Interim Results
Alumasc Group PLC
10 February 2005
Thursday 10 February 2005
Alumasc, the high specification engineering and building products group,
announces its results for the half year ended 31 December 2004.
Financial Highlights
• Pre-tax profit on continuing activities of £3.5m (2003: £3.4m).
• Trading profit on continuing activities of £4.3m (2003: £3.7m).
• Earnings per share on continuing activities of 7.0p (2003: 6.9p).
• Interim dividend per share of 3.0p (2003: 3.0p).
• Net borrowings of £3.4m (gearing of 8.6%) at the seasonal high point
of 31 December 2004 (2003: £1.9m), despite the £6.4m outflow on two
acquisitions in the period.
• The disposal in January of the loss-making G E Bissell generated a
pre-tax loss on discontinued activities of £4.6m, including £3.3m of
goodwill previously written off to reserves.
Commercial Highlights
• Alumasc Building Products, the Group's largest division, grew turnover
by £2.8m to £21.9m, and operating profit by £0.4m to £2.5m. This
strong performance was assisted by the acquisition of Roof-Pro Limited
in July and of Timloc Building Products Limited in September, both of
which performed well.
• Alumasc Precision enjoyed mixed success, with weak demand from its
automotive customers countering growth achieved in other areas.
Overall, turnover declined by £1.3m and operating profit by £0.1m, to
£16.4m and £1.15m respectively.
• The Group's continuing Industrial Products activities advanced
turnover by £2.0m and operating profit by £0.3m, to £18.6m and £0.7m
respectively. Alumasc Dispense benefited from high demand from
on-going projects with its Brewery customers and has new products
under development using patented wireless energy transfer technology.
With regard to prospects, John McCall, Chairman, stated "The bias in Alumasc's
profit generation towards the second half year - an increasing feature of recent
years - is expected to continue. Moreover, Alumasc's strong cash generation and
sound balance sheet will ensure that the Group continues to exploit the
opportunities which it has generated with its key customers and markets and to
consider appropriate acquisitions in the Building Products sector."
The Alumasc Group plc 01536-383 844
John McCall (Chairman) ) from 10.30 to 12.30
Paul Hooper (Chief Executive) ) 020-7588 7511
Bankside Consultants Limited
Charles Ponsonby 020-7444 4166
From 09.30 to 10.30 today, there will be a presentation to brokers' analysts and
private client investment advisers at the offices of Williams de Broe, 6
Broadgate, London EC2M 2RP.
Chairman's Statement
The Group earned profits before tax from continuing activities of £3.5 million
in the six months to December 2004, £0.1 million ahead of those in the first
half of the previous year. Earnings in the half-year were 7.0p per share on this
basis (2003: 6.9p). The Board has declared an unchanged interim dividend of 3.0p
per share.
Our continuing activities earned trading profits (before interest, goodwill and
pensions deficit charges) of £4.3 million in the period, £0.6 million higher
than in the previous year, and the margin on turnover rose from 7.0% to 7.5%.
The Building Products and Industrial Products divisions moved strongly ahead in
the period, while Precision Components, which is being re-positioned to become
less dependent on automotive customers, achieved slightly lower turnover and
Interest costs rose marginally to £0.2 million on net borrowings of £3.4 million
at the seasonal high point of 31 December 2004, giving gearing of 8.6%. This
increase in borrowings over £1.9 million twelve months earlier reflects two
acquisitions in the period at a cash cost of £6.4 million. The cost of funding
the Group's pensions deficit increased by £0.34 million to £0.5 million.
The reported pre-tax loss of £1.1 million includes the loss incurred on the sale
of the non-core, loss-making G E Bissell business, including re-charging the
profit and loss account with £3.3 million of goodwill previously written off to
Alumasc Building Products, the Group's largest division, grew turnover by £2.8
million to £21.9 million, and operating profit by £0.4 million to £2.5 million.
This strong performance was assisted by the acquisition of Roof-Pro Limited in
July and of Timloc Building Products Limited in September, both of whom
performed in line with expectations. The success of newer products also
contributed to the division's advance and will help to drive future growth.
