Interim Results

Quester VCT PLC 26 September 2001 Quester VCT plc Interim statement for the six months ended 31 July 2001 Financial highlights 6 months to 6 Year to 31 Year to 31 Year to 31 Period ended 31 July months January January January 2001 to 2001 2000 1999 31 July 2000 Total (loss)/return per (50) 78 50 32 4 share (pence) * from quoted venture (38) 60 39 34 (1) capital investments * from unquoted (10) 17 10 (2) 5 investments * other (2) 1 1 - - Net asset value plus cumulative dividend per 146.1 227.8 200.8 150.0 117.8 share (pence) Dividend per share (pence) 26.7 - 28.0 5.8 2.4 Cumulative dividend per share (pence)* 41.5 40.2 41.5 13.5 7.7 Cumulative dividends (£'000) 12,327 11,906 12,327 3,666 1,482 Shareholders' funds (£'000) 33,979 57,997 49,766 42,213 34,181 Shareholders' funds plus cumulative dividends (£'000) 46,306 69,903 62,093 45,879 35,663 Net asset value per share (pence) 104.6 187.6 159.3 136.5 110.1 Mid-market price per share (pence) 115 160 163 150 89 * The cumulative dividend includes tax credits paid to eligible shareholders prior to the abolition of ACT in 1999 Chairman's statement OVERVIEW This year has seen a considerable change in investment sentiment generally and towards the technology sector in particular. Against this background Quester VCT has not been immune from a loss of value, and the share prices of its listed technology-based venture capital investments have reacted broadly in line with that sector. PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE The Board is generally satisfied with the progress being made by the unquoted venture capital investments. During the half year the Company invested a further £2.6 million in its existing portfolio companies, taking the total of unquoted venture capital investments at cost to some £23.8 million (carried in the balance sheet at an overall valuation of £23.5 million). The individual investment valuations at 31 July 2001 have been carefully reviewed, and reductions have been made in a number of cases (the total of the reductions, less certain upwards revaluations, amounting to £3.3 million). The reductions have been applied in cases where the investee company has fallen behind plan or where, although the company concerned has been making satisfactory progress, a reduction in valuation is appropriate to reflect present conditions in the private equity market. Stock market valuations of technology companies during 1999 and 2000 reached historically very high levels. In a number of cases, Quester VCT was able to take advantage of opportunities to sell holdings of venture capital investments for which a public quotation had been obtained. This was the case on the London listing of Surfcontrol plc in January 2000, the flotation of Orchestream Holdings plc in June 2000 and the acquisition of First Fibre Limited by Adva AG Optical Networking in July 2000. In the latter two cases, following the partial disposal, the remainder of the holding was subject to restrictions on sale within a defined period. Where a public quotation has been obtained for a venture capital investment, its value has been included in the reported net asset value per share of Quester VCT by reference to the quoted market value of the relevant holding at the accounts date. Accordingly, during the period when technology stocks were at their very high levels the reported net asset value of Quester VCT included substantial unrealised gains. The table below shows that the overall valuation of the Company's holdings of quoted venture capital investments at 31 July 2001 totalled £4.1 million. This compares with a valuation of the same holdings at 31 January 2001 of £15.6 million, which represents a reduction in the unrealised valuation surplus of £11.5 million (of which £6.5 million relates to the holding in Orchestream Holdings plc and £2.5million to Adva AG Optical Networking). The portfolio of FT-SE 350 equities showed a net reduction in value of £0.4 million over the period. Although the value of Quester VCT's investments has fallen during the period it should be noted that at 31 July 2001 the net asset value per share of the Company remained above the original subscription price of 100 pence, notwithstanding that dividends totalling 41.5 pence have been distributed to shareholders INCOME STATEMENT AND DIVIDENDS In the Chairman's statement in the last annual report, we explained that the Company's ability to pay dividends in future will depend upon the realisation of capital profits from the existing portfolio of investments. The year ended 31 January 2001 was particularly favourable in this respect. In the first half of the current year, however, market conditions and other factors have been such that no realisations have been made. The profit and loss account for the six months ended 31 July 2001 shows a loss before tax of £711,000. In the absence of capital gains achieved on the realisation of investments, an operating loss is to be expected from a venture capital portfolio that is substantially invested in early stage companies which generally do not pay significant dividends. In these circumstances it is therefore inappropriate for the Company to pay an interim dividend. In current market conditions it is not possible to predict the timing of realisation of capital profits. Unless capital profits are realised in the second half of the current year, the Company will incur a loss. The amount and timing of payment of future dividends is therefore uncertain. LIMITED SHARE ISSUE FOR 2001-02 TAX YEAR Shareholders will be aware that the Directors are authorised to allot up to 3,123,975 ordinary shares (being equal to 10% of the issued ordinary share capital of the Company at the relevant time) for cash otherwise than pursuant to the statutory pre-emption rights of shareholders. The resolutions authorising these allotments were passed at the Annual General Meeting of the Company held in May of this year. A number of financial intermediaries have expressed interest in further