Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement.
(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)
(Stock Code: 00753)
This announcement is made pursuant to Part XIVA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and Rule 13.09 and Rule 13.10B of The Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
The board of directors (the "Board") of Air China Limited (the "Company", the Company together with its subsidiaries, the "Group") held a Board meeting on 29 October 2021 and passed the resolution approving the third quarterly report 2021 (the "Quarterly Report") of the Company for the three months ended 30 September 2021 (the "Reporting Period" or "Period") prepared in accordance with the PRC Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.
1.1. The Board and the supervisory committee of the Company together with the directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company guarantee that the contents of the Quarterly Report are true, accurate and complete and do not contain any false representation, misleading statement or material omission, and shall jointly and severally accept legal liability.
1.2. The legal representative of the Company, person in charge of accounting function and person in charge of accounting department (accounting superintendent) hereby guarantee that the financial statements set out in the Quarterly Report are true, accurate and complete.
1.3. The third quarterly report of the Company is unaudited.
Unit: RMB'000
Items |
TheReporting Period |
Increase/decreaseoftheReporting Periodascomparedtothe correspondingperiodofthe previousyear(%) |
Fortheperiodfromthebeginning oftheyearto theendofthe ReportingPeriod |
Increase/decrease fortheperiod fromthebeginning oftheyearto theendoftheReportingPeriodascompared tothecorresponding periodofthe previousyear(%) |
Revenue |
19,793,622 |
5.24 |
57,457,425 |
18.58 |
Netprofitattributabletoshareholders ofthelistedcompany |
-3,535,851 |
427.17 |
-10,321,667 |
2.07 |
Net profit attributable to shareholdersofthelistedcompanyafterdeductingnon-recurringprofitsandlosses |
-3,653,470 |
388.49 |
-10,573,863 |
2.22 |
Netcashflowsfromoperating activities |
N/A |
N/A |
10,151,293 |
668.84 |
Basicearningspershare (RMBpershare) |
-0.26 |
427.17 |
-0.75 |
1.35 |
Dilutedearningspershare (RMBpershare) |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Weightedaveragereturnon net assets(%) |
-5.07 |
Decreasedby4.25percentagepoints |
-14.18 |
Decreasedby2.62percentagepoints |
AttheendoftheReportingPeriod |
Attheendofthepreviousyear |
Increase/decrease at the end of the Reporting Periodas compared to theendoftheprevious year(%) |
Totalassets |
287,445,792 |
284,070,710 |
1.19 |
Owners'equityattributableto shareholdersofthelistedcompany |
67,991,228 |
77,582,421 |
-12.36 |
Unit: RMB'000
Items |
AmountsfortheReportingPeriod |
Amounts for theperiod from thebeginning of the year to the end oftheReporting Period |
Gainsorlossesondisposalofnon-currentassets(includingwrite-offs ofassetimpairmentprovision) |
19,037 |
19,806 |
Governmentsubsidiesrecordedintheincomestatementforthecurrentperiod(excludingthosecloselyrelatedtotheCompany'snormalbusinessandcontinuouslyentitledtoinfixedamountsorquotasin accordancewiththerequirementsofthestatepolicy) |
107,554 |
269,002 |
Reversalofprovisionforimpairmentofreceivableswhichare individuallytestedforimpairment |
100,383 |
101,458 |
Othernon-operatingincomeandexpensesnotcoveredabove |
-8,506 |
38,991 |
Less:Effectofincometax |
27,828 |
78,934 |
Effectofnon-controllingshareholders'interests(aftertaxation) |
73,021 |
98,127 |
Total |
117,619 |
252,196 |
Explanation of non-recurring profits and losses items listed in the "Interpretative
Announcement for Information Disclosure of Companies That Issue Securities to the Public No.1 - Non-recurring Profits and Losses" ( 《 1 號 ) which are defined as recurring profits and losses items
Applicable √ Not applicable
√ Applicable Not applicable
Items |
Percentageofchange(%) |
Mainreason |
Netprofit attributabletoshareholdersofthelistedcompanyfortheReportingPeriod |
427.17 |
MainlyduetothecombinedeffectsofthesporadicoutbreakofCOVID-19pandemic,therisingaviationfuelpriceandthefluctuationinexchangerate |
Netprofitattributabletoshareholdersofthelistedcompanyafterdeductingnon-recurringprofitsandlossesfortheReportingPeriod |
388.49 |
MainlyduetothecombinedeffectsofthesporadicoutbreakofCOVID-19pandemic,therisingaviationfuelpriceandthefluctuationinexchangerate |
BasicearningspersharefortheReportingPeriod(RMBpershare) |
427.17 |
MainlyduetothecombinedeffectsofthesporadicoutbreakofCOVID-19pandemic,therisingaviationfuelpriceandthefluctuationinexchangerate |
NetcashflowsfromoperatingactivitiesfortheperiodfromthebeginningoftheyeartotheendoftheReportingPeriod |
668.84 |
Mainlyduetotheimpactoftheyear-on-yearincreaseinsalesrevenueandthedecreaseinreturnedtickets |
The Group will firmly establish the concept of "Safety First", implement safety responsibilities, stringently adhere to rules and regulations as well as manage and control various types of risks, thereby resolutely upholding the safety standards. Moreover, the organizational leadership in respect of the pandemic prevention and control will be further strengthened and the regularized prevention and control measures will be strictly implemented. The Group will continuously strengthen market research and judgement, keep abreast of the changes in demand, dynamically adjust the deployment of transport capacity and implement strict cost control, all in an effort to reduce the impact of the pandemic on the operation.
