Final Results

Alkane Energy PLC 15 March 2001 15 March 2001 ALKANE ENERGY PLC ('Alkane') PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2000 Alkane Energy plc is the UK's leading commercial producer of methane gas from abandoned coal mines. Highlights * Increase in sales to £1,255,865 (1999: £338,849) * Operating loss of £365,411 (1999: £294,061) in line with expectations * Cash reserves of £26 million following fund raising on flotation * Significant contribution from the Shirebrook Green Energy Park which opened in January 2000 * Aggressive roll-out programme in progress; heads of agreement signed on 14 new sites * Target of 100 or more sites to be developed over the next five years Commenting on the results, Executive Chairman, Dr. Cameron Davies, said: 'This was a year of great achievement for Alkane including the success of the Shirebrook Green Energy Park and our stockmarket flotation. We are now in an excellent position to use our proven concept to roll out further sites and look forward to the year ahead with confidence.' Enquiries: Dr. Cameron Davies Tel: 020 7256 5756 (today) Executive Chairman 01623 421642 (thereafter) Alkane Energy plc David Cross Chief Executive Alkane Energy plc Judith Parry/Simon Rothschild Tel: 020 7256 5756 Millham Communications Alkane Energy plc Chairman's Statement In the year 2000 Alkane passed a further significant milestone in its development when, in December, it floated on the main market of the London Stock Exchange. With cash of £26 million at the year end we are now embarking on a major roll-out programme of opening new sites across our licensed acreage. This will transform the scale of the company's operations and unlock the profit potential of the concept of coal mine methane extraction pioneered by Alkane in the UK. Financial Highlights The trading result for the year is as expected. Sales increased from £338,849 to £1,255,865, with a significant contribution from the Shirebrook Green Energy Park which was opened in January 2000. Sales growth would have been greater but for the receivership of a customer, Independent Energy, in September. As explained at the time of flotation, operations of the Shirebrook and Steetley sites were interrupted following the receivership with consequent loss of sales, and as a result a bad debt of £ 150,000 was incurred. The operating loss was £365,411 (1999, loss £294,061). This continuing loss resulted from the receivership of Independent Energy, together with the increased overheads incurred whilst gearing up towards the roll-out of sites on a wider scale. I am pleased to report that gas sales from Shirebrook and Steetley recommenced in December 2000 under new gas sales agreements. The net interest charge for the year was £819,298 (1999, £247,936), reflecting the high rate of interest on pre-flotation debt, which, following the flotation, has either been converted to ordinary shares or repaid. The directors are not proposing the payment of a dividend. Flotation On 14 December 2000 the Company's shares were admitted to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and to trading on the London Stock Exchange's main market. A placing raised £30 million before expenses and before repayment of debt. We are pleased to welcome the new shareholders who participated in the placing and those who have joined us since. Licences The results of the 9th Round of onshore licensing were announced in July 2000. Alkane was awarded a further 7 licences covering a total of 1,495 km(2), bringing the total number of licences held to 18, with a total area of 4,282 km(2). In their Competent Person's Report which was included in the Listing Particulars, Gaffney Cline & Associates reported that in the five licences where sufficient research had been undertaken the recoverable gas reserves at 30 June 2000 were 471 bcf. Funding At the year end we had cash of approximately £26 million. We have repaid £2.8 million of loan stock, together with accrued interest of £0.8 million, referred to in the Listing Particulars, and the company is now debt free. Strategy Alkane's strategy is to: * Use the Shirebrook design as the model for future site developments * Roll out 100 or more sites over the next five years * Seek to acquire more extraction rights over acreage with CMM and CBM potential * Concentrate on CMM while monitoring technological and market developments of the emerging CBM industry in the UK In the longer term Alkane intends to capitalise on the high level of interest in the Company's CMM concept and technology shown by overseas markets. The Board David Cross joined the board as Chief Executive in May 2000, and at the same time Stephen Goalby, who had been Financial Controller since February 1999, joined the board as Finance Director. Sir David White joined the board in December 2000 as a non-executive director, bringing extensive commercial experience. I am also pleased to welcome two appointments in 2001. Lord Fraser of Carmyllie became a non-executive director in January 2001. Peter has wide political and commercial experience which will be of great assistance to the company. Julie Dawes was appointed company secretary in March 2001. Julie brings considerable experience, including ten years in the energy sector. I would like to thank those non-executive directors, Henry Boyd and Donald Ogilvy Watson, who have now retired from the board. I am grateful for their contribution to the company prior to the flotation and for the great support they have given the company through its formative years. People We have a small team at Alkane Energy and 2000 was a particularly demanding year as we went through the flotation process. I thank them for their hard work and enthusiasm. We are pleased that all our people will be able to share in the rewards of the progress of the company, either as shareholders or through share options. Development Plan and Prospects