Annual Financial Report

Annual Financial Report

Albion Development VCT PLC

As required by the UK Listing Authority's Disclosure and Transparency Rules 4.1 and 6.3, Albion Development VCT PLC today makes public its information relating to the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2012.

This announcement was approved for release by the Board of Directors on 4 April 2013.

This announcement has not been audited.

You will shortly be able to view the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year to 31 December 2012 (which have been audited) at: by clicking on 'Our Funds' and then 'Albion Development VCT PLC'. The Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year to 31 December 2012 will be available as a PDF document via a link under the 'Investor Centre' in the 'Financial Reports and Circulars' section. The information contained in the Annual Report and Financial Statements will include information as required by the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, including Rule 4.1.

Investment objectives

Albion Development VCT PLC (the "Company") is a venture capital trust which raised a total of £33.3 million through an issue of shares between 1999 and 2004. The C shares merged with the Ordinary shares in 2007.

A further £6.3 million was raised through an issue of new D shares in 2009/2010 and £3.5 million was raised for the Ordinary shares through the Albion VCTs Top Up Offers in 2011 and 2012. The funds raised will be invested in accordance with the Company's existing investment policy.

The Company's investment policy is intended to provide investors with a regular and predictable source of dividend income combined with the prospects of long term capital growth. This is achieved by establishing a diversified portfolio of holdings in smaller, unquoted companies whilst at the same time selecting and structuring investments in such a way as to reduce the risks normally associated with investment in such companies. It is intended that this will be achieved as follows:

- Through investment in a number of higher risk companies with greater growth prospects in sectors such as software and computer services, and medical technology.

- This is balanced by investment in lower risk, often asset-backed investments that provide a strong income stream combined with a protection of capital. These include freehold-based businesses in the leisure sector, such as pubs and health clubs, as well as stable and profitable businesses in other sectors including business services and healthcare. Such investments will constitute the majority of investments by cost.

- In neither category do investee companies normally have any external borrowings with a prior charge ranking ahead of the VCT.

- Up to two-thirds of qualifying investments by cost comprise loan stock secured with a first charge on the investee company's assets.

Financial calendar

Record date for first dividend 3 May 2013
Payment of first dividend 31 May 2013
Annual General Meeting 11am 6 June 2013
Announcement of half-yearly results for the six months ending 30 June 2013 August 2013
Payment of second dividend subject to Board approval 30 September 2013

Financial highlights

Ordinary shares

141.75p Net asset value plus dividends per Ordinary share from launch to 31 December 2012
5.00p   Total tax free dividends per Ordinary share paid in the year to 31 December 2012
2.50p First tax free dividend per Ordinary share declared for the year to 31 December 2013
74.00p Net asset value per Ordinary share as at 31 December 2012
6.0% Annualised return per Ordinary share since launch including tax relief

D shares

104.90p Net asset value plus dividends per D share from launch to 31 December 2012
3.50p   Total tax free dividends per D share paid in the year to 31 December 2012
2.50p First tax free dividend per D share declared for the year to 31 December 2013
97.90p Net asset value per D share as at 31 December 2012
17.9% Annualised return per D share since launch including tax relief


Ordinary sharesD shares
31 December 2012
pence per share
31 December 2011
pence per share
31 December 2012
pence per share
31 December 2011
pence per share
Dividends paid 5.00 5.00 3.50 2.50
Revenue return 1.50 1.40 1.90 1.60
Capital gain 2.00 3.30 6.50 0.90
Net asset value 74.00 75.50 97.90 93.00

Total shareholder net asset value return to 31 December 2012:

31 December
pence per share (ii)
C shares
31 December 2012
pence per share(ii)
D shares
31 December 2012
pence per share(ii)
Total dividends paid during the year ended:  31 December 1999(i)1.00--
                                                                    31 December 2000 2.90--
                                                                     31 December 2001 3.95--
                                                                     31 December 2002 4.20--
                                                                      31 December 2003(iii)4.500.75-
                                                                     31 December 2004 4.002.00-
                                                                     31 December 2005 5.205.90-
                                                                    31 December 2006 3.004.50-
31 December 2007(iv)5.005.36-
31 December 2008 12.0012.86-
31 December 2009 4.004.29-
31 December 2010 8.008.581.00
31 December 2011 5.005.362.50
31 December 2012 5.005.363.50
Total dividends paid to 31 December 201267.7554.967.00
Net asset value as at 31 December 201274.0079.2997.90
Total shareholder net asset value return to 31 December 2012141.75134.25104.90

In addition to the dividends paid above, the Board has declared a first dividend for the year ending 31 December 2013, of 2.50 pence per Ordinary share and 2.50 pence per D share payable on 31 May 2013 to shareholders on the register at 3 May 2013.

(i) Assuming subscription for Ordinary shares by the First Closing on 26 January 1999.
(ii) Excludes tax benefits upon subscription.
(iii) Those subscribing for C shares after 30 June 2003 were not entitled to the interim dividend.
(iv) The C shares were converted into Ordinary shares on 31 March 2007, with a conversion of 1.0715 Ordinary shares for each C share. The net asset value per share and all dividends paid subsequent to the conversion of the C shares to the Ordinary shares are multiplied by the conversion factor of 1.0715 in respect of the C shares return, in order to give an accurate picture of the shareholder value since launch relating to the C shares.


Chairman's statement

The results for Albion Development VCT PLC for the year to 31 December 2012, showed a total return of 3.5 pence per Ordinary share and 8.4 pence per D share. The return is slightly lower for the Ordinary shares compared with the previous year, though there was a pleasing increase in income. The particularly strong performance of the D shares reflects an uplift in valuation of the asset-based businesses in which we have invested in recent years.

Investment performance and progress
The Ordinary shares investment return benefitted from the sale of our five cinema investments which realised a total return of 2.3 times cost. In addition, there were further improved performances from Process Systems Enterprise, Mirada Medical, Lowcosttravel, Dysis Medical and a further uplift in the third party professional valuation of Radnor House School. Our investment in Nelson House Hospital was sold subsequent to the year end; the total return on this investment (whose proceeds are largely reflected in the year end valuation) amounted to 1.4 times cost, and an annualised return of over 20 per cent. per annum. Against this, there were disappointing reductions in the value of Helveta, which required further finance, and Prime Care Holdings.

During the year, £3.2 million was invested in the Ordinary share portfolio of which £1.7 million went to build up further the portfolio of renewable energy investments. Just over £784,000 was invested in the D share portfolio.

Between them, businesses in the Albion VCTs portfolio of incestments employ over 3,900 people. These companies export more than £110 million of goods and spend in excess of £8 million on research and development annually.