Total number of shareholders of ordinary shares and number of shareholders of preference shares with restored voting rights as well as particulars of the top 10 shareholders
Unit: share
Particularsofthetop10shareholdersnotsubjecttosellingrestrictions |
Nameofshareholder |
Number of tradableshares held notsubjecttoselling restrictions |
Classandnumberofshares |
Classofshares |
Number |
ChinaNationalAviationHoldingCorporationLimited |
5,952,236,697 |
RMBordinaryshares |
5,952,236,697 |
CathayPacificAirwaysLimited |
2,633,725,455 |
Overseaslistedforeignshares |
2,633,725,455 |
1,688,048,365 |
Overseaslistedforeignshares |
1,688,048,365 |
ChinaNationalAviationCorporation(Group)Limited |
1,556,334,920 |
RMBordinaryshares |
1,332,482,920 |
Overseaslistedforeignshares |
223,852,000 |
ChinaNationalAviationFuelGroupCorporation |
462,583,102 |
RMBordinaryshares |
462,583,102 |
ChinaSecuritiesFinanceCorporationLimited |
311,302,365 |
RMBordinaryshares |
311,302,365 |
HongKongSecuritiesClearingCompanyLtd. |
79,930,038 |
RMBordinaryshares |
79,930,038 |
AgriculturalBankofChinaLimited-GFBalancedPreferredHybridSecuritiesInvestmentFund ( 中 - 廣 證 ) |
72,954,329 |
RMBordinaryshares |
72,954,329 |
ChinaConstructionBankCorporation- GFValueLeadingHybridSecuritiesInvestmentFund( 中-廣 證 ) |
37,046,485 |
RMBordinaryshares |
37,046,485 |
IndustrialBankCo.,Ltd.-GFStablePreferredSix-monthHybridSecuritiesInvestmentFund ( 興 - 廣 混 ) |
36,480,514 |
RMBordinaryshares |
36,480,514 |
Explanationonconnectedrelationshiporactioninconcertamongtheaboveshareholders |
China National Aviation Corporation (Group) Limited is a wholly-ownedsubsidiaryofChinaNationalAviationHoldingCorporationLimited.Accordingly, China National Aviation Holding Corporation Limited isdirectlyandindirectlyinterestedin51.70%ofthesharesoftheCompany. |
Explanationonthetop10shareholdersandthetop10shareholdersnotsubjecttosellingrestrictions involvedinmargin financing and securities lendingaswellasmarginandsecuritiesrefinancingbusiness (ifany) |
Nil |
1. HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED is a subsidiary of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and its principal business is acting as nominee for and on behalf of other corporate shareholders or individual shareholders. The 1,688,048,365 H shares held by it in the Company do not include the 166,852,000 shares held by it as nominee of China National Aviation Corporation (Group) Limited.
2. According to the "Implementation Measures on Partial Transfer of State-owned Shares to the National Social Security Fund in the Domestic Securities Market" (Cai Qi [2009] No.
94) ( 《 ( 財 [2009]94 號 ))
and the Notice ([2009] No. 63) jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, China Securities Regulatory Commission and the National Council for Social Security Fund, 127,445,536 shares and 36,454,464 shares held by China National Aviation Holding Corporation Limited, the controlling shareholder of the Company, and China National Aviation Corporation (Group) Limited respectively are frozen at present.
