Air China Ld 31 October 2007 The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited takes no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss whatsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. AIR CHINA LIMITED (a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability) (Stock Code: 753) THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT 2007 This announcement is made pursuant to Rule 13.09 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the 'Listing Rules'). 1. IMPORTANT NOTICE 1.1 The board of directors, the Supervisory Committee, as well as the directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company hereby warrant that there are no false representations, misleading statements or material omissions in this report, and the Directors, Supervisors and the senior management individually and jointly accept full responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this report. 1.2 All of the Directors attended the Board Meeting. 1.3 The Third Quarterly Report of the Company was unaudited. 1.4 The Chairman of the Company Li Jiaxiang, President Cai Jianjiang, Chief Accountant Fan Cheng (Person in charge of accounting function), and the General Manager of Finance Department Li Youqiang hereby jointly declare that the financial statements set out in this quarterly report is true and complete. 1 2. SUMMARY OF BASIC INFORMATION OF THE COMPANY 2.1 Principal accounting data and financial indicators In RMB Change at the end of the reporting period as compared to the end At the end of the of the corresponding corresponding At the end of the period of period of reporting period previous year previous year (%) Total assets (RMB'000) 85,134,723.00 81,995,306.00 3.83 Shareholders' equity (excluding minority interests) (RMB'000) 31,260,558.00 30,095,941.00 3.87 Net asset per share (RMB) 2.631 2.533 3.87 From the beginning Change over of the year to the end the of the reporting period corresponding (January to September) period of previous year (%) Net cash flows from operating activities (RMB'000) 6,318,637.00 15.93 Net cash flows from operating activities per share (RMB) 0.532 15.93 Beginning of the Change over year to the end of the Reporting period reporting period corresponding (July to (January to period September) September) of previous year (%) Net profit (RMB'000) 2,187,417.00 3,487,714.00 -42.55 Basic earnings per share (RMB) 0.184 0.287 -42.55 Basic earnings per share after exceptional gains and losses (RMB) 0.181 0.284 10.21 Return on net assets (%) 7.00 11.16 Decrease by 2.73 percentage points Return on net assets after exceptional gains and losses (%) 6.88 10.77 Increase by 3.21 percentage points 2 From the beginning of the year to the end of reporting period Exceptional gain and loss items (January to September) (RMB'000) Gains arising from disposal of long-term investments 2,250 Net gains arising from disposal of fixed assets 19,493 Various government grants 94,161 Other non-operating expenses, net -53,331 Total 62,573 2.2 Total number of shareholders and top 10 holders of listed shares not subject to trading moratorium as at the end of the Reporting Period Unit: Share Total number of shareholders at the end of the reporting period 221,270 Particulars of the top 10 holders of listed shares not subject to trading moratorium Number of listed shares not subject to trading moratorium held Name of shareholder (full name) as at period end Class of Shares HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED 2,209,486,899 Overseas listed foreign shares CATHAY PACIFIC AIRWAYS LIMITED 2,161,052,455 Overseas listed foreign shares 64,181,294 RMB ordinary shares Bank of China - Jiashi Selected Mix Securities Investment Fund 52,000,000 RMB ordinary shares The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China - Boshi Selective Shares Securities Investment Fund 31,499,610 RMB ordinary shares China Everbright Bank Company Limited 28,391,406 RMB ordinary shares The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 22,720,879 RMB ordinary shares China Construction Bank 22,150,078 RMB ordinary shares Morgan Stanley Investment Management Inc - Morgan Stanley China A Share Fund 20,631,947 RMB ordinary shares China Construction Bank 20,000,000 RMB ordinary shares 3 3. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS 3.1 Significant changes of the principal accounting statements and financial indicators and reasons thereof ( X ) applicable ( ) not applicable The decrease in net profit recorded in the third quarter as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year was mainly due to the inclusion in the corresponding period of the previous year of an one-off gain from the disposal of Dragonair of RMB2,673 million (RMB1,844 million attributable to the Company). Excluding this one-off gain, the net profit attributable to the Company for the third quarter in 2007 increased 92.8% over the corresponding period of the previous year. 3.2 Analysis and explanation on the progress of significant events and their impact and resolutions ( X ) applicable ( ) not applicable On 26 February 2007, the Eastern District Court of New York of the Federal Judiciary of the United States filed a civil summon against the Company and Air China Cargo, claiming that they, together with a number of other airlines, have violated certain anti- trust regulations in respect of their air cargo operations in the United States by acting in concert in imposing excessive surcharges to impede the offering of discounts and allocating revenue and customers so as to achieve increasing, maintaining and stabilising air cargo prices. As the status of the proceedings is still in the preliminary stage, the Directors of the Company are of the view that it is not possible to estimate the eventual outcome of the claim with reasonable certainty and therefore no provision for this claim has been made at this stage. On 10 July 2007, the Company entered into an aircraft purchase agreement with Air China Group Import and Export Trading Co. and Airbus for the purchase of 23 Airbus 320-Series aircraft from Airbus. For details, please see the Company's Announcement on the Purchase of Aircraft dated 11 July 2007 published on the 'China Securities Journal', the 'Shanghai Securities News' and the 'Securities Daily', as well as the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange at 3.3 Performance of undertakings given by the Company, shareholders and the effective controlling person ( X ) applicable ( ) not applicable China National Aviation Holding Company ('CNAHC') and China National Aviation Corporation (Group) Limited made an undertaking that it would not transfer, or nominate other persons to manage, the shares of the Company held by it, and none of these shares would be acquired by the Company, during the period of 36 months from the listing date of the A shares of the Company. CNAHC further undertakes to increase its shareholding on the following basis: during the period commencing from the listing and trading of the A shares available for subscription online at a fixed price under this A share offer and ended on 31 December 2006, subject to the condition that the market price of the A shares of the Company was lower than the issue price, CNAHC would increase its shareholding through the secondary market as required by the relevant regulations at a 4 price no less than the prevailing market price, until reaching the level of the issue price, with the accumulated increase of shareholding not more than 600 million A shares. The waiver of an offer for acquisition involved in such shareholding increase plan was obtained from the China Securities Regulatory Commission on 17 August 2006. As at 21 August 2006, CNAHC increased its shareholding by 122,870,578 shares of the Company in aggregate and no further increase was made since then. The undertaking to increase its shareholding given by CNAHC expired on 31 December 2006 and there was no transfer of the aforesaid increased shares within 12 months after completion of the shareholding increase plan. 3.4 Warning in respect of forecast of possible net loss from the beginning of the year to the end of the next Reporting Period or warning in respect of any significant changes in net profit as compared with that of the corresponding period of previous year and the reasons therefor ( ) applicable ( X ) not applicable 3.5 Other Significant Events which require explanations 3.5.1 Particulars of Shareholding in Other Listed Companies held by the Company (X) applicable ( ) not applicable Percentage Items for Stock Number of of Shareholding Initial Cost of Accounting No. Code Name in Short Shares Held to the company Investments Purpose (Share) (%) (RMB) 1 0293 Cathay Pacific 687,895,263 17.5 7,674,194,744 Long-term equity investment 2 200152 Shandong Aviation 91,200,000 22.8 182,119,110 Long-term equity investment Total - - 7,856,313,854 - 3.5.2 Particulars of the Company's Shareholdings in Unlisted Financial Corporations and Intended Listed Companies ( ) applicable (X) not applicable Air China Limited Legal representative: Li Jiaxiang 31 October 2007 5 4. APPENDIX Consolidated Balance Sheet 30 September 2007 Prepared by Air China Limited Unit: RMB'000 (Unaudited) Balance Balance at at the end the beginning Items of the period of the year CURRENT ASSETS: Cash and bank balances 2,967,859 4,982,844 Provisions on payables