Risks and uncertainties
The outlook for the UK and the global economies continues to be the key risk affecting your Company, neither of which are showing material growth. The task of the Manager is to allocate resources to those sectors and opportunities where growth can continue, despite the broader difficult economic climate. Importantly, however, investment risk is mitigated through a variety of processes including our policy of ensuring that the VCT has a first charge over portfolio companies' assets wherever possible.

A detailed analysis of the other risks and uncertainties facing the business is set out in note 23.

Discount management and share buy-backs
It remains the Board's policy to buy-back shares in the market, subject to the overall constraint that such purchases are in the Company's interest, including the maintenance of sufficient resources for investment in new and existing portfolio companies and the continued payment of dividends to shareholders.  It is the Board's intention for such buy-backs to be in the region of 5 per cent. discount to net asset value, so far as market conditions and liquidity permit.

During the year, the Company cancelled 39,396 Ordinary shares from treasury and purchased 765,436 Ordinary shares for cancellation at a cost of £499,000.

Transactions with Manager
Details of transactions that took place with the Manager during the year can be found in note 5.

Post balance sheet events
Details of post balance sheet events can be found in note 21.

Results and dividends
As at 31 December 2012, the net asset value was 74.0 pence per Ordinary share and 97.9 pence per D share. The revenue return before taxation was £613,000 for the Ordinary shares and £164,000 for the D shares compared to previous year's returns of £539,000 for the Ordinary shares and £130,000 for the D shares.

The Company will pay a first dividend for the financial year to 31 December 2013 of 2.50 pence per Ordinary share and 2.50 pence per D share on 31 May 2013 to shareholders on the register on 3 May 2013.

Albion VCTs Top Up Offers 2012/13
On 19 October 2012, the Company announced the launch of the Albion VCTs Top Up Offers 2012/13. In aggregate, the Albion VCTs will be aiming to raise approximately £15 million across six of the VCTs managed by Albion Ventures LLP, of which Albion Development VCT PLC's share will be approximately £2.5 million. This builds on the success of the previous two Albion VCTs Top Up Offers, which raised £22 million, of which Albion Development VCT's share was £3.2 million.

The proceeds of the Offer will be used to provide further resources to the VCT at a time when a number of attractive new investment opportunities are being seen.  An Investor Guide and Offer document have been sent to shareholders and can be obtained from

Board change
David Pinckney, who has been a Director since the VCT's launch, has given notice that he will be retiring from the Board at the AGM in June, and on behalf of all shareholders I would like to thank him for his many years of wise counsel. The process for recruiting a replacement has begun.

Outlook and prospects
Despite the difficult outlook for the UK and global economies, a number of our portfolio companies have real prospects for sustained growth and strong value creation. Meanwhile, we continue to rebalance our investment portfolio to provide more emphasis on areas that we see as being more resilient, in particular renewable energy, which in due course will account for up to 20 per cent. of net assets.

Geoffrey Vero
4 April 2013

Manager's report

The sector analysis of Albion Development VCT PLC's Ordinary share and D share investment portfolios as at 31 December 2012 are at the end of this announcement. 

As at 31 December 2012, the healthcare element (prior to the sale of Nelson House Hospital) accounted for 15 per cent. of Ordinary shares fixed asset investment portfolio (2011: 14 per cent.), while the renewable energy portion is now 12 per cent., up from 7 per cent. at the previous year end. For the D shares, healthcare is now 26 per cent. (2011: 15 per cent.) and renewable energy is 25 per cent. of the portfolio (2011: 27 per cent.). Asset-backed investments account for 56 per cent. and growth investments for 44 per cent. of the Ordinary share fixed asset investment portfolio by valuation (excluding cash and liquid assets). Asset-backed investments account for 82 per cent. and growth investments account for 18 per cent. of the D share fixed asset investment portfolio by valuation (excluding cash and liquid assets).

Portfolio review
Amongst the higher growth and technology investments, Lowcosttravel showed particular growth, despite the difficult retail environment, as purchasers of holidays moved increasingly online. Process Systems Enterprise also showed strong growth and now counts five of the six global oil majors amongst its clients. Opta Sports Data has become the European leader in sports performance data while Mirada Medical, Dysis Medical and Masters showed the potential for strong further growth and uplifts in value.

The key reductions in value within the portfolio were, again, our investments in Helveta, Consolidated  and Prime Care. Helveta and Consolidated face difficult market conditions, while growth in Prime Care has been affected by cuts in local authority spending.

In our asset-backed portfolio, our five cinemas were sold at a profit, including income received, of 2.3 times the original cost of £1.5 million. Meanwhile, the second year of operation of Radnor House School continued the strong progress of the first year. The school now has 240 pupils, is profitable, and growth has been sufficient to justify a further increase in the professional valuation.

Our renewable energy projects meanwhile are producing electricity according to plan and are becoming a strongly cash-generative part of the portfolio. Our investment in Nelson House Hospital was also sold subsequent to the year end, realising a total return of 1.4 times cost and an annualised return of over 20 per cent. per annum.

New investments
During the year £1.7 million was invested in renewable energy projects; ultimately this sector will amount to up to 20 per cent. of the combined Ordinary and D share portfolio. Our investments in this sector now cover the four technologies of solar, wind, biogas and hydro. A total of £194,000 was invested in AMS Life Sciences in order to complete its restructuring, and to support further growth in Bravo II, Process Systems Enterprise, Dysis and Mi-Pay. An initial £106,000 and £37,000 was invested for the Ordinary and D share portfolios in Proveca, a developer of paediatric drugs. 

Albion Ventures LLP                                                                                                                                         
4 April 2013

Responsibility Statement

In preparing these financial statements for the year to 31 December 2012, the Directors of the Company, being Geoffrey Vero, David Pinckney, Jonathan Thornton and Andrew Phillipps, confirm that to the best of their knowledge: 

- summary financial information contained in this announcement and the full Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2012 for the Company has been prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UK Accounting Standards and applicable law) and give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit and loss of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2012 as required by DTR 4.1.12.R;

 - the Chairman's statement and Manager's report include a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R (indication of important events during the year ended 31 December 2012 and description of principal risks and uncertainties that the Company faces); and

 - the Chairman's statement and Manager's report include a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R (disclosure of related parties transactions and changes therein).

 A detailed Statement of Directors' responsibilities for the preparation of the Company's financial statements" is contained within the full audited Annual Report and Financial Statements.