Other significant information in relation to the operation of the Company during the Reporting Period that needs to be brought to the attention of investors
Applicable √ Not applicable
Types of audit opinion
Applicable √ Not applicable
30 September 2021
Prepared by Air China Limited
Unit: RMB'000 (Unaudited)
Items |
30September 2021 |
31December 2020 |
Cashandbankbalance |
9,482,681 |
6,575,243 |
Provisionsonpayables |
Contributionsmade |
Financialassetsheld-for-trading |
Derivativefinancialassets |
Billsreceivable |
5,748 |
6,593 |
Accountsreceivable |
2,709,506 |
2,942,799 |
Receivablesfinancing |
Prepayments |
496,939 |
421,237 |
Premiumreceivable |
Receivablesonreinsurance |
Provisionsforreinsurancecontracts |
Otherreceivables |
3,166,001 |
3,491,233 |
Including:Interestreceivable |
Dividendreceivable |
Purchaseoffinancialassetsresold |
Inventories |
2,406,238 |
1,853,990 |
Contractassets |
Held-for-saleassets |
Non-currentassetsduewithinayear |
Othercurrentassets |
4,197,760 |
4,444,806 |
Totalcurrentassets |
22,464,873 |
19,735,901 |
Items |
30September 2021 |
31December 2020 |
Loansandadvances |
Debtinvestments |
Otherdebtinvestments |
1,329,055 |
1,344,829 |
Long-termreceivables |
618,907 |
621,398 |
Long-termequityinvestments |
11,479,800 |
12,379,614 |
Investmentsinotherequityinstruments |
197,017 |
235,223 |
Othernon-currentfinancialassets |
Investmentproperties |
130,353 |
138,688 |
Fixedassets |
86,477,618 |
87,717,717 |
Constructioninprogress |
33,675,777 |
38,138,866 |
Biologicalassetsforproduction |
Oilandgasassets |
Right-of-useassets |
116,572,791 |
112,074,148 |
Intangibleassets |
3,545,707 |
3,597,206 |
Developmentexpenses |
Goodwill |
1,102,185 |
1,102,185 |
Long-termdeferredexpenses |
279,183 |
292,972 |
Deferredincometaxassets |
9,572,526 |
6,691,963 |
Othernon-currentassets |
Totalnon-currentassets |
264,980,919 |
264,334,809 |
Totalassets |
287,445,792 |
284,070,710 |
Items |
30September 2021 |
31December 2020 |
Short-termloans |
22,306,828 |
29,327,087 |
Short-termfinancingbondspayable |
2,530,144 |
510,810 |
Borrowingsfromcentralbank |
Contributionsreceived |
Financialliabilitiesheld-for-trading |
Derivativefinancialliabilities |
Billspayable |
- |
62,570 |
Accountspayables |
14,896,695 |
12,740,096 |
Airtrafficliabilities |
2,254,283 |
2,002,649 |
Receiptsinadvance |
Contractliabilities |
1,523,522 |
1,280,102 |
Saleoffinancialassetsrepurchased |
Depositsfromclientsandplacementsfromotherbanks |
Brokeragepayable |
Underwritingfeespayable |
Employeecompensationspayable |
2,543,024 |
2,608,944 |
Taxespayable |
229,711 |
206,547 |
Otherpayables |
13,043,968 |
9,600,645 |
Including:Interestpayable |
Dividendpayable |
Feesandcommissionspayable |
Amountspayableonreinsurance |
Held-for-saleliabilities |
Non-currentliabilitiesduewithinayear |
22,562,294 |
22,054,735 |
Othercurrentliabilities |
Totalcurrentliabilities |
81,890,469 |
80,394,185 |
Items |
30September 2021 |
31December 2020 |
Reservesoninsurancecontracts |
Long-termloans |
35,079,045 |
21,140,699 |
Debenturespayable |
9,499,132 |
10,498,398 |
Including:Preferenceshares |
Perpetualbonds |
Leaseliabilities |
76,218,303 |
76,098,678 |
Long-termpayables |
5,450,951 |
5,783,825 |
Long-termemployeecompensationpayables |
225,344 |
229,332 |
Accruedliabilities |
3,045,899 |
3,023,109 |
Deferredincome |
549,103 |
488,791 |
Deferredincometaxliabilities |
329,728 |
334,720 |
Othernon-currentliabilities |
1,971,922 |
2,264,843 |
Totalnon-currentliabilities |
132,369,427 |
119,862,395 |