Alumasc Precision enjoyed mixed success, with weak demand from its automotive
customers countering the growth achieved in other areas. Overall, turnover
declined by £1.3 million and operating profit by £0.1 million, to £16.4 million
and £1.15 million respectively. In the light of this continuing decline in
automotive activity and the development into other market areas, the Board is
actively reviewing with management and employees the options for re-aligning
capacity in the division to meet the future needs of our customers while
enhancing divisional profitability.
The Group's continuing Industrial Products activities advanced turnover by £2.0
million and operating profit by
£0.3 million, to £18.6 million and £0.7 million respectively. Alumasc Dispense
benefited from higher demand from on-going projects with its Brewery customers.
A number of new products are under development, including a particularly
exciting project utilising patented wireless energy transfer technology under
licence. Brock Metals was little changed from the previous year.
Two building products companies were acquired during the half year- Roof-Pro
Limited and Timloc Building Products Limited - at a combined cost of £6.4
million, in line with our strategy for growing the Building Products division
organically and through add-on acquisitions. Both businesses have performed well
since acquisition and are proving useful extensions to our market presence.
Since the end of the period, G E Bissell, the small loss-making Industrial
Products business, has been sold and the proceeds will be used to develop our
core activities. Bissell is treated as discontinued in the half year accounts.
Goodwill of £3.3 million, written off to reserves in 1995, has been accounted
for in accordance with FRS 2.
The bias in Alumasc's profit generation towards the second half year - an
increasing feature of recent years - is expected to continue. Moreover,
Alumasc's strong cash generation and sound balance sheet will ensure that the
Group continues to exploit the opportunities which it has generated with its key
customers and markets, and to consider appropriate acquisitions in the Building
Products sector.
John McCall
Chairman 10 February 2005
Unaudited Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the half year to 31 December 2004
Half year 31 December 2004 Half year 31 December 2003 Year to 30 June 2004
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
Continuing Discontinued Continuing Discontinued Continuing Discontinued
activities activities Total activities activities Total activities activities Total
Notes £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
operations 54,403 - 54,403 53,404 - 53,404 112,358 - 112,358
Acquisitions 2,519 - 2,519 - - - - - -
operations - 1,356 1,356 - 1,406 1,406 - 2,954 2,954
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
2 56,922 1,356 58,278 53,404 1,406 54,810 112,358 2,954 115,312
profit/ (loss)
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
amortisation 3,768 (206) 3,562 3,538 (122) 3,416 8,476 (230) 8,246
amortisation (107) - (107) - - - - - -
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
operations 3,223 - 3,223 3,538 - 3,538 8,476 - 8,476
Acquisitions 438 - 438 - - - - - -
operations - (206) (206) - (122) (122) - (230) (230)
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
profit/ (loss) 2 3,661 (206) 3,455 3,538 (122) 3,416 8,476 (230) 8,246
Share of
profit in
associates 2 30 - 30 25 - 25 50 - 50
Profit on
fixed asset
disposals - - - - - - 880 - 880
Loss on
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
Loss on sale - (1,129) (1,129) - - - - - -
Goodwill write
back - (3,260) (3,260) - - - - - -
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
- (4,389) (4,389) - - - - - -
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
Profit/ (loss)
on ordinary
interest 3,691 (4,595) (904) 3,563 (122) 3,441 9,406 (230) 9,176
Net interest
payable (160) - (160) (123) - (123) (229) - (229)
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
Profit/ (loss)
on ordinary
before tax 3,531 (4,595) (1,064) 3,440 (122) 3,318 9,177 (230) 8,947
Tax on profit
on ordinary
activities 4 (1,094) 294 (800) (1,021) 36 (985) (2,526) 67 (2,459)
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
Profit/ (loss)
on ordinary
tax 2,437 (4,301) (1,864) 2,419 (86) 2,333 6,651 (163) 6,488
interest - - - (11) - (11) (7) - (7)
