Preliminary Results
Aminex PLC
2 May 2000
Aminex PLC, ('Aminex') the oil and gas development, production and oilfield
services group listed on the London and Dublin Stock Exchanges, today
announces its preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 1999.
- Turnover up 35% to $15,894,000.
- Strong profit in second half offset first half loss and resulted in
overall profit for the year of $365,000.
- Successful test of first well on the Kirtayel Field.
- Major US drilling programme under way.
Financial Review
Group turnover in 1999 was $15,894,000 compared with $11,844,000 in the
previous year. This increase was due in part to higher production of oil and
gas, but more particularly to the sharp rise in the oil price during the year.
Average oil prices realised during the year were $14.14 per barrel in Russia,
$15.56 per barrel in the United States of America and $17.53 per barrel in
Total cost of sales was $10,046,000 against $12,104,000 in the previous year.
There were no significant variances in depreciation charges or administrative
expenses. This resulted in an operating profit of $1,306,000, compared with a
loss of $9,445,000 in the previous year. The latter figure included an asset
impairment provision of $3,530,000, of which $1,100,000 has been written back
in 1999 due to the strengthening of oil prices.
The Group net profit of $365,000 for the year to 31st December 1999 compares
with a net loss of $8,668,000 last year. The Group earned a net profit of
$1,345,000 in the second half of the year, reflecting an improved oil price.
The Group's producing operations in Russia, the United States and Tunisia all
contributed to profits. AMOSSCO, the Group's oil services division, recorded
a loss.
Work on the leases acquired by Aminex USA, Inc. during the period of low oil
prices commenced in 1999 and by the beginning of 2000 a forty well drilling
programme in Texas and Louisiana was in progress, operated by Aminex on behalf
of itself and partners and initially funded by a financing arrangement with
McAlester Fuel Company of Houston. Under this arrangement McAlester is paying
for Aminex's share in the first ten wells being drilled with an option to
participate on the same basis in the following thirty wells. McAlester bears
the risk of all these wells without recourse to Aminex and is entitled to a
share in Aminex's net revenues determined on a well-by-well basis, after all
expenses have been recovered.
In the last few days the first Aminex-drilled development well on the Kirtayel
Field in the Komi Republic has been flow-tested at an initial rate of 1,500
barrels of oil per day, as separately announced today. This well is now being
brought on stream, following which a further well, currently undergoing
recompletion, will also be tied in. The drilling rig has now moved to a new
location and has commenced drilling the next development well. A sustained
development drilling campaign, financed by the IFC loan, will ensure the full
development of this field, currently Aminex's single largest project, as
rapidly as possible.
During 1999, Aminex's AmKomi subsidiary brought on stream two further Komi
fields, Aresskoye and West Aresskoye, through well recompletions and
construction of field facilities. Further development work is planned. In
the same area AmKomi plans to drill an exploration well on the Gudrayel
licence during 2000.
Also in 1999 five development wells were successfully drilled on the Dachnoye
Field in Tatarstan and further drilling is planned for Summer 2000.
The El Biban Field, in which Aminex holds an interest of approximately 24%,
has benefited from low operating costs and taxes, making a strong contribution
to cashflow. In May 1999 cumulative production passed 1 million barrels and
plans are in hand for commercial development of the large gas cap present in
the El Biban reservoir which will maximise recovery of both oil and gas.
Aminex's Service division, AMOSSCO, was rationalised in 1999 and activities
which were loss-making in light of a downturn in North Sea activity and
changing trading patterns were reorganised. The costs of these decisions are
reflected in the group profit and loss account but the slimmed down division
is currently trading on a more sustainable basis and plans for diversifying
its operations are under active consideration.
In 1999 Aminex PLC raised $5 million for development of its projects through
placings of 14.8 million new ordinary shares for development of the group's
portfolio of oil and gas properties.
Two tranches totalling $5 million have been disbursed from the $17 million
loan made available by the IFC for the Kirtayel Field development. Further
drawdowns will take place in accordance with the terms of the facility as
field development progresses.
The Company has entered into an agreement with an international shipping and
finance group, which will provide Aminex with a $4 million standby facility to
enable it to expand its activities in Russia as opportunities present
themselves. Under the term of the facility, which may be drawn down in whole
or in part, this group will have the option to convert the loans to new Aminex
ordinary shares at Sterling 34 pence per share. This agreement is subject to
final documentation, approval from existing lenders and, so far as the
conversion to ordinary shares is concerned, approval from shareholders.