Totalliabilities |
214,259,896 |
200,256,580 |
Paid-upcapital(orsharecapital) |
14,524,815 |
14,524,815 |
Otherequityinstruments |
Including:Preferenceshares |
Perpetualbonds |
Capitalreserve |
26,270,841 |
26,270,841 |
Less:Treasuryshares |
Othercomprehensiveincome |
-137,476 |
-871,587 |
Including:Foreigncurrencytranslationdifferences |
-2,435,937 |
-2,311,036 |
Specialreserves |
Surplusreserves |
11,564,287 |
11,564,287 |
Generalriskprovisions |
110,628 |
110,628 |
Retainedearnings |
15,658,133 |
25,983,437 |
Totalowners'equity(orshareholders'equity)attributabletoequityshareholdersoftheparentcompany |
67,991,228 |
77,582,421 |
Non-controllinginterests |
5,194,668 |
6,231,709 |
Totalowners'equity(orshareholders'equity) |
73,185,896 |
83,814,130 |
Totalliabilitiesandowners'equity(orshareholders'equity) |
287,445,792 |
284,070,710 |
Person in charge of the Company: Mr. Song Zhiyong
Person in charge of accounting function: Mr. Xiao Feng
Person in charge of accounting department: Mr. Zhan Zhong
January to September 2021
Prepared by Air China Limited
Unit: RMB'000 (Unaudited)
Items |
Firstthreequartersof2021 (January toSeptember) |
Firstthreequartersof2020 (January toSeptember) |
I. Totalrevenuefromoperations |
57,457,425 |
48,454,050 |
Including: Operatingincome InterestincomePremiumearned Feesandcommissionincome |
57,457,425 |
48,454,050 |
II. Totaloperatingcost |
73,584,421 |
61,471,267 |
Including: Operatingcosts |
63,149,708 |
52,945,632 |
Interestexpenses |
Feesandcommissionexpenses |
Returnedpremium |
Netreimbursementpaid |
Netamountsofprovisionsoninsurance obligationsdrawn |
Bonuspaidoninsurancepolicy |
Reinsurancepremium |
Taxesandotherlevies |
188,691 |
153,033 |
Sellingexpenses |
3,316,364 |
2,967,568 |
Generalandadministrativeexpenses |
3,244,237 |
2,737,019 |
R&Dexpenses |
92,814 |
223,392 |
Financeexpenses |
3,592,607 |
2,444,623 |
Including:Interestexpenses |
4,052,386 |
3,830,249 |
Interestincome |
63,887 |
107,760 |
Add:Otherincome |
2,919,449 |
2,989,572 |
Investmentincome(lossisrepresentedby"-"sign) |
-1,592,710 |
-3,666,326 |
Including:Investmentincomefromassociates andjointventures |
-1,648,727 |
-3,713,229 |
Derecognitionofgainsonfinancialassets measuredatamortisedcost |
Exchangegains(lossisrepresentedby"-"sign) |
Gainsfromnetexposuretohedging (loss is represented by "-" sign) |
Gainsfromchangesinfairvalue(lossisrepresentedby"-"sign) |
Impairmentlossofcredit (lossisrepresentedby"-"sign) |
100,850 |
70,165 |
Impairmentlossofassets(lossisrepresented by"-"sign) |
-5,027 |
-137 |
Gainsfromdisposalofassets(lossisrepresented by"-"sign) |
25,796 |
29,079 |
Items |
Firstthreequartersof2021 (January toSeptember) |
Firstthreequartersof2020 (January toSeptember) |
III. Profitfromoperations(lossisrepresentedby"-"sign) |
-14,678,638 |
-13,594,864 |
Add:Non-operatingincome |
88,974 |
132,287 |
Less:Non-operatingexpenses |
55,917 |
106,516 |
IV. Totalprofit(totallossisrepresentedby"-"sign) |
-14,645,581 |
-13,569,093 |
Less:Incometaxexpenses |
-2,849,163 |
-2,107,276 |
V. Netprofit(netlossisrepresentedby"-"sign) |
-11,796,418 |
-11,461,817 |
(I) Classifiedbycontinuityofoperations |
1.Netprofitfromcontinuingoperations(netlossisrepresentedby"-"sign) |
-11,796,418 |
-11,461,817 |
2.Netprofitfromdiscontinuedoperation(netlossisrepresentedby"-"sign) |
(II)Classifiedbyownership |
1.Netprofitsattributabletoshareholdersoftheparent company(netlossisrepresentedby"-"sign) |
-10,321,667 |
-10,111,847 |
2.Profitorlossattributabletonon-controllinginterests (netlossisrepresentedby"-"sign) |