Contributions received Trading financial assets 127,508 99,935 Bills receivable Accounts receivable 3,367,900 2,664,323 Prepayments 516,369 298,704 Premium receivable Receivables on reinsurance Provisions for reinsurance contracts Interests receivable 0 0 Dividend receivable 0 0 Other receivables 1,323,583 904,639 Purchase of financial assets resold Inventories 787,241 704,367 Non-current assets due within a year Other current assets 0 0 Total current assets 9,090,460 9,654,812 NON-CURRENT ASSETS: Loans and advances Available-for-sale financial assets Held-to-maturity investment Long-term receivables 260,370 293,160 Long-term equity investment 11,725,767 11,547,275 Investment property Fixed assets 51,238,801 50,007,863 Construction in progress 11,732,576 9,309,266 Construction materials 0 0 Disposal of fixed assets Biological assets for production Oil and gas assets Intangible assets 518,549 527,211 Development expenses Goodwill 131,945 131,945 Long-term deferred expenses 12,781 10,563 Deferred income tax assets 423,474 513,211 Other non-current assets Total non-current assets 76,044,263 72,340,494 Total assets 85,134,723 81,995,306 6 CURRENT LIABILITIES: Short-term borrowings 7,831,160 8,016,656 Borrowings from central bank Deposits from clients and placements from other banks Contributions made Trading financial liabilities 76,341 242,108 Bills payable 0 610,545 Accounts payable 5,289,522 5,908,949 Domestic air traffic liabilities 707,418 383,851 International air traffic liabilities 1,864,109 1,147,200 Receipts in advance 16,245 14,770 Sale of financial assets repurchased Fees and commissions payable Salaries and wages payable 349,609 412,135 Taxes payable 1,949,970 1,700,858 Interests payable 207,119 138,226 Dividend payable 0 Other payables 1,683,887 1,547,640 Amounts payable on reinsurance Provisions on insurance contracts Brokerage payable Underwriting fees payable Non-current liabilities due within a year 5,563,115 5,205,258 Other current liabilities 0 0 Total Current liabilities 25,538,495 25,328,196 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES: Long-term borrowings 13,608,139 9,130,330 Debentures payable 3,000,000 3,000,000 Long-term payables 1,263,188 1,140,234 Obligations under finance leases 10,183,368 11,247,855 Specific payables Estimated liabilities 85,479 47,822 Deferred income tax liabilities Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 28,140,174 24,566,241 Total liabilities 53,678,669 49,894,437 OWNER'S EQUITY (OR SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY): Paid-up capital (or equity) 12,251,362 12,251,362 Capital surplus 13,061,705 14,291,942 Less: Treasury shares -1,246,955 -1,246,955 Surplus reserves 1,037,467 719,565 General risk provisions Profit available for appropriation 6,850,223 4,283,177 Currency translation differences -693,244 -203,150 Total equities attributable to owners of Company 31,260,558 30,095,941 Minority interests 195,496 2,004,928 Total owners' equity 31,456,054 32,100,869 Total liabilities and owners' equity 85,134,723 81,995,306 Legal Representative of the Company: Li Jiaxiang Person in charge of accounting function: Chief Accountant Fan Cheng Person in charge of accounting department: General Manager of Finance Department Li Youqiang 7 Balance Sheet of the Company 30 September 2007 Prepared by Air China Limited Unit: RMB'000 (Unaudited) Balance Balance in at the end the beginning Items of the period of the year CURRENT ASSETS: Cash and bank balances 718,459 3,002,572 Trading financial assets 119,981 98,026 Bills receivable Accounts receivable 3,413,944 2,397,139 Prepayments 471,417 261,949 Interests receivable 0 0 Dividend receivable 0 0 Other receivables 1,247,813 834,915 Inventories 726,179 640,888 Non-current liabilities due within a year Other current liabilities 0 0 Total Current liabilities 6,697,793 7,235,489 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES: Available-for-sale financial assets Held-to-maturity investment Long-term receivables 212,103 186,407 Long-term equity investment 13,824,887 10,828,451 Investment property Fixed assets 50,893,389 49,610,239 Construction in progress 11,730,931 9,307,592 Construction materials Disposal of fixed assets 0 0 Biological assets for production Oil and gas assets Intangible assets 518,395 527,051 Development expenses Goodwill 0 0 Long-term deferred expenses 11,602 10,563 Deferred income tax assets 412,102 497,309 Other non-current assets Total non-current assets 77,603,409 70,967,612 Total assets 84,301,202 78,203,101 8 CURRENT LIABILITIES: Short-term borrowings 7,813,160 7,973,656 Trading financial liabilities 76,341 242,108 Bills payable 0 610,545 Accounts payable 5,256,207 5,403,338 Domestic