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
Profit/ (loss)
for financial
to shareholders 2,437 (4,301) (1,864) 2,408 (86) 2,322 6,644 (163) 6,481
Dividends (1,060) - (1,060) (1,041) - (1,041) (3,225) - (3,225)
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
profit/ (loss)
for the
period 1,377 (4,301) (2,924) 1,367 (86) 1,281 3,419 (163) 3,256
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
Basic earnings
per share 5 7.0p (12.3)p (5.3)p 6.9p (0.2)p 6.7p 19.1p (0.5)p 18.6p
earnings per
share 5 6.9p (12.2)p (5.3)p 6.8p (0.2)p 6.6p 19.0p (0.5)p 18.5p
Dividend per
share 6 3.0p 3.0p 9.3p
Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet
at 31 December 2004
31 December 31 December 30 June
2004 2003 2004
£000 £000 £000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 5,269 54 50
Tangible assets 26,274 27,901 25,901
Investments 515 493 515
32,058 28,448 26,466
Current assets
Stocks 12,835 11,830 11,745
Debtors 24,807 21,904 26,875
Cash at bank and in hand - 816 5,625
37,642 34,550 44,245
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
Bank overdraft 1,487 - -
Trade and other creditors 23,511 19,653 24,966
Taxation 807 1,132 1,151
Proposed dividend 1,048 1,041 2,185
26,853 21,826 28,302
Net current assets 10,789 12,724 15,943
Total assets less current liabilities 42,847 41,172 42,409
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year 1,519 2,966 1,907
Provisions for liabilities and charges 1,336 825 1,040
Equity minority interest 28 31 28
Net assets 39,964 37,350 39,434
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 4,383 4,352 4,352
Share premium 27,156 26,907 26,909
Revaluation reserve 1,727 1,874 1,727
Capital redemption reserve 693 693 693
Capital reserve - own shares (247) (164) (164)
Profit and loss account 6,252 3,688 5,917
Equity shareholders' funds 39,964 37,350 39,434
* Comparative figures have been restated to reflect treatment in accordance
with UITF 38.
Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Recognised Gains and Losses
For the half year to 31 December 2004
Half year Half year Year
31 December 31 December 30 June
2004 2003 2004
£000 £000 £000
(Loss)/profit for the financial period attributable to shareholders (1,864) 2,322 6,481
Currency translation differences on foreign currency net investments - - (6)
Total recognised gains and losses for the period (1,864) 2,322 6,475
Unaudited Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholders' Funds
For the half year to 31 December 2004
Half year Half year Year
31 December 31 December 30 June
2004 2003 2004
£000 £000 £000
Retained (loss)/profit for the financial period (2,924) 1,281 3,256
Exchange difference - - (6)
Issue of shares 278 - 2
UITF 17 charge on long term incentive plan - - 113
Movement on capital reserve - own shares (84) - -
Goodwill transferred to profit and loss account 3,260 - -
Net increase in shareholders' funds 530 1,281 3,365
Opening shareholders' funds 39,434 *36,069 *36,069
Closing shareholders' funds 39,964 37,350 39,434
* As restated
Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the half year to 31 December 2004
Half year Half year Year
31 December 31 December 30 June
2004 2003 2004
£000 £000 £000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 4,479 1,088 9,637
Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Net interest paid (160) (123) (229)
Dividends paid to minority shareholders (15) (16) (15)
(175) (139) (244)
UK corporation tax paid (1,252) (963) (2,192)
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (1,405) (1,505) (2,490)
Proceeds from sale of tangible fixed assets 32 273 264
(1,373) (1,232) (2,226)
Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings (7,351) - -
Net cash acquired with subsidiary undertakings 865 - -
(6,486) - -
Equity dividends paid (2,197) (2,185) (3,225)
Issue of ordinary share capital 278 - 2
Repayment of amounts borrowed (386) (361) (735)
(108) (361) (733)
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period (7,112) (3,792) 1,017
Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash
inflow from operating activities
Operating profit 3,455 3,416 8,246
Business disposal costs (1,129) - -
Depreciation 2,292 1,720 3,643
Amortisation of goodwill 107 4 8
(Profit)/loss on disposal of tangible fixed (8) 22 10
Increase in working capital* (922) (3,752) (1,350)
Increase/(decrease) in warranty and other
provisions 684 (322) (920)