investment in the Company. The Directors consider that it would be in the interests of the Company to utilise the authority granted at the AGM to offer up to 3,000,000 ordinary shares to investors at a subscription price approximately equal to the net asset value per share of the Company at the time the offer is made. The proceeds of this offer will enhance the Company's ability to take advantage of good investment opportunities within the existing portfolio. The Directors propose to make this offer to selected financial intermediaries and other persons duly authorised under the Financial Services Act 1986 on terms and conditions of application to be issued by the Company. In view of the limited size of the offer, it will not be made direct to existing shareholders. Any shareholder who has any questions relating to the offer should contact his or her authorised financial adviser. CONCLUSION An investment in a venture capital trust should be considered as an investment held for the medium term. The portfolio of Quester VCT provides a broad spread of investments across a range of differing sectors. Changes in sentiment and market conditions can combine to cause significant swings in investment values, although history has shown that over time prices of stocks with good intrinsic worth usually recover. When this happens there should be a revival in Quester VCT's net asset value and the opportunity for the Company to generate significant returns for its shareholders. Tom Scruby Chairman 26 September 2001 Investment manager's report PERFORMANCE OF THE PORTFOLIO The value of the portfolio over the last six months has been largely, but not exclusively, impacted by the fluctuations in the prices of the six quoted technology investments held forming part of the venture capital portfolio. The value of the balance of the shares we hold in these companies, having taken some substantial profits earlier, rose to a peak during summer 2000 and has fallen substantially since then. The valuation of the unquoted portfolio, made up of 27 investments, has fallen on account of some further provisioning. However, despite this, the unquoted valuations have generally remained relatively stable. As at 31 January 2001, the venture capital portfolio was showing unrealised gains of £14.2 million, but as at 31 July 2001 these gains had reduced to £0.4 million. Whilst this fall is disappointing, we were pleased to be able to lock-in and distribute some significant gains of approximately £13.7 million during 2000 following a series of profitable exits. As mentioned above, the fall in value derives mainly from the quoted venture capital investments which are valued in accordance with their market prices. In total, the unrealised gains on current holdings in this portfolio have fallen from £12.2 million to £0.7 million, a fall of £11.5 million. The investment in Orchestream, which has fallen in value by £6.5 million, accounts for the majority of this decline with its price falling from 282.5 pence on 31 January 2001 to stand at 66.5 pence as at 31 July 2001. It has fallen further since that date. Likewise, the investments in Adva and Surfcontrol have also suffered from the market volatility and have fallen in value by £2.5 million and £1 million respectively. As has been demonstrated by past performance, we have sold a proportion of profitable quoted investments in order to generate significant distributable profits for shareholders. When one of our investments achieves a listing, or is purchased by a quoted company via a paper transaction, the existing shareholders are usually subject to a 'lock-up' preventing the sale of shares. Quester VCT was subject to such lock-ups following the flotation of Orchestream and the purchase of First Fibre by Adva. When the lock-ups expired, the selling opportunity that had been available in previous market conditions had radically changed. The unquoted portfolio has a book cost of £23.8 million. As at 31 July 2001, this portfolio was showing an unrealised loss of £0.3 million. A degree of provisioning which we believe to be prudent and appropriate has been made against five investments and one investment, Shalibane plc, an AIM-traded company, was written off. Six of the unquoted investments are valued at above cost so that the value of the portfolio is stable at close to its aggregate cost. VENTURE CAPITAL INVESTMENTS MADE DURING THE PERIOD During the six months, Quester VCT has made follow-on investments in eight companies as detailed in the table below. Company Industry sector Investment £'000 Advanced Valve Technologies Limited Manufacturing 365 Anadigm Limited Electronics 638 Bowman Power Limited Manufacturing 53 Elateral Holdings Limited Software 250 HTC Healthcare Group plc Other services 275 Nomad Software Limited Software 113 Opsys Limited Electronics 500 Purple Technologies Limited Software 394 2,588 FURTHER VENTURE CAPITAL INVESTMENT As previously reported, the only investments likely to be made during the foreseeable future will be further investments in companies in the existing widely spread portfolio. The postponement of IPOs planned for 2001 or 2002 will inevitably result in financing requirements for some companies, and other companies in the portfolio have scheduled financing needs. Quester VCT has set aside appropriate reserves to meet these requirements. The portfolio holds a number of attractive investments with good potential and it is the intention that Quester VCT will continue to contribute to the funding of these investments. FT-SE 350 EQUITY AND FIXED INTEREST PORTFOLIO Quester VCT continues to hold a portfolio of FT-SE 350 equities and fixed interest securities. The FT-SE 350 holdings, covering 21 investments, were showing a small profit of £144,000 on an overall cost of £2.2 million as at the half year and the fixed interest holdings with an overall cost of £3.0 million were at break-even. This portfolio, which is managed on behalf of Quester VCT by Laing & Cruickshank Investment Management