-1,474,751 |
-1,349,970 |
VI. Othercomprehensiveincomeaftertaxation,net |
702,188 |
-1,403,285 |
(I)Othercomprehensiveincomeaftertaxationattributable toshareholdersoftheparentcompany,net |
730,474 |
-1,386,552 |
1.Othercomprehensiveincomethatcannotbesubsequently reclassifiedtoprofitorloss |
-20,066 |
-123,665 |
(1)Changesarisingonremeasurementofdefinedbenefitplans |
-1,594 |
-3,324 |
(2)Othercomprehensiveincomeaccountedforusingtheequity methodthatcannotbereclassifiedtoprofitorloss |
-3,858 |
-103,423 |
(3)Changeinfairvalueofinvestmentsinotherequityinstruments |
-14,614 |
-16,918 |
(4)ChangeinfairvalueofowncreditriskoftheCompany |
Items |
Firstthreequartersof2021 (January toSeptember) |
Firstthreequartersof2020 (January toSeptember) |
2.Othercomprehensiveincomethatwillbereclassified toprofitorloss |
750,540 |
-1,262,887 |
(1)Othercomprehensiveincomeaccountedforusingtheequity methodthatmaybereclassifiedtoprofitorloss |
879,233 |
-885,536 |
(2)Changeinfairvalueofotherdebtinvestments |
-388 |
-8,011 |
(3)Amountoffinancialassetsreclassifiedintoother comprehensiveincome |
(4)Provisionsforcreditimpairmentofotherdebtinvestments |
-3,404 |
17,511 |
(5)Reserveforcashflowhedging |
(6)Exchangedifferenceontranslationoffinancialstatements inforeigncurrency |
-124,901 |
-386,851 |
(7)Others |
(II)Othercomprehensiveincomeaftertaxationattributableto non-controllinginterests,net |
-28,286 |
-16,733 |
VII. Totalcomprehensiveincome |
-11,094,230 |
-12,865,102 |
(I)Totalcomprehensiveincomeattributabletoshareholders oftheparentcompany |
-9,591,193 |
-11,498,399 |
(II)Totalcomprehensiveincomeattributabletonon-controlling interests |
-1,503,037 |
-1,366,703 |
VIII. Earningspershare: |
(I) Basicearningspershare-RMBpershare |
-0.75 |
-0.74 |
(II)Dilutedearningspershare-RMBpershare |
N/A |
N/A |
For business combination under common control during the Period, the net profit of merged party before the business combination is Nil, and the net profit of the merged party for the last period is Nil.
Person in charge of the Company: Mr. Song Zhiyong
Person in charge of accounting function: Mr. Xiao Feng
Person in charge of accounting department: Mr. Zhan Zhong
January to September 2021
Prepared by Air China Limited
Unit: RMB'000 (Unaudited)
Items |
Firstthreequartersof2021 (January toSeptember) |
Firstthreequartersof2020 (January toSeptember) |
I. Cashflowsfromoperatingactivities: |
Cashreceivedfromsalesofgoodsandprovisionofservices |
61,020,442 |
44,861,340 |
Netincreaseindepositsfromclientsandplacementsfrombanks |
Netincreaseinborrowingsfromcentralbank |
Netincreaseinborrowingsfromotherfinancialinstitutions |
Cashreceivedfrompremiumsoforiginalinsurancecontracts |
Netcashreceiptfromreinsuranceoperations |
Netincreaseinreserveoftheinsuredandinvestment |
Cashreceivedfrominterest,feesandcommission |
Netincreaseincontributionsreceived |
Netincreaseincashfromrepurchaseoperations |
Netcashreceiptfromsecuritiestradingasagent |
Refundoftaxesandlevies |
13,275 |
24,206 |
Othercashreceivedrelatingtooperatingactivities |
6,962,870 |
4,873,350 |
Subtotalofcashinflowsofoperatingactivities |
67,996,587 |
49,758,896 |
Cashpaidforgoodspurchasedandservicesreceived |
34,568,979 |
30,033,412 |
Netincreaseinloansandadvancestoclients |
Netincreaseindepositsincentralbankandotherbanks |
Cashpaidinrespectofclaimsunderoriginalinsurancecontracts |
Netincreaseincontributionsmade |
Cashpaidforinterest,feesandcommissions |
Cashpaidforbonuspaidoninsurancepolicy |
Cashpaidtooronbehalfofemployees |
17,412,815 |