4,479 1,088 9,637
* Included within the movement in working capital for the half year to 31
December 2004 are proceeds received of £2.0 million from the sale of land
at the Burton-upon-Trent site, the sale of which occurred in the year to
30 June 2004.
Notes on the Unaudited Accounts
for the half year to 31 December 2004
1. Basis of preparation
The interim financial statements for the half year ended 31 December 2004
are not statutory accounts. They have been prepared in accordance with the
accounting policies detailed in the 2004 annual report and accounts, but
they have been neither audited nor reviewed by the Group's auditors. The
financial information for the year ended 30 June 2004 is an abridged
version of the financial statements filed with the Registrar of Companies,
on which the auditors gave an unqualified report. The interim report is
being posted to shareholders and copies are available to the public at the
registered office, Burton Latimer, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN15 5JP.
2. Analysis of turnover and profit before tax
Half year 31 December 2004 Half year 31 December 2003
Continuing activities Total Continuing activities Total
Turnover Profit Turnover Profit Turnover Profit Turnover Profit
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Building Products 21,853 2,457 21,853 2,457 19,098 2,083 19,098 2,083
Engineering Products
- Precision Components 16,410 1,148 16,410 1,148 17,740 1,224 17,740 1,224
- Industrial Products 18,659 687 20,015 481 16,566 407 17,972 285
56,922 4,292 58,278 4,086 53,404 3,714 54,810 3,592
Pension deficit cost (494) (494) (151) (151)
Goodwill (107) (107) - -
Operating profit including associates 3,691 3,485 3,563 3,441
Loss on business disposal - (1,129) - -
Goodwill write back - (3,260) - -
Interest (160) (160) (123) (123)
Profit/(loss) before tax 3,531 (1,064) 3,440 3,318
Goodwill amortisation in the period relates wholly to Building Products.
The amounts disclosed as pension deficit cost have been shown separately
because they relate to closed schemes, 90% of whose members are not now
employed by the Group.
3. Activities discontinued
Discontinued activities in the period comprise the sale of the business and
certain assets of G E Bissell and Co, a manufacturer and supplier of spring
pins and disc springs, on 14 January 2005. The loss on disposal comprises a
write-down of retained freehold property, costs and an estimated loss on
stock which will be paid for by the purchaser at a rate and value dependent
on usage. Goodwill which was written off to reserves on acquisition in 1995
has been transferred back through the Profit and Loss Account in accordance
with FRS 2.
Notes on the Unaudited Accounts
for the half year to 31 December 2004
4. Taxation
The taxation provided is based on an estimated effective rate for the year.
Half year Half year Year
31 December 31 December 30 June
2004 2003 2004
£000 £000 £000
Current tax - UK Corporation tax 610 893 2,114
- Foreign tax - - 27
Share of associate's current tax - overseas - - 28
Deferred tax 190 92 290
800 985 2,459
5. Earnings per share
Earnings per share is based on the weighted average number of ordinary
shares in issue for the period of 34,924,462 (31 December 2003: 34,817,305,
year ended 30 June 2004: 34,817,592). Diluted earnings per share is based
on the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the
period, after allowing for the exercise of outstanding share options, of
35,093,754 (31 December 2003: 34,988,648, year ended 30 June 2004:
6. Dividends
The directors have declared an interim dividend per share of 3.0p
(2003: 3.0p) which will be paid on 6 April 2005 to shareholders on the
register at the close of business on 11 March 2005.
7. Acquisitions
The Group acquired two building product businesses during the six months
to 31 December 2004.
Total cost including deferred consideration and cash acquired 7,501
Provisional fair value to the Group of the net assets acquired 2,175
Goodwill 5,326
8. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net (debt)/cash
Half year Half year Year
31 December 31 December 30 June
2004 2003 2004
£000 £000 £000
(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period (7,112) (3,792) 1,017
Repayment of debt 386 361 735
Change in net (debt)/cash from cash flows in the period (6,726) (3,431) 1,752
Net cash at start of period 3,288 1,536 1,536
Net (debt)/cash at end of period (3,438) (1,895) 3,288
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange