Interim Results
Quester VCT PLC
27 September 2000
QUESTER VCT PLC ('the Company')
Financial highlights
Period ended 6 months 6 months Year to
to 31 to 31 31
July July January
2000 1999 2000
Total return per share 77.7 (0.8) 32.1
Net asset value plus
cumulative dividend per share 227.8 117.1 150.0
Dividend per share (pence) 26.7* 5.8 5.8
Cumulative dividend per share 40.2 13.5 13.5
Shareholders' funds (£'000) 57,997 32,039 42,213
Net asset value per share 187.6 103.6 136.5
Mid-market price per share 160.0 90.0 150.0
* Including 10p already paid as a special interim dividend on
1 June 2000
** The cumulative dividend includes tax credits paid to
eligible shareholders prior to the abolition of ACT in 1999
The directors have resolved to pay a second special interim
dividend of 16.65p per share.
Second special interim dividend for 2000/01 paid 1 November 2000
Associated record date 13 October 2000
During the six months to 31 July 2000 the Company made
significant progress in terms of new investment, realisations
and performance. This contributed to a 57 per cent gain in
the net asset value per share before dividend distributions
totalling 26.65 pence per share and represents an excellent
performance. After payment of the two special interim
dividends, net assets per share are 187.6 pence at the half-
During the period the Company made six significant
realisations generating capital profits in excess of £10
million. In July 2000, the Company sold its investment in
First Fibre Limited to Adva AG as part of a paper transaction.
Following this transaction, the Company was able to dispose of
approximately 50 per cent of its holding in Adva realising
capital profits of £4.6 million. The First Fibre investment
was originally made in October 1998 and therefore the
generation of this profit over a relatively short period
represents an exceptional return. In addition to the above,
capital profits of £3.7 million and £1.4 million were made
following partial disposals of SurfControl plc (formerly JSB
Software Technologies plc) and Orchestream Holdings plc
respectively. The Company retains significant interests in
all of these investments as can be seen from the table below.
The overall value of the venture capital portfolio continued
to rise during the half year and it is valued in excess of £24
million above original cost. This compares to an increase of
£10 million as at 31 January 2000.
The gain over the period is largely attributable to increases
in the valuations of two of the previously unquoted
investments. The greatest gain has been achieved by
Orchestream, which, following its successful placing on the
London Official List, is valued at a multiple of over fifteen
times cost at the half year. A further substantial unrealised
gain has arisen following the receipt of shares in Adva
following its takeover of First Fibre. This investment is
valued at a multiple of over seven times. Additional
unrealised gains have been achieved in respect of three other
unquoted investments which have been revalued following
further funding rounds. The above gains have been offset by
provisions of £1.5 million to cover potential losses arising
from four investments.
Over the half year, the fund has produced total net realised
and unrealised gains of £24 million, which equates to a total
return for the period of over 77 pence per share.
Following four realisations in February 2000, the directors
resolved to pay a special interim dividend of 10 pence per
share, which was paid on 1 June 2000. The First Fibre and
Orchestream disposals effected later in the period further
increased the distributable reserve and the directors have
resolved to pay a second special interim dividend for the
current year of 16.65 pence per share, making a total dividend
distribution for the current year to date of 26.65 pence per
share. I should stress that future dividend payments are
largely dependant on the realisation of capital profits and so
are likely to vary considerably.
After the payment of the second special interim dividend, the
Company will have returned a total of 40.2 pence per share to
shareholders since Quester VCT was launched in 1996. This
represents a repayment to original shareholders amounting to
over half of the initial cost of subscription, net of initial
income tax relief.
Following the careful selection of investment opportunities by
the Quester investment managers, the Company retains a well
diversified portfolio, which gives considerable optimism for
the future.
Tom Scruby
27 September 2000
The last six months has been an exceptional period for the
Company. Our overall investment performance has been very
strong and we have been able to realise significant gains from
the venture capital portfolio for distribution to
shareholders. A strong rate of investment has been maintained
and currently the fund is fully invested, apart from the FT-SE
investments, bonds and a small amount of cash all held as
reserves for follow-on investment in existing companies.
As a number of our investee companies continue to mature, more
profitable realisations have been achieved. During the period
to 31 July, six significant part disposals were effected
realising cash profits, being cash proceeds less original cost
of investment, in excess of £10 million, as detailed in the
table below. We continue to hold shares in these companies or,
in the case of First Fibre, in Adva AG, which issued its
shares in exchange at the time of the acquisition of First
First Fibre Limited 4,594
SurfControl plc 3,652
Orchestream Holdings plc 1,351
Sopheon plc 359
XKO Group plc 344
Policy Master Group plc 141
The performance of the portfolio has been most encouraging.
The main gains have been seen in those venture capital
investments that have achieved a listing, which, at cost,
account for 16% of total investments. At valuation they
account for around 49% of total investments, representing an
unrealised gain of £23 million. The most significant gains
have been seen in Orchestream following its listing on the
London Official List. At the period end, its quoted mid-
market price was 420 pence per share, which compares to its
book cost of 28 pence per share. The price has subsequently
risen further. The other major 'winner' during the period was
the investment in First Fibre, which, following its
acquisition by Adva AG, now stands at a valuation of over
seven times cost.
As the majority of our unquoted investments are still held at
cost, the gains in the unquoted portfolio are more modest.
However, the unquoted portfolio as a whole shows net gains of
£1.2 million, with the top ten unquoted investments generating
gains of over £4 million, which is promising. Four of our
unquoted investments have now been upvalued in line with BVCA
guidelines. When considering valuations, we continue to take a
prudent view and accordingly further provisioning has been
applied in respect of four investments.
Our deal flow has remained at extremely high levels, which has
allowed the Quester management team to maintain a good rate of
investment. During the period four new investments were
completed, together with further follow on investments in 11
companies from the existing portfolio, as shown in the table
Company Industry Investment
sector £'000
New investments
Bowman Power Systems Manufacturing 750
Nomad Software Limited Software 749
The Casella Group Specialist 638
Limited consulting
Community Internet plc Software 500
Follow on investments
Elateral Holdings Internet 893
Purple Technologies Software 675
Linguaphone Group plc Publishing 500
Advanced Valve Manufacturing 401
Technology Limited
Power X Limited IT hardware 300 plc Internet 250
First Fibre Limited IT hardware 250
Opsys Limited IT hardware
Artisan Software Tools Software
Limited 189
HSL Holdings Limited Software
International Resources Specialist
Group Limited consulting 5
During the period 50 per cent of the FT-SE portfolio was
switched into short dated fixed interest securities pending
further funding of investee companies. This conversion
realised profits of £248,000 for the Company. The remaining
portfolio comprises 22 investments, which, at the half year,
had accrued unrealised gains of £412,000. This remaining
portfolio may also be switched into fixed interest securities
at an appropriate time for the same reason. Depending on the
pattern of future realisations in the unquoted portfolio, we
may therefore run forward with our venture capital investments
accounting for almost all of shareholder funds.
The excellent performance achieved during the period has
enabled us to generate significant value for shareholders both
through the distribution of capital profits and from a
significant rise in the overall value of the portfolio.
Shareholders should note, however, that a very significant
proportion of the existing increase in value is attributable
to a few highly successful investments, whose future value
will be affected by the volatile swings in sentiment for
technology stocks as a whole as well as their own intrinsic
performance. Balancing this characteristic of the existing
portfolio is the fact that there are several unquoted
companies which are showing great potential. We consequently
remain optimistic about the prospects for our venture capital
investment as a whole.
Andrew Holmes
Managing Director. Quester Capital Management Limited
27 September 2000
Cost Valuation % of
£'000 £'000 portfolio
by value
Venture capital investments
that have achieved a listing
Orchestream Holdings plc
(3,472,455 ords) 985 14,584 25.2%
Adva AG* (65,374 ords) 682 5,015 8.7%
SurfControl plc (81,133 ADS) 555 4,381 7.6%
Dragons Health Clubs plc
(950,000 ords) 950 1,734 3.0%
XKO Group plc (421,000 ords) 505 1,362 2.4%
Sopheon plc (120,000 ords) 150 513 0.8%
Shalibane plc (3,392,124 ords) 1,205 390 0.7%
Policy Master Group plc
(80,298 ords) 145 369 0.6%
Deep Sea Leisure plc (125,000
ords) 200 63 0.1%
5,377 28,411 49.1%
Ten largest unquoted venture
capital investments
Elateral Holdings Limited 1,506 3,325 5.8%
Power X Limited 900 2,287 4.0%
Purple Technologies Limited 1,000 1,858 3.2%
Artisan Software Tools Limited 1,236 1,236 2.1%
Acedes Gear Tools Limited 995 995 1.7%
International Diagnostics 990 990 1.7%
Group plc
HSL Holdings Limited 1,143 857 1.5%
Cardionetics Limited 550 847 1.5%
Advanced Valve Technology Limited 845 845 1.4%
Methuen Publishing Limited 781 781 1.4%
9,946 14,021 24.3%
Other unquoted venture 12,969 10,052 17.4%
capital investments
Total venture capital 28,292 52,484 90.8%
Listed fixed interest 2,589 2,587 4.5%
Listed equity investments 2,329 2,741 4.7%
Total investments 33,210 57,812 100%
* The shares in Adva AG, a company listed on Germany's Neuer
Markt, were received by the VCT following that company's
takeover of First Fibre Limited in July 2000.
