors present at the board meeting) with the exception  of  resolutions  on  matters  referred to in sub-paragraphs (6), (7) and (16) which shall require the affirmative vote of more than two-thirds of all the directors.

(13) to manage matters relating to the disclosure            of   information   by   the Company;


(14) to make recommendations to the shareholders' general meetings on the appointment           or   change   of   the accounting   firm   which   performs   the audit work for the Company;


(15) to hear from the Company's president reports   on   work   performed   and   to inspect the work of the president;


(16) to  formulate  proposals  for  any amendment  of  the  Company's  Articles of Association; and


(17)  to exercise any other powers conferred by the shareholders in general meetings and these Articles of Associations.


Resolutions  by  the  board  of  directors  on matters referred to in the preceding paragraph may  be  passed  by  the  affirmative  vote  of more  than  half  of  the  directors  (amongst which  resolution  on  matters  referred  to  in sub-paragraph (8) shall require the affirmative vote of more than two-thirds of the directors present at the board meeting) with the exception  of  resolutions  on  matters  referred to in sub-paragraphs (6), (7) and (16) which shall require the affirmative vote of more than two-thirds of all the directors.

enterprises  that  are  involved  in  the  matters to be resolved by the board meetings, he shall not exercise his voting rights for such matters, nor shall he exercise voting rights on behalf of other directors. Such board meetings shall be convened by a majority of the directors present thereat who are not connected. Resolutions   made   by   the   board   meetings shall   be   passed   by   a   majority   of   the directors that are not connected. The aforementioned  matters  that  must  be  passed by two-thirds or more of the directors shall be passed by votes of two-thirds or more of the directors that are not connected. If the number of   non-connected   directors   attending   the board meetings falls short of three, such matters shall be submitted to the shareholders' general meeting of the Company for approval.



Resolutions made by the board of directors on the Company's connected transactions shall come into effect only after they are signed by

the independent directors.

enterprises  that  are  involved  in  the  matters to be resolved by the board meetings, he shall not exercise his voting rights for such matters, nor shall he exercise voting rights on behalf of other directors. Such board meetings shall be convened by a majority of the directors present thereat who are not connected. Resolutions   made   by   the   board   meetings shall   be   passed   by   a   majority   of   the directors that are not connected. The aforementioned  matters  that  must  be  passed by two-thirds or more of the directors shall be passed by votes of two-thirds or more of the directors that are not connected. If the number of   non-connected   directors   attending   the board meetings falls short of three, such matters shall be submitted to the shareholders' general meeting of the Company for approval.



Resolutions made by the board of directors on the Company's connected transactions shall come into effect only after they are signed by

the independent directors.


10       Article 111. Upon authorization by the board of directors, the Chairman may exercise part of the functions and powers of the board of directors when the board of directors is not in session. Particulars of the authorization of the board of directors shall be clear and specific.

Article 111. Upon authorization by the board of directors, the Chairman may exercise part of the functions and powers of the board of directors when the board of directors is not in session. Particulars of the authorization of the board of directors shall be clear and specific. Issues involving material interests of the Company shall be subject to collective decision by the board of directors.

directors  shall  be  held  at  least  twice  every year and shall be convened by the Chairman of the board of directors. All directors and supervisors shall be notified of the meeting fourteen days beforehand. The notice of the board meetings shall contain:



(1)    date, venue and duration of the meeting; (2)    reasons and matters for discussion;

(3)    date of issuance of the notice.



Extraordinary general meeting shall be convened  by  the  Chairman  within  ten  days of  the  occurrence  of  any  of  the  following events and shall not be subject to the abovementioned period of notice:



(1)     where  shareholders  representing  more than 10% of the voting rights propose to do so;


(2)     where  the  chairman  of  the  board  of directors deems it necessary;


(3)     where one-third or more of the directors jointly propose to do so;


(4)     where   one   half   or   more   of   the independent   directors   jointly   propose to do so;


(5)     where   the   supervisory   committee proposes to do so;


(6)    where the president proposes to do so.

directors  shall  be  held  at  least  twice  every year and shall be convened by the Chairman of the board of directors. All directors and supervisors shall be notified of the meeting fourteen days beforehand. The notice of the board meetings shall contain:



(1)    date, venue and duration of the meeting; (2)    reasons and matters for discussion;

(3)    date of issuance of the notice.