The principal driving force behind the future development of Alkane is its aggressive roll-out programme. The company is rapidly preparing for this programme by recruiting additional managers and specialists, and by extending and using its network of contractors. Since the flotation, Alkane has signed heads of agreement with a number of potential customers in respect of the development of fourteen sites and negotiations with other potential customers are continuing. Development work has commenced at two sites and we have planning applications submitted in respect of a further five sites. Our sites research programme is gathering significant momentum, through our in-house team, supported by six regional teams of consultants. We have made a good start to our roll-out programme and anticipate that the first seven sites should become operational by the end of the first quarter of 2002. Thereafter we expect them to form the foundation of the company's sales and profit growth. Cameron Davies Executive Chairman Alkane Energy plc GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the year ended 31 December 2000 2000 1999 (restated) £ £ TURNOVER 1,255,865 338,849 Cost of sales (631,709) (273,619) GROSS PROFIT 624,156 65,230 Administrative expenses (997,079) (371,960) Other operating income 7,512 12,669 OPERATING LOSS (365,411) (294,061) Bank interest receivable 102,891 12,280 Interest payable (922,189) (260,216) LOSS ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION (1,184,709) (541,997) Taxation 432 (31) LOSS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR (1,184,277) (542,028) ACCUMULATED LOSSES BROUGHT FORWARD (1,041,019) (498,991) ACCUMULATED LOSSES CARRIED FORWARD (2,225,296) (1,041,019) Loss per ordinary share - basic and fully diluted (3.6p) (1.8p) STATEMENT OF RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES 2000 1999 £ £ Loss for the financial year (1,184,277) (542,028) Total recognised losses for the year (1,184,277) (542,028) Prior year adjustment 339,837 - Total losses recognised since the last annual (844,440) (542,028) report Alkane Energy plc GROUP BALANCE SHEET at 31 December 2000 2000 1999 (restated) £ £ FIXED ASSETS Intangible assets 61,998 114,998 Tangible fixed assets - gas properties 5,555,985 4,400,756 Tangible fixed assets - other 150,237 32,320 5,768,220 4,548,074 CURRENT ASSETS Stock 17,368 8,969 Debtors 534,472 198,312 Cash at bank and in hand 25,957,614 672,294 26,509,454 879,575 CREDITORS: amounts falling due within one year (1,037,358) (662,241) NET CURRENT ASSETS 25,472,096 217,334 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 31,240,316 4,765,408 CREDITORS: amounts falling due after more than one year Convertible loan stock held by shareholders - (5,507,863) PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES (129,778) - NET ASSETS 31,110,538 (742,455) CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up share capital 446,794 150,413 Share premium account 32,889,040 148,151 Profit and loss account (2,225,296) (1,041,019) TOTAL EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS 31,110,538 (742,455) Alkane Energy plc GROUP STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS for the year ended 31 December 2000 2000 1999 £ £ NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (NOTE A) (41,301) (274,260) RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF FINANCE Interest received 34,656 12,280 Interest paid (911,458) (125,208) (876,802) (112,928) TAXATION Corporation tax 329 (2,182) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets - gas (1,390,341) (2,402,725) properties Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets - other (23,835) (17,150) Receipt of grants - 91,389 (1,414,176) (2,328,485) NET CASH OUTFLOW BEFORE FINANCING (2,331,950) (2,717,855) FINANCING Issue of ordinary share capital 28,037,270 - Issue of convertible loan stock 2,380,000 2,620,000 Repayment of convertible loan stock (2,800,000) - 27,617,270 2,620,000 INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH 25,285,320 (97,855) RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT 2000 1999 £ £ Increase/(decrease) in cash 25,285,320 (97,855) Cash outflow/(inflow) from loans 420,000 (2,620,000) CHANGE IN NET DEBT ARISING FROM CASH FLOWS 25,705,320 (2,717,855) Loans converted into shares 5,000,000 - NET DEBT AT 1 JANUARY (4,747,706) (2,029,851) NET DEBT AT 31 DECEMBER (NOTE B) 25,957,614 (4,747,706) NOTES TO THE STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS A Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow from operating activities 2000 1999 £ £ Operating loss (365,411) (294,061) Depreciation 147,442 110,351 Amortisation 31,000 31,000 (Increase) in stock (8,399) (8,969) (Increase) in debtors (267,925) (83,938) Increase/(Decrease) in creditors 421,992 (28,643) Net cash outflow from operating activities (41,301) (274,260) B Analysis of net funds/(debt) At Converted At 1 January into 31 December 2000 shares Cash flow 2000 £ £ £ £ Cash at bank and in hand 672,294 - 25,285,320 25,957,614 Loans (5,420,000) 5,000,000 420,000 - (4,747,706) 5,000,000 25,705,320 25,957,614 General Notes: 1. The preliminary financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2000 were approved by the board of directors on 14 March 2001. 2. (a) The preliminary financial information set out above does not constitute full accounts within the meaning of section 254 of the Companies Act 1985. (b) Statutory accounts in respect of the year ended 31 December 1999 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those accounts were subject to an unqualified report by the auditors. (c) Copies of the Report & Accounts will be sent to shareholders shortly and will be available from the company's registered office, 5 Acorn Business Park, Commercial Gate, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 1EX.
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