Monday 4 January 2010
Interims Date/Presentation
Alumasc (ALU.L), the premium building and engineering products group, proposes to announce its results for the six month period to 31 December 2009 on Thursday 4 February 2010.
On that day, a presentation will be made to institutions, broker's analysts and private client brokers by Paul Hooper (Chief Executive) and Andrew Magson (Finance Director), with John McCall (Chairman) in attendance. The meeting, over a sandwich lunch, will commence at 1.00 p.m. and end at approximately 2.00 p.m.. It will be held at the offices of KBC Peel Hunt, 111 Old Broad Street, London, EC2N 1PH. Those wishing to attend should notify Rose Oddy of Bankside Consultants on 0207 367 8853/
The Alumasc Group plc
Paul Hooper (Group Chief Executive) Tel: 01536 383821
Andrew Magson (Group Finance Director) Tel: 01536 383844
Bankside Consultants
Charles Ponsonby Tel: 0207 367 8851
Rose Oddy Tel: 0207 367 8853