Extraordinary general meeting shall be convened  by  the  Chairman  within  ten  days of  the  occurrence  of  any  of  the  following events and shall not be subject to the abovementioned period of notice:



(1)     where  shareholders  representing  more than 10% of the voting rights propose to do so;


(2)     where  the  chairman  of  the  board  of directors deems it necessary;


(3)     where one-third or more of the directors jointly propose to do so;


(4)     where   one   half   or   more   of   the independent   directors   jointly   propose to do so;


(5)     where   the   supervisory   committee proposes to do so;


(6)    where the president proposes to do so;

be conducted in Chinese and where necessary, may  have  an  interpreter  to  provide  Chinese and English translation during the meetings.

requires to do so; and



(8)     where other circumstances specified in the Articles of Association of the Company occur.


The meetings of the board of directors shall be conducted in Chinese and where necessary, may  have  an  interpreter  to  provide  Chinese

and English translation during the meetings.


CHAPTER 13: PRESIDENT                                 CHAPTER 13: PRESIDENT


12       Article   139.   The   president   shall   be accountable  to  the  board  of  directors  and shall exercise the following functions and powers:



(1)     to   be   in   charge   of   the   Company's production, operation and management and  to  organize  the  implementation  of the resolutions of the board of directors;


(2)     to  organize  the  implementation  of  the Company's annual business plan and investment proposal;


(3)     subject  to  applicable  laws  and  these Articles of Association, to decide on transactions, which are related to the Company's   main   business,   and   the value of which shall not exceed certain amount, or certain proportion of the Company's latest audited net assets (the said amount and proportion to be determined by   the   shareholders' meeting);

Article 139. The president shall be accountable  to  the  board  of  directors  and shall exercise the following functions and powers:



(1)     to   be   in   charge   of   the   Company's production, operation and management and  to  organize  the  implementation  of the resolutions of the board of directors;


(2)     to  organize  the  implementation  of  the Company's annual business plan and investment proposal;


(3)     subject  to  applicable  laws  and  these Articles of Association, to decide on transactions, which are related to the Company's   main   business,   and   the value of which shall not exceed certain amount, or certain proportion of the Company's latest audited net assets (the said amount and proportion to be determined     by   the   shareholders' meeting);



(4)     to  sign  contracts  and  agreements  on behalf of the Company and sign and dispatch       day-to-day   administrative documents;


(5)     to  draft  plans  for  the  establishment  of the Company's internal management structure, and where necessary, make plans        for   general   institutional adjustment;


(6)     to   draft   the   Company's   basic management system;


(7)     to formulate basic rules and regulations for the Company;


(8)     to propose the appointment or dismissal of the vice presidents, chief accountant and chief pilot of the Company;


(9)     to   appoint   or   dismiss   management personnel  other  than  those  required  to be appointed or dismissed by the board of directors;


(10) to propose to convene an extraordinary meeting of the board of directors;


(11)  other powers conferred by the Articles of            Association   and   the   board   of directors.

(4)     to  sign  contracts  and  agreements  on behalf  of  the  Company  in accordance with the authorization granted by the board of directors or the legal  representative; and sign and dispatch day-to-day administrative documents;


(5)     to  draft  plans  for  the  establishment  of the Company's internal management structure, and where necessary, make plans       for   general   institutional adjustment;


(6)     to   draft   the   Company's   basic management system;


(7)     to formulate basic rules and regulations for the Company;


(8)     to propose the appointment or dismissal of the vice presidents, chief accountant and chief pilot of the Company;


(9)     to   appoint   or   dismiss   management personnel  other  than  those  required  to be appointed or dismissed by the board of directors;


(10) to propose to convene an extraordinary meeting of the board of directors;


(11)  other powers conferred by the Articles of Association   and   the   board   of



13       Article  141.  In  performing  their  duties  and powers, the president, vice presidents, chief accountant and chief pilot shall act honestly and diligently in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and the Articles of Association.

