Result of AGM
The Alliance Trust PLC
Annual General Meeting
At the Company's Annual General Meeting held on Friday, 29 April 2005 Mr. Gordon
McQueen were confirmed as a director by stockholders. Mrs. Lesley Knox,
Chairman, and Mr. Alan Young were re-elected as directors.
A final dividend of 36.25p was approved, making the total for the year 71.75p.
The final dividend is payable on 3 May 2005.
All resolutions proposed at the AGM were carried on a show of hands. Proxy
votes received were:
For Against Withheld
1 Report and Accounts 1,906,407 2,265 3,070
2 Directors' Remuneration Report 1,854,442 25,835 25,137
3 Dividends 1,908,845 520 2,398
4 Appointment of Gordon McQueen 1,891,540 7,533 7,075
5 Re-election of Lesley Knox 1,877,790 20,961 7,354
6 Re-election of Alan Young 1,879,799 20,591 5,577
7 Re-election of KPMG Audit Plc as 1,889,969 10,263 6,429
8 Remuneration of the Auditor 1,897,717 4,196 4,672
9 Conversion of Ordinary Stock 1,902,944 2,969 5,487
into Ordinary Shares
10 Alteration to Memorandum of 1,897,183 5,400 8,110
11 Adoption of New Articles of 1,896,790 6,395 7,646
12 Cancellation & Repayment of 1,897,663 5,211 7,925
Preference Stock
13 Equity Incentive Plan 1,809,249 58,494 36,651
14 Employee Benefit Trust 1,840,785 29,136 34,359
For further information please contact:
Mr. Ian Goddard
The Alliance Trust PLC
Tel. 01382 201700