Preliminary Results

Angle PLC 05 July 2007 For immediate release 5 July 2007 ANGLE plc ('ANGLE' or the 'Company') Preliminary Results for the year ended 30 April 2007 ANGLE plc, the intellectual property and technology commercialisation company, announces preliminary results for the year ended 30 April 2007. Operational highlights • Significant further investment into existing portfolio of controlled investments bringing total investment to date to £12.5 million to establish, develop and create value in these portfolio companies. None of this is shown on the balance sheet. • Exit capability demonstrated through the trade sale of Acolyte Biomedica to 3M Corporation, returning an initial £0.9 million and a further earn-out of up to £4.7 million, a multiple of up to 8x on ANGLE's investment (see Note 8). • Six other Progeny(R) companies progressed during the year, all of which are controlled investments, with their value not on the balance sheet. Operational progress towards exit made in a number of the underlying companies, including Aberro, Geomerics, Novocellus and Parsortix, creating further unrealised value for shareholders. Financial performance • Planned expenditure on controlled investments of £3.1 million (2006: £2.2 million) and on ventures operating costs of £3.0 million (2006: £2.5 million). Adverse movement on quoted investments of £3.0 million (2006: gain of £2.5 million). • Loss before tax after this expenditure of £9.3 million (2006: £2.7 million). • Cash balance at 30 April 2007 of £2.6 million (2006: £8.2 million). Key developments post the year end • Full business review completed. Plan now in place to drive the business into profit during the current financial year. • Third party investment into Progeny(R) company Geomerics resulting in a fair value gain of £4.0 million and a reduction in ongoing investment commitments. • Significant new long-term management contract awarded by the Innovation Lincolnshire Outreach Programme, worth £0.9 million over the next 21 months. • Operating costs reduced by £2.3 million on an annualised basis. • Cash balances sufficient to deliver revised plan. Hance Fullerton, Chairman, commented: 'During the year ANGLE made substantial further investment in its portfolio companies. As a result, the Progeny(R) portfolio has continued to develop strongly. Key milestones have been reached by a number of the underlying companies. Through a combination of both our capital investment and supporting management expertise ANGLE is continuing to generate real underlying value for its shareholders. Our primary focus is now on releasing this value for shareholders. We have completed a detailed review of the business and a plan has been put in place which is expected to move ANGLE into profitability in the current financial year. The successful execution of this plan has already begun through the completed sale of Acolyte Biomedica and the third party investment into Geomerics. The Management services business is now operating profitably and will benefit from the recent award of the Lincolnshire management contract. With the reduced cost base, the Board looks forward to moving into profitability in the coming year.' Enquiries: ANGLE plc 01483 295830 Andrew Newland, Chief Executive Ian Griffiths, Finance Director Buchanan Communications 020 7466 5000 Richard Darby, Suzanne Brocks, James Strong A presentation for analysts will take place today at 10:00am at the offices of Buchanan Communications, 45 Moorfields, London, EC2Y 9AE. Please call Buchanan Communications for more details. Notes to Editors Founded in 1994, ANGLE is an international venture management company focusing on the commercialisation of technology and the development of technology-based industry. ANGLE creates, develops and advises technology businesses on its own behalf and for its clients. ANGLE is listed on AIM (AGL.L); further information can be found on CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT The year to 30 April 2007 was one of significant investment and progress in the portfolio of Progeny(R) companies. The maturing portfolio had two exits during the year, Acolyte Biomedica and Corpora, and investment in one company, InnoMatica, was ceased as it failed to meet our ongoing Progeny(R) investment criteria. Focus As announced on 1 May 2007, a review of the business has been undertaken with the objective of delivering profitability. To achieve this, the primary focus for the immediate future will be realising value from the existing portfolio of companies, rather than on the establishment of additional new companies. The plan set out three areas in which an immediate improvement in profitability was intended as follows: • Investment in new Progeny(R) companies to be deferred in order to focus efforts on the existing portfolio. This will reduce the operating loss in respect of direct investments in Progeny(R) companies in the current financial year. • Operating costs and staffing to be substantially reduced. The priority to be on realising value from the existing portfolio of investments rather than