Limited, is retained as a potential reserve for future venture capital investment, but is currently used as security for the banking facility provided by Barclays Bank, which was unutilised as at 31 July 2001. CONCLUSION This year has become an increasingly challenging period for the portfolio. Our current focus is to support our investments to promote their continued growth and development, including the provision of further rounds of finance if necessary. We have backed some promising businesses with strong and experienced management teams which gives us confidence. In the current turbulent conditions it is difficult to predict when future realisations and distributions might occur. We continue to believe that there is the potential for significant future gains to be made. Andrew Holmes Managing Director Quester Capital Management Limited 26 September 2001 Composition of the fund AS AT 31 JULY 2001 Cost Valuation % of portfolio £'000 £'000 by value Quoted venture capital investments Orchestream Holdings plc (3,472,455 ords) 985 2,309 7.0% Crown Sports plc (3,531,150 ords) 475 892 2.7% Surfcontrol plc (40,000 ADS) 274 444 1.4% XKO Group plc (421,000 ords) 505 154 0.5% Adva AG Optical Networking (65,374 ords) 682 132 0.4% Sirius Group plc (80,298 ords) 144 99 0.3% Sopheon plc (120,000 ords) 150 51 0.2% Deep Sea Leisure plc (125,000 ords) 200 38 0.1% 3,415 4,119 12.6% Ten largest unquoted venture capital investments Anadigm Limited 1,263 2,022 6.2% Purple Technologies Limited 1,394 1,789 5.4% CDC Solutions Limited 1,020 1,770 5.4% Elateral Holdings Limited 1,756 1,756 5.3% Artisan Software Tools Limited 1,236 1,236 3.8% Power X Limited 900 1,143 3.5% Opsys Limited 1,000 1,000 3.0% Sift plc 875 972 3.0% Acedes Gear Tools Limited 995 896 2.7% Armagard Limited 1,450 875 2.7% 11,889 13,459 41.0% Other unquoted venture capital investments 11,885 9,997 30.4% Total venture capital investments 27,189 27,575 84.0% Listed fixed interest investments 2,989 2,989 9.0% Listed equity investments 2,163 2,307 7.0% Total investments 32,341 32,871 100.0% Unaudited financial statements PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 31 January 31 July 31 July 2001 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net (loss)/profit on realisation of investments (137) 4,552 5,285 Income 306 724 1,141 Investment management fee (616) (523) (1,054) Other expenses (264) (133) (283) (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation (711) 4,620 5,089 Tax on ordinary activities - (10) (22) (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities after (711) 4,610 5,067 taxation Dividends paid and declared - (8,240) (8,662) Transfer from reserves (711) (3,630) (3,595) Earnings per share (2.2)p 14.9p 16.4p STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 31 January 31 July 31 July 2001 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 (Loss)/profit for the period (711) 4,610 5,067 Unrealised (loss)/gain on revaluation of investments (15,179) 19,414 10,509 Total recognised gains and losses relating to the period (15,890) 24,024 15,576 All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations. The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits. Unaudited financial statements - continued BALANCE SHEET Note 31 July 31 July 31 January 2001 2000 2001 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Fixed asset investments 32,871 57,812 46,919 Current assets Debtors 481 509 577 Cash at bank and in hand 1,094 5,164 3,088 1,575 5,673 3,665 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Other creditors (467) (340) (396) Declared dividend - (5,148) (422) (467) (5,488) (818) Net current assets 1,108 185 2,847 Net assets 33,979 57,997 49,766 Capital and reserves Called up equity share capital 1,624 1,546 1,562 Share premium account - 28,833 - Special reserve 1 29,497 - 29,456 Revaluation reserve 1 2,278 27,556 16,369 Profit and loss account 1 580 62 2,379 Total equity shareholders' funds 33,979 57,997 49,766 Net asset value per share 104.6p 187.6p 159.3p SUMMARISED CASHFLOW STATEMENTS 6 months 6 months Year ended ended ended 31 July 31 July 31 2001 2000 January 2001 £'000 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 387 402 114 Net capital expenditure and financial investment (2,013) 6,416 9,481 Equity dividends paid (422) (3,092) (8,240) Financing 54 344 639 (Decrease)/increase in cash for the period (1,994) 4,070 1,994 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds (Decrease)/increase in cash for the period (1,994) 4,070 1,994 Net funds at the start of the period 3,088 1,094 1,094 Net funds at the end of the period 1,094 5,164 3,088 Notes to the unaudited financial statements 1. MOVEMENT IN RESERVES Special Revaluation Profit reserve reserve and loss account £'000 £'000 £'000 At 1 February 2001 29,456 16,369 2,379 Shares issued 52 - - Shares bought back (11) - - Net decrease in value of investments - (15,179) - Transfer of net realised losses to - 1,088 (1,088) profit and loss account Retained loss for the period - - (711) At 31 July 2001 29,497 2,278 580 2. The number of ordinary shares in issue as at 31 July 2001 was 32,471,971 (31 July 2000: 30,918,637). During the half year to 31 July 2001 1,201,629 ordinary shares were issued on the exercise of options held under the performance incentive arrangements at a subscription price of 5p per share. 3. The calculation of earnings per share for the period is based on the loss after tax of £711,000 divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period being 31,619,286 ordinary shares of 5p each. 4. The financial information contained in this report has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Annual Report. 5. The unaudited financial statements set out above do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. 6. Copies of the unaudited interim results are being sent to shareholders on 26 September 2001. Further copies can be obtained from the Company's registered office.
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