Final Results

Alliance Trust PLC 19 March 2001 THE ALLIANCE TRUST PLC FINAL RESULTS FOR THE YEAR TO 31 JANUARY 2001 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Performance Stock Unit Data Year to Year to 31 January 31 January 2001 2000 Dividends interim paid October 2000 26.0p 24.0p final proposed May 2001 40.5p 40.5p total 66.5p 64.5p Net asset value (NAV) per ordinary stock unit (at 31 £39.12 £37.39 January) Price per stock unit (at 31 January) £33.575 £30.525 Discount (at 31 January) 14.2% 18.4% Company total expense ratio (expenses / closing NAV) 0.14% 0.13% Returns One Year Ten Years Dividends - compound rate of income growth pa 3.1% 5.2% NAV - compound rate of capital growth pa 4.6% 12.2% Total return on Company's assets - pa (NAV) note 1 6.4% 14.2% Total return on stockholder's investment (stock 12.2% 16.2% price) - pa note 1 Total return on FTSE Actuaries All-Share Index - pa 4.1% 14.8% (net) note 2 Average annual rate of inflation (RPI) 2.7% 2.8% Note 1 These returns include income and capital gains and are approximately equal to the annual compound growth in net assets/stock price added to the net yield on the portfolio/stock 2 The return on the FTSE Actuaries All-Share Index is computed on the same basis including net income appropriate to the yield on the index. DIVIDEND The Board is proposing a final net dividend of 40.5p per ordinary stock unit payable on 1 May which, taken together with the increased interim dividend paid in October 2000, makes a total of 66.5p for the year, an increase of 3.1%. Subject to approval by the stockholders the final dividend on the Company's ordinary stock is payable on Tuesday, 1 May 2001 to stockholders registered on 17 April 2001. The dividends on the Company's preference stocks are also payable on 1 May 2001 to stockholders registered on 17 April 2001 and the ex-dividend date for all stocks is 11 April 2001. Chairman's Statement 'This has been another record year for us and one in which our fundamental approach to investment has again delivered value. We avoided the full impact of the precipitous falls in the technology, media and telecommunication sectors and our stocks outperformed in nearly all the markets in which we are invested. Our net asset value increased by 4.6% compared with 1.8% for the FTSE Actuaries All-Share Index and we have increased the dividend by 3.1% to give a total return of 6.4%. This return does not match the absolute increases achieved in some earlier years but in a time of continuing subdued inflation lower monetary returns have to be expected. With the slow down in the world economy, this is a difficult time for long term investment and, as equity investors, we cannot escape the roller-coaster of markets. However, with no gearing, an expense ratio of 0.14% and a yield of over 2% we are confident that we are in a good position to secure the long term real returns which we continue to believe are offered by equities. Good investment performance is an essential prerequisite in creating long term demand for our stock but the ongoing balance between supply and demand also needs careful monitoring. One route is to try to regulate this balance by introducing a policy of share buy-backs but such a policy can raise questions of fairness among shareholders and risks diluting the historic strength of the closed end aspect of trusts in depressed markets. We prefer to continue creating a sustainable long term demand for stock through Alliance Trust Savings (ATS). This business provides stockholders with a savings as well as an investment service and this year passed the £1bn mark of investors' funds. The total amount invested in investment trusts is £600m, made up of £280m in the Alliance Trusts and a total of £320m in other investment trusts. Currently just over 11% of the Alliance Trust is held in ATS plans. We see great scope for the continued expansion of this business: changes to PEPs and pensions in April 2001 will assist this process and, longer term, our in-house expertise, technology and low cost base give us a considerable competitive advantage. The success story of ATS is not widely known as growth in customer numbers has been achieved largely through word of mouth recommendation. This method of distribution should continue, but we have decided that ATS has now reached a size where it is appropriate from a business and corporate viewpoint to raise the profile. We welcome to the Board Sheila Ruckley, who was Company Secretary for 11 years and who has also played a significant role in the development of our savings products business. She has particular responsibility for investor relations, including raising the awareness of the Alliance Trust and of ATS and its products. New initiatives are already in hand and the next year promises to be an exciting one. We also welcome Bill Jack, who has joined the Board as a non-executive director. He retired recently as managing director of CGU Life, a very successful savings and investment business, and his knowledge and experience have already been of considerable value to us. Andrew Thomson is retiring at the AGM having served on the board for 12 years. His deep understanding of the culture and qualities which make the Alliance Trust the highly respected company it is, have been of great help to us all in driving, and adapting to, the wide range of changes we have seen in recent years and I am particularly grateful for his contribution.' RESULTS Per Ordinary Stock Unit Group Company 2001 2000 2001 2000 Total earnings 67.69p 68.87p 67.26p 68.86p Dividend 66.50p 64.50p 66.50p 64.50p Net asset value £39.12 £37.39 £39.12 £37.39 Revenue Return £000 £000 £000 £000 Investment income 43,180 43,250 40,320 40,994 Other income 2,574 2,484 - - Revenue before taxation 38,924 39,596 37,388 38,412 Taxation (4,216) (4,365) (3,393) (3,611) Revenue after taxation 34,708 35,231 33,995 34,801 Minority interest - equity (497) (426) - - Preference dividend payable (97) (97) (97) (97) Revenue attributable to ordinary 34,114 34,708 33,898 34,704 stockholders Amount absorbed by ordinary dividend (33,516) (32,508) (33,516) (32,508) Balance Sheet £000 £000 £000 £000 Investments at valuation 1,949,982 1,864,182 1,958,608 1,872,641 Net current assets 35,338 33,747 16,966 15,712 Total assets less current liabilities 1,985,320 1,897,929 