sourcing, evaluating and setting up new companies. • The fee-for-service business to focus on the profitable Management services business, which has long term contracts already in place, rather than short term consulting work. This will also result in significant savings in staff costs. I am pleased to report that strong progress has already been made in each of these key areas as follows: • The operating loss in respect of direct investments in Progeny(R) companies is expected to be approximately half that of the previous year. • Operating costs and staffing have been reduced by £2.3 million on an annualised basis. • A profit of £4.0 million has been delivered through an initial fair value gain on the Company's holding in Geomerics as a result of the transaction announced today. • The fee-for-service business is now focused on the Management services business, which is expected to deliver in excess of £0.4 million profit in the year. Outlook ANGLE is on track with its plan to deliver ongoing profitability. Following on from the successful third party investment in Geomerics, we are seeking similar transactions for other key portfolio companies. Meanwhile our Management services business is profitable and opportunities for its development look favourable. I intend to retire from the Board of ANGLE at the Annual General Meeting on 20 September 2007. I will leave the Board in the capable hands of Garth Selvey who will succeed me as non-executive Chairman. Garth joined ANGLE as a non-executive Director in September 2006 and has developed a wealth of experience in all aspects of corporate life including company growth, securing venture capital investment, attracting new investors, disposals, acquisitions and integration, as well as being CEO of Comino Group, a fully listed Company on the London Stock Exchange, prior to its acquisition by Civica plc in 2006. ...................... Hance Fullerton Chairman 4 July 2007 CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S STATEMENT During the year, ANGLE has significantly increased its level of investment in order to expand and develop the controlled investments portfolio. Due to these investments being made in companies in which we have a majority stake, accounting standards determine that the expenditure on these investments is charged to the income statement with no value recognised on the balance sheet. A profit is reported and the fair value of the investments is recognised on the balance sheet when the holdings are reduced and the companies are no longer controlled. Largely as a result of the above, the loss before tax for the year was £9.3 million. Some £6.1 million of this loss represents expenditure of £3.1 million direct investment in the controlled investment portfolio companies and £3.0 million operating costs to establish, develop and create value in Progeny(R) companies. The remaining £3.2 million reflects a decrease in fair value of quoted investments, share based payments, a loss on the consulting and management business and restructuring costs. Since the year end, the value of ANGLE's holding in Provexis has recovered by some £1.2 million. Progress across the business was generally slower than expected and plans to complete external funding into two of the controlled investments were delayed. Profits relating to fair value gains which may arise from these events are now expected to occur in the new financial year. One of the year's delayed events, the securing of external funding for Geomerics, has since been concluded and has delivered an initial fair value gain of £4.0 million. Following this external investment, we retain a 48% holding in Geomerics. Management services business Performance in the Consulting division was disappointing during the year. As a result, the decision was taken to focus on the profitable Management services business, which has long term contracts already in place, rather than short term consulting work. Since the year end, necessary restructuring has been completed and the Management services business is now performing profitably and showing good signs for future growth. Portfolio summary Controlled investments are Progeny(R) companies where the Group has control, typically through owning more than fifty per cent. of the equity. During the year ANGLE exited two investments and discontinued a third. The movement in number of Progeny(R) companies is set out below: Investments Controlled Non-controlled - Unquoted Unquoted Quoted Total Number of Progeny(R) companies At 1 May 2006 7 2 2 11 Exits during the year - (1) (1) (2) Investments discontinued (1) - - (1) _______ _______ _______ _______ At 30 April 2007 6 1 1 8 ======= ======= ======= ======= ANGLE's portfolio currently comprises eight Progeny(R) companies. With the exception of NeuroTargets and Provexis, these companies are all controlled investments being majority owned by ANGLE. After evaluation costs of £0.2 million, investment in InnoMatica was ceased as it failed to meet our ongoing Progeny(R) investment criteria. The majority of ANGLE's residual holding in AIM-listed Corpora plc, acquired as a result of the trade sale of our portfolio company Exago to Corpora in 2004, was also sold in the second half for £0.3 million. At the year end, ANGLE had directly invested £5.2 million in its controlled investments and incurred operating costs to establish, develop and create value in these Progeny(R) companies during the timeframe of their development of a further £7.3 million. None of this investment is shown on ANGLE's balance sheet. The Board believes that this represents significant unrealised value in the business as is demonstrated by the fair value of £4.0 million attributed to just one of the six companies, following the Geomerics deal announced today. Acolyte Biomedica exit During the second half, ANGLE's Progeny(R) company Acolyte Biomedica was sold to 3M Corporation. ANGLE's share of the proceeds was an initial £0.9 million in cash and an earn-out of up to £4.7 million receivable early in 2010. The initial payment delivered a 1.3x cash multiple on ANGLE's investment, which will increase to an 8x cash multiple should the maximum earn-out be achieved. Only £1.9 million of this potential £4.7 million is entered on ANGLE's balance sheet. ANGLE founded and developed Acolyte using its Progeny(R) process. Key development work took place prior to ANGLE's own listing and ANGLE did not have the ability to invest in the company during its development. As a result, our equity holding in Acolyte at exit was 11.6%, which is far less than the expected position with our key portfolio companies established since 2004 where we currently hold more than 4x as much equity in each company. Portfolio company status The status of the portfolio companies, all of which have been founded and developed by ANGLE, is summarised below: • Aberro (65% holding) provides automated software testing products that enable customers to increase the overall reliability of their software while reducing both time to market and development costs. The company expects to make its first significant sales in the second half positioning the company to secure third party funding. See for product details. • Aguru Images (formerly Kaloptics) (100% holding) is commercialising technology from New York University and the University of Southern California that enables the rapid capture and recreation of photo-realistic surface images. The technology has a wide range of commercial applications in high value industries, including special effects, animation, computer gaming and medical devices. • Geomerics (56% holding) has developed its radiosity product during the year. This provides rapid computation of light reflection and refraction in computer animation. The result is greater realism and dramatically improved visual quality of computer games. A demonstration can be seen on The radiosity product was launched at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco in March and the company is now in discussions with a range of potential customers, who are focused on the Sony, Microsoft and other major games platforms. The holding in Geomerics has subsequently reduced to 48% as a result of third party investment. • NeuroTargets (25% holding) is developing therapeutics for pain and nerve injury in the areas of neuropathic and inflammatory pain. The company is operating on a low cost basis whilst options for its development are evaluated. • Novocellus (63% holding) has developed a diagnostic technology that enables the selection of the most viable pre-implantation human embryos for use in IVF treatment. This has the potential to improve the success of IVF rates by at least a third and facilitate the move to routine single embryo transfer, which is an objective of regulatory authorities and subject to considerable press comment at present. Novocellus is in discussions with a number of potential partners for completion of its clinical trials and launch of its product in the market. • Parsortix (68% holding) is developing its prenatal diagnostic device based on the isolation of foetal cells within maternal blood eliminating the need for invasive procedures such as amniocentesis. Large scale validation of the product is expected by the end of the calendar year and thereafter it is believed that FDA approval can be secured so as to enable product launch by mid 2008. • Provexis (AIM:PXS) (20% holding) develops scientifically-proven functional and medical foods. During the year Provexis has expanded sales of its heart health drink Sirco(R) to Tesco, Waitrose, Asda and Morrisons supermarkets. In April it completed a £2.1m fund raising, in which ANGLE invested £0.3 million, and announced a long-term collaboration agreement with Unilever plc to develop a new format of its patented Fruitflow(R) heart-health technology. See for more information. • Synature (55% holding) launched its internet personalisation products during the year. The first commercial sale of product was made to a leading player in the package holidays market, who are using the product to make holiday recommendations to customers of their web site. The product is being expanded into the fast