Article 141. In performing their duties and powers, the president, vice presidents, chief accountant and, chief pilot  and other senior officers shall act honestly and diligently in accordance with laws, administrative regulations and the Articles of Association.







14       Article  156.  A  person  may  not  serve  as  a director, supervisor, president, vice presidents or any other senior officers of the Company if any of the following circumstances apply:



(1)     a person who does not have or who has limited capacity for civil conduct;


(2)     a  person  who  has  been  sentenced  for corruption, bribery, infringement of property     or   misappropriation   of property or other crimes which disrupt the  social  economic  order,  where  less than five years have elapsed since the sentence  was  served,  or  a  person  who has been deprived of his political rights and   not   more   than   five   years   have elapsed since the sentence was served;


(3)     a   person   who   is   a   former   director, factory manager or manager of a company or enterprise which has been dissolved  or  put  into  liquidation  and who was personally liable for the winding    up   of   such   company   or enterprise, where less than three years have           elapsed   since   the   date   of completion  of  the  insolvent  liquidation of the company or enterprise;

Article 156. A person may not serve as a director, supervisor, president, vice presidents or any other senior officers of the Company if any of the following circumstances apply:



(1)     a person who does not have or who has limited capacity for civil conduct;


(2)     a  person  who  has  been  sentenced  for corruption, bribery, infringement of property      or   misappropriation   of property or other crimes which disrupt the  social  economic  order,  where  less than five years have elapsed since the sentence  was  served,  or  a  person  who has been deprived of his political rights and   not   more   than   five   years   have elapsed since the sentence was served;


(3)     a   person   who   is   a   former   director, factory manager or manager of a company or enterprise which has been dissolved  or  put  into  liquidation  and who was personally liable for the winding  up   of   such   company   or enterprise, where less than three years have         elapsed   since   the   date   of completion  of  the  insolvent  liquidation of the company or enterprise;



(4)     a   person   who   is   a   former   legal representative       of   a   company   or enterprise   the   business   licence   of which was revoked due to violation of law and who are personally liable therefor,  where  less  than  three  years have elapsed since the date of the revocation of the business licence;


(5)     a  person  who  has  a  relatively  large amount of debts which have become overdue;


(6)     a   person   who   is   currently   under investigation by judicial organs for violation of criminal law;


(7)     a  person  who,  according  to  laws  and administrative regulations, cannot act as a leader of an enterprise;


(8)     a person other than a natural person;



(9)     a person who has been convicted by the competent authority for violation of relevant securities regulations and such conviction involves a finding that such person          has   acted   fraudulently   or dishonestly, where less than five years have elapsed since the date of such conviction;


(10)  a person who has been confirmed by the authority in charge of securities of the State Council as being prohibited from participating in the market or have not been released from such prohibition;


(11)  other  contents  as  provided  for  by  the laws, administrative regulations or departmental rules.

(4)     a   person   who   is   a   former   legal representative        of   a   company   or enterprise   the   business   licence   of which was revoked due to violation of law and who are personally liable therefor,  where  less  than  three  years have elapsed since the date of the revocation of the business licence;


(5)     a  person  who  has  a  relatively  large amount of debts which have become overdue;


(6)     a   person   who   is   currently   under investigation by judicial organs for violation of criminal law;


(7)     a  person  who,  according  to  laws and, administrative    regulations    or  departmental rules,  cannot   act   as   a leader of an enterprise;


(8)     a person other than a natural person;



(9)     a person who has been convicted by the competent authority for violation of relevant securities regulations and such conviction involves a finding that such person       has   acted   fraudulently   or dishonestly, where less than five years have elapsed since the date of such conviction;


(10)  a person who has been confirmed by the authority in charge of securities of the State Council as being prohibited from participating in the market or have not been released from such prohibition;


(11)  other  contents  as  provided  for  by  the laws, administrative regulations or departmental rules.