1,975,574 1,888,353 Long term liabilities 11,394 11,224 1,648 1,648 Ordinary stockholders' funds 1,971,726 1,884,505 1,971,726 1,884,505 Net asset value per ordinary stock unit £39.12 £37.39 £39.12 £37.39 Cash Flow Statement Net cash inflow from operating activities 45,676 46,684 37,455 39,106 Servicing of finance (1,932) (1,686) (173) (177) Taxation paid (3,742) (2,929) (3,179) (2,105) Investment purchases settled (309,710) (278,607) (307,430) (277,704) Investment sales settled 319,105 211,133 317,305 202,907 Equity dividends paid (33,516) (32,508) (33,516) (32,508) Management of liquid resources (24,278) 64,037 (10,594) 67,614 Capital subscribed by minority shareholder - 2,500 - - Loan from Alliance Trust (Finance) Limited - - - 3,000 _______ _______ _______ _______ (Decrease)Increase in Cash (8,397) 8,624 (132) 133 _______ _______ _______ _______ The revenue return statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 January 2001 or 2000 but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2000 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those of 2001 will be delivered following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The auditor has reported on those accounts. Its reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The Report and Accounts will be posted to stockholders on Tuesday, 27 March 2001 and will also be made available to the public at the Company's registered office, Meadow House, 64 Reform Street, Dundee DD1 1TJ and at the offices of the Company's registrar, Computershare Services PLC, Owen House, 8 Bankhead Crossway North, Edinburgh EH11 4BR on and after that date. The full annual report, up to date performance data, details of new initiatives and other information about the Company can be found on our website - The press release summarising these results follows and questions should be addressed to Gavin Suggett or Alan Young or Sheila Ruckley (telephone 01382 201700). PRESS RELEASE * Assets and dividend at record high levels * Net asset value increased 4.6% compared with 1.8% for the FTSE Actuaries All-Share Index * Stock performance was positive in all regions * Dividend up 3.1% to give total return of 6.4% * Alliance Trust Savings investors' funds grew 19% to over £1bn * Total expense ratio of 0.14% of net assets The Alliance Trust PLC today (Monday) announced its annual results for the year to 31 January 2001 which shows record net assets of £1,972m. This increase of 4.6% is ahead of the FTSE Actuaries All-Share Index for the same period by 2.8%. Asset allocation contributed 1.1% and good stock selection 1.7% to this performance. The final dividend is maintained at 40.5p per stock unit, making 66.5p for the year, an increase of 3.1% on 2000. The total return on the Company's assets was £2.40 per stock unit, an increase of 6.4% on the previous year. The funds held for investors by Alliance Trust Savings, in the Alliance ISA, PEP, Investment and Pension Plans, reached over £1bn, an increase of 19% in the year. Commenting on the results, Gavin Suggett, Chief Executive of the Alliance Trust, said: 'The last year has been an extraordinary one and one in which we believe the Alliance showed its true strengths as a core investment. Wide diversification, long term investment horizon and a strong income objective were not fashionable at the beginning of the year but now that the TMTbubble has burst, the solid value in the portfolio has shone through and the performance is being delivered. 'Our savings operation, Alliance Trust Savings, is very important to us. It provides the means by which many of our stockholders can hold their investments tax and cost efficiently. It is the source of a growing demand for stock in the Alliance Trust and looking ahead we have identified many opportunities arising £ through the changes to PEPs and Pensions taking place in April. 'Our new investor relations team, headed up by newly appointed board director Sheila Ruckley, will play a crucial role in raising the profile of the organisation for the benefit of all stockholders. What we offer is unique in the investment trust industry and we feel well placed to compete in these challenging times.' Alan Young, Investment Director, commenting on the investment outlook, said: 'We expect further falls in interest rates globally and this could stimulate equity markets. However, in the near term, progress is unlikely to be smooth and we feel comfortable with no gearing and a flow of income which should support a growing dividend. We aim to hold a diversified 'all weather' portfolio consisting of a range of equities which will, we believe, cope with the variety of economic conditions which are likely to lie ahead.' ENDS For further information please contact: Jackie McColl at Citigate SMARTS on 0141 400 9721/ 07968 483649 Gavin Suggett, Chief Executive or Alan Young, Investment Director or Sheila Ruckley, Investor Relations Director of The Alliance Trust on 01382 201700. Or visit the website on: Notes to Editors 1. Attached is the full year results. Photographs of the directors of the Alliance Trust will be ISDN to your picture desk. Please contact Jackie McColl if you have any queries on 0141 400 9721. 2. The Alliance Trust and the Second Alliance Trust (the Trusts), formed in 1888 and 1883 respectively, are both long established investment trust companies with total assets of £2.8bn, invested on a global basis. They are managed from Dundee and, unlike most investment trusts, they employ their own staff who concentrate solely on managing the companies and their investments. The shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange and together they have over 70,000 stockholders, who either hold their shares directly or through the products provided by Alliance Trust Savings or through other nominees. 3. The Trusts aim to provide the core investment for investors who wish to build up a long term store of increasing value and are known for their consistent performance over the long term. 4. Alliance Trust Savings has a range of savings and investment products, all developed and administered in house, comprising Investment Plans, ISAs, PEPs and Pension Plans. It has grown from virtually nothing to over £1bn of investors' assets over the last 10 years.
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