growing social networking market, which offers substantial growth at low investment. See for more information. The percentage share holdings are based on issued share capital as at 30 April 2007. The effective percentage share holdings are shown before the effects of any dilutive share option or warrants or additional holdings from convertible loans. The portfolio companies have strong proprietary positions offering the potential for highly profitable products addressing major markets. ANGLE is working closely with the respective management teams that have been put in place in each Progeny(R) company to manage the investments and minimise any failures. ANGLE's investment in the portfolio is being directed to maximise returns from individual companies and third party investors are being brought into portfolio companies as appropriate to manage risk and maximise ANGLE shareholder value. ANGLE's overhead in managing its investments has been streamlined ensuring that senior management are directly responsible for all portfolio companies. Costs have been reduced and performance strengthened. Outlook The Management services business has established contracts in place, which are expected to deliver significant profitability for the year. We expect strong developments in the Progeny(R) company portfolio during the year as the existing Progeny(R) companies mature and we are delighted to have announced one such event today. Overall, we expect to move ANGLE into profitability during the year even after continued investment into the portfolio. Although Hance Fullerton will remain as Chairman until the Annual General Meeting, I would like to take this opportunity to join the rest of the ANGLE Board in thanking Hance for all his hard work and dedication to ANGLE over the years. Under his stewardship, the Group has developed from a start-up business to an established leader in IP commercialisation. Hance has chaired ANGLE through its flotation on AIM of the London Stock Exchange and his efforts have been instrumental in providing ANGLE the strong management platform needed to deliver Progeny(R) companies that address areas of major market need. We wish Hance all the best as he plans for a long and enjoyable retirement and sincerely thank him for his outstanding contribution to ANGLE. ...................... Andrew Newland Chief Executive 4 July 2007 ANGLE PLC CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 APRIL 2007 Note 2007 2006 £ £ Turnover 4 3,377,354 4,092,867 Change in fair value 8 (2,036,814) 2,377,772 Operating costs Consulting and Management (3,769,204) (3,995,530) Ventures (2,994,989) (2,471,626) Controlled investments (3,126,480) (2,217,568) Share based payments (414,741) (381,884) Restructuring charges 5 (540,814) (203,740) _________ _________ (10,846,228) (9,270,348) Operating profit / (loss) (9,505,688) (2,799,709) Net finance income 196,821 131,969 _________ _________ Profit / (loss) before tax (9,308,867) (2,667,740) Loss before controlled investments and tax (6,120,766) (460,946) Controlled investments (3,188,101) (2,206,794) Tax 6 201,184 142,023 _________ _________ Profit / (loss) for the period (9,107,683) (2,525,717) ========== ========== Loss per share 7 Basic and Diluted (pence per share) (33.57) (14.36) ANGLE PLC CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30 APRIL 2007 Note 2007 2006 £ £ ASSETS Non-current assets Non-controlled investments 8 - 1,642,051 Other receivables 8 1,902,724 - Property, plant and equipment 122,863 147,414 Intangible assets 389,159 3,575 Total non-current assets 2,414,746 1,793,040 Current assets Non-controlled investments 8 1,812,197 4,868,077 Trade and other receivables 964,293 1,224,658 Cash and cash equivalents 2,551,168 8,234,853 Total current assets 5,327,658 14,327,588 _________ _________ Total assets 7,742,404 16,120,628 ========== ========== EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity Issued capital 2,713,293 2,713,293 Share premium account 13,701,935 13,701,935 Share based payments reserve 1,713,289 918,876 Other reserves 2,553,356 2,553,356 Translation reserve (193,813) (73,159) Retained earnings (14,420,638) (5,312,955) ESOT shares (370,000) (20,000) _________ _________ Total equity 5,697,422 14,481,346 _________ _________ Liabilities Non-current liabilities Obligations under finance leases 4,560 27,363 Current liabilities Trade and other payables 2,022,180 1,592,362 Obligations under finance leases 18,242 19,557 Total current liabilities 2,040,422 1,611,919 _________ _________ Total liabilities 2,044,982 1,639,282 _________ _________ Total equity and liabilities 7,742,404 16,120,628 ========== ========== ANGLE PLC CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 APRIL 2007 2007 2006 £ £ Operating activities Operating profit / (loss) (9,505,688) (2,799,709) Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 63,964 49,294 Amortisation of intangible assets 4,164 1,707 (Profit) / loss on disposal of property - 1,059 Exchange differences (121,562) (30,295) (Increase) / decrease in trade and other receivables 283,908 (431) Increase / (decrease) in trade and other payables 454,887 855,183 Income tax received 142,506 - Change in fair value of non-controlled investments 2,036,814 (2,377,772) Share based payments 414,741 381,884 ________ ________ Net cash from operating activities (6,226,266) (3,919,080) Investing activities Purchase of property, plant and equipment (43,268) (61,242) Disposal of property, plant and equipment 2,756 - Purchase of intangible assets (10,117) (820) Purchase of non-controlled investments (262,500) (698,018) Provision of convertible loans (90,780) (100,000) Proceeds from sale of investments 1,111,673 - Purchase of ESOT shares (350,000) (20,000) Net interest received 208,935 136,312 ________ ________ Net cash used in investing activities 566,699 (743,768) Financing activities Net proceeds from issue of share capital - 7,376,972 Capital elements of finance lease contracts (24,118) (14,159) ________ ________ Net cash from financing activities (24,118) 7,362,813 Net increase / (decrease) in cash & cash equivalents (5,683,685) 2,699,965 Cash and cash equivalents at start of period 8,234,853 5,534,888 ________ ________ Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 2,551,168 8,234,853 ========= ========= ANGLE PLC CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 APRIL 2007 Share based Issued Share payments Other Translation Retained ESOT Total capital premium reserve reserves reserve earnings shares equity £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ At 1 May 2005 1,670,648 7,381,864 536,992 2,553,356 (42,990) (2,787,238) - 9,312,632 For the year to 30 April 2006 Consolidated profit (30,169) (2,525,717) (2,555,886) / (loss) Share based 381,884 381,884 payments Issue of share 1,042,645 6,320,071 7,362,716 capital (net) ESOT shares (20,000) (20,000) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ At 30 April 2006 2,713,293 13,701,935 918,876 2,553,356 (73,159) (5,312,955) (20,000) 14,481,346 For the year to 30 April 2007 Consolidated profit (120,654) (9,107,683) (9,228,337) / (loss) Share based 794,413 794,413 payments ESOT shares (350,000) (350,000) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ At 30 April 2007 2,713,293 13,701,935 1,713,289 2,553,356 (193,813) (14,420,638) (370,000) 5,697,422 ========== ========== ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= Share based payments reserve The share based payments reserve account is used for the corresponding entry to the share based payments charged through a) the income statement for staff incentive arrangements in the Group and Controlled investments and b) the balance sheet for acquired intangible assets in the Controlled investments comprising intellectual property. Transfers are made from this reserve to retained earnings as the related share options are exercised, lapse or expire or as a Controlled investment becomes non-controlled. Translation reserve The translation reserve account comprises cumulative exchange differences arising on consolidation from the translation of the financial statements of international operations. Under IFRS this is separated from retained earnings. ESOT shares These relate to shares purchased by the ANGLE Employee Share Ownership Trust. ANGLE PLC NOTES TO THE PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 APRIL 2007 1 Preliminary announcement The preliminary announcement set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory financial statements for the years ended 30 April 2007 or 2006 within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 but is derived from those audited financial statements. The 2007 statutory accounts will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The auditors have reported on these accounts and their reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under s237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 2 Compliance with accounting standards While the financial information included in this preliminary announcement has been computed in accordance with IFRS, this announcement does not itself contain sufficient information to comply with IFRS. At the date of authorisation of these financial statements the following Standards and Interpretations which have not been applied in these financial statements were in issue but not yet effective: IFRS 8 Operating segments IFRIC 4 Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease IFRIC 5 Rights to Interest Arising from Decommissioning, Restoration and Environmental Rehabilitation Funds IFRIC 7 Applying the Restatement Approach under IAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies IFRIC 8 Scope of IFRS 2 Share-based Payment IFRIC 9 Reassessment of Embedded Derivatives IFRIC 10 Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment. IFRIC 11 Group Treasury Share Transactions IFRIC 12 Service Concession Arrangements IFRIC 13 Customer Loyalty Programmes The directors anticipate that the adoption of these Standards and Interpretations in future periods will have no material impact on the financial statements of the Group when the relevant standards and interpretations come into effect. 