air traffic liabilities 707,418 383,850 International air traffic liabilities 1,773,760 1,034,453 Receipts in advance 4,272 896 Salaries and wages payable 338,352 406,384 Taxes payable 1,946,843 1,691,863 Interests payable 207,855 138,226 Dividend payable 0 0 Other payables 1,368,408 1,380,457 Non-current liabilities due within a year 5,563,115 5,205,258 Other current liabilities 0 0 Total Current liabilities 25,055,731 24,471,034 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES: Long-term borrowings 13,608,139 9,130,330 Debentures payable 3,000,000 3,000,000 Long-term payables 1,082,068 915,133 Obligations under finance leases 10,183,368 11,247,855 Specific payables Estimated liabilities 85,479 47,822 Deferred income tax liabilities Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 27,959,054 24,341,140 Total liabilities 53,014,785 48,812,174 OWNER'S EQUITY (OR SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY): Paid-up capital (or equity) 12,251,362 12,251,362 Capital surplus 14,280,523 14,280,123 Less: Treasury shares 0 0 Surplus reserves 1,024,924 707,022 Profit available for appropriation 3,729,608 2,152,420 Total equities attributable to owners of Company 31,286,417 29,390,927 Total owners' equity (or shareholders' equity) 31,286,417 29,390,927 Total liabilities and owners' equity (or shareholders' equity) 84,301,202 78,203,101 Legal Representative of the Company: Li Jiaxiang Person in charge of accounting function: Chief Accountant Fan Cheng Person in charge of accounting department: General Manager of Finance Department Li Youqiang 9 Consolidated Income Statement January to September 2007 Prepared by Air China Limited Unit: RMB'000 (Unaudited) Amounts for Amounts for the period from the period from the beginning the beginning Amounts for the of the year of perious year corresponding to the end of to the end of Amounts for period of the reporting the reporting the period previous year period period (July to (July to (January to (January to Items September) September) September) September) I. Total revenue from operations Including: Operating income 14,471,739 13,001,721 37,215,758 32,289,526 Interest income Premium earned Fees and commission income II. Total operating cost Including: Operating costs 10,349,626 10,052,757 29,461,244 26,645,011 Interest expenses Fees and commission expenses Returned premium Net reimbursement paid Net amounts of provisions on insurance contracts drawn Bonus paid on insurance policy Reinsurance premium Business taxes and other surcharges 359,483 325,497 905,573 798,860 Selling expenses 920,313 787,797 2,290,993 1,823,283 Administrative expenses 259,323 296,022 760,775 824,064 Finance expenses 245,399 144,811 372,193 861,445 Impairment loss of assets Add: Gains from changes in fair value (loss is represented by '-' sign) -58,468 -361,578 195,390 -250,736 Investment income (loss is represented by '-' sign) 552,592 2,850,405 906,866 3,038,161 Including: Gains arising from investments in associated companies and joint ventures 552,368 184,428 904,392 385,597 Exchange gains (loss is represented by '-' sign) 10 III.Profit from operations (loss is represented by '-' sign) 2,831,719 3,883,664 4,527,236 4,124,288 Add: Non-operating income 87,447 86,965 163,775 160,090 Less: Non-operating expenses 31,610 24,710 103,452 58,699 Including: Net loss arising from disposal of non-current assets 324 10,990 44,572 16,136 IV. Total profit (loss is represented by '-' sign) 2,887,556 3,945,919 4,587,559 4,225,679 Less: Income tax expenses 700,677 139,514 1,177,619 163,028 V. Net profit (loss is represented by '-' sign) 2,186,879 3,806,405 3,409,940 4,062,651 Net profits attributable to owners of Company 2,187,417 2,979,132 3,487,714 3,215,926 Gains or losses from minority interests -538 827,273 -77,774 846,725 VI. Earnings per share: (I) Basic 0.184 0.320 0.287 0.342 (II) Diluted Legal Representative of the Company: Li Jiaxiang Person in charge of accounting function: Chief Accountant Fan Cheng Person in charge of accounting department: General Manager of Finance Department Li Youqiang 11 Income Statement of the Company January to September 2007 Prepared by Air China Limited Unit: RMB'000 (Unaudited) Amounts for Amounts for the period from the period from the beginning the beginning Amounts for the of the year of perious year corresponding to the end of to the end of Amounts for period of the reporting the reporting the period previous year period period (July to (July to (January to (January to Items September) September) September) September) I. Revenue from operations 13,710,267 12,291,246 35,134,830 30,177,401 Less: Operating cost 9,598,349 9,404,767 27,369,864 24,721,577 Business taxes and other