By order of the Board

Geoffrey Vero
4 April 2013

Income statement

Year ended 31 December 2012
Year ended 31 December 2011
RevenueCapitalTotal Revenue Capital Total
Note£'000£'000£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Gains on investments 3 -1,4101,410 - 1,421 1,421
Investment income 4 1,177-1,177 1,038 - 1,038
Investment management fees 5 (165)(499)(664) (162) (484) (646)
Other expenses 6 (235)-(235) (207) - (207)
Return on ordinary activities before tax7779111,688 669 937 1,606
Tax (charge)/credit on ordinary activities 8 (172)128(44) (152) 126 (26)
Return attributable to shareholders6051,0391,644 517 1,063 1,580

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Financial Statements.

The total column of this Income statement represents the profit and loss account of the Company. The supplementary revenue and capital columns have been prepared in accordance with The Association of Investment Companies' Statement of Recommended Practice.

All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.

There are no recognised gains or losses other than the results for the year disclosed above. Accordingly a Statement of total recognised gains and losses is not required.

The difference between the reported profit on ordinary activities before tax and the historical profit is due to the fair value movements on investments. As a result a note on historical cost profit and losses has not been prepared.

Disclosure of basic and diluted earnings per share is given in the underlying Ordinary and D share Income statements on the following pages.

Income statement (non-statutory analysis)

Ordinary shares
Year ended 31 December 2012
Ordinary shares
Year ended 31 December 2011
RevenueCapitalTotal Revenue Capital Total
Note£'000£'000£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Gains on investments 3 -921921 - 1,289 1,289
Investment income 4 928-928 827 - 827
Investment management fees 5 (132)(396)(528) (129) (385) (514)
Other expenses 6 (183)-(183) (159) - (159)
Return on ordinary activities before tax6135251,138 539 904 1,443
Tax (charge)/credit on ordinary activities 8 (132)101(31) (120) 100 (20)
Return attributable to shareholders4816261,107 419 1,004 1,423
Basic and diluted return per share (pence)* 10 1.502.003.50 1.40 3.30 4.70

D shares
Year ended 31 December 2012
D shares
Year ended 31 December 2011
RevenueCapitalTotal Total Capital Total
Note£'000£'000£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Gains on investments 3 -489489 - 132 132
Investment income 4 249-249 211 - 211
Investment management fees 5 (33)(103)(136) (33) (99) (132)
Other expenses 6 (52)-(52) (48) - (48)
Return on ordinary activities before tax164386550 130 33 163
Tax (charge)/credit on ordinary activities 8 (40)27(13) (32) 26 (6)
Return attributable to shareholders124413537 98 59 157
Basic and diluted return per share (pence)* 10 1.906.508.40 1.60 0.90 2.50

* excluding treasury shares
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Financial Statements.

Balance sheet  

31 December 2012
31 December 2011
Note£'000 £'000
Fixed asset investments 11 22,540 21,113
Current assets
Trade and other debtors 13 282 131
Current asset investments 13 530 637
Cash at bank and in hand 17 7,131 7,195
7,943 7,963
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 14 (378) (262)
Net current assets7,565 7,701
Net assets30,105 28,814
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 15 421 20,088
Share premium 392 636
Capital redemption reserve 2 1,917
Unrealised capital reserve (2,046) (3,143)
Realised capital reserve 3,326 2,713
Other distributable reserve 28,010 6,603
Total equity shareholders' funds30,105 28,814

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Financial Statements.

Disclosure of basic and diluted net asset value per share is given in the underlying Ordinary and D shares Balance sheets on the following pages.

These Financial Statements were approved by the Board of Directors, and authorised for issue on 4 April 2013 and were signed on its behalf by

Geoffrey Vero

Company number: 03654040

Balance sheet   (non-statutory analysis)

Ordinary shares
31 December 2012
Ordinary shares
31 December 2011
Note£'000 £'000
Fixed asset investments 11 17,606 17,147
Current assets
Trade and other debtors 13 202 101
Current asset investments 13 30 137
Cash at bank and in hand 17 6,309 5,734
6,541 5,972
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 14 (287) (214)
Net current assets6,254 5,758
Net assets23,860 22,905
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 15 357 16,912
Share premium 383 631
Capital redemption reserve 2 1,917
Unrealised capital reserve (2,661) (3,269)
Realised capital reserve 3,514 2,825
Other distributable reserve 22,265 3,889
Total equity shareholders' funds23,860 22,905
Basic and diluted net asset value per share (pence)* 16 74.00 75.50

* excluding treasury shares

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Financial Statements.

Balance sheet   (non-statutory analysis)

D shares
31 December 2012
D shares
31 December 2011
Note£'000 £'000
Fixed asset investments 11 4,934 3,966
Current assets
Trade and other debtors 13 80 30
Current asset investments 13 500 500
Cash at bank and in hand 17 822 1,461
1,402 1,991
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 14 (91) (48)
Net current assets1,311 1,943
Net assets6,245 5,909
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 15 64 3,176
Share premium 9 5
Unrealised capital reserve 615 126
Realised capital reserve (188) (112)
Other distributable reserve 5,745 2,714
Total equity shareholders' funds6,245 5,909
Basic and diluted net asset value per share (pence)* 16 97.90 93.00

* excluding treasury shares
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these Financial Statements.

Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

Called-up share
Share premiumCapital redemption reserveUnrealised capital reserve*Realised capital reserve*Other distributable reserve*Total
As at 1 January 201220,0886361,917(3,143)2,7136,60328,814
Return/(loss) for the year - - - 1,058 (19) 605 1,644
Transfer of unrealised losses to realised losses - - - 39 (39) - -
Reduction in share capital and cancellation of capital redemption and share premium reserves** (20,446) (1,139) (2,204) - - 23,789 -
Cancellation of treasury shares (20) - 20 - - - -
Purchase of own shares for cancellation (269) - 269 - - (499) (499)
Issue of equity (net of costs) 1,068 895 - - - - 1,963
Transfer from other distributable reserve to realised capital reserve - - - - 671 (671) -
Dividends paid - - - - - (1,817) (1,817)
As at 31 December 20124213922(2,046)3,32628,01030,105

Called-up share
Share premium Capital redemption reserve Unrealised capital reserve* Realised capital reserve* Other distributable reserve* Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
As at 1 January 2011 19,388 37 1,426 (5,063) 2,860 9,270 27,918
Return for the year - - - 81 982 517 1,580
Transfer of unrealised losses  to realised losses - - - 1,839 (1,839) - -
Purchase of own treasury shares - - - - - (462) (462)
Cancellation of treasury shares (250) - 250 - - - -
Purchase of own shares for cancellation (241) - 241 - - (306) (306)
Issue of equity (net of costs) 1,191 599 - - - - 1,790
Transfer from other distributable reserve to realised capital reserve - - - - 711 (711) -
Dividends paid - - - - - (1,705) (1,705)
As at 31 December 2011 20,088 636 1,917 (3,143) 2,713 6,603 28,814

* Included within these reserves is an amount of £29,290,000 (2011: £6,173,000) which is considered distributable.

** The reduction in the nominal value of shares from 50 pence to 1 penny and the cancellation of the capital redemption and share premium reserves (as approved by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting held on 15 June 2012 and by order of the Court dated 11 July 2012) has increased the value of distributable reserves.

The special reserve, treasury shares reserve and the revenue reserve have been combined in the Balance sheet to form a single reserve named other distributable reserve for both the current and prior year. The Directors consider the combination of these reserves enhances the clarity of financial reporting. More details regarding treasury shares can be found in note 15.

A transfer of £671,000 (2011: £711,000) representing gross realised losses on disposal of investments during the year ended 31 December 2012 has been made from the other distributable reserve to the realised capital reserve.

Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
Ordinary shares (non-statutory analysis)

Called-up share
Share premiumCapital redemption reserveUnrealised capital reserve*Realised capital reserve*Other distributable reserve*Total
As at 1 January 201216,9126311,917(3,269)2,8253,88922,905
Return for the year - - - 569 57 481 1,107
Transfer of unrealised losses  to realised losses - - - 39 (39) - -
Reduction of share capital and cancellation of capital redemption and share premium reserves** (17,327) (1,129) (2,204) - - 20,660 -
Cancellation of treasury shares (20) - 20 - - - -
Purchase of own shares for cancellation (269) - 269 - - (499) (499)
Issue of equity (net of costs) 1,061 881 - - - - 1,942
Transfer from other distributable reserve to realised capital reserve - - - - 671 (671) -
Dividends paid - - - - - (1,595) (1,595)
As at 31 December 20123573832(2,661)3,51422,26523,860
Called-up share
Share premium Capital redemption reserve Unrealised capital reserve* Realised capital reserve* Other distributable reserve* Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
As at 1 January 2011 16,220 37 1,426 (5,083) 2,924 6,496 22,020
(Loss)/return for the year - - - (25) 1,029 419 1,423
Transfer of unrealised losses  to realised losses - - - 1,839 (1,839) - -
Purchase of own treasury shares - - - - - (462) (462)
Cancellation of treasury shares (250) - 250 - - - -
Purchase of own shares for cancellation (241) - 241 - - (306) (306)
Issue of equity (net of costs) 1,183 594 - - - - 1,777
Transfer from other distributable reserve to realised capital reserve - - - - 711 (711) -
Dividends paid - - - - - (1,547) (1,547)
As at 31 December 2011 16,912 631 1,917 (3,269) 2,825 3,889 22,905

* Included within these reserves is an amount of £23,118,000 (2011: £3,445,000) which is considered distributable.

** The reduction in the nominal value of shares from 50 pence to 1 penny and the cancellation of the capital redemption and share premium reserves (as approved by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting held on 15 June 2012 and by order of the Court dated 11 July 2012) has increased the value of distributable reserves.

The special reserve, treasury shares reserve and the revenue reserve have been combined in the Balance sheet to form a single reserve named other distributable reserves for both the current and prior year. The Directors consider the combination of these reserves enhances the clarity of financial reporting. More details regarding treasury shares can be found in note 15.

A transfer of £671,000 (2011: £711,000) representing gross realised losses on disposal of investments during the year ended 31 December 2012 has been made from the other distributable reserve to the realised capital reserve.

Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
D shares (non-statutory analysis)

Called-up share
Share premiumUnrealised capital reserveRealised capital reserve*Other distributable reserve*Total
As at 1 January 20123,1765126(112)2,7145,909
Return/(loss) for the year - - 489 (76) 124 537
Reduction in share capital and cancellation of share premium reserve** (3,119) (10) - - 3,129 -
Issue of equity (net of costs) 7 14 - - - 21
Dividends paid - - - - (222) (222)
As at 31 December 2012649615(188)5,7456,245

Called-up share
Share premium Unrealised capital reserve Realised capital reserve* Other distributable reserve* Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
As at 1 January 2011 3,168 - 20 (64) 2,774 5,898
Return/(loss) for the year - - 106 (47) 98 157
Issue of equity (net of costs) 8 5 - - - 13
Dividends paid - - - - (158) (158)
As at 31 December 2011 3,176 5 126 (112) 2,714 5,909

* Included within these reserves is an amount of £5,557,000 (2011: £2,602,000) which is considered distributable.

** The reduction in the nominal value of shares from 50 pence to 1 penny and the cancellation of the share premium reserve (as approved by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting held on 15 June 2012 and by order of the Court dated 11 July 2012) has increased the value of distributable reserves.

The special reserve, treasury shares reserve and the revenue reserve have been combined in the Balance sheet to form a single reserve named other distributable reserve for both the current and prior year. The Directors consider the combination of these reserves enhances the clarity of financial reporting. More details regarding treasury shares can be found in note 15.

 Cash flow statement

Year ended
31 December 2012
Year ended
31 December 2011
Operating activities
Loan stock income received 1,144 873
Deposit interest received 104 93
Dividend income received - 19
Other income received - 1
Investment management fees paid (657) (643)
Other cash payments (224) (224)
Net cash flow from operating activities 18 367 119
UK corporation tax (paid)/recovered (24) 125
Capital expenditure and financial investments
Purchase of fixed asset investments (4,124) (5,311)
Disposal of fixed asset investments 3,904 4,932
Purchase of current asset investments - (500)
Disposal of current asset investments 171 -
Net cash flow from investing activities(49) (879)
Equity dividends paid
Dividends paid  (net of cost of shares issued under the Dividend Reinvestment Scheme) (1,678) (1,585)
Net cash flow before financing(1,384) (2,220)
Issue of share capital (net of costs) 1,824 1,671
Purchase of own shares (including costs) 15 (504) (768)
Net cash flow from financing1,320 903
Cash flow in the year 17 (64) (1,317)

Cash flow statement (non-statutory analysis)

NoteOrdinary shares
Year ended
31 December 2012
Ordinary shares
Year ended
31 December 2011
Operating activities
Loan stock income received 906 755
Deposit interest received 70 55
Dividend income received - 19
Other income received - 1
Investment management fees paid (523) (511)
Other cash payments (175) (174)
Net cash flow from operating activities 18 278 145
UK corporation tax (paid)/recovered (31) 125
Capital expenditure and financial investments
Purchase of fixed asset investments (3,304) (3,131)
Disposal of fixed asset investments 3,618 4,906
Disposal of current asset investments 171 -
Net cash flow from investing activities485 1,775
Equity dividends paid
Dividends paid (net of cost of shares issued under Dividend Reinvestment Scheme) (1,477) (1,441)
Net cash flow before financing(745) 604
Issue of share capital (net of costs) 1,824 1,671
Purchase of own shares 15 (504) (768)
Net cash flow from financing1,320 903
Cash flow in the year 17 575 1,507

Cash flow statement (non-statutory analysis)

NoteD  shares
Year ended
31 December 2012
D shares
Year ended
31 December 2011
Operating activities
Loan stock income received 238 118
Deposit interest received 34 38
Investment management fees paid (134) (132)
Other cash payments (49) (50)
Net cash flow from operating activities 18 89 (26)
UK corporation tax received7 -
Capital expenditure and financial investments
Purchase of fixed asset investments (820) (2,180)
Disposal of fixed asset investments 286 26
Purchase of current asset investments - (500)
Net cash flow from investing activities(534) (2,654)
Equity dividends paid
Dividends paid (net of cost of shares issued under the Dividend Reinvestment Scheme) (201) (144)
Net cash flow before financing(639) (2,824)
Cash flow in the year 17 (639) (2,824)

Notes to the Financial Statements

1. Accounting convention
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the historical cost convention, modified to include the revaluation of investments, in accordance with applicable United Kingdom law and accounting standards and with the Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" ("SORP") issued by The Association of Investment Companies ("AIC") in January 2009. Accounting policies have been applied consistently in current and prior periods, however to enhance clarity of financial reporting, during the year the special reserve, treasury share reserve and revenue reserve have been combined to create a single reserve named Other distributable reserve. This has also been applied to prior periods.

2. Accounting policies
Unquoted equity investments, debt issued at a discount, and convertible bonds
In accordance with FRS 26 "Financial Instruments Recognition and Measurement", unquoted equity, debt issued at a discount and convertible bonds are designated as fair value through profit or loss ("FVTPL"). Unquoted investments' fair value is determined by the Directors in accordance with the International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines (IPEVCV guidelines).

Fair value movements and gains and losses arising on the disposal of investments are reflected in the capital column of the Income statement in accordance with the AIC SORP. Realised gains or losses on the sale of investments will be reflected in the realised capital reserve, and unrealised gains or losses arising from the revaluation of investments will be reflected in the unrealised capital reserve.

Warrants and unquoted equity derived instruments
Warrants and unquoted equity derived instruments are only valued if there is deemed to be additional value to the Company in exercising or converting as at the balance sheet date. Otherwise these instruments are held at nil value. The valuation techniques used are those used for the underlying equity investment.

Unquoted loan stock
Unquoted loan stock (excluding debt issued at a discount and convertible bonds) is classified as loans and receivables as permitted by FRS 26 and measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method less impairment. Movements in the amortised cost relating to interest income are reflected in the revenue column of the Income statement, and hence are reflected in the other distributable reserve, and movements in respect of capital provisions are reflected in the capital column of the Income statement and are reflected in the realised capital reserve following sale, or in the unrealised capital reserve for impairments arising from revaluations of the fair value of the security.

For all unquoted loan stock, whether fully performing, past due or impaired, the Board considers that the fair value is equal to or greater than the security value of these assets. For unquoted loan stock, the amount of the impairment is the difference between the asset's cost and the present value of estimated future cash flows, discounted at the original effective interest rate. The future cash flows are estimated based on the fair value of the security less estimated selling costs.

Investments are recognised as financial assets on legal completion of the investment contract and are de-recognised on legal completion of the sale of an investment.

Dividend income is not recognised as part of the fair value movement of an investment, but is recognised separately as investment income through the other distributable reserve when a share becomes ex-dividend.

Loan stock accrued interest is recognised in the Balance sheet as part of the carrying value of the loans and receivables at the end of each reporting period.

In accordance with the exemptions under FRS 9 "Associates and joint ventures", those undertakings in which the Company holds more than 20 per cent. of the equity as part of an investment portfolio are not accounted for using the equity method.

Current asset investments
Contractual future contingent receipts on disposal of fixed asset investments are designated at fair value through profit or loss and are subsequently measured at fair value.

Fixed term deposits are classified as current asset investments as they are investments held for the short term. These are designated as loans and receivables and measured at amortised cost, which is considered to be equivalent to fair value.

Investment income
Unquoted equity income
Dividend income is included in the revenue column when the investment is quoted ex-dividend.

Unquoted loan stock income
Fixed returns on non-equity shares and debt securities are recognised on a time apportionment basis using an effective interest rate over the life of the financial instrument. Income which is not capable of being received within a reasonable period of time is reflected in the capital value of the investment.

Bank interest income
Interest income is recognised on an accruals basis using the rate of interest agreed with the bank.

Investment management fees and other expenses
All expenses have been accounted for on an accruals basis. Expenses are charged through the revenue column of the Income statement except the following which are charged through the realised capital reserve:

  • 75 per cent. of management fees are allocated to the revenue capital reserve in line with the Board's expectation that over the long term 75 per cent. of the Company's investment returns will be in the form of capital gains; and
  • expenses which are incidental to the purchase or disposal of an investment are charged through the realised capital reserve.

Performance incentive fee
In the event that a performance incentive fee crystallises, the fee will be allocated between revenue and realised capital reserves based upon the proportion to which the calculation of the fee is attributable to revenue and capital returns.

Taxation is applied on a current basis in accordance with FRS 16 "Current tax". Taxation associated with capital expenses is applied in accordance with the SORP. In accordance with FRS 19 "Deferred tax", deferred taxation is provided in full on timing differences that result in an obligation at the balance sheet date to pay more tax or a right to pay less tax, at a future date, at rates expected to apply when they crystallise based on current tax rates and law. Timing differences arise from the inclusion of items of income and expenditure in taxation computations in periods different from those in which they are included in the financial statements. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is regarded as more likely than not that they will be recovered. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not discounted.

In accordance with FRS 21 "Events after the balance sheet date", dividends declared by the Company are accounted for in the period in which the dividend has been paid or approved by shareholders in annual general meeting.

Share premium reserve
This reserve accounts for the difference between the price paid for shares and the nominal value of the shares, less issue costs and transfers to the other distributable reserve.

Capital redemption reserve
This reserve accounts for amounts by which the issued share capital is diminished through the repurchase and cancellation of the Company's own shares.