3 Going concern The Directors have reviewed the projections for the forthcoming 12 month period from the date of signing of these financial statements and based on the level of existing cash, projected income and expenditure, the Directors are satisfied that the Company and Group have adequate resources to continue in business for the foreseeable future. Accordingly the going concern basis has been used in preparing the financial statements. 4 Turnover The breakdown of turnover by business segment is set out below: 2007 2006 £ £ Turnover Consulting and Management 3,364,547 4,022,092 Ventures 11,865 60,000 Controlled investments 942 10,775 _________ _________ 3,377,354 4,092,867 ======== ======== Turnover from Consulting and Management represents fees received from clients for consulting and management services. Turnover from Ventures represents fees received from the non-controlled investments for accounting and other services provided by the Company until those companies take those activities in-house. Turnover from controlled investments represents the turnover of those businesses, which is consolidated prior to the company becoming non-controlled. 5 Restructuring charges Restructuring charges relate to the reduction of operating costs and staffing to focus on the development of the existing portfolio and on the profitable Management services business, rather than short term consulting work. 6 Tax The Group is eligible for and takes advantage of the substantial shareholdings relief UK corporation tax exemption. This results in the gain from any disposals of UK investments where the Group has an equity stake greater than 10%, and subject to certain other tests, being free of corporation tax. Tax is therefore based on the net of profits in the Consulting and Management businesses as relieved by losses incurred in the establishment and development of new ventures. The Company's controlled investments undertake research and development activities. In the UK these activities qualify for tax relief and result in tax credits. 7 Loss per share The basic and fully diluted loss per share is calculated on an after tax loss of £9.11 million (2006: loss £2.53 million). The basic and fully diluted loss per share are based on 27,132,931 weighted average ordinary 10p shares (2006: 17,584,521). Share options are non-dilutive for the year. 8 Non-controlled investments and Other receivables The Group's investment portfolio comprises investments in Progeny(R) companies. Progeny(R) Companies are businesses established by ANGLE to commercialise intellectual property (IP) using ANGLE's proprietary Progeny(R) process. 'Controlled investments' are Progeny(R) companies where the Group owns a controlling equity position. Under IFRS, these are consolidated and the relevant costs are charged to the income statement rather than placed on the balance sheet. At the point control no longer exists, a fair value gain arises and the ' non-controlled investment' is held at fair value on the consolidated balance sheet In the year to 30 April 2007 costs relating to controlled investments of £3.1 million (2006: £2.2 million) were charged to the income statement. Where the Group does not control a Progeny(R) company (typically owning less than 50% of the equity), these are defined as non-controlled investments and held on the balance sheet at fair value, as set out in the table below: Total Non-current assets Current assets Non-controlled Unquoted Quoted investments £ £ £ At 1 May 2006 1,642,051 4,868,077 6,510,128 Investments 90,780 262,500 353,280 Disposals * (2,733,647) (280,750) (3,014,397) Change in fair value 1,000,816 (3,037,630) (2,036,814) ___________ ___________ ___________ At 30 April 2007 - 1,812,197 1,812,197 ========== ========== ========== Other receivables * During the year, ANGLE's Progeny(R) company Acolyte Biomedica was sold to 3M Corporation. ANGLE's share of the proceeds for its 11.6% holding was a total of up to £5.6 million, comprising an initial £0.9 million in cash and an earn-out of up to £4.7 million receivable early in 2010. A fair value of £1.9 million of this potential £4.7 million earn-out is held on ANGLE's balance sheet under 'Other receivables'. 9 Shareholder communications Copies of this announcement are posted on the Company's website and are available from Buchanan Communications. The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 2:00 pm on 20 September 2007 at ANGLE's offices, 20 Nugent Road, The Surrey Research Park, Guildford, GU2 7AF. Notice of the meeting will be enclosed with the audited statutory financial statements. The audited statutory financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2007 are expected to be distributed to shareholders by 24 August 2007 and will subsequently be available on the Company's website or from the registered office, 20 Nugent Road, Surrey Research Park, Guildford, GU2 7AF. This preliminary announcement was approved by the Board on 4 July 2007. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange D FR UUUGPMUPMUUA


Angle (AGL)
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