16,862,435 |
Taxesandleviespaid |
1,318,399 |
1,495,050 |
Othercashpaidrelatingtooperatingactivities |
4,545,101 |
3,152,563 |
Subtotalofcashoutflowsfromoperatingactivities |
57,845,294 |
51,543,460 |
Netcashflowsfromoperatingactivities |
10,151,293 |
-1,784,564 |
Items |
Firstthreequartersof2021 (January toSeptember) |
Firstthreequartersof2020 (January toSeptember) |
II. Cashflowsfrominvestingactivities: |
Cashreceivedfromsaleandredemptionofinvestments |
1,681,058 |
Recoveryofthesecuredbankdeposits |
25,579 |
1,713 |
Cashreceivedfrominvestmentincome |
27,120 |
17,350 |
Netcashproceedsfromdisposaloffixedassets,intangibleassetsand otherlong-termassets |
105,047 |
101,728 |
Netcashproceedsfromdisposalofsubsidiariesandotherbusiness units |
Othercashreceivedrelatingtoinvestingactivities |
63,887 |
107,760 |
Subtotalofcashinflowsfrominvestingactivities |
1,902,691 |
228,551 |
Cashpaidforpurchaseandconstructionoffixedassets,intangible assetsandotherlong-termassets |
3,051,141 |
8,836,759 |
Cashpaidforinvestments |
4,322,061 |
Netincreaseinsecuredloans |
Netcashpaymentsforacquisitionofsubsidiariesand otherbusinessunits |
Increaseinsecuredbankdeposits |
14,761 |
1,633 |
Othercashpaidrelatingtoinvestingactivities |
Subtotalofcashoutflowsfrominvestingactivities |
3,065,902 |
13,160,453 |
Netcashflowsfrominvestingactivities |
-1,163,211 |
-12,931,902 |
Items |
Firstthreequartersof2021 (January toSeptember) |
Firstthreequartersof2020 (January toSeptember) |
III. Cashflowsfromfinancingactivities: |
Cashreceivedfromcapitalinjection |
Including:Cashreceivedfromcapitalinjectionofminority shareholders insubsidiaries |
Cashreceivedfromissuanceofdebentures |
6,300,000 |
29,300,000 |
Cashreceivedfromborrowings |
36,016,349 |
42,857,458 |
Cashreceivedfromcapitalinjection |
490,148 |
Othercashreceivedrelatingtofinancingactivities |
Subtotalofcashinflowsfromfinancingactivities |
42,806,497 |
72,157,458 |
Cashpaidforrepaymentofborrowings |
27,741,688 |
23,350,268 |
Cashpaidforrepaymentofdebentures |
5,700,000 |
19,100,000 |
Cashpaidfordistributionofdividends,profitsorpaymentofinterest expenses |
4,184,910 |
4,447,319 |
Including:Dividendsandprofitspaidtominorityshareholdersby subsidiaries |
24,152 |
16,477 |
Cashpaidforleases |
11,211,366 |
10,454,908 |
Othercashpaidrelatingtofinancingactivities |
Subtotalofcashoutflowsfromfinancingactivities |
48,837,964 |
57,352,495 |
Netcashflowsfromfinancingactivities |
- 6,031,467 |
14,804,963 |
IV. Effectofexchangeratechangesoncashand cashequivalents |
-26,438 |
-28,661 |
V. Netincreaseincashandcashequivalents |
2,930,177 |
59,836 |
Add:Balanceofcashandcashequivalentsasatthebeginning ofthePeriod |
5,837,998 |
8,935,282 |
VI. Balanceofcashandcashequivalentsasattheend ofthePeriod |
8,768,175 |
8,995,118 |
Person in charge of the Company: Mr. Song Zhiyong
Person in charge of accounting function: Mr. Xiao Feng
Person in charge of accounting department: Mr. Zhan Zhong
Particulars in relation to adjustments made to the financial statements as at the beginning
of the year for the initial implementation of New Lease Standard since 2021
Applicable √ Not applicable
By Order of the Board
Air China Limited
Huang Bin Huen Ho Yin
Joint Company Secretaries
Beijing, the PRC, 29 October 2021
As at the date of this announcement, the directors of the Company are Mr. Song Zhiyong, Mr. Ma Chongxian, Mr. Feng Gang, Mr. Patrick Healy, Mr. Xue Yasong, Mr. Duan Hongyi*, Mr. Stanley Hui Hon-chung* and Mr. Li Dajin*.
* Independent non-executive director of the Company