Unrealised capital reserve
Increases and decreases in the valuation of investments held at the year end against cost, are included in this reserve.

Other distributable reserve
The special reserve, treasury share reserve and the revenue reserve have been combined to form a single reserve named Other distributable reserve.

This reserve accounts for the movements from the revenue column of the Income statement, the payment of dividends, the buy-back of shares and other non capital realised movements.

Realised capital reserve
The following are disclosed in this reserve:

  • gains and losses compared to cost on the realisation of investments;
  • expenses, together with the related taxation effect, charged in accordance with the above policies; and
  • dividends paid to equity holders.

D shares
Until such time that D shares are converted into Ordinary shares, all investments and returns attributable to this class of share will be separately identifiable from the existing Ordinary shares. All residual expenses will be allocated in the ratio of the respective Net Asset Values of each class of share.

3. Gains on investments

Year ended 31 December 2012 Year ended 31 December 2011
Ordinary sharesD sharesTotal Ordinary shares D shares Total
£'000£'000£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Unrealised gains/(losses) on fixed asset investments held at fair value through profit or loss 569390959 266 (272) (6)
Unrealised (impairments)/reversals of impairments on fixed asset investments held at amortised cost (30)9969 (291) 378 87
5394891,028 (25) 106 81
Unrealised gains on current asset investments held at fair value through profit or loss account 30-30 - - -
Unrealised gains/(losses) sub-total5694891,058 (25) 106 81
Realised gains on investments held at fair value through profit or loss account 337-337 224 - 224
Realised (losses)/gains on investments held at amortised cost (19)-(19) 1,090 26 1,116
318-318 1,314 26 1,340
Realised gains on current asset investments held at fair value through profit or loss account 34-34 - - -
Realised gains sub total352-352 1,314 26 1,340
9214891,410 1,289 132 1,421

Investments measured at amortised cost are unquoted loan stock investments as described in note 2.

4. Investment income

Year ended 31 December 2012 Year ended 31 December 2011
Ordinary shares
D shares
Ordinary shares
D shares
Income recognised on investments held at fair value through profit or loss
Dividend income --- 19 - 19
Income from convertible bonds and discounted debt 15987246 37 54 91
15987246 56 54 110
Income recognised on investments held at amortised cost
Bank deposit interest 7231103 71 56 127
Return on loan stock investments 697131828 700 101 801
769162931 771 157 928
9282491,177 827 211 1,038

Interest income earned on impaired investments at 31 December 2012 amounted to £233,000 (2011: £98,000). These investments are all held at amortised cost.

5. Investment management fees

Year ended 31 December 2012 Year ended 31 December 2011
Ordinary shares £'000D shares £'000Total £'000 Ordinary shares £'000 D shares £'000 Total £'000
Investment management fee charged to revenue 13233165 129 33 162
Investment management fee charged to capital 396103499 385 99 484
528136664 514 132 646

Further details of the Management agreement under which the investment management fee is paid are given in the Directors' report on page 21 of the Annual Report and Financial Statements.

The Manager, Albion Ventures LLP, is party to a management agreement from the Company (details disclosed on page 21 of the Annual Report and Financial Statements). During the year, services of a total value of £664,000 (2011: £646,000) were purchased by the Company from Albion Ventures LLP in respect of management fees. At the financial year end, the amount due to Albion Ventures LLP disclosed as accruals was £169,000 (2011: £162,000).

During the year the Company raised new funds through the Albion VCTs Linked Top Up Offers 2011/2012 and the Albion VCTs Top Up Offers 2012/2013 as detailed in note 15. The total cost of the issue of these shares was 5.5 per cent. of the sums subscribed. Of these costs, amounts of £6,740  and £663 respectively were paid to the Manager, Albion Ventures LLP in respect of receiving agent services. There were no sums outstanding in respect of receiving agent services at the year end.

Albion Ventures LLP holds 331 fractional entitlement shares of the Company as a result of the conversion of C shares to Ordinary shares in March 2007. These shares will be sold for the benefit of the Company at a future date.

Albion Ventures LLP also holds 14,000 Ordinary shares having subscribed for them as a result of the failure of an original subscriber to pay cleared funds on initial subscription.

6. Other expenses

Year ended 31 December  2012 Year ended 31 December  2011
Ordinary sharesD sharesTotal Ordinary shares D shares Total
£'000£'000£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Directors' fees (including NIC) 691887 69 19 88
Other administrative expenses 9529124 73 23 96
Auditor's remuneration for statutory audit services (excluding VAT) 19524 17 6 23
18352235 159 48 207

7. Directors' fees
The amounts paid to and on behalf of Directors during the year are as follows:

Year ended 31 December  2012 Year ended 31 December 2011
Ordinary sharesD sharesTotal Ordinary shares D shares Total
£'000£'000£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Directors' fees 651782 64 18 82
National insurance 415 5 1 6
691887 69 19 88

Further information can be found in the Directors' remuneration report on page 30 of the Annual report and Financial Statements.

8. Tax (charge)/credit on ordinary activities

The Company's combined tax charge of £44,000 (2011: £26,000) is analysed between the two share classes as follows:

Year ended 31 December 2012 Year ended 31 December 2011
Ordinary sharesRevenue
UK corporation tax in respect of current year (149)101(48) (128) 100 (28)
UK corporation tax in respect of prior years 17-17 8 - 8
(132)101(31) (120) 100 (20)

Factors affecting the tax charge:

Ordinary sharesYear ended 31 December 2012 £'000 Year ended 31 December 2011£'000
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 1,138 1,443
Tax on profit at the standard rate of 24.5 per cent. (2011: 20 per cent.) (279) (292)
Factors affecting the charge:
Non-taxable profits 226 260
Non-taxable income - 4
Non-deductible expenses (4) -
Marginal relief 9 -
Adjustment in respect of prior years 17 8
(31) (20)

Year ended 31 December 2012 Year ended 31 December 2011
D sharesRevenue
UK corporation tax in respect of current year (40)27(13) (32) 26 (6)

Factors affecting the tax charge:

D sharesYear ended
31 December 2012
Year ended
31 December 2011
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 550 163
Tax on profit at the standard rate of 24.5 per cent. (2011: 20 per cent.) (135) (33)
Factors affecting the charge:
Non-taxable profits 120 27
Non-deductible expenses (1) -
Marginal relief 3 -
(13) (6)

The tax charge for the year shown in the Income statement is lower than the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK of 24.5 per cent. (2011: 20 per cent.). The differences are explained above.

Consortium relief is recognised in the accounts in the period in which the claim is submitted to HMRC and is shown as tax in respect of prior years.