Commenting on the results, Aminex Chief Executive Brian Hall said: 'With major
drilling projects financed, under way and initially successful in both Russia
and the United States, supported by an oil price recovery which has now been
sustained for over twelve months, Aminex has rarely been better positioned to
develop its businesses'.
Aminex PLC
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
For the year ended 31 December 1999
1999 1998
US$'000 US$'000
Turnover - continuing operations 15,894 11,844
Cost of sales (10,046) (12,104)
Oil and gas assets impairment
release/(provision) 1,100 (3,530)
Amortisation of oil and gas properties (1,912) (2,220)
______ ______
Gross profit/(loss) 5,036 (6,010)
Administrative expenses (3,730) (3,435)
______ ______
Group operating profit/(loss)
- continuing operations 1,306 (9,445)
Share of operating loss in Associate - (107)
______ ______
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities
before interest 1,306 (9,552)
Interest receivable and other income 151 184
Interest payable and similar charges - Group (356) (205)
Interest payable and similar charges - Associate - (2)
______ ______
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities
before taxation 1,101 (9,575)
Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary activities (25) -
______ ______
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities
after taxation 1,076 (9,575)
(Profit)/loss attributable to minority
interest - equity (711) 907
______ ______
Retained profit/(loss) for the financial year 365 (8,668)
______ ______
Basic earnings/(loss) per IR5p Ordinary
Share (in US cents) 0.53 (14.11)
Diluted earnings/(loss) per IR5p Ordinary
Share (in US cents) 0.53 (14.11)
Consolidated and Company Balance Sheets
at 31 December 1999
Group Company
1999 1998 1999 1998
US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000
Fixed assets
Tangible fixed assets 36,060 30,364 _ _
Financial assets:
Investments in associates 1,648 1,648 783 783
Other financial assets - - 40,608 35,808
______ ______ ______ ______
37,708 32,012 41,391 36,591
______ ______ ______ ______
Current assets
Stocks 539 622 - -
Debtors 6,079 3,092 346 335
Cash at bank and in hand 2,495 996 6 16
______ ______ ______ ______
9,113 4,710 352 351
Creditors: amounts falling due
within one year (8,504) (6,253) (226) (71)
______ ______ ______ ______
Net current assets/(liabilities) 609 (1,543) 126 280
______ ______ ______ ______
Total assets less current
liabilities 38,317 30,469 41,517 36,871
Creditors: amounts falling due
after more than one year (2,107) (416) - -
______ ______ ______ ______
36,210 30,053 41,517 36,871
______ ______ ______ ______
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 5,648 4,660 5,648 4,660
Share premium account 38,809 34,790 38,809 34,790
Foreign currency reserve (30) (103) - -
Profit and loss account (12,393)(12,758) (2,940) (2,579)
______ ______ ______ ______
Shareholders' funds - equity 32,034 26,589 41,517 36,871
Minority interest - equity 4,176 3,464 - -
______ ______ ______ ______
36,210 30,053 41,517 36,871
______ ______ ______ ______
Aminex PLC
Notes to the Preliminary Results
1 Earnings/(loss) per Ordinary Share
Basic 1999 1998
Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary
shareholders US$365,000 US$(8,668,000)
Weighted average number of
Ordinary Shares outstanding 68,436,162 61,412,044
Basic earnings/(loss) per share 0.53 cents (14.11cents)
Basic earnings/(loss) per share is calculated by dividing the weighted
average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the period into the
profit/(loss) after taxation for the year attributable to the
shareholders of Aminex PLC.
Fully diluted 1999 1998
Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary
shareholders US$365,000 US$(8,668,000)
Weighted average number of
Ordinary Shares outstanding 68,436,162 61,412,044
Dilutive effect of share options 723,004 -
Weighted average number of shares
for the calculation of fully diluted
earnings per share 69,159,166 61,412,044
Fully diluted earnings/(loss)
per share cents 0.53 cents (14.11cents)
For the purpose of calculating fully diluted earnings per share, dilutive
potential Ordinary Shares have been deemed to have been converted into
Ordinary Shares at the beginning of the period. In 1998, the effect of
anti-dilutive potential Ordinary Shares are ignored in calculating
diluted loss per Share.
2 Dividends
No dividend is proposed (1998: nil).
3 1999 Report and Accounts
The 1999 Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders shortly.
For further information:
Brian Hall Aminex PLC, London +44 (0) 20 7240 1600
John Evans, Financial Dynamics +44 (0) 20 7269 7295