If any of the above circumstances occurs on the  part  of  a  director  during  his  term  of office,  the  board  of  directors  shall,  starting from   the   date   on   which   they   are   aware thereof, forthwith cease the performance of duties by the relevant director and propose to remove such director at the shareholders' general meeting. If any of the above circumstances occurs on the part of the president   during   his   term   of   office,   the board  of  directors  shall,  starting  from  the date on which they are aware thereof, forthwith cease the performance of duties by the relevant president and convene a board meeting to dismiss such president. If any of the above circumstances occurs on the part of a supervisor during his term of office, the supervisory committee shall, starting from the date on which it is aware thereof, forthwith cease   the   performance   of   duties   by   the relevant  supervisor  and  propose  to  remove such supervisor at the shareholders' general meeting   or   the   employee   representatives'  meeting.

If any of the above circumstances occurs on the  part  of  a  director  during  his  term  of office,  the  board  of  directors  shall,  starting from   the   date   on   which   they   are   aware thereof, forthwith cease the performance of duties by the relevant director and propose to remove such director at the shareholders' general meeting. If any of the above circumstances occurs on the part of the president   during   his   term   of   office,   the board  of  directors  shall,  starting  from  the date on which they are aware thereof, forthwith cease the performance of duties by the relevant president and convene a board meeting to dismiss such president. If any of the above circumstances occurs on the part of a supervisor during his term of office, the supervisory committee shall, starting from the date on which it is aware thereof, forthwith cease   the   performance   of   duties   by   the relevant  supervisor  and  propose  to  remove such supervisor at the shareholders' general meeting   or   the   employee   representatives' meeting.


15       Article   160.   Each   of   the   Company's directors,  supervisors,   president,   vice presidents  and  other  senior  officers  owes  a duty, in the exercise of his powers or in the discharge of his duties, to exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person        would   exercise   in   comparable circumstances,  including  but  not  limited  to the standards of the professional ethnics and code of conduct formulated by the Company.

Article 160. Each of the Company's directors, supervisors, president, vice presidents  and  other  senior  officers  owes  a duty, in the exercise of his powers or in the discharge of his duties, to exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances, including but not limited to compliance with   the   standards   of   the professional ethnics and code of conduct formulated by the Company.







16       Article  192.  Specific  dividends  distribution policy of the Company:



(1)     The form of dividends distribution:



The Company may distribute dividends in cash, shares or a combination of cash and  shares  or  other  methods  permitted by the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules and the regulatory rules of the jurisdictions in which the shares of the Company are listed.

Article  192.  Specific  dividends  distribution policy of the Company:



(1)     The form of dividends distribution:



The Company may distribute dividends in cash, shares or a combination of cash and  shares  or  other  methods  permitted by the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules and the regulatory rules of the jurisdictions in which the shares of the Company are listed.


The board of directors of the Company shall have comprehensive consideration of the factors, including its industry characteristics, development stage, operation mode, profitability level and whether there is any significant  expenditure payment arrangement,  make the differentiated cash bonus policy according to the procedures prescribed by the Articles of  Association, and identify the  proportion of the cash bonus in the profit distribution in the current year, with proportion in compliance with the relevant stipulations of laws, administrative regulations, normative documentation and stock exchanges.



(2)     Specific conditions and proportions for distributing cash dividends by the Company:


Save as special circumstances, the dividends  shall  be  distributed  in  cash by the Company provided that the distributable profits (i.e. the balance of profit after tax, after making up for the losses and making contributions to the common   reserve   fund   in   accordance with the provisions of these Articles of Association as well as deducting otherwise approved by the relevant national departments) realized for the current year in the financial statement of the parent company prepared in accordance   with   applicable   domestic and overseas accounting standards and regulations are positive, and the cash dividends  to  be  distributed  each  year shall not be less than 15% of the applicable distributable profits.


The applicable distributable profits shall be the lower of the distributable profits in the financial statements of the parent company prepared by the Company in accordance   with   applicable   domestic and overseas accounting standards and regulations.


Special circumstances refer to the circumstances under   which   the aggregate   capital   expenditures   within the    next   twelve   months   reach   or exceed  40%  of  the  latest  audited  net value of the Company.

(2)     Specific conditions and, proportions and intervals for distributing cash dividends by the Company:


Save as special circumstances, the dividends  shall  be  distributed  in  cash by the Company provided that the distributable profits (i.e. the balance of profit after tax, after making up for the losses and making contributions to the common   reserve   fund   in   accordance with the provisions of these Articles of Association as well as deducting otherwise approved by the relevant national departments) realized for the current year in the financial statement of the parent company prepared in accordance   with   applicable   domestic and overseas accounting standards and regulations are positive, and the cash dividends  to  be  distributed  each  year shall not be less than 15% of the applicable distributable profits.


The applicable distributable profits shall be the lower of the distributable profits in the financial statements of the parent company prepared by the Company in accordance   with   applicable   domestic and overseas accounting standards and regulations.


Special circumstances refer to the circumstances under which the  aggregate capital expenditures within the next twelve months reach or exceed 40% of the latest audited net value of the Company the board of directors considers that cash dividend distribution may influence the Company's continuing operation and long-term development.

distribution are met, cash dividends shall be distributed once a year. The board of directors of the Company can propose an interim dividend distribution according to the Company's status of profitability and capital needs.


(3)     Specific   conditions   under   which   the Company may issue shares in lieu of dividends:


Where the Company is in a sound operating condition, and the board of directors considers that the Company's stock price does not reflect the Company's scale of capital, and issuing shares in lieu of dividends will be in the interests of all shareholders of the Company as a whole, a proposal for the issuance of shares in lieu of dividends may be proposed upon fulfillment of the above conditions concerning cash dividends.

(3)     Specific   conditions   under   which   the Company may issue shares in lieu of dividends:


Where the Company is in a sound operating condition, and the board of directors considers that the Company's stock price does not reflect the Company's scale of capital, and issuing shares in lieu of dividends will be in the interests of all shareholders of the Company as a whole, a proposal for the issuance of shares in lieu of dividends may be proposed upon fulfillment of the above conditions concerning cash dividends.

approving  the  dividend  distribution  proposal of the Company:



(1)     The  dividends  distribution  plan  of  the Company shall be drawn up by the management of the Company and submitted to the board of directors and the         supervisory   committee   of   the Company  for  consideration.  The  board of directors shall thoroughly discuss the rationality of the dividends distribution plan and the independent Directors shall explicitly express their opinions. A special resolution formulated by the board  of  directors  shall  be  submitted to the Shareholders' general meeting for consideration.

approving  the  dividend  distribution  proposal of the Company:



(1)     The  dividends  distribution  plan  of  the Company shall be drawn up by the management of the Company and submitted to the board of directors and the          supervisory   committee   of   the Company  for  consideration.  The  board of directors shall thoroughly discuss the rationality of the dividends distribution plan and the independent Directors shall explicitly express their opinions. A special resolution formulated by the board  of  directors  shall  be  submitted to the Shareholders' general meeting for consideration.  The board of directors will also fully listen to the opinions of minority Shareholders.


(2)     Where the Company does not distribute cash      dividends   under   the   special circumstances as prescribed in the foregoing Article 192, the board of directors shall explain the specific reasons        for   not   distributing   cash dividends, the exact purpose for the retained                profit   and   the   estimated investment return. Such explanation, along  with  the  opinions  expressed  by the independent directors, shall be submitted to the shareholders' general meeting                       for   consideration   and   be disclosed  on  the  designated  media  of the Company.

(2)     When formulating specific plan for distribution of cash dividends by the Company, the board of directors shall study and identify with caution the timing,  conditions and minimum proportion, conditions for adjustment and requirements for decision-making procedures involved in implementing the distribution of cash dividends, etc. Independent Directors shall explicitly express their opinions thereon.  Independent Directors may collect opinions from minority shareholders for putting forward a profit distribution proposal which can be directly  submitted to the board of directors for consideration.

cash dividends under the special circumstances as prescribed in the foregoing Article 192, the board of directors shall explain the specific reasons for not distributing cash dividends, the exact purpose for the retained profit and the estimated investment return. Such explanation, along  with  the  opinions  expressed  by the independent directors, shall be submitted to the shareholders' general meeting for consideration and be disclosed  on  the  designated  media  of

the Company.



Subject to Article 63 and subparagraph (17) of the first paragraph of Article 110 of these Articles of Association, the board of directors may decide to distribute interim or special dividends.

Subject to Article 63 and subparagraph (17) of the first paragraph of Article 110 of these Articles of Association, the board of directors may decide to distribute interim or special dividends.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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