(i)            Venture Capital Trusts are not subject to corporation tax on capital gains.
(ii)           Tax relief on expenses charged to capital has been determined by allocating tax relief to expenses by reference to the applicable corporation tax rate and allocating the relief between revenue and capital in accordance with the SORP.
(iii)          No deferred tax asset or liability has arisen in the year.

9. Dividends

Year ended
31 December 2012
Year ended
31 December 2011
Ordinary shares£'000 £'000
Dividend of 2.5p per Ordinary  share paid on 31 May 2011 - 776
Dividend of 2.5p per Ordinary share paid on 30 September 2011 - 771
Dividend of 2.5p per Ordinary share paid on 31 May 2012 799 -
Dividend of 2.5p per Ordinary share paid on 30 September 2012 796 -
1,595 1,547

Year ended
31 December 2012
Year ended
31 December 2011
D shares£'000 £'000
Dividend of 1.25p per D share paid on 31 May 2011 - 79
Dividend of 1.25p per D share paid on 30 September 2011 - 79
Dividend of 1.75p per D share paid on 31 May 2012 111 -
Dividend of 1.75p per D share paid on 30 September 2012 111 -
222 158

In addition to the dividends summarised above, the Board has declared a first dividend of 2.50 pence per Ordinary share and 2.50 pence per D share for the year ending 31 December 2013. This dividend will be paid on 31 May 2013 to shareholders on the register as at 3 May 2013. This dividend totals approximately £806,000 for Ordinary shares and £159,000 for D shares.

10. Basic and diluted return per share

Year ended 31 December 2012 Year ended 31 December 2011
Ordinary sharesRevenueCapitalTotal Revenue Capital Total
The return per share has been based
on the following figures:
Return attributable to equity
shares (£'000)
4816261,107 419 1,004 1,423
Weighted average shares in issue
(excluding treasury shares)         
31,651,285 30,630,649
Return attributable per equity
share (pence)
1.502.003.50 1.40 3.30 4.70

The weighted average number of Ordinary shares is calculated excluding the treasury shares of 3,428,000 (2011: 3,467,396).

Year ended 31 December 2012 Year ended 31 December 2011
D sharesRevenueCapitalTotal Revenue Capital Total
The return per share has been based
on the following figures:
Return attributable to equity
shares (£'000)
124413537 98 59 157
Weighted average shares in issue
(excluding treasury shares)         
6,363,334 6,342,448
Return attributable per equity
share (pence)
1.906.508.40 1.60 0.90 2.50

There are no D shares held in treasury.

There are no convertible instruments, derivatives or contingent share agreements in issue so basic and diluted return per share are the same.

11. Fixed asset investments

The classification of investments by nature of instruments is as follows:

Ordinary sharesD shares
31 December 2012
31 December 2011
31 December 2012
31 December 2011
Investments held at fair value through profit or loss
Unquoted equity, warrants and preference shares 5,490 5,776 1,471 1,053
Discounted debt and convertible loan stock 3,534 1,581 1,184 1,138
9,024 7,357 2,655 2,191
Investments held at amortised cost
Unquoted loan stock 8,582 9,790 2,279 1,775
17,606 17,147 4,934 3,966

Ordinary shares
D shares
Opening valuation as at 1 January 201217,1473,96621,113
Purchases at cost 3,232 784 4,016
Disposal proceeds (3,580) (286) (3,866)
Realised gains 318 - 318
Movement in loan stock accrued income (50) (19) (69)
Unrealised gains 539 489 1,028
Closing valuation as at 31 December 201217,6064,93422,540
Movement in loan stock accrued income
Opening accumulated movement in loan stock accrued income 28838326
Movement in loan stock accrued income (50) (19) (69)
Closing accumulated movement in loan stock accrued income as at 31 December 201223819257
Movement in unrealised (losses)/gains
Opening accumulated unrealised (losses)/gains (3,541)126(3,415)
Transfer of previously unrealised losses on disposal 134 - 134
Movement in unrealised gains 539 489 1,028
Closing accumulated unrealised (losses)/gains as at 31 December 2012(2,868)615(2,253)
Historic cost basis
Opening book cost 20,3993,80224,201
Purchases at cost 3,232 784 4,016
Sales at cost (3,396) (286) (3,682)
Closing book cost as at 31 December 201220,2354,30024,535

The Directors believe that the carrying value of loan stock measured at amortised cost is not materially different to fair value. The Company does not hold any assets as the result of the enforcement of security during the year, and believes that the carrying values for both impaired and past due assets are covered by the value of security held for these loan stock investments.

Additions and disposal proceeds included in the cash flow statement differ from the amounts shown in the note above, due to deferred consideration, settlement creditors and the restructuring of investments.

A schedule of realisations during the year is shown on pages 12 and 13 of the Annual Report and Financial Statements.

The amended FRS 29 'Financial Instruments: Disclosures' requires the Company to disclose the valuation methods applied to its investments measured at fair value through profit or loss in a fair value hierarchy according to the following definitions;

Fair value hierarchyDefinition of valuation method
Level 1 Unadjusted quoted (bid) prices applied
Level 2 Inputs to valuation are from observable sources and are directly or indirectly derived from prices
Level 3 Inputs to valuations not based on observable market data

Unquoted equity, preference shares, convertible loan stock and debt issued at a discount are all valued according to Level 3 valuation methods.

The Ordinary shares' Level 3 investments had the following movements in the year to 31 December 2012:

31 December 2012 31 December 2011
EquityConvertible and discounted bondsTotal Equity Convertible and discounted bonds Total
£'000£'000£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Opening balance 5,7761,5817,357 5,199 937 6,136
Additions 9761,3202,296 3,126 846 3,972
Disposals (1,462)(68)(1,530) (2,586) (525) (3,111)
Realised gains/(losses) 400(63)337 222 - 222
Debt/equity conversion 24(24)- - - -
Transfer to current asset investments --- (137) - (137)
Unrealised (losses)/gains (224)793569 (48) 314 266
Accrued loan stock interest -(5)(5) - 9 9
Closing balance 5,4903,5349,024 5,776 1,581 7,357

The D shares' Level 3 investments had the following movements in the year to 31 December 2012:

31 December 2012 31 December 2011
EquityConvertible and discounted bondsTotal Equity Convertible and discounted bonds Total
£'000£'000£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Opening balance 1,0531,1382,191 530 44 574
Additions 5363116 795 699 1,494
Disposals (25)-(25) - - -
Unrealised gains/(losses) 390-390 (272) 378 106
Accrued loan stock interest -(17)(17) - 17 17
Closing balance 1,4711,1842,655 1,053 1,138 2,191