Profit and loss account
6 months 6 months Year ended
ended ended 31 January
31 July 31 July 2000
2000 1999 £'000
£'000 £'000
Net profit/(loss) on
realisation of investments 4,552 (658) (1,395)
Income 724 455 802
Investment management fee (523) (452) (852)
Other expenses (133) (100) (238)
Profit/(loss) on ordinary
activities before taxation 4,620 (755) (1,683)
Tax on ordinary activities (10) (19) (43)
Profit/(loss) on ordinary 4,610 (774) (1,726)
activities after taxation
Dividends paid and (8,240) (1,778) (1,778)
Retained loss transferred (3,630) (2,552) (3,504)
to reserves
Earnings per share 14.9p (2.5)p (5.6)p
* The dividends for the six month period amount to 26.65 pence
per share and are paid from the profit and loss reserve, which
retains a balance of £62,000 following this distribution to
Statement of total recognised gains and losses
6 months 6 months Year ended
ended ended 31 January
31 July 31 July 2000
2000 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000
Profit/(loss) for the 4,610 (774) (1,726)
Unrealised gain on
revaluation of investments 19,414 538 11,664
Total recognised gains and
losses relating to the 24,024 (236) 9,938
All items in the above statement are derived from continuing
operations. The Company has only one class of business and
derives its income from investments made in shares, securities
and bank deposits.
Balance sheet
Note 31 July 31 July 31 January
2000 1999 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Fixed asset investments 57,812 29,759 40,606
Current assets
Debtors 509 735 870
Cash at bank and in hand 5,164 3,630 1,094
5,673 4,365 1,964
Creditors: amounts falling
due within one year
Other creditors (340) (307) (357)
Declared dividend (5,148) (1,778) -
(5,488) (2,085) (357)
Net current assets 185 2,280 1,607
Net assets 57,997 32,039 42,213
Capital and reserves
Called up equity share 1,546 1,546 1,546
Share premium account 1 28,833 28,833 28,833
Revaluation reserve 1 27,556 1,586 12,537
Profit and loss account 1 62 74 (703)
Total equity shareholders' 57,997 32,039 42,213
Net asset value per share 187.6p 103.6p 136.5p
Summarised Cashflow Statements
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
31 July 31 July 31
2000 1999 January
£'000 £'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating 412 516 238
Taxation (10) (110) (153)
Net capital expenditure and 6,416 (6,895) (7,331)
financial investment
Equity dividends paid (3,092) (337) (2,115)
Financing 344 (127) (128)
Increase/(decrease) in cash for 4,070 (6,953) (9,489)
the period
Reconciliation of net cash flow
to movement in net funds
Increase/(decrease) in cash for 4,070 (6,953) (9,489)
the period
Net funds at the start of the 1,094 10,583 10,583
Net funds at the end of the 5,164 3,630 1,094
1. Movement in reserves
Share Revaluation Profit
premium reserve and loss
account account
£'000 £'000 £'000
At 1 February 2000 28,833 12,537 (703)
Transfer of net realised - (4,395) 4,395
profits to profit and loss
Net increase in value of - 19,414 -
Retained loss for the - - (3,630)
At 31 July 2000 28,833 27,556 62
2. The financial information contained in this report has
been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out
in the Annual Report.
3. The calculation of earnings per share for the period is
based on profit after tax of £4,609,711divided by the weighted
average number of shares in issue during the period of
4. The unaudited financial statements set out above do not
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section
240 of the Companies Act 1985.
5. Copies of the unaudited interim results are being sent to
shareholders on 28 September 2000. Further copies can be
obtained from the Company's registered office.