surcharges 357,987 324,336 901,070 795,798 Selling expenses 926,598 776,078 2,303,958 1,774,197 Administrative expenses 285,190 195,994 707,745 584,201 Finance expenses 259,070 144,541 428,059 879,431 Impairment loss of assets Add: Gains from changes in fair value (loss is represented by '-' sign) -52,325 -336,682 187,721 -253,793 Investment income (loss is represented by '-' sign) 135,833 73,501 -10,201 189,601 Including: Gains arising from investments in associated companies and joint ventures 135,610 80,187 -13,695 186,400 II. Profit from operations (loss is represented by '-' sign) 2,366,581 1,182,349 3,601,654 1,358,005 Add: Non-operating income 89,833 38,545 163,558 110,821 Less: Non-operating expenses 31,610 24,710 103,448 58,666 Including: Loss arising from disposal of non-current assets 331 10,960 44,572 16,106 III. Total profit (loss is represented by '-' sign) 2,424,804 1,196,184 3,661,764 1,410,160 Less: Income tax expenses 686,940 127,856 1,163,907 145,678 IV. Net profit (loss is represented by '-' sign) 1,737,864 1,068,328 2,497,857 1,264,482 Legal Representative of the Company: Li Jiaxiang Person in charge of accounting function: Chief Accountant Fan Cheng Person in charge of accounting department: General Manager of Finance Department Li Youqiang 12 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement January to September 2007 Prepared by Air China Limited Unit: RMB'000 (Unaudited) Amounts for Amounts for the period from the period from the beginning the beginning of the year of previous year to the end of the to the end of the reporting period reporting period (January to (January to Items September) September) I. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from sales of goods, provision of services 36,917,540 32,211,874 Net increase in deposits from clients and placements from other banks Net increase in borrowings from central bank Net increase in contributions made to other financial institutions Cash received from premiums of original insurance contracts Net cash receipt from reinsurance operations Net increase in reserve of the insured and investment Net increase in trading financial assets Cash received from interests, fees and commission Net increase in contributions Net increase in cash from repurchase operations Refund of tax and levy 51,108 56,018 Other cash received relating to operating activities 687,986 598,743 Subtotal of cash inflows of operating activities 37,656,634 32,866,635 Cash paid for goods purchased, services rendered 22,905,509 21,389,042 Net increase in loans and advances to clients Net increase in deposits to central bank and to other banks Cash payment of claims under original insurance contracts Cash payment of interests, fees and commission Cash payment of bonus paid to insurance policy Cash paid to or on behalf of employees 3,108,960 2,149,217 Tax paid 2,311,634 1,568,270 Other cash paid in relation to operating activities 3,011,894 2,309,860 Subtotal of cash outflows of operating activities 31,337,997 27,416,389 Net cash flows from operating activities 6,318,637 5,450,246 13 II. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash received from investments Cash from investment income 414,773 101,397 Net cash from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 97,145 158,888 Cash from disposal of long-term equity investment 439,561 Net cash from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units 21,939 Other cash received from investing activities 2,750,874 61,171 Subtotal of cash inflows of investment activities 3,284,731 761,017 Cash paid to purchase of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 6,454,489 3,961,200 Cash paid to investments 3,032,955 5,466,118 Net cash from subsidiaries and other business unit Cash payments relating to other investments 2,515,457 10,172 Subtotal of cash outflows of investment activities 12,002,901 9,437,490 Net cash flows from investing activities -8,718,170 -8,676,473 III. Cash flows from financing activities: Cash received from investments 8,570,348 Including: Cash received from investments of minority shareholders through subsidiaries Cash received from borrowings 15,898,309 11,316,944 Cash received from issue of debentures Other cash relating to financing activities 74,627 Subtotal of cash inflows of financing activities 15,898,309 19,961,919 Cash repaid to amounts borrowed 10,608,798 8,217,613 Cash repayment for interests and dividends paid 2,023,325 1,241,139 Cash payments for distribution of dividends, profits or interest expenses Including: Dividends and profit paid to minority shareholders by subsidiaries Other cash payments relating to financing activities 2,699,711 2,031,635 Subtotal of cash outflows of financing activities 15,331,834 11,490,387 Net cash flows from financing activities 566,475 8,471,532 IV. Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents -23,976 -323,045 V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -1,857,034 4,922,260 Cash balances at the end of the period 2,967,859 7,142,986 Less: Time deposits with terms over three months 1,505,611 Less: Time deposits pledged 118,719 186,746 Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 1,343,529 6,956,240 Less: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 3,200,563 2,033,980 VI. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents for the period -1,857,034 4,922,260 Legal Representative of the Company: Li Jiaxiang Person in charge of accounting function: Chief Accountant Fan Cheng Person in charge of accounting department: General Manager of Finance Department Li Youqiang 14 Cash Flow Statement of the Company January to September 2007 Prepared by Air China Limited Unit: RMB'000 (Unaudited) Amounts for Amounts for the period from the period from the beginning the beginning of the year of previous year to the end of the to the end of the reporting period reporting period (January to (January to Items September) September) I. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from sales of goods, provision of services 34,408,263 29,852,124 Refund of tax and levy 51,108 55,273 Other cash received relating to operating activities 520,643 426,041 Subtotal of cash inflows of operating activities 34,980,014 30,333,438 Cash paid for goods purchased, services rendered 20,830,843 19,851,263 Cash paid to or on behalf of employees 2,780,008 1,843,908 Tax paid 2,201,988 1,527,918 Other cash paid in relation to operating activities 2,734,361 1,778,608 Subtotal of cash outflows of operating activities 28,547,200 25,001,697 Net cash flows from operating activities 6,432,814 5,331,741 II. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash received from investments Cash from investment income 21,572 25,730 Net cash from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 97,108 156,603 Net cash from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units 21,939 Other cash received from investing activities 2,612,845 35,237 Subtotal of cash inflows of investment activities 2,753,464 217,570 Cash paid to purchase of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 6,446,911 3,935,653 Cash paid to investments 3,032,955 5,397,144 Net cash from subsidiaries and other business units Cash payments relating to other investments 2,127,687 Subtotal of cash outflows of investment activities 11,607,553 9,332,797 Net cash flows from investing activities -8,854,089 -9,115,227 15 III. Cash flows from financing activities: Cash received from investments 8,570,348 Cash received from borrowings 15,773,310 11,253,944 Other cash relating to financing activities 74,627 Subtotal of cash inflows of financing activities 15,773,310 19,898,919 Cash repaid to amounts borrowed 10,558,798 8,171,253 Cash payments for distribution of dividends, profits or interest expenses 2,021,817 1,205,117 Other cash payments relating to financing activities 2,621,444 2,031,635 Subtotal of cash outflows of financing activities 15,202,059 11,408,005 Net cash flows from financing activities 571,251 8,490,914 IV. Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 27,034 -308,728 V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -1,822,990 4,398,700 Cash balances at the end of the period 718,459 5,373,112 Less: Time deposits with terms over three months 38,561 Time deposits pledged 2,486 82,490 Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 677,412 5,290,622 Less: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 2,500,402 891,922 VI. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents for the period -1,822,990 4,398,700 Legal Representative of the Company: Li Jiaxiang Person in charge of accounting function: Chief Accountant Fan Cheng Person in charge of accounting department: General Manager of Finance Department Li Youqiang By order of the Board Air China Limited Huang Bin Li Man Kit Joint Company Secretaries Beijing, 30 October 2007 As at the date of this announcement, the Directors of the Company are Messrs Li Jiaxiang, Kong Dong, Wang Shixiang, Yao Weiting, Christopher Dale Pratt, Chen Nan Lok Philip, Ma Xulun, Cai Jianjiang, Fan Cheng, Hu Hung Lick, Henry*, Wu Zhipan*, Zhang Ke* and Jia Kang*. * Independent non-executive Director of the Company 16 To view the full text of this press release in PDF format, paste the following link into your web browser: This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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