Investments held at fair value through profit or loss are valued in accordance with the IPEVCV guidelines as follows:

31 December 2012 31 December 2011
Valuation methodologyOrdinary shares
D shares
Ordinary shares
D shares
Cost (reviewed for impairment) 2,7601,2333,993 1,529 1,715 3,244
Net asset value supported by third party valuation 1,1546561,810 1,815 412 2,227
Recent investment price (reviewed for impairment) 96-96 448 - 448
Earnings multiple 2,2482432,491 2,188 64 2,252
Revenue multiple 2,226-2,226 1,377 - 1,377
Agreed sale price/offer price 5405231,063 - - -
9,0242,65511,679 7,357 2,191 9,548

Full third party valuations are prepared by independent RICS qualified surveyors in full compliance with the RICS Red Book. Desk top reviews are carried out by similarly RICS qualified surveyors by updating previously prepared full valuations for current trading and market indices.

FRS 29 requires the Directors to consider the impact of changing one or more of the inputs used as part of the valuation process to reasonable possible alternative assumptions. After due consideration and noting that the valuation methodology applied to 50 per cent. of the Ordinary shares' and 91 per cent. of the D shares' Level 3 investments (by valuation) is based on third party independent evidence, recent investment price, agreed sale price/offer price and cost, the Directors believe that changes to reasonable possible alternative assumptions for the valuation of the remainder of the portfolio could lead to a significant change in the fair value of the Ordinary shares portfolio. The impact of these changes could result in an increase in the valuation of investments by £644,000 or a decrease in investments by £595,000 for the Ordinary share portfolio. The Directors do not believe that changes to reasonable possible alternative input assumptions for the D share portfolio would have a significant impact.

The Ordinary shares' unquoted equity instruments had the following movements between investment methodologies between 31 December 2011 and 31 December 2012:

Change in valuation methodology (2011 to 2012)Value as at
31 December 2012
Explanatory note
Cost (reviewed for impairment) to net asset value supported by third party valuation 205 Third party valuation has recently taken place
Earnings multiple to revenue multiple 509 Temporary trading losses
Net asset value supported by third party valuation to agreed sale price/offer price 11 Proceeds awaited from exit
Revenue multiple to agreed sale price/offer price 347 Investment round has recently taken place
Cost (reviewed for impairment) to earnings multiple 74 Company is generating profits
Cost (reviewed for impairment) to agreed sale price/offer price 182 Proceeds awaited from exit

The D shares unquoted equity instruments had the following movements between investment methodologies between 31 December 2011 and 31 December 2012:

Change in valuation methodology (2011 to 2012)Value as at
31 December 2012
Explanatory note
Cost (reviewed for impairment) to earnings multiple 39 Company is generating profits
Cost (reviewed for impairment) to net asset value supported by third party valuation 144 Third party valuation has recently taken place
Cost (reviewed for impairment) to agreed sale price/offer price 523 Proceeds awaited from exit

The valuation method used will be the most appropriate valuation methodology for an investment within its market, with regard to the financial health of the investment and the IPEVCV Guidelines. The Directors believe that, within these parameters, there are no other possible methods of valuation which would be reasonable as at 31 December 2012.

12. Significant interests
The principal activity of the Company is to select and hold a portfolio of investments in unquoted securities. Although the Company, through the Manager, will, in some cases, be represented on the board of the portfolio company, it will not take a controlling interest or become involved in the day-to-day management of a portfolio company. The size and structure of the companies with unquoted securities may result in certain holdings in the portfolio representing a participating interest without there being any partnership, joint venture or management consortium agreement.

The Company has interests of greater than 20 per cent. of the nominal value of any class of the allotted shares in the portfolio companies as at 31 December 2012, as described below:

CompanyCountry of incorporationPrincipal activity% class and share type% total voting rights
Evolutions Group Limited Great Britain Owner and lessor of property 46.7% A Ordinary 46.7%
The Q Garden Company Limited Great Britain Garden centre operator 33.2% A Ordinary
10.8% Ordinary
Consolidated PR Limited Great Britain Public relations agency 50.0% A Ordinary 21.7%
Albion Investment Properties Limited Great Britain Owner of residential property 48.4% A Ordinary 48.4%
Blackbay Limited Great Britain Mobile data solutions 21.1% A Ordinary 7.4%
Masters Pharmaceuticals Limited Great Britain International specialist distributor of pharmaceuticals 21.1% A Ordinary 3.5%
Peakdale Molecular Limited Great Britain Researcher, processor and supplier of chemical compounds 23.0% Ordinary 8.9%

The investments listed above are held as part of an investment portfolio and therefore, as permitted by FRS 9, they are measured at fair value and are not accounted for using the equity method.

13. Trade and other debtors and current asset investments

31 December 2012 31 December 2011
Trade and other debtorsOrdinary shares
D shares
Ordinary shares
D shares
Prepayments and accrued income 242044 23 23 46
UK corporation tax receivable --- - 7 7
Other debtors 17860238 78 - 78
20280282 101 30 131

31 December 2012 31 December 2011
Current asset investmentsOrdinary shares
D shares
Ordinary shares
D shares
Contingent future receipts on disposal of fixed asset investments 30-30 137 - 137
Close Brothers Bank Limited fixed term deposit -500500 - 500 500
30500530 137 500 637

The fair value hierarchy applied to contingent future receipts on disposal of fixed asset investments is Level 3. These receipts may not crystallise within 12 months.

The only movements in current asset investments during the year was the deferred receipts on disposal of fixed asset investments.

14. Creditors: amounts falling due within one year

31 December 2012 31 December 2011
Ordinary shares
D shares
Ordinary shares
D shares
Accruals and deferred income 18048228 179 46 225
UK corporation tax payable 311344 30 - 30
Other creditors 7630106 5 2 7
28791378 214 48 262

15. Called up share capital

31 December 2012 31 December 2011
Ordinary shares D sharesTotal Ordinary shares D shares Total
Allotted, called up and fully paid shares of 1 penny each (2011: 50 pence each)
Number of shares 35,678,2006,377,97642,056,176 33,823,795 6,352,652 40,176,447
Nominal value of allotted shares (£'000) 35764421 16,912 3,176 20,088
Voting rights (net of treasury shares)32,250,2006,377,97638,628,176 30,356,399 6,352,652 36,709,051

The Annual General Meeting on 15 June 2012 granted the Company authority to reduce the nominal value of its shares from 50 pence to 1 penny, and to cancel its capital

UK 100